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Chapter 1173: Rama's power

After Chu Xiu destroyed the Daguang Temple, everyone thought they had seen Chu Xiu's trump card.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, Chu Xiu had brought out two more guys of unknown origin, which immediately shocked everyone present.

Hei Jie and Lu Fei are not warriors, so even if they make a move at this time, everyone can't see their realm.

But they can't see the realm, but they can see the strength.

Hei Jie's physical strength is extremely powerful, at least no one present can confidently say that he can defeat Hei Jie in physical strength.

There is also Lu Fei, her strange attack method makes everyone understand, but it seems to be similar to a spell or something.

What is really terrifying is that her spell can ignore the defense of the monk Bukong's level, ignore any inner qi or even mental power, and directly start to deprive a person of vitality. This is simply impossible to prevent, and it is too terrifying.

One is the existence of the physical body comparable to the realm of the heaven and earth, and the other is the sacrifice that can endanger the power of the heaven and earth. .

God knows where the two of them, Chu Xiu, got it. With such strong strength, why haven't they heard of it before?

Just now, with the Subhuti Temple, they used their trump cards to fight for their lives, and they took out the Subhuti Treasure Tree and Utanbhara. They thought that the battle situation would be tilted. Whoever thought that Chu Xiu was turning their hands, they reversed the battle situation again. come over.

At this time, Chu Xiu and Rama had already started to fight. As soon as the two people started to fight, the power was like a shattering force. The two of them almost came up and started to fight for their lives.

After burning blood and soul, Rama's strength itself has exploded to its peak.

In addition, the blessing of the Subhuti tree and the power of Wandering Bharat are suppressing Chu Xiu's alien demonic energy, so that today's Rama is even more powerful than Chu Xiu.

As Chu Xiu slashed, Rama clasped his hands together, the shadow of the Subhuti tree swayed, and the golden Buddha light poured into Rama's hand. Direct silence in the hands!

Feeling that powerful force, Chu Xiu's expression changed slightly.

Among the powerhouses in the lower realm, Rama should be considered the youngest, but his strength is not the weakest, even the top ones.

And now that Rama started to fight for his life, that power made Chu Xiu extremely terrified.

Misty Slash's sword, which combines the word-breaking sword intent, can't help the opponent in the slightest. It is conceivable how powerful the current Rama is on the basis of strength.

Chu Xiu's body burned with the scorching world-annihilating fire, burning along the blade in the direction of Rama.

However, the fire of destroying the world was halfway through, and it touched the Buddha's light that erupted above Udumbara. Although it did not go out immediately, it was stuck in the middle of the road and could never take a step forward.

Chu Xiu frowned, the power of this ghost is so domineering, even the fire of the world can't suppress it.

At this time, the situation of the Kunlun Demon Sect people below is not too optimistic.

The number of people in the Subhuti Temple is not large, and the number of monks large and small together is less than a thousand people, which is not as good as one-tenth of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

However, with the Buddha's light of the worrying Tanbhara, the people under Chu Xiu's command were unable to enter the Subhuti Temple, and only a few people such as Lu Jianghe, Lu Fengxian and others were able to enter, but unfortunately, they were able to enter in an instant. Was beaten out again.

Before Chu Xiu could come up with a solution, Rama had already recited a Buddha's name, and a dazzling Buddha's light erupted from the Subhuti Treasure Tree and the golden fruit, and fell into Rama's hands. , and in an instant, a Zen staff that was completely condensed by golden Buddha light emerged.

With the fall of the Zen stick, Chu Xiu's whole body was completely blocked by the dazzling Buddha's light. The power of the Subhuti Treasure Tree had a link with the Utanbharata, so that Chu Xiu's whole body was completely shrouded in the Buddha's light, even after a while. Cut it open.

To be precise, it can be cut open after a while, but at the moment of cutting it, it will be filled with Buddha light.

The Zen staff fell into the air, the Dharma image of the Great Sun Tathagata appeared behind Chu Xiu, and he held the colorless Dingmudra in his hand to meet him, but he was defeated in an instant!

In this state, the power of Rama is simply frighteningly powerful. I am afraid that Ye Shaonan will be able to compare with him.

For a while, he was in front of him, and Chu Xiu's body instantly burst into a large amount of gold and silver internal energy.

The power of Utanbhara can ban all alien powers, but it cannot ban pure physical power.

However, simply resisting with physical strength, Chu Xiu was directly smashed to the ground by Rama's Zen stick, blasting a huge pothole.

Seeing Chu Xiu crawling out of the pothole in a state of embarrassment, no one of those warriors who watched the battle in secret mocked Chu Xiu, on the contrary, everyone's heart sank.

Because Chu Xiu's strength is beyond their imagination.

Although Chu Xiu was the one who suffered from the blow just now, who was he facing? Facing the **** monk Rama, who burns the energy and blood, and has the power of the Subhuti tree, Chuxiu himself was suppressed by the power of Udumbara.

