Meet The Leader

Chapter 116: Washing hands in golden basin

Lu Yu was right, the first ones were only small characters, and when the ceremony of washing the hands in the golden basin was about to start, many big characters came one after another.

Among them, the three warriors from the Outer Astral Realm were the first to arrive, all wearing blue clothes and carrying swords behind them.

Lu You pointed at the three people and said, "Three of the four major sword heads of the Spirit Sword Sect have arrived. All three of them reached the Outer Astral Realm in their prime. It is said that they were also promoted by Yao Nanqian in the Spirit Sword Sect."

A martial artist next to him wondered, "Why didn't Lin Feiyu, the head of the Lingjian Sect, 'Shuangyue Xiaojian' come? The elder of his own family washed his hands in a golden basin. As the head of the sect, why should he come forward?"

Lu You looked around and said with a low chuckle, "There is some gossip, but it's just gossip, don't take it seriously."

The few warriors present also laughed twice. They knew what Lu You meant. The news from the wind-filled media, could it be gossip?

Lu You lowered his voice and said, "Lin Feiyu, the head of the Lingjian Sect, is Yao Nanqian's junior according to his seniority, and he is the same generation as the four sword heads present.

It's just that Lin Feiyu's qualifications were mediocre at the beginning, and Yao Nanqian promoted others a lot, but because Lin Feiyu had conflicts with his disciples, on the contrary, he took actions to protect his shortcomings and suppress them, which also caused the two to have a grudge.

As a result, no one expected that the successor chosen by the Lingjian faction had died halfway, and the seemingly mediocre Lin Feiyu was really full of wings and soared into the sky.

Shortly after Lin Feiyu stepped into the Outer Astral Realm, he had an epiphany and entered into a transformation, condensing the top three flowers. After taking over the position of the head of the Spirit Sword Sect a year ago, he even observed the sword marks of Nirvana left by the ancestors of the Spirit Sword Sect. , to gather the five qi in the body and reach the realm of the five qi Chaoyuan, which is only one step away from the realm of the great master of the day when people are united.

If you think about it carefully, the achievements of the disciples who were suppressed by you in the past are far surpassing that of the ancestors of the Spirit Sword Sect. It is not easy for Yao Nanqian to stay in the Spirit Sword Sect for so long.

There may not be a reason for him to wash his hands in the golden basin today. Now Lin Feiyu can let three strong men from the outer realm who have the best relationship with Yao Nanqian come to participate in the ceremony of washing his hands in the golden basin, which is already generous. "

Some warriors doubted: "But the outside world said that Mr. Yao is fair, and he likes to promote juniors. Not only the disciples of the Spirit Sword School, but even the young warriors in the rivers and lakes have been promoted and directed by Mr. Yao."

Lu You glanced around and said, "It's inconvenient to say more about this place today, I'll just tell you one thing, there has never been a saint in this river and lake, and it's normal to help relatives or not, your own disciples are bullied, Even a fair person can still favor outsiders?"

Several people present nodded hesitantly, and just when they were about to say something, several groups of people walked in immediately.

Lu You said like a family treasure: "Lingdong Zhou Family, Ba Shui Lu Family, Jiuhua School, Chiyan Sword Sect... Tsk tsk, more than ten major factions have come, and Yao Nanqian was in Qiuling County with Yandong Wulin. In half his life, he has given him a lot of face, hey, this is a real big man."

With that said, a military warrior in his early thirties who was wearing silver bright light armor and a long knife on his waist walked in.

Seeing the person coming, this time it was not the eldest son of the Yao family who greeted him, but Yao Nanqian himself.

Yao Nanqian is in his seventies this year, with a square face and gray hair, but after all, he has the strength of the Outer Astral Realm, and it is easy to pass a hundred years of life.

Today's Yao Nanqian was dressed in a brocade robe and did not bring any weapons. He was dressed like a rich man. When he saw the military warrior coming here, he immediately greeted him with a smile and said, "To bother General Xiang to come in person, old man. It really is full of brilliance."

The general waved his hand and said, "Master Yao, don't make fun of him, he's just a colonel under the command of Zhenshan Army, and he can't afford the title of general."

Yao Nanqian said with a smile: "It's worth it, who doesn't know that General Xiang is now the confidant and love of General Yin Luohua, General of the Zhenshan Army. In the realm of Hua Juding, you will definitely be named a lieutenant at that time, this general is actually called early and late."

Hearing Yao Nanqian say this, the general didn't say much, but just took off the long knife around his waist and threw it to Yao Nanqian as a gift, and went straight in.

It is normal for warriors to send weapons as gifts, but the problem is that now Yao Nanqian has to wash his hands in a golden basin. As a result, this general sent a knife, which is very unlucky.

After receiving the gift, Yao Nanqian's eyes twitched, but he didn't dare to say anything, just let someone obediently bring people in.

Lu You whispered in the back: "The nine counties of Yandong, the Northern Yan court has stationed three armies in the land of Yandong, and our Qiuling County is actually managed by the Zhenshan Army.

