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Chapter 1088: Convergence of forces

PS: Thanks to the book friend seminole for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Nowadays, the younger generation in the world can even be said to be the warriors in the entire Jianghu. Who is qualified to stir up the world?

The most outstanding among them is Chu Xiu.

Although Chu Xiu and Tianmen are enemies, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are amazing.

How could such a person, such an existence, be a mediocre short-lived ghost?

He must have great luck and great cause and effect in his body.

The fifth Chisong asked suspiciously: "I said, have you been sleeping for a long time, and the problem has been calculated, and it has been attributed to other people? There are many people named Chu Xiu in this world."

Zhu Tianxiao seemed to be humiliated, and the fat on his face was shaking.

"The fifth adult, you can say that my strength is poor, but you can't say that my divination is not accurate!

There are many people named Chu Xiu in this world, but there is only one Chu Xiu who has a causal relationship with me in Tianmen!

My Seven Calculations of Heaven and Man can deduce seven levels of cause and effect, even if there is no name, as long as you give me a little bit of cause and effect, I can calculate it seven times in a row.

The seventh level of karma and Chu Xiu can be completely matched. I have calculated that there is absolutely no mistake! "

The fifth Chisong was also slightly puzzled. He actually believed in Zhu Tianxiao's strength.

The other party's accomplishments in the way of divination are enough to compare with Xu Jing of Daguang Temple and Xiao Maha of Subhuti Temple.

In particular, his seven calculations of heaven and man and three questions of gods and ghosts are even more amazing. It takes a long time to cultivate every time he uses them, and the results that can be calculated by divination are even more than those two.

Jun Wushen was expressionless, and said lightly, "Continue the divination."

Zhu Tianxiao nodded, with a solemn look on his fat face.

He took out a writing brush, but the hair on it was scarlet.

With a finger, a blood hole appeared on his arm, and Zhu Tianxiao actually dipped his own blood with the fault, and drew terrifyingly twisted runes in the void.

After all the runes were drawn, Zhu Tianxiao was already trembling all over, his eyes turned white, shaking like a dancing god, and spit out indistinct syllables from his mouth, like a ghost whispering. generally.

After a while, a cold and evil aura directly enveloped Zhu Tianxiao, causing his whole body to be covered with magic marks.

Zhu Tianxiao's Three Questions of Gods and Ghosts is not an orthodox Taoist or Buddhist divination method, but a secret technique of a barbarian tribe in ancient times. To be precise, it should be a sorcery.

Going forward in the antiquity period, it should be said to be the legendary ancient period.

It is said that in that era, immortals and Buddhas were everywhere, and gods and demons were rampant. At this time, even if they had died, their own will was integrated between heaven and earth, and they were immortal.

What the gods and ghosts asked three times was to use their own blood as a sacrifice to outline the magic pattern, so that the devil or the evil **** who was wandering between the heavens and the earth was possessed by the will and questioned them.

However, the price of sacrificing blood essence and evil spirit possession is too great. Even if Zhu Tianxiao has the cultivation level of the real fire refining spirit realm, he can't bear this kind of consumption, so after using it once, it often takes several years. to be able to recover.

Jun Wushen followed the fifth Chisong and watched the gods of the gods. The scene was funny, but their expressions were very serious.

After a long while, Zhu Tianxiao suddenly stopped shaking, the magic pattern on his face quickly disappeared, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out and fell to the ground.

Fifth Chisong hurried over to help him up and asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

It is not the first time that Zhu Tianxiao has performed the Three Questions of Gods and Ghosts, but this has never happened before.

The will of those ghosts and gods is still very fair. As long as you take a blood sacrifice, it will never hurt people's lives. Unless you are empty yourself, you have to use this forbidden technique.

There was a horrified expression on Zhu Tianxiao's face, as if he had seen something terrifying.

"I saw a big hand, he erased everything about Chu Xiu, I wanted to test, follow that hand to find the person behind it, but it was backlashed in an instant, the gods I recruited The will of the devil even dissipated directly!"

Jun Wushen was slightly moved, and now he can be sure that this Chu Xiu is really not an ordinary person, and there may be some mysterious cause and effect in him.

"Can you estimate, what kind of existence is the owner of that hand?" Jun Wushen asked.

Zhu Tianxiao smiled bitterly: "It's impossible to detect at all, the existence of the other party is beyond my imagination."

Jun Wushen nodded, waved his hand and said: "Go get a bottle of Qinglong Yimu Huitianhuashengdan, this time the gods will be ranked, you don't have to participate."

When Zhu Tianxiao heard the words, his face was shocked, don't you need to be so cruel?

He just didn't calculate the details of Chu Xiu's body, and as a result, he didn't even have the qualifications to rank as a god?

Seeing Zhu Tianxiao's expression, Jun Wushen knew that he was wrong, and said lightly: "I mean, this time, you directly keep the position of the **** general, and you don't have to fight with them."

When Zhu Tianxiao heard the words, he suddenly let out a sigh of relief, wanting to repay the resentment of Jun Wushen and gasping for breath, but he didn't have the courage.

