Meet The Leader

Chapter 1096: another world

PS: Thanks to book friends for the most simple reward of 20,000 starting coins

The method of Gangqi Condensation is very basic, but like Guo Xiaofeng, it is particularly rare to condense a golden dragon to life with the purest Gangqi.

The golden dragon that broke out from the ground was like a living thing, and even had a trembling dragon's might emanating from it.

The broken moment in Chu Xiu's hand slashed horizontally. In an instant, time and space seemed to freeze. The golden dragon was stagnant in mid-air. With Chu Xiu's misty slash falling, the power of returning to Yuanyuan was broken for a while. It is also played to the extreme.

The golden dragon was directly cut into two pieces by Chu Xiu's knife, but the next moment, the shattered golden qi turned into nine dragons, directly wrapping Chu Xiu in it, and the powerful force began to suppress Among them, Chu Xiu.

The other people present had strange expressions on their faces. Guo Xiaofeng, he actually stepped into the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan. Does this have something to do with him guarding this place for so many years?

In that Nine Dragons ban, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal in his hand, and in an instant, the violent and surging demonic energy was stirred up, and in an instant, the sound of powerful and mournful ghosts and gods crying in the air came, and the sky was crying and the rain of blood suddenly came!

A blood-colored hazy demon **** phantom reached out with one hand, and directly crushed four of the nine golden dragons.

He escaped with the Great Compassion Curse of Demonic Depression, and Chu Xiu's entire body was filled with demonic flames, rising to the extreme.

Behind him, the appearance of the Great Black Heaven and Demon God appeared, and in an instant, a large flame of world-annihilation burst out, wrapping Guo Xiaofeng in it.

However, before the fire of the world's destruction was fully burned, Guo Xiaofeng slammed out a fist, the angry dragon roared, and the golden dragon coiled around him, directly tearing the fire of Chu Xiu's world-annihilation.

The two sides only fought a few tricks, and Guo Xiaofeng's face became solemn.

Guo Xiaofeng had heard of Chu Xiu's younger generation, and it should be said that who has never heard of Chu Xiu's name? Even in a small place like Licheng, Chu Xiu's name is like thunder.

But Guo Xiaofeng really didn't expect that Chu Xiu's strength was even more exaggerated than the legend.

At this time, Chu Xiu felt that this beggar gang leader who had been missing for decades was already a rare kind person in the arena.

Although he stopped Chu Xiu, he did not have the slightest intention to kill.

Without any killing intent, it is impossible to exert one's greatest strength.

And from the fight to the present, Guo Xiaofeng has not used the power of the domain.

Perhaps when Guo Xiaofeng thought about it, it was a bit too pricey for him to deal with a junior like Chu Xiu as a senior.

At this time, Guo Xiaofeng glanced at Rama and the others, but he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He could see that Rama and the others also wanted to enter that place, but they didn't say anything.

Looking at the people present, Guo Xiaofeng sighed: "Everyone, you should know how I am, the old man. Although I can't compare to Chu Kuangge, Chu Juxia, I haven't hurt anyone, right? If I want to occupy this place, Why have you stayed here for decades?

Listen to me, everyone, if you have to enter it, you will only bring disaster to the rivers and lakes. "

Lu Changliu said in a deep voice: "Guo gang leader, although you and I have never dealt with you before, I still believe in Guo gang leader's reputation.

But this is the inheritance of my true martial arts ancestors. I have been looking for true martial arts for 500 years. Now that it is right in front of me, how can I give up?

Gang Master Guo, I am not that kind of Meng Lang generation, open that space, if there are any hidden difficulties, I will also help together.

One person is short, two people are long, and there are many people, it is always better than you alone. "

Guo Xiaofeng sighed again and could only nod his head in agreement.

In this regard, Lu Changliu may really come here for the relics of Ning Xuanji in the past, but everyone else has their own thoughts.

Although Guo Xiaofeng is a kind person, he is not a naive person. He is also a person who has been in the arena for hundreds of years. Naturally, he knows what kind of virtue these people are.

If only Chu Xiu came alone, he might have stopped him, but with so many people now, he wanted to stop him, but he couldn't.

"First clear all the people around you, so that there will be no power leaking out and hurting innocent people."

After dispersing all the warrior residents in Licheng and closing the area, Guo Xiaofeng turned around and walked into the alley where he lived.

