Meet The Leader

Chapter 1094: old beggar

PS: Thanks to the leader for passing by and thank you for the reward of 50,000 starting coins

Regarding the mysterious and mysterious things in space, Chu Xiu is not very good at it.

So this time, he also regretted that he didn't bring Master Yuan Ji, otherwise he could deduce some things with his attainment on the formation path and the technique of divination.

But this time, there was no one around Chu Xiu, and even if he guessed it, there was no way to verify it.

But anyway, the time is not pressing now. While he sent someone back to Kunlun to notify Master Yuan Ji to come, he was hanging out in this city of Li.

There isn't really much to do in this small town, and there is a busy atmosphere everywhere.

The warriors who traveled to and from Shiwanda Mountain to seek a living used this place as a stronghold, and the merchants who came and went also bought some specialty products here, and even this place did not even have a decent martial arts force.

Chu Xiu had been in Licheng for a long time at this time, sitting on the second floor of the small building while drinking with Lu Jianghe and the others, thinking and observing carefully.

This space hidden in Licheng has existed for many years, but it has never been discovered, but why was Han Ping able to discover this place?

Lu Jianghe seemed a little absent-minded at this time, Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "You still have something on your mind?"

At this time, Lu Jianghe didn't talk nonsense like before, instead he said in a low voice: "Actually, I'm really worried, in case we find the place where the leader and Ning Xuanji fought for the last time, but we found out. his corpse."

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Didn't you complain that the sect leader had banned you for five hundred years? When did your relationship with him become so good?"

Lu Jianghe waved his hand and said, "You don't understand this feeling, for me, the leader is a god-like existence, who would have thought that a **** would even fall?

Back in the days when I was in the Blood Soul Orb, I heard from the guys in the Taoist Demon Hall that the leader was dead, and I didn't believe it.

Although the old Taoist priest Ning Xuanji is strong, I am sure that he can't kill the leader.

But today, if I really saw the body of the leader after the fall, at least for me, it would be a great shock. "

When Lu Jianghe was very sentimental, Chu Xiu just wanted to say something, but he suddenly saw several warriors of the Xiahou clan running rampant on the street, making chickens and dogs jump.

The warriors who came this time were also from the Xiahou clan.

Although Xiahou's style is often criticized by others, he is not really a righteous person, but every time the Righteous Alliance does something, Xiahou's also joins it.

Ling Yunzi and others are also not good at chasing people, so this time, almost all the people from the Xiahou family were there, but their presence was extremely low, and they just followed behind them to make soy sauce.

However, in Chu Xiu's view, the quality of Xiahou's disciples is indeed very worrying.

For example, when they came to Licheng this time, the others were either looking for them honestly like Taoism and Buddhism, or they were ready to withdraw.

Only the Xiahou Shi seemed to be doing nothing, just wandering around the city, and a group of low-level disciples were still there to cause trouble, and people were sick of it.

Lu Jianghe curled his lips in disdain and said, "It's been five hundred years, and the Xiahou clan still have this kind of virtue, and it's not great."

Chu Xiu glanced at it and said, "Xiahouzhen actually has some abilities, but he can't stand the entire Xiahou family. The power of each elder is very great, which has also led to the unevenness of the direct disciples of the elders below. Xiahouzhen is the head of the family, but these things are not something he can manage if he wants to."

Although the relationship between Chu Xiu and the Xiahou clan was hostile, and the two sides had clashed several times, as far as the matter was concerned, Xiahou Zhen's strength was not mentioned, but he still had the ability.

Lu Jianghe said in surprise: "It's not like the Xiahou Clan has caused you trouble once or twice. With your character, it is actually not easy for the Xiahou Clan to survive until now. Of course, if you don't like the Xiahou Clan now, You can also kill them directly."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and shook his head: "No need, Lao Lu, do you know why the Kunlun Demon Sect collapsed so quickly in the past? Not only because the sect leader was not there, but also because the Kunlun Demon Sect did things so poorly before. Be merciful.

As long as the existence of the Kunlun Demon Sect is not pleasing to the eye, it will not be killed and destroyed.

When the leader is there, it's no big deal, because with the leader's strength, even if he destroys the entire river and lake, he still has this ability.

But the problem is that other people are not the sect masters, and they don't have this kind of strength. After you have done things, others will do the same when facing you. "

Lu Jianghe wondered: "This is not your style. When will you Chu Xiu be a good person?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "This is not to stay in the line of life, people should be killed or they should be killed, but before killing, you must think of a suitable reason.

Like those sects of the right way, don't they always do things under the slogan of eliminating demons and defending the way?

