Meet The Leader

Chapter 1095: beggar gang leader

PS: Thanks to the book friend seminole for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Now that Chu Xiu is on the rivers and lakes, although he has not yet reached the realm of heaven and earth, but with his strength and power, he is definitely a powerhouse at the supreme level.

What kind of existence can make such a strong person call a senior?

What have you just done? Kicked this senior and told him to get out of the way?

That Xiahou Clan's martial artist is about to cry without tears now. What did he do in his last life to make him die so big today?

He didn't faint from fright at this time, even if he was in a good mood.

At this time, the old beggar looked at Chu Xiu with turbid eyes, and said with a confused expression, "Kunlun Chu what?"

"Kunlun Chuxiu."

"What Chu Xiu?" The old beggar was still confused.

"Kunlun Chuxiu."

Seeing that the old beggar was still confused, Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "This senior, don't you need to pretend?

Even in this small southern city, I don't believe you haven't heard my name.

Others can't see the flaws, but you forget that there are no flaws, it is the biggest flaw. "

Chu Xiu stared at the other party without blinking. He didn't know whether the other party had any connection with the space where Dugu Wei I and Ning Xuanji fought in the last battle, but in such an inconspicuous small town, such a person appeared. It is obvious that there are some problems without seeing the strong and shallow.

In the face of Chu Xiu's gaze, the powerful pressure on the momentum, the old beggar suddenly showed a wry smile and said, "It's because of that kid from the Han family that brought you all here, right?

A wrong step, a wrong step, if it wasn't for the old man, I was greedy for alcohol, and I left here temporarily, I would not have been entered into that space by that kid from the Han family.

Later, I heard that the boy called the reincarnation of Dugu only me. If the old man is ruthless and I find a chance to kill him, maybe this place will not leak out.

Kunlun Chuxiu, the master of the demon sect, hehe, of course I have heard of the old man, like thunder.

But if you listen to me, it's better not to go there. Dugu is the only one who can kill or bury Ning Xuanji. The mistakes they made can only make future generations scratch their heads. "

Chu Xiu didn't say it clearly before, he just wanted to deceive this old beggar. He was not sure about the existence of the other party, so Dugu only me and Ning Xuanji's last battle had something to do with it, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

Lu Jianghe was stunned from the back, is this all right? Chu Xiu's luck is too good, right?

This old beggar had no flaws in his camouflage before, otherwise so many people from the big factions gathered in Licheng, and they would not have found it for so many days.

It just so happened that he caught up with Xiahou's disciples to die today, but it happened that Chu Xiu discovered something was wrong.

At this time, the old beggar also glanced at the disciples of the Xiahou Clan. Although there was no killing intent in his eyes, there was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

Chu Xiu also saw that this old beggar was not a villain, not the kind who would kill innocent people.

If he really wanted to keep the secret, he killed Han Ping directly at the beginning, in fact, everything was solved.

But he didn't do it, on the contrary, he still complained that he was greedy for drinking and delayed things.

At this time, Xiahou Town of the Xiahou Clan also hurried over.

He heard that Xiahou's disciple seemed to have a conflict with Chu Xiu, so he rushed here in a hurry.

If it was in the past, Xiahou Zhen would definitely not care about this kind of thing.

But now, he wanted to kill those idiots in his own family. It was not good to provoke anyone, but he wanted to provoke Chu Xiu.

However, when he arrived at the place, he realized that it seemed that things were not what he imagined.

Their Xiahou disciples shrank aside and shivered, but nothing happened, while Chu Xiu was confronting an old beggar.

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, so he could only quietly stand aside, wanting to see what was going on.

But after he saw the old beggar's face, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, he pointed at the old beggar, his voice trembled slightly: "Dare to ask, was he the head of the beggar gang? 'Escape the Golden Light' Guo Xiaofeng, Senior Guo?"

The old beggar looked at Xiahou Zhen and said, "Do you recognize me?"

Xiahou Zhen nodded and said with a slightly excited expression: "When I was young, I followed the ancestors to meet the old seniors."

Guo Xiaofeng shook his head and said, "Old man, I'm too old, but I can't remember you, but you Xiahou clan are really inferior to each other."

Xiahou Zhen smiled awkwardly and didn't dare to say anything more.

But Chu Xiu was a little surprised at this time, this old beggar turned out to be the former beggar gang leader Guo Xiaofeng?

In fact, to be precise, not before. He is still the leader of the beggar gang, but he has not shown up for decades, and even the beggar gang itself has become a mess, only maintaining a reputation, basically It is falling apart, and it is not a force.

Under such circumstances, naturally everyone thought that Guo Xiaofeng was dead, but he was still alive.

