Meet The Leader

Chapter 1134: Cangwu County Governor

The words of the old pavilion stunned Chu Xiu.

The weapon he was talking about should be Ting Chunyu, but Ting Chunyu was damaged?

That is the strongest magic soldier born in heaven and earth. It was also cultivated by Dugu Yume for a long time with his own strength. It is definitely stronger than the broken time in Chu Xiu's hands. The result was damaged. It is conceivable that that one How brutal was the battle.

But at this time, Chu Xiu also reacted to the meaning of the old pavilion owner. He narrowed his eyes and said, "The old pavilion owner wants me to go to Nanman?"

Lu Sanjin wanted to say something, but was stopped by the old pavilion master with a wave of his hand.

He looked at Chu Xiu and said directly: "Yes, that's what this old man means.

In fact, if you are an ordinary guest, you can be directly ordered by His Excellency Emperor Huangtian to let you go.

But you are a friend of Sanjin and a descendant of Gu Zun. I don't want to deceive you, so I tell you this.

For me, Emperor Tiange, the situation in the land of the southern barbarians is a bit tricky. I can't find anyone to deal with it for the time being, but your strength and your identity are okay.

But although it's tricky, what I told you before, that man's weapon appeared in the hands of those barbarians, didn't lie to you.

And you went to the land of the Southern Barbarians as a guest of my Emperor's Pavilion, and the benefits you should have afterwards will definitely not be less. "

Chu Xiu didn't ask what troubles were in the land of the southern barbarians, he just touched his chin and questioned: "The Emperor's Pavilion does not say that it is dominating the Eastern Region, but it is also a first-class faction in the Eastern Region, and now there are no people. ?"

The old pavilion master smiled bitterly and said, "It's lacking, it's been lacking all the time.

You are a guest of Huangtian Pavilion, and you also represent Huangtian Pavilion in performing martial arts, so you should understand the gap between our Huangtian Pavilion and High Heaven Sect.

In the past few hundred years, my Huangtian Pavilion has always been in a state of inexorability, and even the younger generation, only one such as Sanjin can come up with it.

Ten thousand years ago, the area under the control of the Emperor's Heaven Pavilion was almost this large. Now, it is still so large, but the power has already declined, and of course there are not enough manpower.

You appeared in Fanglin County, so you should have seen Xie Yingzong.

That kid was also promoted when I was in power. Although he was a bit cautious, he had strength and ability.

He always complained to me and wanted to be transferred back to Huangtian Pavilion, saying that it is enough for Fanglin County to keep a warrior who is in the realm of real fire.

What he thought was too simple, what did Fang Lin County rely on to be so calm? Relying on the strength of his Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm and the power of my Emperor's Pavilion.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the strength will always be in front of the power.

If you really send a warrior who is in the realm of real fire to refine the gods, maybe it will be easy to be overridden by those sect forces. "

Lu Sanjin's expression on the side was a little weird.

Fang Lin County was very calm before, but since Chu Xiu gave Xie Yingzong such an idea, it may not be calm.

Chu Xiu pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "No problem, I will go to the land of the southern barbarians."

The old pavilion master waved his hand and said resolutely: "Well, you will be the county governor of Cangwu County near the southern barbarian land, and then I will let Li Wuxiang notify all the warriors of Huangtian Pavilion."

Chu Xiu nodded. Just as he was about to leave, he thought of something and asked, "What about the county governor of Cangwu County in the previous generation? I took his place. If I offend anyone, it would be a disaster. "

The old pavilion master gave Chu Xiu a deep look and said, "You don't have to worry about this. The county governor of Cangwu County of the previous generation is already dead."

Chu Xiu was choked for a moment, but he didn't say much, and left the small yard with Lu Sanjin.

Chu Xiu doesn't care about the rewards and promises that Emperor Tiange gave him, and now he doesn't lack these things.

What really attracted Chu Xiu was listening to Chunyu.

Although Chu Xiu now has the same source as Ting Chunyu, but if Ting Chunyu can merge with the broken time, it can also make Chu Xiu's trump card further.

Seeing the backs of Chu Xiu and Lu Sanjin walking out, the old pavilion master gave a wry smile.

When did their Emperor Tiange fall to the point where they wanted to plot against a young man?

However, it is also very helpless, because his Huangtian Pavilion really has no one to use.

Chu Xiu needs strength and strength, and can defeat Xuanyuan Wushuang, which proves that he already has the strength comparable to the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and earth.

Moreover, he is also a descendant of Gu Zun. Although some major factions may not pay much attention to this important identity, it also represents Chu Xiu's background. In his background, no matter when, Gu Zun's descendants have a unique identity. A strong person in the realm of Martial Immortal should be a backer.

So sending Chu Xiu to go is actually very suitable.

After Lu Sanjin told him yesterday that Chu Xiu wanted to see him and inquired about Dugu and me, the old pavilion master thought about it.

That's why he told Chu Xiu before that it was as neat as if he had already made a draft.

It's just that he didn't know that the things he said were exactly what Chu Xiu needed.

