Meet The Leader

Chapter 1135: peep on the way

After listening to Lu Sanjin say these things, Chu Xiuguang could only imagine how complicated the situation in the whole Nanman was, but he was not worried.

Chu Xiu didn't go to that place to solve the problems of Huangtian Pavilion. He mainly went to listen to Chunyu, and by the way, he thought about how he should enter the Lingxiao Sect and see Dugu only me.

Huangtian Pavilion's work is a bit resolute and resolute, and the news had already reached Li Wuxiang the next day, and Li Wuxiang announced this matter directly in front of the high-level officials of Huangtian Pavilion.

After speaking, all the high-level officials of Huangtian Pavilion looked at each other, not knowing what the old pavilion master meant.

If it were normal, if Chu Xiu was to be the county governor, everyone would definitely object.

This is not only a question of trust, but also related to strength, qualifications and other things. It is just a joke to hand this position to a guest who has just joined the Emperor Tiange.

But that place in Cangwu County, everyone knows that it is a hot potato, and no one wants to go.

Therefore, after the death of the governor, Li Wuxiang personally went to the land of Nanman to kill. Although it was considered revenge, he did not choose the position of the next governor.

Now throwing a guest like Chu Xiu in the past, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit embarrassing.

Zhong Qiushui also frowned, a little confused.

At this time, Li Wuxiang turned his head to Chong Qiushui and asked, "Is there any doubts about the deputy pavilion master?"

Chong Qiushui shook his head and said lightly, "No, I agree."

Chu Xiu was brought by Lu Sanjin, while Lu Sanjin was from the old pavilion owner, and he also relied on Li Wuxiang to do things, so he and Chu Xiu didn't look like they were the same people.

At such a time, Chu Xiu was sent to Cangwu County as the county governor. If Li Wu and others had good intentions, they would be pitting their own people, and he would not bother to take care of them.

If Li Wu et al and Chu Xiu had something nasty or something to pit him, then when he was really pitted, he might be able to draw him to his side.

So in any case, he has no reason to object.

Seeing that there was no objection, Li Wuxiang said directly: "Well, that's it, after Chu Xiu, I will be the county governor of Cangwu County of Huangtian Pavilion."

After finishing speaking, Li Wuxiang called Chu Xiu alone and encouraged him, but he only said some polite words.

Li Wuxiang really didn't know what to say.

Because in his opinion, the old Pavilion Master's move was a bit tricky, but he didn't know why Chu Xiu agreed.

So he could only say some official words to encourage Chu Xiu.

In the end, Li Wuxiang handed a token to Chu Xiu and said: "This is the secret order of my Emperor Tiange, and it also represents your identity as the county governor.

In Cangwu County, I have already explained your acceptance to the local Emperor Tiange martial artist. Here at the headquarters, you can also bring some martial artists over there. There may not be enough martial artists there. "

Li Wuxiang's words are still euphemistic. There are not enough warriors in Cangwu County, but there are more than half of them.

During the barbarian riots, Cangwu County had already lost some people.

Later, when the Emperor Tiange warriors in Cangwu County saw that this place was in danger, they sought various connections and transferred them back to the headquarters or other counties. In the end, there were only so many people left.

Chu Xiu asked back, "Did anyone intend to go?"

Although Li Wuxiang didn't say it clearly, Chu Xiu also heard what he meant.

The expression on Li Wuxiang's face was a little embarrassing. He thought about it and said, "Let Lu Sanjin help you pick a few people. The order of the sect, if you don't want to go, go!"

Lu Sanjin's work is still safe, Li Wuxiang asked him to choose people, and he directly selected two warriors from the real fire refining **** realm and more than ten warriors from the real core realm to follow Chu Xiu in the backbone of the emperor's pavilion. go.

These people belonged to Li Wuxiang, the pavilion master. Although the number of people was still a bit shabby, they were also a little unhappy, but there was an order on it, and they had to grit their teeth to recognize it.

Before leaving, Lu Sanjin called everyone over, pointed at a tall and strong middle-aged man and said, "This is Qin Zhong, who has been guarding the gate of my Emperor Tiange for more than fifty years."

He pointed to an older old man and said, "This is Mr. Xu Fengshan. He has worked with six county governors and is very experienced in dealing with affairs of the rivers and lakes."

Chu Xiu nodded, and from the two people Lu Sanjin chose, he could see that he was really interested.

This Qin Zhong is not regarded as a gatekeeper, but in fact, how can someone who can guard the gate of a top sect like Huangtian Pavilion be an ordinary person? It must be the kind of person with extraordinary prowess, this Qin Zhong looks like a good material for a thug.

As for this Xu Fengshan, he is obviously the kind of old man with rich experience in the arena.

Maybe Lu Sanjin was afraid that Chu Xiu didn't have the 'experience' to manage his subordinates, and that he couldn't hold back people, so he sent Xu Fengshan here.

Both of them cupped their hands towards Chu Xiu and shouted, "I have seen Young Master Chu."

Although their attitude is still respectful, there is some dissatisfaction in their tone.

