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Chapter 1172: Beneath the Bodhi tree, the mighty magic

In front of the mountain gate of Subhuti Temple, the flags of the devil's way were fluttering, and the evil spirit rushed into the sky, and the entire Subhuti Temple was shrouded in that terrifying aura.

At this time, even farther away, Chu Xiu was sure that the other martial artist forces on the rivers and lakes must also be watching secretly.

The last time Chu Xiu destroyed the Daguang Temple, the battle was too fast. In one day, the Daguang Temple was razed to the ground. When they rushed over, they could see nothing.

Although Xu Yun and the others were still alive, Xu Yun and others seldom revealed the details of the battle, and they did not know how strong Chu Xiu was.

So although they can't stop this battle, they have to see how strong Chu Xiu is.

Compared with the high-rise Daguang Temple, although the area of ​​Subhuti Temple is not small, it does not have so many high-rise buildings. The temples are scattered and arranged, even like a lotus flower.

I just don’t know how much Subhuti Temple will be left after this battle.

Standing at the entrance of Subhuti Temple, Chu Xiu said solemnly, "Kunlun Chu Xiu, come to collect the debt!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, it did not dissipate. Instead, it reverberated between the heavens and the earth, reverberating like a demonic sound.

The door of the Subhuti Temple opened, and the monk Bukong, Rama and others filed out.

The warriors of the entire Subhuti Temple could not see the slightest fear, but were very tragic.

Rama said lightly, "I, Subhuti Zen Temple, owe no debt to anyone."

"But you are the cause and effect that owes me!"

Chu Xiu stared at Rama and said solemnly: "I am very puzzled, why don't you leave.

There is no chance to go to the Great Bright Temple, and you obviously have a long time. There are places for you in overseas places, in the West Pole.

In the end, you chose to wait here to die, which is beyond my expectations. "

Rama shook his head and said, "Since it is cause and effect, it will be repaid sooner or later.

The cause and effect before you and me are not because of the six realms of illusion, but because of the position.

Since you chose to restore the Kunlun Demon Sect, there is no room for relief between me, Buddhism, and you.

The Subhuti Temple will not hide for a lifetime. In today's battle, whether the demons rise up and disappear, or whether it is karmic and causal, there will eventually be a result. "

The warriors who were hiding around watching the battle were all silent. They knew that Rama's last words were actually addressed to them.

In today's battle, if the Subhuti Temple were defeated, then there would be a rise and fall of demons in the rivers and lakes, and the situation of the Kunlun Demon Sect's **** of the rivers and lakes would be repeated again.

Of course they know this, but if they know it, who would dare to take the lead in the face of Chu Xiu, who seems to be immortal?

Going to Kunlun to persuade Chu Xiu, this is the best they can do.

Of course, Rama didn't expect them to take action. In today's battle, since the entire Subhuti Temple did not choose to leave, they were already prepared for a desperate fight.

Rama put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name: "Amitabha!"

The next moment, all the disciples of the Subhuti Temple recited the Buddha's name. In an instant, the Buddha's light burst into the sky, directly piercing the sky covered by endless dark clouds and demonic energy.

A little halo of light appeared around Monk Bukong. Wherever he passed, the surrounding vegetation was in full bloom, full of vitality.

But the price brought by this blooming vitality is the consumption of his own vitality.

The next moment, in the Subhuti Temple, a tall tower rose straight up from the ground. The shape was simple and solemn, and it was actually made of bronze.

The surrounding of the tower is engraved with mysterious Sanskrit Buddhist seals, as well as countless Buddhist allusions, etc. This is the treasure of the Subhuti Temple.

The next moment, above the Floating Tower, a huge strange flower was slowly blooming.

The huge strange flower was several feet high, and even the leaves were as tall as a person. In the center was a magnificent flower that was as white as snow, exuding a holy breath.

However, the flower was originally only half-open, but with the infusion of monk Bukong's own vitality, the strange flower bloomed in an instant, and suddenly a dazzling Buddha light bloomed, and a powerful force wafted out, the dazzling golden Buddha light even This made the entire Subhuti Zen Temple no longer contain any trace of alien power.

Legend has it that the Buddha smiled when he nuzzled a flower, and the flower he nuzzled was the worrisome flower that is blooming now!

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly. The background of the Subhuti Temple is really much deeper than that of the Daguang Temple. It even has such a legendary existence.

However, Chu Xiu's first reaction when he saw this Worry Tan Bharat was not how difficult it was, but whether he could use this thing to refine another Supreme Divine Pill?

At the same time, Rama also squeezed the seal with his hand, and the formation of the entire Subhuti Temple began to riot in an instant.

In the ray of Buddha light all over his body, a trace of qi and blood actually bloomed, and a dazzling golden light bloomed behind his head, which turned out to be the state of burning primordial spirit!

The expressions of the warriors who were watching the battle suddenly changed.

The Subhuti Temple was really desperate. Rama actually came up and started to burn his blood, essence, and spirit. He didn't even try. This was obviously not going to leave any way out for himself.

