Meet The Leader

Chapter 1174: Unparalleled!

In this battle with the Subhuti Temple, the only ones who are qualified to stand on the topmost battlefield are those who are in the realm of Heaven and Earth.

Even though Lu Fengxian and others are very strong, they can only fight against others.

At this moment, Lu Fengxian suddenly stood up, but no one laughed or questioned, even Shang Tianliang and Wei Shuya subconsciously moved out of the way.

Not because of anything else, but because they believed in Lu Fengxian.

Different from other people from the Kunlun Demon Sect, it should be said that only Lu Fengxian in the entire Kunlun Demon Sect thought that Chu Xiu was his friend, so he stayed in the Kunlun Demon Sect to help Chu Xiu.

If not for this, let alone the Kunlun Demon Sect, even if Lu Fengxian was appointed by the Heavenly Sect as a divine general, he would not go.

And everyone has been in contact with Lu Fengxian for so long, so all the impressions of Lu Fengxian are only one, that is sincerity.

This is a person who will treat you with sincerity as long as you treat him with sincerity. Even Lu Jianghe's character, who is forced to say anything, can't say anything bad when facing Lu Fengxian.

Such Lu Fengxian would not speak big words, nor would he be brave. If he said that if he came, then he would definitely have a way to break the worry Tanbara.

Youtanbhara was above the Futu Pagoda, and the Futu Pagoda was at the very center of the entire Daguang Temple. Before Wei Shuya and Shang Tianliang joined forces, they only pushed forward less than one-fifth of the distance.

Lu Fengxian clenched his Fang Tianhuaji Wushuang with both hands. At this moment, the blood and energy in Lu Fengxian's body were boiling and burning.

Straws of blood-red mist swirled around Lu Fengxian's body, causing the surrounding space to begin to twist, and the ground beneath her feet began to crack.

It was not actually burning blood essence, but a scorching aura formed by boiling the power of qi and blood to the extreme, even so hot that the air was distorted.

Youtanbhara can forbid any power of alien attributes, but it cannot forbid pure physical power.

When Lu Fengxian didn't get the golden body of Jiuxiao Refining Demon, he was famous for his innate divine power, but at this time, the power of his fleshly body broke out, which was even stronger than Chu Xiu, who had become a real fire refining body. It is so powerful that his flesh body cannot bear this power!

Lu Fengxian's exposed skin began to crack, and a large stream of crimson aura gushed out, dyeing Lu Fengxian's eyes with a red, a crazy red.

But he suppressed this madness, and the Fang Tianhua Halberd in his hand, with the mighty power of shattering mountains and breaking seas, smashed straight at the worrying Tanbhara!

Shui Wu, who was fighting against others in the crowd, saw this scene, and couldn't help but be surprised: "It's Wushuang! The lord even understood this trick? Has he completely digested the mark left by the old lord?"

Lu Wenhou's Fang Tianhuaji is called Wushuang, and this move is also called Wushuang, because the power he burst out is unparalleled in the world!

Yan Chixiao, who used to be rough and arrogant in the past, shook his head and said, "I should have realized it long ago, the old master is completely dead, and the master is different.

Do you still remember when the old protagonist used Wushuang? It was when he was cornered. The old master's unparalleled ability will only be used for himself.

The lord has long understood Wushuang, but he has never used it for himself, but for Chu Xiu. This is the biggest difference between him and the old lord.

The lord and the old lord are always two people. "

After Yan Chixiao finished speaking, the other three also sighed, as if they had figured out something and were relieved.

In fact, at the beginning, the three of them recognized Lu Fengxian as the main body, entirely because Lu Wenhou's primordial spirit imprint and inheritance were on Lu Fengxian's body. In short, they regarded Lu Fengxian as a substitute for Lu Wenhou.

But after being with Lu Fengxian for so long, they have long been influenced by Lu Fengxian's charisma, and gradually realized a problem. Lu Fengxian is Lu Fengxian, never Lu Wenhou, not before, and not now.

Of course, this is no longer important to them. The important thing is that even if they want to understand this, they still want to take Lu Fengxian as the master and continue to call him the master.

At this time, seeing Lu Fengxian's outburst of such a powerful force, the expressions of the other warriors of the Subhuti Temple suddenly changed, and they wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Shang Tianliang and Wei Shuya, and they were not allowed to take a step closer to Lu Fengxian.

Fang Tianhua halberd smashed down like a landslide. Wherever it passed, there was an ear-piercing cracking sound. It was a powerful explosion caused by the blasting of the heaven and earth's vitality into particles invisible to the naked eye.

The purest physical power can reach this level, and even the existence of the realm of heaven and earth is very rare.

At this time, on the trunk of a giant tree in the distance, Chen Qingdi was standing on a high place, watching this scene.

The news of this battle was released so early, and of course Chen Qingdi knew it.

It's just that compared to so many other people's thoughts, Chen Qingdi is purely for the fun.