After walking out of the courtyard, Lu Sanjin apologized to Chu Xiu: "Brother Chu, I'm sorry, I didn't know the old pavilion master would say this to you."

Although Lu Sanjin is not an upright person, he will not do such things to calculate his own people.

Although he and Chu Xiu were not close friends, at least they were his own people. It was a bit inconsiderate to do so.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "It's not necessary, the old pavilion master's idea is good, and taking back that person's weapon can be regarded as an explanation for the patriarch.

This matter is my own consent, and it has nothing to do with Brother Lu and the old pavilion master.

To put it arrogantly, if I don't want to, even the Emperor's Pavilion can't force me. "

Lu Sanjin nodded, what Chu Xiu said was right.

Although he is a guest, but after all, he still has the identity of a descendant of Gu Zun.

Huangtian Pavilion can use it for him, but it cannot be used, otherwise it would be equivalent to offending a Martial Immortal.

"By the way, what's so difficult about that place in Nanman, it seems that you don't recommend me to go there."

Lu Sanjin smiled bitterly, this old man was also big-hearted, he agreed, and then he started to ask.

"I can't tell for a while, I'll take you to a place first."

With that said, Lu Sanjin pulled Chu Xiu to a side hall of Huangtian Pavilion. There was a huge sand table on it. All the buildings were built on the site controlled by Huangtian Pavilion, as well as the entire Eastern Region and its connection. .

Lu Sanjin said: "This is what I built when I Huangtian Pavilion just entered Daluotian. Every time I lay down a place, I start to build a sand table and restore the terrain here.

The Cangwu County you are going to is at the junction of the Eastern Region and the Southern Region, and it is also the southernmost of the Diluo Mountain Range in the Eastern Region, which is this place.

There are many mountains and dense forests, where there are the most vicious beasts, and there are many barbarian tribes in it.

By the way, you should know about barbarian tribes, right? "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Lu Sanjin patted his head and said, "You guys who are the descendants of Gu Zun are also very powerful. You know how to cultivate all day long. No wonder your cultivation is so strong."

He didn't know whether to complain or praise, and then he explained to Chu Xiu: "Speaking of these barbarians, we are actually very sorry for them.

They can be said to be the aborigines of this Daluotian.

Many warriors who have never been to the Southern Territory or the depths of the Diluo Mountains have always thought that Daluotian was empty at first, but this is actually wrong.

There are so many beasts in Da Luotian, and of course there are human races.

It's just that after we entered the Daluotian, not only did we start to strangle the beasts madly, but even these barbarians were killed a lot, and the living space was compressed to the extreme. Propaganda, if you know it, you know it, and if you don't know it, it's better if you don't know it. "

Lu Sanjin scratched his head. He was still ashamed. After all, what their ancestors did in the past was no different from a robber.

Lu Sanjinyi guided the barbarian area and said: "Most of the barbarians now live in the southern region, as well as the unexplored depths of the Diluo Mountains. Your Cangwu County is right next to that place."

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly said, "Why don't you drive out all these barbarians?"

Lu Sanjin smiled bitterly: "There are many reasons, one of which is that these barbarians are not powerless to fight back, they still have some strength.

Their martial arts are very strange. To be precise, they should not be called martial arts, but all kinds of witchcraft and secret techniques, which are very difficult to deal with.

If it is forcibly destroyed, even if all the forces of Da Luotian join forces, there will inevitably be some losses.

In addition, Daluotian has a vast area. Even after tens of thousands of years of, this area is enough for us to use.

The last reason is that some sects are there pretending to say that killing too much is harmful to the world, and opposes such killings. "

Speaking of this, Lu Sanjin said disdainfully, "The one who says this most is the monks in the Western Regions.

After they came to Daluotian, they did not kill those barbarians less, and they were the ones who killed the most.

Because those barbarians worshiped all kinds of messy gods, they were reprimanded by the monks as heretics and directly exterminated.

When you find an excuse to kill, you think you are compassionate and think you are a saint? The old man can't stand it. "

Lu Sanjin seemed to have a lot of opinions on the monks in the Western Regions, and after scolding a few words, he said to Chu Xiu: "So the most difficult thing for the county governor of Cangwu County is to deal with these barbarians.

They don't care if you are Emperor Tiange or someone else, in their eyes, you are a hateful alien who deserves to be killed. It is absolutely impossible for you to be as leisurely as Xie Yingzong.

Another tricky thing about Cangwu County is that it is next to Hanjiang City.

Hanjiang City has just risen. As a force not inherited from ancient times, Hanjiang City has the smallest area and the strongest aggression. It has not been one or two times that I have rubbed against the Emperor Tiange.

The last county governor died in the Nanman riot, and was miscalculated.

But to tell the truth, just relying on the gang of barbarians, although the methods are very strange, they should not be able to kill me, the experienced county governor in the Emperor Tiange who once served as an elder.

Therefore, everyone in Huangtian Pavilion suspected that Hanjiang City was responsible for that incident.

But while we doubt it, we have no evidence. "


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