And at the same time as Rama squeezed the seal, a huge light and shadow appeared in the Subhuti Temple.

It was a giant Bodhi tree that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth. It was covered with various, colorful and colorful fruits, which were as bright as crystal gems.

Compared with Futu Pagoda and Utanbhara, this Subhuti Treasure Tree is undoubtedly more famous. After all, the name of the entire Subhuti Temple is derived from it.

It is said that the Treasure Tree of Subhuti Temple can add Buddhist rhythm to Buddhist disciples when they realize the Tao under its tree, so that they can realize various Buddhist principles more quickly.

In the past, people from Daguangming Temple talked to Subhuti Zen Temple about Zen and Buddhism, and they had to spend a lot of money to be able to sit under the Subhuti Treasure Tree and realize the Tao for a day.

But no one in the whole world has heard that the Subhuti tree can still be energized. They always thought that this thing can only be used for cultivation.

At this moment, there was even a glimmer of hope in the hearts of other sects.

The Subhuti Temple can actually erupt with such a powerful force, maybe Chu Xiu will return today?

Looking at the buddha-bright Utanbhara and the incomparably gigantic Subhuti Treasure Tree, Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "In order to deal with me, it seems that your Subhuti Temple has taken out all your cards, and you've taken great pains. But unfortunately, it's still useless!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, as he waved his hands, all the warriors belonging to the Kunlun Demon Sect were ready to start, standing in all directions, forming one formation after another.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the older generation of warriors like the winner's ancestor changed.

Battle formation! It is the battle formation of the Kunlun Demon Sect!

You can use objects to set up a formation, and people can also set up formations, but it requires a large number of warriors and repeated practice.

It takes a lot of time to practice battle formations, so even some top factions with enough people are reluctant to do this kind of thing, and some of the gains outweigh the losses, so only big countries like Dongqi and Beiyan will make some simple things like this. The battle formation to deal with the battlefield.

But now, looking at the battle formation created by Chu Xiu's gang, it is very powerful and definitely not ordinary, and the cooperation between those warriors must have been practiced for a long time.

The winner's ancestor and others guessed almost the same. During the year when Chu Xiu was away, the Kunlun Demon Sect closed the mountain, and everyone took out these battle formations to practice.

As for the source of the battle formation, it also came from the inheritance of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable, which was restored by Master Yuan Ji and given to others to practice.

At the beginning, Wei Shuya asked all the disciples of the Kunlun Demon Sect to practice this battle formation, but it was just to stabilize people's hearts. I was afraid that they would be too busy and cause trouble, but I didn't expect it to be used today.

Chu Xiu, Wei Shuya and Shang Tianliang stood up, and the power of the three of them was enough to destroy 90% of the sects on the rivers and lakes.

"Give Rama to me, the city lord of the mall and Mr. Wei, you all think of ways to break the worrying Tanbara, that flower always gives me an extremely dangerous feeling."

After saying this to the two of them, Chu Xiu said to Hei Jie and Lu Fei again, "Have you seen that old monk? The two of you will deal with him.

Don't work too hard. Ninety percent of the old monk's life has been sacrificed. You just need to hold on to him. To the end, even if you can't kill him, he won't survive. "

Hei Jie and Lu Fei stood up and nodded at the same time.

Everyone present looked at Hei Jie and Lu Fei who were standing behind Chu Xiu, and they were all stunned at the same Where did Chu Xiu find these two guys?

Judging from its appearance, it looks a bit like a barbarian, but only the skin color is similar, but it is not the same in other places.

And looking at the aura emanating from them, everyone can only feel that they are very strong, but they can't feel how strong they are.

But looking at where they stood, they knew that their strength was definitely not weak, at least stronger than Chu Wuji and others, because they were standing directly behind Chu Xiu.


As Chu Xiu uttered a word, his hand slashed for a while, and the extreme edge slashed towards Rama. Wherever the blade passed, it seemed as if the whole world would be torn apart.

Wei Shuya and Shang Tianliang also attacked the Utanbharata. With this thing in full bloom, within the scope of the entire Subhuti Temple, except for the purest physical power, all alien powers were completely repelled, and they did not smash him. It is difficult and difficult for Chu Xiu to attack the Subhuti Temple, and even if it succeeds in the end, the damage will definitely be great.

Wei Shuya and Shang Tianliang both belong to the kind of openness and harmony above the martial arts. Together, the two must use the fastest speed to break the worry Tanbara.

But Monk Bu Kong spent 90% of his life force to make Wandering Bharat bloom, how could the two of them succeed so easily?

He recited the Buddha's name, and Sanskrit words appeared all over his body, turning into Buddha seals and shrouding the two of them.

But the next moment, Hei Jie roared, holding a huge warhammer and directly smashed the Buddha seal. Lu Fei followed closely, murmuring a strange incantation in his mouth, a layer of green mist ignored any qi. The defense fell on the monk Bukong, swallowing his vitality.

As the two of them shot, the expressions of everyone present suddenly changed.


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