After seeing Lu Fengxian's blow, Chen Qingdi slapped and stood beside him with a fan, Xie Xiaolou almost didn't fall.

"Master, what are you beating me for?" Xie Xiaolou looked aggrieved.

Chen Qingdi said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just a pity that boy Lu Fengxian didn't join my world alliance at the beginning."

All Jianghu people felt that Chu Xiu was extremely amazing. Of course, this was not a feeling, but it was indeed a fact.

But only Chen Qingdi is different. Although he also admires Chu Xiu, he appreciates Lu Fengxian more, appreciates the strength of the other party, and appreciates the character of the other party.

The first time I saw Chu Xiu and Chen Qingdi, I could feel that Chu Xiu was definitely not the kind of person who could be subordinated to others. It was more trouble to recruit him into the sect.

As for Lu Fengxian, who values ​​love and righteousness, and treats people with sincerity, there are very few such people who will either die or become distorted in this turbid world.

It's a pity that there is no fate. When Lu Fengxian was not yet famous, he invited him, but the other party refused, let alone now.

At this time, Xie Xiaolou was almost on the verge of crying, and he said with a deep puzzlement: "You're sorry Brother Lu, why did you beat me?"

Chen Qingdi glanced at Xie Xiaolou and said, "Why, can't the master want to beat you?

Look at others and look at you again. Your friends in the past, two of you who are on the Dragon and Tiger list with you, one is about to be in the world, and the other is amazing. Looking at you at this time, is it difficult for you to fight? "

Hearing what Chen Qingdi said, Xie Xiaolou didn't dare to say more.

Compare yourself with those two monsters? This is shameless, is there any comparison?

He directly gave up the treatment and said: "You can fight, you can fight, just give me a breath, don't let the world alliance break the inheritance."

Chen Qingdi snorted coldly, but he was not willing to continue, and continued to look at the battle situation ahead.

Lu Fengxian's halberd is pure and extremely powerful, and the Buddha's light intercepted it in front of him layer by layer, but it couldn't stop his halberd's power.

The Fang Tianhua halberd, which was burnt to the point of being red by pure power, fell, and at that moment everyone felt as if the ground was shaking. A crack appeared on the bronze forged Futu Pagoda, and the surrounding earth shattered one after another. , A petal of Udumbara shattered directly under the halberd of Lu Fengxian.

Although the Wandering Bharat just shattered a petal, the power in the entire flower seemed to have dissipated, the flower was closing and withering, and the power enveloped in the Subhuti Temple was slowly shrinking.

After cutting out the halberd, Lu Fengxian knelt on one knee directly on the ground, gasping for breath, blood lines appeared on the skin, and blood was seeping out. Obviously, the blow just now took a huge toll on him.

Seeing this, Shui Wu and others immediately surrounded him and looked around vigilantly.

But they thought too much, and without the strength and blessing of Utanbhara, the Subhuti Temple immediately fell into the disadvantage, and was besieged by an enemy ten times their size.

When Shang Tianliang and Wei Shuya saw this scene, they immediately freed their hands to attack both sides.

Wei Shuya and Hei Jie went to besiege the monk Bukong, while Shang Tianliang and Chu Xiu besieged Rama.

Shang Tianliang threw a punch, the power of Ku Rong exploded, and the strange power rippled in his fist style.

But Rama just squeezed the Buddha's seal in his hand, like a Buddha smiling while holding a flower. In an instant, a blue fruit on the Subhuti Treasure Tree merged into the Buddha's seal, directly integrating the business Tianliang smashed it to the ground and smashed it to the ground, creating a big hole.

Shang Tianliang grinned and got up, now he understands how Chu Xiu felt before.

This monk desperately burst out with such power, it is indeed difficult to resist, even he has not resisted Chu Xiu yet.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Mall owner, don't be in a hurry to fight hard, Rama in this state can't fight.

Although the power brought by his burning qi and blood primordial spirit is powerful, it is limited. Even if he is young and strong, and his qi and blood is at its peak, how long can he burn? In the end, he was the one who couldn't hold on! "

Shang Tianliang snorted coldly: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"If you don't experience it yourself, how do you know the power of this power?"

At this time, on Rama's side, Rama, who had always been very calm, was also anxious at this time.

Variables, all variables.

They didn't count Hei Jie and Lu Fei, so when they made the plan, they thought their cards would be able to compete with Chu Xiu.

They didn't even calculate that Lu Fengxian's strength was so strong. With the cultivation of the real fire refining spirit realm, a physical power that was even more terrifying than most of the experts in the realm of heaven, earth and profound understanding broke out. The just blooming Wandering Bharat begins to close.

These variables have put their Subhuti Temple in crisis now, and if they don't think of a solution, their Subhuti Temple will probably follow in the footsteps of Daguang Temple.

After checking his remaining qi, blood and primordial spirit, and estimating his own limit, Rama said solemnly: "Xiao Mohe, start the six-path Buddha rebirth formation, half an hour, I only need half an hour!"


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