That alley turned out to be a dead end. People outside didn't notice anything wrong before, but now they were brought here by Guo Xiaofeng, but they had a feeling that this space was filled with an unreal false feeling, very strange.

Guo Xiaofeng swiped with one hand, and the space was torn apart by him, revealing a colorful entrance.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all followed Guo Xiaofeng and walked in.

It's not that they really all believe in Guo Xiaofeng's character 100%.

But these people present are almost the most peak existences in the arena, and they have the confidence to face anything.

After entering that space, everyone was stunned there.

Not because of anything else, but because everything in front of them is beyond their imagination.

There was a dark void all around, but the world in front was shining like ripples.

Among those ripples, there are actually world shadows shining.

It seems to be a place like a primitive forest, but everyone present can be sure that it is definitely not the world they are in.

The reason is very simple. None of the trees in the forest are what they know now, and there is a faint aura from the world. , but it is definitely a power that does not belong to this world.

The powerhouses in the realm of real fire refining the gods and the realm of heaven and earth are very sensitive to the changes in the power of heaven and earth, and they can find this almost immediately.

Guo Xiaofeng sighed and said, "Although I have reached the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, I still can't imagine how strong Dugu and Ning Xuanji were in the past. Hit another world!"

Everyone present was shocked: "That place is really another world?"

Although they had felt it before and had some vague guesses, when Guo Xiaofeng said it himself, they still couldn't believe it.

Guo Xiaofeng nodded and said: "You should also be able to feel it, this is indeed another world.

You should have heard of the legend of the ancient catastrophe. I suspect that this place is the place where the ancient powerhouses went during the ancient catastrophe. "

Although the people present were horrified, they were not too terrified.

After all, everyone present is standing at the top of the rivers and lakes, and they still know a lot about the ancient secrets of the past.

Some people are even a little moved. That is where the ancient powerhouses are. If they go to that world, what will happen?

Seeing the eyes of everyone, Guo Xiaofeng knew what they were thinking, and quickly said: "Everyone, if you want to go to that side of the world, I advise you to put this thought out.

Don't look at this world is only a line away from you, but after all, there are two worlds, maybe how far apart, there are obstacles to the rules of heaven and earth, you will never be able to reach.

Now you can see the opposite world, just because this world was penetrated by Ning Xuanji and Dugu Yume, and it is much weaker than the normal place, so there will be some heaven and earth vitality far beyond our world infiltrating.

I'm ashamed to say, old man, I can go from the real fire to refining the gods to the heaven and earth, and I have to thank this place.

However, the connection of two different worlds is against the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, so the world that was penetrated is constantly healing during the five hundred years.

When I came here decades ago, old man, the ripples all around could reflect the image of another world, and now there is only one right in front of us.

I believe that in a few decades, this place will be completely healed under the action of the rules of heaven and earth. "

Chu Xiu nodded slightly, what Guo Xiaofeng said should be right.

There is more than one place where Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji have They have also penetrated the space of Ludu.

But Green City is not a world, it can only be said to be a space that exists alone.

Even so, if you want to enter that separate space, you need to crack the formation key. Only Chu Xiu can borrow the mysterious Tongtian key and come and go in it at will.

As for this world right now, it is truly another world. Even if Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji once passed through it, it is not so easy to enter it.

At this time, Ling Yunzi suddenly asked in surprise: "Since this is the case, we can't enter this place. Why did Gang Master Guo guard here for decades and prevent us from entering it?"

Guo Xiaofeng's mouth twitched: "We can't enter the opposite world, but that doesn't mean the opposite world can't enter us!

You should have all heard of the name of Fang Qinglan, the powerhouse of the last generation of the Supreme Ranking and the well-known owner of Qinglan Villa in the arena.

The Qinglan Villa of the owner of Fangzhuang has sheltered countless hard-working people, and can be called unparalleled chivalry.

More than a hundred years ago, the owner of Fang Zhuang accidentally discovered this place, but he happened to see someone using the formation method to come out from the opposite side.

The man acted arrogantly, saying that he had found his ancestral land, that he would dominate the world and so on.

After seeing Fang Zhuangzhu, the man rushed over to kill him directly. He was also the strongest in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, and his methods were strange.

The owner of Fang Zhuang paid the price of serious injuries before beheading him.

Think about it, everyone, the world on the opposite side is extremely profound, and the inheritance of the ancients has never been cut off.

If the two worlds are truly connected, so that the ancient powerhouses come, you say, will they live in peace with me, exchange martial arts, or something else? "


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