Meet The Leader

Chapter 1093: Doubt

The son died and the father cried. Originally, this kind of thing was very touching, but the people present were all indifferent, including Xu Ci and others.

It's not that these monks don't know how to be compassionate, but they know that this 'dugu only me reincarnation' has been rampant and domineering during this period of time. I don't know how many people died in his hands. Hugh kills them, but it can be considered that the wicked have their own wicked grind.

Chu Xiu said lightly to Han Ping's father: "Where did his cultivation and the things that belong to my holy religion come from, you, the father, should know, so tell me.

When you move something that you shouldn't move, and you have an idea that you shouldn't, this is the end.

He should be damned, but your Han family is innocent. Say it, and I will keep your Han family safe. "

Han Ping is only eighteen years old, and at first glance, he is the kind of person with a very shallow mind, and he can't hide things at all.

Therefore, Chu Xiu can guarantee that the origin of these things on the other party is unknown to others, but as a father, the head of the Han family must know.

However, beyond Chu Xiu's expectations, after the Han family's patriarch finished crying, he roared and rushed straight towards Chu Xiu.

He knew that Han Ping died at the hands of Chu Xiu, and he had already said it when Han Kusong and Xiao Xiao brought him here.

He also knew what kind of existence Chu Xiu was, but he still chose to fight the other side desperately, or in other words, killed himself.

The revenge of killing a child is never shared.

Han Ping is his only son, how could he pretend that nothing happened and tell the other party the news?

Seeing that Han Ping's father's actions, Chu Xiu was slightly surprised, but the next moment, his eyes were completely infused with demonic energy into a pitch-black color, like a deep pool, causing Han who was rushing forward. Ping's father's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his spirit couldn't help falling into the deep pool. The next moment, he was directly smashed!

In an instant, the head of the Han family, whose spiritual primordial spirit was shattered, fell to the ground, completely dead.

Chu Xiu was expressionless, and he would not let go of this situation.

Although it is too harsh to deal with such a small person, he will not let anyone want to kill him in front of his eyes, and he can still survive.

He admired the courage of the other party to dare to take action against him at such a time, but it should be killed, but it should be killed.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ci folded his hands together and sighed, "Amitabha."

Lu Jianghe on the side pouted, these bald donkeys were as hypocritical as ever.

You were not Amitabha when Chu Xiu murdered you, but now you have come to transcendence?

Chu Xiu looked at the people of the Han family and said lightly: "Does anyone know what happened to Han Ping? The person who said it will be able to live."

After a while, everyone was trembling, but no one spoke.

"Song Xiao, just kill anyone."

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, Song Xiao had a warm smile on his face, slashed over with a knife, and a person's head fell immediately, and he didn't even respond.

"Does anyone know? Three, two, one, Song Xiao, kill another one."

Before waiting for the Han family to react, Song Xiao waved the knife again, and another head fell to the ground.

This time, all the people in the Han family were about to pee their pants. They had never seen such a vicious method!

Killing someone without saying a word, and killing someone casually.

They don't even know who the next knife will fall on, and whether it is possible for them to live to the next breath, the most terrifying thing is the unknown.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ci couldn't take it anymore. He sighed and said, "Master Chu, it's not your family's fault, are you going too far?"

Chu Xiu sneered and said: "Abbot Xuci, now is not the time to talk about mercy, and the disaster is not for the family? It's a joke!

You have read Han Ping's information. You should know that during this period of Han Ping's rise, how many people from the hostile forces of the Southern Region and his Han family did he kill?

He killed the leader of the family, and the Han family rushed to completely defeat the remaining people and seize their power.

The small Han family has become the top power in the southern region within a month. How many people died among them, do you know?

They enjoy the convenience brought to them by Han Ping's soaring strength, why can't they harm them?

Besides, Abbot Xuci didn't want to know, where did the martial arts on Han Ping come from? "

Seeing that Xu Ci was no longer arguing, Chu Xiu turned to Song Xiao and said, "Song Xiao, continue..."

Before the last word 'kill' was spoken, someone from the Han family had already collapsed.

A Han family martial artist in his thirties fell to the ground in fright and cried, "I said, I will tell you everything I know! Please, don't kill me again!"

Chu Xiu squatted in front of him and said softly, "It's not a good habit for a man to bleed without tears. Crying is not a good habit. Wipe away your tears and tell everything you know so you don't have to die. You saved the Han family. The hero of the Han family."