The most important thing is that Chu Xiu is still the pinnacle of the real fire refining spirit realm, and he has not yet reached the realm of heaven and earth.

In the face of Chu Xiu in this state, normally speaking, it is normal for him to be slapped to death by Rama. As a result, although he was embarrassed, he got up and continued to fight like a normal person. This is called horror.

Rama frowned, but there was an anxious look on his face that was expressionless most of the time.

It's not that he is eager for success, but that Chu Xiu's strength is also beyond his imagination.

Burning Qi and blood and burning Yuanshen, he couldn't hold on for long. If Chu Xiu could not be killed in this battle, then their Subhuti Temple would have to experience another catastrophe sooner or later.

Rama let out a long breath, and as he folded his hands together and recited the Buddha's name, the Buddha's light above the Subhuti Treasure Tree rose up.

Feeling that power, Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly changed.

The pure demonic energy lingered around him, the handprints fell, the rain of tears and blood suddenly descended, and the powerful aura tore apart the void. Even the power of Wandering Bharat couldn't temporarily seal the space torn by the Great Compassion Curse.

The demon **** phantom stretched out half of his body and wanted to tear those Buddha lights to pieces, but the next moment, in the endless Buddha lights, a Buddha Dharma image had condensed out, covering the entire sky in an instant, chanting the Buddha's name together, and instantly The Buddhist sound and Sanskrit chanting resounded throughout the world.

Ten Thousand Buddhas!

The space torn by the demonic energy was collapsing, and the demon **** phantom wailed and shattered directly.

This is the first time that the Great Compassion Mantra has been directly suppressed in a head-to-head battle. The power of this power can be imagined.

And this is not over yet, the endless Buddha light turned into a powerful force of sealing shock, directly pressing Chu Xiu to the ground.

The real fire of internal power and the fire of destroying the world continued to erupt, but they could not stop this powerful force, and directly suppressed Chu Xiu to the ground, and in an instant, there was no life.

Everyone present was stunned, Chu Xiu died?

Although Rama's power of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty was indeed astonishing, it could even be said to be frightened, but Chu Xiu should not have died just like that.

The next moment, Rama suddenly turned around and clasped his palms together. The momentary moment that appeared from the void was directly held in his hand, revealing Chu Xiu's slightly pale face.

Rama said lightly: "It's very powerful illusion, even I didn't see the clue at first.

The Northern Buddhist sect trains the body and the Southern Buddhist sect cultivates the law. You think that I am only good at the powerful Buddhist arts, so you use the illusion at a great cost, and you want to kill me at close range.

But unfortunately, you are wrong. The lineage of Buddhism is actually not as fine as it is divided. Northern Buddhism trains the body, and Southern Buddhism cultivates the law. It was never from the mouths of my Subhuti Zen Temple and Daguangguang Temple. "

Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly changed, there was golden light blooming all over Rama's side, and a powerful force came from the blade, Chu Xiu was directly thrown out, and at the same time, Rama squeezed his fist and fell!

King Kong drops the devil seal, wrathful King Kong, slays the evil and suppresses the devil!

As if Chu Xiu was hit by a giant mountain, his figure was smashed into the ground again, and a huge pothole was smashed.

The power of the Indestructible Magic Pill in his body nourished Chu Xiu's, but it still caused him to have a trace of blood flowing out.

It has been a long time, no one has been able to make him so embarrassed!

Although Chu Xiu's eyes were full of fighting spirit, he did not lose his mind to the point of desperately using the Gorefiend to change the sky.

It was normal for Subhuti Temple to work hard this time, but now it was not his turn to work hard.

There are a lot of people around, who are staring at him. Unless he can completely solve the Subhuti Temple, he must have a bit of strength, and he must not work hard.

Chu Xiu shouted at Shang Tianliang and Wei Shuya: "How long will it take to break the worry Tan Bharat?"

The battle situation has now stalemate, the burning blood and soul, and the strength of Rama, blessed by the power of the Subhuti tree, are already strong enough to directly crush Chu Xiu. Can be bombarded again and again.

On the other side of Monk Bu Kong, after all, he was a warrior who had competed with the Kunlun Demon Sect five hundred years ago, and his combat power was equally extraordinary.

What he sacrificed was only his own vitality, not his combat power, so even if Hei Jie and Lu Fei joined forces and finally won him with energy consumption, they could not defeat him for the time being.

Therefore, the most critical place at the moment is the blooming Saddambara.

As long as that thing is broken, Chu Xiu will dare to use all his trump cards with confidence and win the battle.

Shang Tianliang said with a gloomy expression: "What are you reminding? This thing is very evil. The closer it is to him, the more serious the power of the alien species will be suppressed. When will it be smashed by fists alone?"

At this moment, Lu Fengxian, who was fighting with the monks of the Subhuti Temple below, suddenly left the battle group and stood up and said solemnly, "I'm coming!"


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