After Zhu Tianxiao left, No. 5 Chisong said cautiously, "Sect Master, it seems that this Chu Xiu has a secret and can be protected by Zhong Shenxiu. Right now, we probably won't be able to touch him."

Jun Wushen nodded and said lightly: "For the time being, I can't move."

The fifth Chisong frowned slightly. He has been with Jun Wushen for so many years, and he understands Jun Wushen's character.

Jun Wushen just said that he couldn't move temporarily, but he didn't move Chu Xiu all the time.

But in this kind of thing, the fifth Akamatsu did not intend to persuade.

This time, their Tianmen was really aggrieved. They were killed in a row by two great generals, but they couldn't help each other.

In particular, Chu Xiu actually beheaded Luo Shenjun in front of him, which made the fifth Chisong feel aggrieved. It can be said that as long as he was given a chance, even he would not let Chu Xiu go.

On the rivers and lakes at this time, because of the Kunlun Mountain incident, there was another storm.

Previously, the major factions joined forces to go to Kunlun and said that they wanted to destroy the Demon Sect. The momentum was simply astonishing. Everyone thought that Chu Xiu would definitely not be able to hold it this time.

But who would have thought that Chu Xiu not only held on, but also had a relationship with Zhong Shenxiu, the world's number one powerhouse.

Da Zizai Tianzhu, the most mysterious existence in the entire river and lake, is also the most powerful existence. One person directly forced the Tianmen Sect Master to retreat, making the entire Righteous Path Alliance regress. This kind of power is like a miracle.

Although this is not the first time Zhong Shenxiu has made a move, after all, there are relatively few people who have seen the shot in the primitive magic cave, and the matter is not too big. But tens of thousands of people have spread all over the rivers and lakes almost instantly.

It can be said that the most outstanding person in Kunlun Mountain is not Chu Xiu, but Zhong Shenxiu.

Of course, the existence of Chu Xiu will not be ignored.

You must know that Chu Xiu fought Ling Yunzi fiercely in front of everyone. Although there was no winner, he and Ling Yunzi fought evenly.

Although Chu Xiu is not yet in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm, with the current strength and power of Chu Xiu, he is enough to stabilize the position of the supreme of the rivers and lakes.

If it weren't for Feng Manlou's scruples about the face of the righteous people, it is estimated that Chu Xiu would have been directly listed on the Supreme Ranking.

After such a turmoil, the rise of the Demon Dao has become a fact, and more warriors have flocked into the Kunlun Demon Sect.

And a month later, all the forces under Chu Xiu's command and their leaders came to Kunlun Mountain one after another to prepare for discussions, and also to discuss the power framework of the entire Kunlun Demon Sect.

The previous peak of Mount Kunlun has been almost destroyed. During this time, all the disciples who joined the Kunlun Demon Sect are rebuilding the Kunlun Demon Sect, so in one month, the entire main hall of the Kunlun Demon Sect has been built. .

Of course, there is still no formation, and some are just like goods, which can be shattered by the fight of the true Dan realm warriors.

The arrangement of a formation that spreads all over the hall is not a matter of time. Master Yuan Ji and several formation masters of the Kunlun Demon Sect will take three months at the earliest to complete the arrangement.

At this time, in the main hall, Chu Xiu was sitting at the top. Below him, Lu Jianghe, Mei Qinglian, Chu Wuji and others were all there, as well as Qin Chaoxian, Yu Moya and other hidden demon warriors~www.wuxiaspot .com~ and some warriors from Zhenwutang, people from Shang Tianliang's mall, Chu Yuansheng from Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Duanmu Qianshan and Mu Ziyi from Qinglonghui, etc.

And friends like Lu Fengxian and Luo Feihong who are closely related to Chu Xiu were also there, and even the Beiyan royal family sent a Xiang Wu to watch the ceremony.

This time it can be said that all the forces under Chu Xiu's command have gathered the most together, and even he himself did not expect that he did not know when it started to gather so much power.

These forces were too complicated before, and it may be very difficult for Chu Xiu to mobilize them all in the event of a crisis. Now they are integrated, but it is much more convenient than before.

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Everyone, five hundred years ago, the Kunlun Demon Sect dominated the entire river and lake here, and pushed my demonic line to the top.

But it is also here that my lineage of demons has since fallen to the bottom of the valley and been dormant for five hundred years!

Some of you present are not from the magic lineage, but it doesn't matter.

What is right? What is the devil?

In the turbulent times of the rivers and lakes, the world is in strife, the winner says he is right, then he is right, and the winner says he is a devil, then he is a devil.

With everyone's trust, I, Chu Xiufang, can reach the current position.

Whether it's a positive or a demon, as long as you are willing to follow me, Chu Xiu, all I can bring to you is victory! "

Among the people present, whether they are positive or demonic, they all have a close relationship with Chu Xiu, and it can be said that their own interests are firmly tied to Chu Xiu.

Just like what Chu Xiu said, they followed Chu Xiu not because of the difference between the righteous and the devil, but because they wanted to be a winner in this world of wars!


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