This person's name is Xiang Weiyang, and he is the confidant and love of the Zhenshan Army General 'Poison Tiger' Yin Luohua. He was not well-known before, but after being promoted by Yin Luohua, he made a big splash. Within a few days, he led a team to destroy the Fang family in Linzhong County, who was disrespectful to the imperial court, and the means were decisive and sharp. "

A martial artist beside him whispered: "It's a little strange that people from the imperial court come to participate in the golden basin washing ceremony of our Jianghu people."

Lu You said solemnly: "It's nothing strange, in the past, I was weak in Beiyan and was beaten by Dongqi. It's because today's Sheng Shangxiong has a great plan, united with Beiyan Wulin, and worked together to solve the thirty-six giant bandits in the North. Misfortune, I defeated Dong Qi in the external war, destroyed the Wei State that jumped up and down, and became my Wei County in Beiyan.

Although the disputes between the court and the rivers and lakes have become more intense in recent years, the previous relationship is still there. In the identity of Yao Nanqian, the Zhenshan Army sent a promising captain to join him, which can be regarded as giving him face. "

After Xiang Weiyang, who represented the military of the Beiyan court, came, several people from the big faction also came, the most famous of which was an old monk.

The old monk and Yao Nanqian seemed to have a good relationship. After being polite, they were brought into the village by Yao Nanqian himself.

Lu You said in a low voice: "The abbot of Jinhua Temple, Zen Master Hengshan, is a master of the outer realm in Daishan County. Of course, he is more famous for his attainments in Buddhism. He is the strongest among these Buddhist temples in Daishan County. It is said that he was once invited by the Daguang Temple to talk about Zen and Taoism.

Zen Master Hengshan and Yao Nanqian are close friends, and this time Yao Nanqian also invited him to serve as a witness. "

The few warriors behind Lu You nodded again and again. Although they also like to inquire about some gossip in the rivers and lakes on weekdays, those are all rumors and small talk. Where can there be a real Jianghu wind and media news like Lu You?

An hour later, almost everyone had arrived, Yao Nanqian walked up to a high platform in the middle of the courtyard, and cupped his hands at the surrounding: "All comrades come to appreciate the face today to participate in the ceremony of washing the hands of the old man in the golden basin, the old man has nothing but gratitude. More to say.

In the past, the old man was just a small businessman. In his twenties, he was enlightened by his master and joined the Lingjian Sect. After spending decades in the Yandong martial arts, he gained a little reputation. "

As soon as I heard this, someone immediately said: "Master Yao, if your reputation is only insignificant, then we will become truly unknown people."

Yao Nanqian smiled and said: "How many heroes are there in this arena, what is it that the old man is not insignificant compared to them?

It is precisely because of seeing these heroes and heroes that the old man feels that he is old and cannot contribute to the sect.

Stepping into the rivers and lakes for decades, I have seen wind and rain, and I have experienced waves. It is time to go ashore. Those kindnesses and grievances will be written off from now on.

The old Yao Nanqian, today officially washes his hands in a golden basin, and from now on, he will not ask about favors and grievances in the rivers and lakes, regardless of whether the martial arts is a vendetta. On the golden pot! "

As soon as the words fell, Yao Nanqian's eldest son had already brought up the golden basin filled with water. The abbot of Jinhua Temple, Zen Master Hengshan, was also standing by as a witness to this golden basin washing ceremony.

Zen Master Hengshan's responsibility as a witness is not small. As a witness, it means that he can prove that Yao Nanqian has washed his hands with gold. The first to take action against Yao Nanqian.

And if someone else does something to Yao Nanqian, who has already washed his hands in a golden pot, it would be a violation of the rules. As a witness, he must be the first to help Yao and contact Jianghu people for help.

It can be said that this is a very troublesome matter. If it is not a real close friend, or a senior brother of a teacher, no one will take this position.

Everyone below was waiting for the last scene of washing hands in the golden basin, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Master Yao is ready to wash his hands in a golden basin, but he has lost the kindness and grievance in the rivers and lakes, but have you asked others if they would like to end the kindness and grievance with you?

Stepping into the rivers and lakes, picking up the sword, the hands are covered with blood and karma.

Not to mention a golden basin, even a purple golden basin can't wash away the blood on your hands, and it can't wash away the cause and effect on your body.

There is a saying that goes well: The dust is like the tide and the people are like the water, only a few people in the rivers and lakes return.

Mr. Yao, it is not so easy for you to quit this arena if you want to be so peaceful. "

Everyone suddenly looked back, only to see nearly a hundred black-clothed warriors standing on the courtyard wall of Yaojiazhuang.

Dark warrior clothes, black iron hats with gold patterns, and weird black iron masks.

The leader's black iron mask had a ferocious bloodstain on it, and his icy eyes looked at Yao Nanqian. That chill made the entire Yao Family Village shrouded in chill!

PS: Ask everyone for a monthly pass. The leader’s monthly pass on the new book list has dropped to tenth. That’s a miserable one. Obviously, the collection is not the least, but the result of the monthly pass is so miserable. First, at least the results should be seen in the past, thank you all~~

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