It's normal to think about it. The place in Cangwu County is a fire pit. Whoever goes in will be unlucky. They didn't want to go, but now they are forced to jump into the fire pit with Chu Xiu. No wonder they will be happy.

Chu Xiu didn't care about those things. He cupped his hands to Lu Sanjin and said, "Brother Lu, I will leave."

Lu Sanjin nodded and said, "Brother Chu, go all the way, I wish you success."

After taking these people on the road, Chu Xiu directly rushed to Cangwu County at the fastest speed.

Along the way, Qin Zhong, Xu Fengshan and others didn't have the heart to communicate with Chu Xiu because they were in a bad mood, but Chu Xiu was also too lazy to talk nonsense with them and just focused on the journey, which made Qin Zhong and Xu Fengshan feel a little uneasy. .

When it was time to rest at night, Qin Zhong walked quietly to Xu Fengshan's side, and secretly and careful voice transmission: "Xu Lao, what kind of way do you think this kid is? Is it because they value him and let him go to Cangwu County? Someone above looked down on him and asked him to go to Cangwu County?"

Xu Fengshan scratched his head and said, "Old man, I can't see clearly now.

Right now, the place in Cangwu County is very chaotic. Everyone knows this. Even the powerhouses of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm are reluctant to go, let alone other people.

But this young master of Chu is said to be a descendant of Gu Zun, and his status is naturally a noble person. There is no reason to pit a descendant of Gu Zun.

I, etc. are all personally selected by Lu Xing. Judging from his attitude, this one doesn't seem to be targeted by others. It's strange, it's really strange. "

Qin Zhong frowned and said, "Then what should we do? Since we were singled out to jump into the fire pit, why should we have a plan? But you always look at that guy, he doesn't even say a word along the way, what the **** is he doing? Thought? Still don't know what's going on at all.

I heard that these descendants of Gu Zun have been cultivating in the old forests of Senshan since they were young. Have their minds broken for cultivation? "

Xu Fengshan shouted in a low voice: "Be careful! This young master is inseparable from Lu Xingxing, and he is a descendant of Gu Zun. He also defeated Xuanyuan Wushuang of Ling Xiaozong. His strength and status are not comparable to me.

The old man knows that you are a little uncomfortable going to Cangwu County, but you must also pay attention to your words, so as not to offend this young master of Chu. "

Qin Zhong nodded, although he didn't seem to care, he also took note of Xu Fengshan's warning.

Chu Xiu didn't speak, so they could only speak first.

Xu Fengshan cautiously walked over to Chu Xiu and asked, "Young Master Chu, do you have any plans to go to Cangwu County?"

Chu Xiu asked back: "Why do you need a plan? Is there anything that needs to be planned in Cangwu County?"

Xu Fengshan stunned and said: "There are many things, for example, the last county governor just died, the county governor has been vacant for a few months, and people's hearts are unstable.

After the barbarian riots, although a group of people were killed by the pavilion master, there must be people making trouble.

Hanjiang City is so close to my Cangwu County, maybe it will come to do things. "

Now even Xu Fengshan can't figure out whether this person is really confused or pretending to be confused.

Chu Xiu pointed to himself, and said lightly: "These things still need planning?

I am the county governor of Cangwu County. Anyone who disobeys will be killed.

Those barbarians are not my race, their hearts must be different, and they will kill them if they dare to make trouble.

Cangwu County is the site of my Emperor Tiange, whoever dares to do something will be killed.

Something so simple needs planning? "

Xu Fengshan was was beyond words to describe.

Listen, is this still human?

His temper was fairly good, but when he heard Chu Xiu talking nonsense, he snorted in anger, turned around and left.

Seeing Xu Fengshan's actions, Chu Xiu didn't say much.

He wasn't pretending to be stupid with Xu Fengshan, but he was really going to do it.

When he was in the lower realm before, he had power and needed to consider the entanglements and consequences of all parties, so he fought openly and secretly, and all kinds of calculations emerged one after another.

But this was in Daluotian, and Chu Xiu didn't intend to work for the Emperor Tiange, so he could let go of himself without any scruples.

At this time, those who can speak with a knife fist will give priority to speaking with a knife fist.

If you can kill a person to solve the problem, then resolutely don't waste a word.

Moreover, if Ting Chunyu was really in the hands of the barbarians in the southern barbarian land, and Chu Xiu wanted to get it without killing people, it would be basically impossible.

As for Xu Fengshan and Qin Zhong, he was too lazy to explain anything to them.

They were sent by Lu Sanjin, and their roots were in the headquarters of Emperor Tiange. They could maintain absolute loyalty, so Chu Xiu only needed them to be obedient. ,

The group continued on the road, but the atmosphere became even more embarrassing. Even the more than a dozen true core warriors did not communicate with Chu Xiu, and the group seemed to be divided into two groups.

But while he was on his way, Chu Xiu suddenly found that someone was watching him.

The feeling was the same as in Lingxiao City. Chu Xiu looked for opportunities to check several times, but he found no one.

He believed in his spiritual sense, but the person who spied on him was obviously more sophisticated.


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