In fact, the six major gangs, except for the world alliance, have already died in name only. Jiangshan Pavilion has become the royal family of the Wei Kingdom. Although it has gone to the national title, it does not look like a gang anymore.

The Juling Gang became Chu Xiu's eagle-dog lackey, helping Zhenwutang to suppress Beiyan Wulin, and was scolded by Beiyan Jianghu. It is said that the gang leader Shen Feiying was scolded miserably, but he was enjoying it. Prove his success as a hawk and lackey, the more useful he will be.

Although Fengmanlou is one of the six major gangs, in fact, they have always been wind media in the rivers and lakes. They placed themselves in the six major gangs just because they were relatively low-key and unattractive.

Juyi Village was destroyed by Chu Xiu, and now a gang has been replaced, but its strength is incomparable to Juyi Village, and Chu Xiu did not remember the name.

The worst is the beggar gang. The gang leader has disappeared, no one can be found, and no one can turn the tide, so it has existed in name only for decades.

The leader of the dignified beggar gang, but now he has become a real beggar and has been here for decades. What happened in the battle between Dugu and Ning Xuanji?

And Chu Xiu remembered that Guo Xiaofeng was very strong before, enough to have the real fire to refine the spirit.

But now Chu Xiu can no longer see the details of Guo Xiaofeng. Could it be that he has stepped into the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan?

At this time, Ling Yunzi and others also came.

They didn't know about Guo Xiaofeng's news, but when they heard that the Xiahou family had a conflict with Chu Xiu, they rushed over there.

Although the major sects of the righteous way did not have a good impression of the Xiahou clan, at this time the Xiahou clan was on the side of their righteous sect, and they couldn't really ignore it.

But when they came here and really saw Guo Xiaofeng, everyone was shocked.

The former beggar gang leader, the top master of the six major gangs before Chen Qingdi's rise, turned out to be a real beggar here. What is the situation?

They had passed by here several times before, and they also saw Guo Xiaofeng pretending to be a beggar on the side of the road.

However, at that time, Guo Xiaofeng used a secret technique to cover up his aura, and even used a very strange secret technique to make other people's eyes look at him, and then immediately shifted away, so that he was not discovered.

It was not until now that Guo Xiaofeng thought that he had been completely exposed and released the secret technique on his body, which made everyone discover his true identity.

Looking at the people in front of him, Guo Xiaofeng let out a long sigh and said, "Everyone, I know you are all looking for that place, but I advise you to go back. I have been guarding that place for decades, and I will keep it for a few more decades. It's completely fine, and if you enter it at this time, it may even cause catastrophe in the rivers and lakes!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Guo Xiaofeng actually knew the place where Ning Xuanji and Dugu Weiwei had their last battle, and had been here for decades. Is he going to monopolize that place?

But if you think about it, it's not like that.

Because Guo Xiaofeng has a good reputation in the rivers and lakes for decades, and the beggar gang is very powerful. Except for those real beggars, others help the poor and need no compensation. Guo Xiaofeng is also a very decent person, definitely not the kind of treasure that gets lost in front of it. Men of mind.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "The catastrophe?

All I know is that the place where the last battle of the former sect leader is located is there. "

Guo Xiaofeng snorted coldly: "Who said that Dugu was the only one who died? Anyway, I don't know if he died or not, but he is definitely not here."

Lu Changliu hurriedly asked a little anxiously, "What about the founder of my true martial arts sect?"

Guo Xiaofeng spread his hands and said, "It's the This is the place where they fought their last battle, but Dugu Wei's body and Ning Xuanji's body are really not here, please come back."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "Since Han Ping can bring out things belonging to my holy religion, even if there is no leader, there are many things that should belong to my Kunlun lineage, these things, I absolutely want taken."

Guo Xiaofeng sighed: "I have heard of your name, even more than once.

People in all corners of the world say that you, Chu Xiu, act decisively and prudently. This time, why don't you want to be prudent again?

Except for the accident of Han Ping, as long as you give me a few more decades, then I will return these things to you, whether it is what Duguwei left behind or what Ning Xuanji left behind. "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Senior Guo is very good, but unfortunately, those things belong to my holy religion, so today, I have to take them away."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Guo Xiaofeng, who is said to have a very good personality, also showed a hint of annoyance in his eyes and said, "You guys in the devil's way are troublesome, so don't listen to anything.

If I don't let you in today, old man, what will you do? "

Chu Xiu took a break for a while, and said lightly: "Senior won't let you, then you can only push hard!"

"Then you underestimate the old man me too much!"

As Guo Xiaofeng's voice fell, his dirty clothes stirred with him, the powerful Qi condensed, the palm fell, the ground cracked, and the next moment, a golden coiled dragon rose from the bottom, opened its mouth directly, and faced Chu Hugh bite!


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