Meet The Leader

Chapter 115: level 6 mission

After Chu Xiu returned to the Qinglong Club, Huo Nu and Wolf King knew what Chu Xiu was doing, but they were also very sensible and did not ask what Chu Xiu got at Zhang's house in Daishan County.

The degree of freedom of the Heavenly Sins is still very high. There are so many tasks to choose from. In addition, they do not have the strength of Chu Xiu to despise the family. Chu Xiu can do this kind of thing, but they can't do it.

After returning, Chu Xiu did not choose to perform the task, but continued to stay in the Azure Dragon Society to cultivate and digest everything he got from the Zhang family.

Chu Xiu never accumulates such things as cultivation resources. He has always used it when he has it. When it is gone, he will take up tasks and continue to earn cultivation resources.

The cultivation resources required from the inner gang to the outer gang are the most. On the contrary, what is needed from the outer gang to the Three Flowers Gathering or the Five Qi Chao Yuan Realm is not a lot of cultivation resources, but one's own potential and understanding.

Just when Chu Xiu had almost finished his practice and was about to leave the customs, the Ghost Hand King suddenly came to call Chu Xiu and asked him to go to the square to wait for the helmsman.

When Chu Xiu came to the square, he found that 80% of the killers in the rudder of Tiansin were concentrated here.

And among them, there are all killers with code names above the fourth level.

Chu Xiu asked Huo Nu in a low voice, "What's the situation?"

Huo Nu smiled and said: "It should be a big group task, otherwise we won't be called, and looking at the current scale, this group task is not small."

After a while, the helmsman of Tiansin walked out and said solemnly to everyone present: "Fenrudder recently received a sixth-level sect annihilation mission. I was planning to go there myself, but it was more difficult for others. The task is entangled and inescapable.

So this time the task is handed over to you, and you don't need to contact the employer, just shoot and kill. "

Having said that, the helmsman of Tiansin gave everyone a briefing of the mission, which only had the mission objective, and there was no information on the employer.

Looking at the mission briefing, a strange look appeared on Chu Xiu's face. How much hatred did the person who issued the mission have with the other party?

This task is very simple. Yao Nanqian, the elder of the largest Lingjian faction in Qiuling County, 'Lingyin Divine Sword', is preparing to retire from the arena and hold a ceremony of washing his hands in a golden basin in Yaojiazhuang, Qiuling County.

What Qinglonghui has to do is to kill Yao Nanqian and destroy Yaojiazhuang before the completion of the golden basin washing ceremony. It has to be said that this task is vicious enough.

Washing your hands in a golden basin means completely quitting the arena, letting go of all grievances and preparing for retirement, but the employer wants you to die before you are ready for retirement. This can be said to be quite a grudge.

And it's not an exaggeration to set this mission as a sixth-level mission. Although Yaojiazhuang's strength is not strong, only Yao Nanqian is a martial artist from the outer astral realm, but when he starts the handwashing ceremony in the golden basin, someone will definitely intervene in this matter.

If nothing else, although the head of the Spirit Sword Sect will not come, he will send other elders or deacons from the Outer Astral Realm to come.

There is also the Lingjian faction, which is the largest faction in Qiuling County. Yao Nanqian is also a veteran who has been in the world for decades. It is estimated that there will be many people who will come to participate in his handwashing ceremony in the golden basin. From the sidelines, it is unknown which ones will take action, so setting the task as level six is ​​not only the intention of the Azure Dragon Society, but also the employer's choice.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin looked at everyone and said, "All the killers above level 4 will go to this mission, and the rest of the killers below level 4 will also go with them.

This kind of large-scale group mission must have a temporary commander. Who of you will be responsible for it? "

The Ghost Hand King, Huo Nu, Wolf King and the others looked at each other, and they all looked at their noses, noses and mouths, and remained silent.

They are all only in the Inner Astral Realm. Usually, they can be the commander with other killers from the Innate Realm on the mission, but there are still three stronger existences. Of course, they can't steal the limelight.

Can Jianyan did not return and said directly: "I am not interested."

It's okay to let him kill people, but if he really acts as a commander with his character, I'm afraid he will only say the word "kill", and his style of doing things is very simple and rude.

Everyone present turned their attention to Chu Xiu and Tang Ya.

In the past, when everyone performed the task, Tang Ya was temporarily the commander, and with his strength in the outer astral realm, he was also one of the strongest in the rudder of Heavenly Sin.

However, Chu Xiu's mission to destroy the Yue family was too dazzling. The entire Yue family was directly destroyed by the effort of one person, which shows Chu Xiu's ability above strategy.

So who are these two people to come, this is a difficult problem.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin glanced at the two of them and suddenly said: "Last time Chu Xiu did a good job in the extinction of Yue's family, and the employer asked to make his reputation bigger, Chu Xiu's reputation in the arena is bigger, so This time, Chu Xiu will lead the team, do you have any comments on Tang Ya?"

Tang Ya just smiled and said casually, "Follow the instructions of the helmsman."