It's okay to be shameless, but reputation is still needed, even if you give a simple and funny excuse, but the premise is that there must be such an excuse. "

Lu Jianghe touched his head. He was very optimistic about Chu Xiu. It should be said that he was optimistic about Chu Xiu's shamelessness.

In the old Kunlun Demon Sect, it can be said that there were countless real ruthless people, and the strong came out in large numbers.

But there are very few people who want to find shameless people like Chu Xiu.

Among the four major demons, Wuxin Demons are crazy, Zhanwu Demons are mad, and Heavenly Cry Demons have weird personalities. There is only one Red Lotus Demon who is a little normal, but they don't play so many conspiracies.

In the past, if there was an existence like Chu Xiu among the four Demon Venerables of the Kunlun Demon Sect, even if Dugu was not alone, it would not be so ugly to lose.

At this moment, Chu Xiu discovered something, and the several disciples who looked at the Xiahou Clan suddenly let out a sigh.

There are many vendors in Licheng who sell various specialties of the southern barbarian land. Those disciples of the Xiahou clan were simply fed up, picking and choosing among others, randomly bargaining, and sometimes even robbing others. Dare not to speak out.

This kind of sectarian, as Chu Xiu said, is not from the direct line of the Xiahou clan, but the descendants of the elders of the Xiahou clan.

An old beggar hid in the corner of the aisle, basking in the sun, blocking their way. A disciple of the Xiahou Clan just stepped up and snorted coldly, "Don't get in the way, old man!"

Lu Jianghe also frowned. Killing such a person would feel his hands dirty.

Although the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past was the pinnacle of the devil's way, Lu Jianghe dared to guarantee that there were really no such disgusting guys in their Kunlun Demon Sect.

What is it like to bully the weak? If you want to bully, then bully the strongest ones!

If this kind of behavior is discovered, it will directly abolish the cultivation base and leave the Kunlun Mountains.

Or throw it from the side where there are no steps, life and death depend on God's will.

The Kunlun Demon Sect is angry not because of their bullying behavior, but because they chose the wrong target and humiliated their own strength and the reputation of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

"You want to take care of this? Didn't you just say that if you want to kill someone, why do you have to make an excuse? Now, how about an excuse to kill the Xiahou Clan?"

At this time, Chu Xiu touched his chin and said, "Interesting, how could such a strong man appear in such a small Nanban town as Licheng? Is it someone who lives in seclusion here, or is there another secret?"

Lu Jianghe said in surprise: "The strong one? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Chu Xiu pointed at the old beggar and said, "It's right there."

Lu Jianghe stared at the old beggar who was kicked aside by the Xiahou disciples, looked at him for a long time, and frowned, "You kid must be dazzled, right?

This old guy is just an ordinary person, where is the powerhouse. "

Chu Xiu said lightly, "Ordinary people? That disciple of the Xiahou Clan also has the cultivation level of the Outer Astral Realm. Can an ordinary person be able to withstand it?

I just saw that, although the disciple of the Xiahou Clan didn't use his qi, he didn't deliberately restrain his strength with that kick. As a result, the old beggar was completely unharmed. This is absolutely Also, the Xiahou Clan is no longer worth mentioning to us, and it can even be wiped out.

But to ordinary people, the Xiahou Clan is simply an existence that cannot be climbed high.

Even if the old beggar didn't know that the other party was from the Xiahou clan, he should be able to see that the other party was definitely something he couldn't afford to offend, but just now there was no fear in his eyes. It should be said that he was extremely indifferent, as if It's like being bitten by a mosquito. "

Lu Jianghe said suspiciously: "You have speculated so much, what if the family is really just a low-level martial artist who has been training for a few days?

It's normal to be a beggar after experiencing some kind of stimulation or trauma. "

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Even if it is a low-level martial artist, with your eyesight, you can't see even the slightest trace of it? This is the biggest flaw in itself!"

Just when Lu Jianghe was about to say something, Chu Xiu jumped down and came directly to the old beggar.

The moment they saw Chu Xiu, Xiahou's disciples were instantly stunned.

Why did this killing **** suddenly appear here?

It's okay for other people to not know Chu Xiu, but since they have a grudge with Chu Xiu, and the hatred is not small, how could they not recognize Chu Xiu?

The disciples of the Xiahou Clan were all muttering in their hearts, why did they want to come out?

But Chu Xiu didn't even look at them. He walked straight to the old beggar and said, "Kunlun Chu Xiu, I have seen the old man."

The moment Chu Xiu said these words, the Xiahou Clan warrior who kicked him was stunned, his whole body trembled like a sieve, and he was about to urinate.


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