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Chapter 119: I only sigh a few people in the rivers and lakes

The power of the magic knife was beyond the expectations of everyone present. No one expected that Zen Master Hengshan, a famous Jinguang Temple in the land of Yandong, died in the hands of an Inner Astral Martial Artist.

And it is also ironic, Zen Master Hengshan killed the demon for half his life, but in the end, he died under such a strange magic sword.

It was directly chopped into two pieces by the second knife of Abitao's three knives, and the blood and internal organs covered the ground.

At this time, Chu Xiu's appearance was even more frightening. The pitch-black mist wrapped around his knife. In his hand and in his eyes, Chu Xiu's hand holding the knife was constantly shaking.

If anyone looked into Chu Xiu's eyes at this time, all they could see was an ice-cold darkness like the abyss of hell, making people shudder!

Now Chu Xiu is wearing a mask, so no one finds out, but in fact, Chu Xiu's face is already twisted and outrageous.

With the strength of Chu Xiu now, the backlash of the first sword of Ah Bindao's three swords can easily be suppressed, but the backlash of this second sword is more than twice as strong as that of the first sword!

With Chu Xiu's current strength, he also broke out his strongest willpower, and combined with the power of the glazed golden thread Gu, the black qi in his eyes dissipated, and even the black qi on his red-sleeved saber also dissipated.

After completely suppressing the backlash of the three knives of Abi Dao, Chu Xiu let out a long sigh.

Using two knives in a row is already the limit of Chu Xiu. Now, if Chu Xiu dares to use the third knife and use the complete three knives of Abi Dao, even if he has the glazed golden thread Gu, he will not be able to save Chu Xiu. .

And when Chu Xiu fought against this Zen Master Hengshan, Yan Bugui and Tang Ya also achieved results.

Before Chu Xiu had asked Huo Nu when he was chatting, who was stronger, Yan Bugui or Tang Ya.

At that time, Huo Nu said that Yanbugui should be stronger, but he couldn't guess the origin of Tang Ya, he always felt that Tang Ya was hiding something, and what he showed now is not his real strength.

However, as for Yan Buhui, everyone in the rudder of Heaven and Crime knows how crazy this seemingly taciturn guy fights.

Yan Bugui's nickname is Canned Sword. He usually carries a heavy sword on his back, and his appearance is wrapped in coarse cloth. Judging from its shape, it should be complete.

But when the epee that Yan Bugui had now unsheathed, Chu Xiu discovered that his sword was really a 'remnant sword'.

There are obvious cracks on the epee, but it seems to have been repaired in the later period, but if the sword is broken, it will be broken.

Yan Bugui's swordsmanship is very strange, even in Chu Xiu's opinion, it is not called swordsmanship at all, the heavy sword in his hand is like a heavy hammer, and it is completely a powerful heavy weapon.

In addition, the internal skills he has cultivated are also incomparably miraculous, and he can actually make the heavy sword in his hand even more powerful. When this sword is swung in the past, except for the extremely powerful warrior monks in the Daguang Temple, there are few ordinary warriors. Able to block his sword head-on.

So when Chu Xiu fought against Zen Master Hengshan, the wild goose over there used the sword gang to blast a warrior flying, and then seized the opportunity to shoot with the giant sword, yes, not slash, but shoot!

Everyone could only hear a loud bang, and the blood and mist flew in an instant. One of the warriors of the Spirit Sword Sect was directly slapped into flesh by his epee sect, and he was not human at all!

This scene is much more terrifying than Chu Xiu cutting people into two pieces. Not to mention these warriors present, even the other killers of the Azure Dragon Society have expressions of awe and horror on their faces.

One of the tasks performed by Yanbugui is counted as one, so no one can get the whole body. Sometimes the employer even needs the head of the target. At that time, Yanbugui just paid a little attention and slapped the other's body into flesh. Mud, and finally brought a human head to the past.

Therefore, compared with Yanbugui, Chu Xiu's attack was ruthless, but he was not as cruel as Yanbugui.

Yanbugui has gained something here, and Tang Ya’s side is also not bad.

To be honest, Chu Xiu couldn't understand Tang Ya's martial arts skills.

Tang Ya's movement is very fast and extremely flexible. The opponent must have cultivated that kind of speed.

Moreover, the weapon he used was the kind of short knife that Chu Xiu used before, and it was not as long as the arm, and it was extremely sinister and vicious.

He didn't use the martial arts that were too strong, but Tang Ya was proficient in many methods, such as fist and palm fingering, etc., but it was not too strong.

When fighting against Yao Nanqian's martial artist from the Lingjian faction, Tang Ya was not slippery. It seemed dangerous to fight one against two, but he always escaped at the most critical moment, and attacked the two by the way. , start with a steady hand.

So at the end, Yao Nanqian and the disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect were covered in injuries. Looking back at Tang Ya, there were basically no injuries.

Just now, when Yao Nanqian saw the appearance of Zen Master Hengshan being cut in half by Chu Xiu, he couldn't help crying out, "Monk!"

He has been with Zen Master Hengshan for decades, and it can be said that the two sides have a life-threatening friendship. Otherwise, Zen Master Hengshan would not have come to be his witness to the ceremony of washing his hands in the golden basin.