The martial artist from the Han family glanced at the two headless corpses on the ground and a large pool of blood, and immediately shook.

Bleeding or not crying? With so much blood, he would rather cry.

The martial artist of the Han family wiped away his tears as fast as he could, and quickly said: "Actually, we don't know what happened.

A few months ago, Han Ping followed his entourage to Licheng on the southern border to hunt and play, but he didn't come back after half a month, and he was the only one who came back.

After he came back, Han Ping always locked himself in the house to study something, except his father, none of us knew.

As a result, some time ago, Han Ping suddenly became the master of the true core realm, and claimed that he was the only reincarnation of Dugu, which shocked us all.

Lord Chu Xiu, we really only know this, so just let us go! "

Chu Xiu waved his hand and smiled at Song: "Let go."

Touching his chin, it seems that the key to the matter lies in Li Cheng.

"Where is Li Cheng?"

Everyone present, look at me, and I look at him, but none of them said a word.

They are all warriors in the Central Plains, how can they know where a small frontier town is.

Even if it wasn't for the disturbance caused by Han Ping, they wouldn't even come to a small town like Shucheng.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly turned his attention to the Han family martial artist who was just about to leave, and said, "Just as we lack a guide, you can be our guide."

Hearing this, the Han family martial artist almost cried again.

This is **** mildew. If he knew this, he would have run away earlier.

Licheng is another small city close to the land of the southern barbarians. To be precise, it should be the city closest to the land of the southern barbarians. It is not even under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Qi court, but a gathering of merchants and herb collectors who travel to and from the southern barbarians. land.

The arrival of Chu Xiu, Ling Yunzi and others immediately scared the small city of Li. The warriors who seek life in this city may have seen so many strong men in their lives, and they have never even heard of them. So much.

But this small town is so big, it can even be said that it is not a small town, it is more appropriate to say that it is a small town.

Everyone went back and forth for several times, but they found nothing unusual.

After asking people in this small town back and forth, they still have an impression of Han Ping. After all, they are idle and bored. They come to hunt in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and they are not afraid of encountering the bat of a beast, but they have not seen one for a long time.

They can all testify that when Han Ping came to Licheng, he did not leave Licheng.

But this is very strange. The other party did not leave Licheng one step. After so many years of building the city, how did he get these things? Could it be that someone gave it to him?

After searching for several days, no one was seen, and some people from the righteous sect decided to withdraw. Anyway, as long as it is not Dugu and I am reincarnated, it will be fine. As for things such as relics, as long as they are not obtained by people in the devil's way, they are actually don't care much.

Lu Jianghe also complained that Chu Xiu was too quick to kill. If he had known this, he would have stayed and tortured him.

Chu Xiu touched his chin and said, "No, there are still things we ignored."

Lu Jianghe snorted softly, "This small place is so big, what else can we ignore?

If the relic left by the leader is really here, why have so many people in this small town never discovered it for so many years?

Even they had never heard of the rumor that the leader of the sect had come here At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly moved in his heart and asked the Han family martial artist who led the way, "How many years has Licheng been established? "

The Han family martial artist asked suspiciously, "Hundreds of years?"

"I need a precise number."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, the martial artist of the Han family shivered. After thinking about it, he finally showed a crying expression: "My lord, I really don't know, and no normal person will remember this kind of thing. However, when Licheng was originally built, it seems that he left a monument, and there should be records on it."

Chu Xiu waved his hand, and immediately someone went to the center of Licheng to check, and finally came up with an accurate number, 456 years.

Chu Xiu let out a sigh of relief. Now he should be sure that the ruins are not in Licheng, but they should be on the land of Licheng.

Dugu Yume's inheritance of the exercises, listening to Chunyu's scabbard are all here, and this is probably the place where Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji fought their last battle.

Normally, in the past, the two supreme powerhouses had a fierce battle, and they must have destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth, causing great damage to the ground.

But in the battle 500 years ago, except for the very beginning, when there was movement, no one knew where they fought, and there was no trace at all.

Chu Xiu only found a green capital, but they shattered the space in the green capital, and they hit it again in an instant, and they didn't stay in the green capital at all.

Since they can shatter the space in the Green Capital, why can't they shatter other spaces?

Licheng was established decades after the two fought fiercely, but before they were established, the space on this land might have been shattered by Dugu Wei and Ning Xuanji!


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