Meet The Leader

Chapter 117: position

PS: Thanks to the leaders of the two salted fish who love hot pot for the reward, and the leader of Tangtang Orange Ice for the reward, and book friends cherish the reward of 20,000 starting coins for the ING Phantom.

Thanks to book friends Shuhuang 1997, gluttonous DE Tie, 1415938324, Abandoned Elegy, Heaven and Earth Shou, Longquan Dance Night, Again Encounter, Agent 518, Funny Existence, Xiao Luo's Mini Luo, Wu Zhetian, Agoodboy, Qingsi half-covered eyebrows Sand, YellowTail, and Prancing Horse's Tianshan are rewarded with 10,000 starting coins.


Blue Dragon Club!

The killer of the Blue Dragon Society!

Jianghu people have many taboos. For example, they usually carry swords and weapons, but they cannot bring swords and weapons when worshiping their ancestors, otherwise it will be unlucky and so on.

But no matter how unlucky it is, is it unlucky to meet the killer of the Blue Dragon Society at the Golden Pen Washing Ceremony?

Everyone present looked at Yao Nanqian. They were actually very puzzled. Mr. Yao's reputation in Qiuling County and even in the entire Yandong Wulin was very good. Many people come to participate, and it is replaced by an unknown person, who cares whether you wash your hands in a golden basin or a silver basin.

Moreover, although the killers of the Qinglong Club are the strongest in the whole arena, they are also the most expensive. How many killers are the Qinglonghui dispatched now?

The number of people present who have some understanding of the Heavenly Sin Fenrui has already been counted, among them, Chu Xiu, the 'Blood Demon' who has recently risen to fame and ranks in the Dragon and Tiger List.

And before Chu Xiu, Yanbugui and Tang Ya, who were fiercely famous in the rudder of Heavenly Sins, were famous for their fierceness.

Moreover, although the Ghost Hand King, Huo Nu, and Wolf King are not well-known, but they can leave a mark on their masks, they are all elite killers of the Azure Dragon Society, and they also know this.

In addition to these people, there are nearly a hundred assassins of the Azure Dragon Society present. With such a large formation, I am afraid that even the rudder of the entire Azure Dragon Society will be moved here!

The faces of the people below were different, and Lu You and others also showed a look of watching the excitement, especially Lu You, he took out a small notebook and a thin pen, and excitedly recorded something on it.

Today he just came to join in the fun, but he didn't expect to pick up a big news in vain!

The mentality of other people is similar to Lu You and others. Even if some people respect Yao Nanqian's character, no one dares to jump out and preside over justice at this time.

At this time in the field, ordinary people would have been frightened by this situation long ago, but Yao Nanqian can be considered to have seen the existence of strong winds and waves, and he still has the confidence to face the killers of the Blue Dragon Society in front of him.

"Although the Qinglong Association is a killer organization, it is also a Jianghu sect, so why should we talk about these rules?

The old man has already decided to wash his hands in a golden basin and quit the arena. Do you still want to force each other? "

Chu Xiu sneered and said, "Why is my Qinglonghui appearing here today, does Mr. Yao still have a point in his heart?

If you want to quit the arena, that's fine, if the past grievances are over, then you can naturally quit the arena in a safe and secure manner.

My Azure Dragon Society is here today to help people settle their grievances. I won’t die in the next round. I won’t care what kind of basin you want to use to wash your hands. "

At this time, Zen Master Hengshan, who was standing beside Yao Nanqian, stood up, put his hands together, and recited a Buddha chant: "The Qinglong will have the rules of the Qinglong Association. This old man knows that, but the Qinglong Association naturally has the right to refuse the task.

Ladies and gentlemen, today is Brother Yao's handwashing ceremony in the golden basin, but your Qinglong Association is so hard-pressed, aren't you afraid of causing public anger? Whether the reward for this task is important or the public anger caused by Yandong Wulin is important, I believe you will measure it yourself. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and the old monk pushed their Qinglong Club to the opposite of Yandong Wulin with one mouth. How can all monks say that?

Chu Xiu looked around for a week, and bowed his hands to the others: "Everyone, you know the rules of the Azure Dragon Society, the Azure Dragon Society is a sword, and whoever spends money, this sword will help whoever kills.

What kind of people can be good people who have been in this arena for decades? I don't believe it anyway.

Yao Nanqian established a cause and effect, and now someone has paid a lot of money to ask me that Qinglong will come to return this cause and effect, which is reasonable and reasonable, so please don't interfere.

The rule of the Azure Dragon Society is that no one pays money not to kill innocent people, but if someone hinders the Azure Dragon Society from killing, then the Azure Dragon Society doesn't mind killing them first! "

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly, and the killer of the Azure Dragon Society was too arrogant, even threatening them in front of everyone present.

However, threats are threats. The power of the Qinglong Association is here. Who dares to stand up and help Yao Nanqian resist the Qinglong Association at this time? Not so good.

The disciples of the big sect left the table and walked aside, expressing that they did not want to interfere in this matter.

They came to participate in Yao Nanqian's golden basin handwashing ceremony just for the sake of face. After all, Yao Nanqian has a good reputation in Yandong Wulin.

But in fact, they have nothing to do with Yao Nanqian. A person who needs to wash his hands in a golden pot, what benefits can it bring to them?

