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Chapter 118: Abi Demon Knife Cuts King Kong

PS: Thanks to the book friend 20180202170430284, the book friend 20170131095111977, the Tianshan Mountain of the Prancing Horse, and the Little Nun of the Widow for the 10,000 starting coins.

The Southern Buddhist sect practiced the Dharma, and the Northern Buddhist sect practiced the body.

Although Zen Master Hengshan is not a disciple of Daguang Temple, he must know that within the scope of the entire Northern Buddhist sect, 99% of Buddhist disciples practice body exercises.

Although Zen Master Hengshan usually looks kind and kind, but now once his power erupts, he really has the power of King Kong's angry eyes to subdue demons.

King Kong's qi swirled around Zen Master Hengshan's body, his fist fell, and his right hand squeezed the fist mark like a pestle. There was only a white mark on Zen Master Hengshan's fist, but Chu Xiu's figure flew out several feet involuntarily.

Chu Xiu frowned, and the hand holding the knife trembled involuntarily. This monk's strength is not ordinary, and he has cultivated to the level of physically resisting treasure soldiers.

So far, only Yue Henian has been killed by Chu Xiu, but at that time, Yue Henian suffered a severe drop in his own strength because of the Three Insects and Three Flowers Powder.

Although the current Chu Xiu's strength has improved a lot compared to that time, he can still only be suppressed in front of a well-known Outer Astral Martial Artist like Zen Master Hengshan.

The golden qi of Zen Master Hengshan soared, his body was crushed, and his incomparably powerful fist fell down, banning Chu Xiu's body from all dodging places.

The power carried in this seal is extremely strong and domineering, and the pale golden qi roars, and Chu Xiu can feel the piercing qi edge a few feet away, as if there is really a Buddhist King Kong in front of him. Subduing demons in general.

There was a sharp edge in Chu Xiu's eyes, and the Heavenly Destruction Da Ziyang hand blasted out, but at the same time, he also condensed an incomparably powerful blood evil power in his palm, and its intensity was even comparable to the Astral Qi of an Outer Astral Realm martial artist!

Seeing the **** aura that was so intense that it even made one's heart chill, Zen Master Hengshan snorted coldly, "Evil devil heresy!"

Just relying on this powerful blood evil spirit can prove that this son has killed countless people, otherwise he will never be able to condense this level of blood evil spirit.

Thinking of this, the radiance of the Vajra Seal in his hand was great, and when a seal fell, it collided with the hand of Chu Xiu's Heaven and Earth Destruction Great Ziyang, and an astonishing wave suddenly erupted.

With a loud bang, Chu Xiu's figure stepped back several steps, and a powerful internal force blasted into his body. If he hadn't mobilized the whole body to resist, this seal would be enough to make his arm abolish!

But at this time, he was not at ease. The powerful force of the Vajra Seal penetrated into the body, directly causing blood dripping from one of Chu Xiu's arms, and even shaking his internal organs, causing Chu Xiu to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and a pale face appeared on his face. color.

On the other hand, Zen Master Hengshan did not take the opportunity to attack. He looked at the purple mark on his palm, and his expression changed a little: "What kind of evil art is this?"

At this time, Zen Master Hengshan could clearly feel that an incomparably hot force spread along the meridians of his hands toward his whole body. The burning pain was unbearable even for him, and he had to use his whole body. zhenqi to suppress.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "My martial arts do not distinguish between good and evil, as long as I can kill people."

When the words fell, Chu Xiu made the first shot. The knife in his hand was like a continuous drizzle, and he slashed towards Zen Master Hengshan with murderous intent and crimson. He even forced Zen Master Hengshan to take the initiative to defend and was suppressed by him.

The expressions of others around him also changed slightly when they saw Chu Xiu's attack.

The dragon and tiger list has spread all over the world, and everyone knows that there is a young killer who can be on the dragon and tiger list.

Some of them were still discussing before. This person was in the top 20 just after entering the Dragon Tiger List, and even squeezed Bai Wuji out of the snow city in the extreme north. Is this too exaggerated?

But today, after seeing him play against Zen Master Hengshan, everyone knew that Chu Xiu's ranking on the Dragon Tiger Ranking was not high, and I was afraid it was still a bit low!

It is not unheard of in the world to fight the inner gang against the outer gang, or even kill the outer gang, but it also has to be divided into objects.

Hengshan, who is also well-known in Yandong Wulin, actually let a martial artist from the Inner Astral Realm counterattack and suppress it, which is too exaggerated.

In the midst of Chu Xiu's sword stance, Zen Master Hengshan's face was gloomy, and at this time he understood why this person could become the fifth-level killer of the Azure Dragon Society in the inner astral realm, which was indeed very difficult.

The explosiveness of the opponent's shot is amazing, even in his heyday, he has to be cautious.

What was even more difficult was the evil martial arts that the opponent had used before. That scorching power was constantly eroding his meridians, preventing Zen Master Hengshan from being able to release his greatest power, and being suppressed by the opponent.