Chu Xiu also bowed his hands expressionlessly and said, "Lead the order."

The helm master has used too many means to check and balance his subordinates. The identity of a commander is limited to this operation, and he has no actual power. It is such a big thing. As a result, he has to covertly and secretly. Chase him and Tang Ya.

In fact, it is okay to hand over this task to Chu Xiu, but he finally asked Tang Ya's opinion, but he had a strong sense of separation and provocation, which made Tang Ya feel that he was inferior to Chu Xiu. In it, he even indicated that he could speak out if he disagreed.

In fact, the helmsman of Heaven's Sin did this only because Chu Xiu had been too close to the Ghost Hand King and others recently.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin didn't want his subordinates to kill each other, but he also didn't want them to get too close.

Right now, Chu Xiu is only close to the Ghost Hand King and the others. He doesn't want to make his three most powerful killers so close.

Chu Xiu can guess these things, but he didn't say much. It's not necessary to tear down the helmsman's platform for this trivial matter.

As for whether Tang Ya had any grudge against him, Chu Xiu also didn't take it to heart.

As long as the other party didn't put the grudge in his heart into practice, then Chu Xiu would naturally be too lazy to care about the other party.

In other words, since Chu Xiu stepped into the arena until now, he has killed a lot of people and offended more people. There are many people who secretly hold grudges and even want to kill him, and now he doesn't care about this one.

The helmsman of Tiansin nodded with satisfaction and said: "In this case, you should start as soon as possible, and complete the tasks earlier, there are quite a few tasks in the backlog of the sub-rudder."

"As ordered!" All the killers present responded respectfully.


Outside Anyang Mansion in Qiuling County, Yaojiazhuang is located near a small lake outside Anyang Mansion, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Yaojiazhuang used to be relatively low-key before, but today because Yao Nanqian is going to hold a hand-washing ceremony in Yaojiazhuang, Yaojiazhuang can be said to be very lively.

Outside the Yao Family Village, Yao Nanqian's sons were all at the door to welcome guests. They were all disciples of the big sect, and some warriors or loose cultivators from the small sect came to watch the ceremony.

Of course, their treatment is not as polite as those in the big faction. Usually, they just send congratulatory gifts and then enter the village to find a convenient place to sit.

Yao Nanqian's reputation in Qiuling County's martial arts forest is relatively large. He should be the oldest in the Spirit Sword School, and he is also famous for his love of helping younger generations. It can be said that he is a highly respected Jianghu old man. With the power of the Spirit Sword Sect itself, there are not many people here today.

Moreover, the ceremony of washing hands in a golden basin is not common in the rivers and lakes, and many people come to watch the ceremony out of curiosity.

In fact, most of the warriors said that when they retired from the rivers and lakes, they just found a quiet place to retire, and they would not hold any ceremony, because this thing was too important.

Once you hold the ceremony of washing your hands in a golden basin, it means that you can no longer intervene in any affairs in the arena in the future. Your contacts, your relationships, and your prestige in the arena will also be completely washed away with the washing of the golden basin.

It is a broken rule to intervene in the affairs of Jianghu after washing hands in Jinpen. Even if Yao Nanqian's own son wants to use Yao Nanqian's power, it can be said that this handwashing in Jinpen has completely washed away his identity as a Jianghu person.

Of course, there are also advantages, that is, after washing hands in the golden basin, it has been recognized by all parties, and even people who had hatred with him in the past can not come to trouble him Otherwise, it will be broken. The rules will be attacked in groups.

Jianghu disciples, Jianghu Lao, step into this Jianghu, no matter how good or bad, once you realize the power and power, who wants to return to the family and become a rich man? Who wants to put down the sword in his hand and let it rust in the corner?

I don't know about other places, at least in the past ten years in Qiuling County, Yao Nanqian was the first to hold a golden basin handwashing ceremony, officially washing his hands in a golden basin in front of many fellow rivers and lakes, and retired from the rivers and lakes.

As for the others, most of them are selling dog meat with a sheep's head, saying that they want to retire from the arena, but maybe they will re-exit because of something, just like Xu Chongyang who was killed by Chu Xiu before.

In Yaojiazhuang, Lu You had a fan stuck behind his back, and he was shaking a fan in his hand, swaying in Yaojiazhuang to greet all the martial artists he knew and didn't know.

He is the wind media of the rivers and lakes under the sub-rudder of Daishan County of Fengmanlou, but there are some problems with the wind media in Qiuling County, so it is under the jurisdiction of Daishan County for the time being. , to get first-hand information.

At this time, several loose cultivators who had a good relationship with Lu You saw Lu You coming, and greeted them one after another: "Brother Lu, I knew you were indispensable for this occasion, come here, come and sit, and tell us about this time. What's the inside story of Mr. Yao's withdrawal from the arena?"

Lu You walked over and sat down, pointed at the gate with his fan, and said, "Don't worry, the big guys haven't come yet. Today is a once-in-a-decade event, enough for you to brag."

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