With the movement of these big factions, most of the others looked at each other and stood aside.

Xiang Weiyang, who was from the military, didn't move, but he didn't stand up to help Yao Nanqian speak. Instead, there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

The Beiyan court had a lot of cooperation with Jianghu in the past, but that was the past. Especially in recent years, these people in Jianghu have been a little too noisy, and there is a tendency not to take the court seriously. Beiyan The court can't ignore this.

So now whether it's Yao Nanqian's side or Qinglonghui's side, he doesn't care who dies, even if it's just watching a big show.

Under the coercion of the Qinglong Association, most of the warriors chose to be neutral and did not interfere in this matter. Only a few dozen scattered warriors who had been favored by Yao Nanqian in the past stood on the Yaojiazhuang side, willing to live and die with Yao Nanqian.

The three warriors of the Spirit Sword Sect snorted coldly, and stood up and said: "Everyone in the Azure Dragon Society, it's a bit too much for you to do this, right? Did you take my Spirit Sword Sect in your eyes?

Even if Master Yao has decided to wash his hands in a golden basin, he is still a member of my Spirit Sword Sect. If my Spirit Sword Sect lets you kill Master Yao today, where will my Spirit Sword Sect face? "

Although the three of them are not Yao Nanqian's disciples, but in the past in the Lingjian faction, they all relied on Yao Nanqian's promotion to achieve their current status.

Now, whether it's because they really appreciate Yao Nanqian, or they simply don't want to be called ungrateful by others, they have to stand up anyway.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't talk about one Spirit Sword Sect, who doesn't know about Yao Nanqian and your Spirit Sword Sect people?

If the Lingjian Sect really regards Yao Nanqian as one of their own, why is this golden basin washing ceremony not held in the Spirit Sword Sect, but must be held in Yaojiazhuang? And why didn't your Spirit Sword Sect's head Lin show up?

Sect Leader Lin was worried about not being good enough to avenge the revenge of the past, so today the Qinglong Association will help them to avenge them together, maybe Sect Leader Lin will thank us secretly! "

When the words fell, Chu Xiu waved his hand and shouted fiercely, "Do it!"

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin asked him to be the commander of this mission, but there was actually no good arrangement.

After some words, it is already clear who will stand on Yao Nanqian's side, and who will choose to sit on the sidelines. The people of the Qinglong Society just kill them.

In fact, there are not many people who will help Yao Nanqian at the scene, as estimated by Chu Xiu.

The only thing Chu Xiu didn't count was the Zen Master Hengshan from Jinhua Temple. He had such a close relationship with Yao Nanqian that he was willing to stand up for him when facing the Qinglonghui.

Fortunately, Yao Nanqian and Zen Master Hengshan are already old, and the only real troubles are the three Outer Astral Martial Artists of the Spirit Sword Sect.

The three of them are one of the four major sword heads of the Spirit Sword Sect. As the name suggests, they are the leaders of the Spirit Sword Sect. Although this title is only given by the Spirit Sword Sect, it also proves that these three are in the Spirit Sword Sect. position within the party.

As soon as the two sides fought, Yan Bugui directly confronted two Outer Gang Realm warriors from the Spirit Sword Sect, while Tang Ya confronted Yao Nanqian and a Spirit Sword Sect warrior.

Although Chu Xiu is a fifth-level killer, he is actually still in the Inner Astral Realm, so he has little confidence in fighting against the three Lingjian Sect's outer Astral Realm who are in their prime. However, with his current strength, he can deal with Heng As an old monk like Chan Master Shan, Chu Xiu still has some certainty.

Zen Master Hengshan's Jinhua Temple is relatively famous among these Buddhist temples in Wulin, Daishan County, and Zen Master Hengshan is not small. If there is any competition between the forces, he will help to adjust it, so that the two sides will not become a life-and-death struggle.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Zen Master Hengshan said solemnly, "Does the Qinglong Association have to do everything today?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "It's not that I, Qinglong, will do everything, but the employer who hired us to do it. Isn't Buddhism the most important thing about cause and effect? ​​Yao Nanqian is infected with cause and effect, and now it's time to pay him back. It's time, isn't it reasonable?"

Chan Master Hengshan recited the Buddha's slogan: "Since you believe in cause and effect, do you know how many innocent people your Qinglong will be used as a sword in the hands of others, and how much blood and cause and effect will be stained in your hands? Now look back, There is also a chance to put down the butcher’s knife.”

Chu Xiu pulled out the red-sleeved knife in his hand, and said lightly, "The Zen master is trying to persuade me to put down the butcher knife and turn back to the shore? It's a pity, if I turn back, I will die, I put down the knife in my hand, but the person who wants to kill me will not Put down the sword in his hand.

In addition, I also advise you, Zen master, do you know why the monks who do not leave the temple for decades live longer when they practice hard meditation in the Subhuti Temple? It's not because they are superb in martial arts and Buddhism, but because they don't like to meddle in their own business! "

Zen Master Hengshan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, an incomparably sharp edge erupted in his eyes.

"Buddhist can persuade people to put down the butcher's knife. Since you are obsessed with ignorance, then Buddhism also has the wrath of King Kong!"

The words fell, and a dazzling golden qi burst out from Zen Master Hengshan's body. The large monk's robes swayed, and the momentum burst violently.

PS: Xiang Weiyang is the role of book friend LsLyy


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