As a result, it was because of him that Zen Master Hengshan died here, which made Yao Nanqian unable to bear his grief, and his mind was affected, and even his sword stance was a little chaotic when he shot.

At this time, Tang Ya's eyes showed a strong murderous intent. With a move in his hand, two strange hidden weapons had already burst out of the sky. Everyone present could only hear a sound of breaking the sky, and everyone even heard I didn't see what the hidden weapon looked like.

Yao Nanqian and another disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect subconsciously raised their long swords to resist, only to hear two clangs, and the two retreated together.

But at this time, Tang Ya's figure was directly in front of Yao Nanqian, his hands were like afterimages, his fingers were fierce and fierce, and the fingers of the sky exploded with the qi, causing Yao Nanqian to retreat step by step, directly Broke the opponent's body protection infuriating.

And I don't know when, the short knife in his hand appeared in his hand again, and it was like a maggot with a bone on Yao Nanqian's neck. To another warrior of the Spirit Sword School.

Yao Nanqian clutched his throat in disbelief, blood spurted out continuously, and his consciousness gradually disappeared with the flow of blood.

He wanted to quit the arena, but Yao Nanqian never imagined that the day he quit the arena, the result would be his death.

Even before he died, he couldn't think of who was going to kill him.

Although he died in the hands of the Qinglong Guild, the Qinglong Guild is just a sword for killing people. The people who really want to kill him have always been hidden behind the scenes, not even Chu Xiu and others, except for the helmsman of Heavenly Sin. You know, this Yao Nanqian is a fool even to death.

Chu Xiu looked at Yao Nanqian's corpse and remained silent. Yao Nanqian died, and most of the task had been completed.

Don't worry about the other onlookers, they didn't make their mark when Yao Nanqian was alive, and they won't make it even more after they died.

Speaking of which, Yao Nanqian's death is a bit unfair, Chu Xiu can guarantee that if he has no plans to quit the arena and stay in the Spirit Sword Sect as his great elder, no one will dare to kill him.

The person who asked Qinglong to kill Yao Nanqian must have a life-and-death feud with Yao Nanqian, but why didn't he do it earlier? Either the strength is insufficient, or the financial resources are insufficient.

Going to ask Qinglong to kill an old guy who wants to wash his hands with a golden pot and going to kill the elders of the Lingjian faction of Yandong's great faction are basically two concepts.

The former is a sixth-level task, and Chu Xiu and the others can solve it without the Heavenly Guilty Steering Master's action.

When the tea is cold, how many people are willing to give their lives to help an old guy who is ready to quit the arena? With so many warriors present, less than one-tenth of them stood out.

If it is the latter, then the Azure Dragon Society will have to face the entire Spirit Sword Sect. Although the relationship between the head of the Spirit Sword Sect, Lin Feiyu and Yao Nanqian does not seem to be very good, but no matter how bad, Yao Nanqian is also a disciple of his Spirit Sword Sect, Lin Feiyu. It is also impossible to watch the elders of their own family be killed in front of them.

And if you want to deal with the entire Spirit Sword Sect, even if the helmsman of Heavenly Sin comes, it will be reluctant.

Lin Feiyu, the head of the Spirit Sword Sect, 'Shuangyue Xiaojian', is said to be only one step away from reaching the realm of a great master of the unity of nature and is nowhere near as far as the helmsman of Heaven's Sin.

Moreover, there are still things such as the formation heritage left by its ancestors in the Spirit Sword Sect. Whether the entire Heavenly Crime Sect can be dispatched to destroy the Spirit Sword Sect is still unknown. Even if Yao Nanqian's enemy can come up with such terrifying financial resources, Heaven The criminal rudder may not be willing to take over this task.

Therefore, Yao Nanqian's so-called withdrawal from the arena is actually courting death. You want to settle your own grievances, but the problem is that others don't want to.

At this time, Chu Xiu did not intervene in the battle on the field, because the overall situation had been decided.

After Tang Ya and Yan Bugui eliminated all their opponents, the entire Yao Family Village was almost slaughtered by them. The rest of the people had already fled, and the killers of the Qinglong Society were too lazy to chase after them.

Although Yaojiazhuang's warriors are more than ten times as many as Qinglong Association killers, compared with these Qinglong Association killers whose hands are covered in blood, Yaojiazhuang's disciples are obviously not worth mentioning, and they are almost one-sided slaughter.

Seeing that the mission had been completed, Chu Xiu waved his hand, and the members of the Azure Dragon Society turned and left in unison, and no one dared to intercept them.

Looking at Yaojiazhuang with blood all over the floor, everyone present immediately looked at each other in dismay.

The golden pot washed his hands and ended up washing himself to the point of extinction. This was the first time.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but think of what Chu Xiu said.

The dust is like the tide and the people are like water, only a few people in the rivers and lakes return.

It is easy to step into this arena, but it is not so easy to leave.

There were even people present who saw Yao Nanqian's beauty when he held the golden basin washing ceremony before, wondering if he would use it or not when he was old, but they all gave up their thoughts when they saw this scene now.


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