Having figured this out, Zen Master Hengshan simply refused to suppress the power of the Heavenly Jedi Destroyer Da Ziyang's hand. The fist in his hand changed, and the golden qi seemed to be shining, condensing on the fists and falling towards Chu Xiu one after another!

What Zen Master Hengshan practiced was the Great King Kong Fist, which was extremely powerful. The power that erupted at this moment completely disrupted Chu Xiu's sword stance. Passing through the endless blood-colored sword light, it slammed towards Chu Xiu's chest!

At that moment, a black flash flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes. It was pure black, the black that belonged to hell!

Even the crimson blade of the red sleeved knife has been stained with misty black qi, and it is cut down with one knife, and it will fall into the endless **** forever!

A nose three swords!

This terrifying knife directly shattered Zen Master Hengshan's body-protecting qi. Feeling the astonishing chill, Zen Master Hengshan changed his fists, his hands turned into palms, and he directly clamped the knife, as if his hands were clasped together. Like a Buddhist ritual, he directly clamped the knife of Chu Xiu in his hands!


An angry shout came, and the golden qi in Zen Master Hengshan's hands soared, and the black qi above the red-sleeved sword was shaken away. In the middle, he suddenly felt dizzy and wanted to vomit blood.

The roar of the lion, the shocking word tactic!

In the past, Zen Master Hengshan once went to the Daguang Temple to talk about Zen. , Qiqiao bleeding, and even completely shocked.

Seeing that Chu Xiu had temporarily lost his mind, Zen Master Hengshan directly swayed the red sleeved knife in his hand to one side, and stamped the palm of his hand towards Chu Xiu's heart!

The secret nine-transformation lion's roar in Daguang Temple has nine types of changes. Although Zen Master Hengshan has only been taught a little bit of fur, his power is indeed very extraordinary.

However, because Chu Xiu has practiced the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa, his own mental power is also extremely powerful. Under the power of the lion's roar, he was only a little lost, and in an instant, he completely recovered his consciousness. For Zen Master Hengshan's palm, Chu Xiu once again responded with the hand of destroying the big Ziyang. When the palm fell, Chu Xiu was directly blown away, his left arm was twisted, and it looked like it had broken.

However, Zen Master Hengshan's complexion suddenly changed at this time, his complexion was pale, and he couldn't help but let out a groan, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

The power of the Heaven and Earth Destruction Great Ziyang Hand is not so good at suppressing and expelling it. He can suppress it with the power of one layer of Ziyang Demon Flame, but what about two layers? Even with his cultivation, the powerful force that scorched the internal organs of the meridians was unbearable, and he groaned.

At this moment, the people around them were surprised when they saw that Chu Xiu was able to compete with Zen Master Hengshan to such an extent.

Although this Chu Xiu is called Inner Gang, he actually already has the strength to rival the outer Gang realm.

This is why a martial artist like Zen Master Hengshan, who is not weak in the outer astral realm, can hurt him like this, and as a result, he also suffered internal injuries.

If it were replaced by an ordinary martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm, it is estimated that there would be no benefit in front of this Chu Xiu.

Xiang Weiyang, who was standing on the side, looked at Chu Xiu with even more horror.

He also used a knife, and Chu Xiu's terrifying knife left a deep impression on him. The hatred that emerged in **** was the extreme of negative emotions in the world, a standard magic knife, the type of hurting others and hurting yourself. of.

As a result, this man was able to stay awake after using this Either because he has a secret treasure on him, or because of Chu Xiu's amazing willpower.

At this time, Chu Xiu's eyes were full of black energy. Usually, when he used the three swords of Abi Dao, he usually started to suppress the backlash of the sword after using one sword.

At this time, Chu Xiu did not suppress the power of backlash, but instead made the black qi in his eyes thicker.

The power from Abi Hell was coiled around Chu Xiu's blade, and it was also wrapped around his intact right arm along the blade.

At this time, Chu Xiu's aura was like a ghost in hell, and even his eyes became extremely cold, and he no longer had the feelings that humans should have!

This terrifying knife fell, as if it had been cut out of the endless hell, causing Zen Master Hengshan's eyes to widen.

As a member of the Buddhist sect, when he was young, he did not kill those evil scoundrels and act for the heavens. However, in the later period, as he got older, he needed to cultivate his qi and blood to preserve his strength. .

But Chu Xiu's knife in front of him made him see what a real magic knife is!

What he practiced was the Great King Kong Fu Demon Fist. King Kong could ward off demons, but he couldn't drop this second sword from Avici Hell!


Zen Master Hengshan shouted angrily, not bothering to suppress the Ziyang Demonic Flame in his body that was burning his meridians, his hands were sealed, and the endless golden qi burst out, like a demon-subduing pestle smashing at Chu Xiu's knife. fall!

King Kong subdues demons, transcends evil and becomes a Buddha!

The golden qi collided with the black blade, and what erupted was a blood-colored desolation.

The qi burst into pieces, the blade fell to the ground, and Zen Master Hengshan was directly cut in half by Chu Xiu's knife from top to bottom!


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