Meet The Leader

Chapter 1181: half-step

PS: This chapter is for the reward of the silver cod fish, the concubine of the silver alliance.

Threatening the lord of a country in public is something that only Chu Xiu can do in the entire arena.

All the warriors belonging to Dongqi in the hall looked bad.

The largest dynasty in the Central Plains makes people so threatening, how could they not be angry?

Seeing the attitude of Dong Qi's group, Chu Xiu couldn't help shaking his head.

He had expected it before that when he went to the Zhenwu Sect, as long as he threatened with a tough attitude, the Zhenwu Sect would agree to him 99% of the time.

Because the Zhenwu Sect has not competed with him once or twice, he knows his horror, and he also knows his Chu Xiu's character.

But Dong Qi did not.

Except for the time when they attacked Beiyan, Dongqi almost never fought against Chu Xiu, which led them to underestimate the degree of threat to Chu Xiu, which is not a good thing.

Lu Haochang coughed, and a cold look appeared in his eyes: "Is Cult Master Chu threatening me?"

No matter how stupid and useless Lu Haochang is, he is also the emperor of the Eastern Qi, the ruler of the world's largest country, how could he not be angry when he is so threatened by a Jianghu person? He is not Meng Yunsheng of Western Chu, and he did not dare to speak loudly when dealing with those martial arts sects in Western Chu.

"Cult Master Chu, please pay attention to your words, I am not a wild river and lake!"

Among the Eastern Qi royal family, an old man held an ancient bronze long sword in both hands, but it exuded an extremely powerful aura, which was extremely calm and heavy.

The terrain is kun, and the gentleman carries things with great virtue.

This is the protector of the country from the Eastern Qi, the Houtu Sword!

This sword is stronger than Beiyan's Nine Dragons Seal. After all, with the strength of Dongqi, the power of its dragon veins is not comparable to Beiyan.

And although this old man is not in the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan realm, but looking at the aura on his body, he already has one foot in the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan realm.

It is not surprising to gather the strength of the entire Eastern Qi royal family to cultivate such a strong man. Holding the Back Earth Sword, in the Eastern Qi Imperial City, even the ordinary powerhouses in the Heaven, Earth, and Profound Realm can't help each other.

Although Chu Xiu is not in the realm of heaven and earth, he is not ordinary.

After a long laugh, Chu Xiu said lightly: "This old gentleman, please pay attention to your words. Dongqi is looking down on me, such as Jianghu grass? Looking at a thousand years ago, you Dongqi royal family, didn't you also come from Jianghu grass? "

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, a wisp of pure magic energy erupted from his body, and the surrounding heaven and earth vitality swarmed into his body, and a huge storm was formed around him in an instant!

The suction was so strong that even the power in the formation in the Eastern Qi Palace was inhaled by Chu Xiu. His body began to soar, like a **** and Buddha. , with a look of astonishment flashing in his eyes, and he couldn't even say a word.

The main hall of Dongqi is very tall and majestic, more than ten feet high, like a huge tall building.

Chu Xiu's figure soared to the top of the hall, and then the breath dissipated in an instant, standing there as if nothing was happening.

Although the consumption of Fa Tianxiangdi is huge, now Chu Xiuke did not directly use Fa Tianxiangdi, but only used half of it and gave up. He can still sustain this consumption.

But even if it was just beginning to be displayed, the power was enough to shock everyone present.

Looking at everyone present, Chu Xiu said lightly, "Everyone knows about Beiyan's relationship with me, and I know that Your Majesty may be worried that I will take Chao Yun away and leak Dongqi's formation to Beiyan.

There is no need to worry about this, Your Majesty, these things of the mortal world are no longer what I pursue, and I am too lazy to intervene in the battle between the three kingdoms.

So let me ask again, people, does His Majesty borrow or not borrow? "

Before Lu Haochang said a word, the old man with the back earth sword said directly: "From now on, the ghost king will no longer be my guest minister of Daqi. Cult Master Chu can use it whenever he wants."

Lu Haochang looked at the old man in astonishment and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

This old man is the oldest and the strongest among his Eastern Qi royal family. Since he has said so, it means that in his opinion, the current Chu Xiu, even if they gather their entire Eastern Qi power. Can't stop it.

It may be possible to stop it, but at a great price.

Face is small, life and death are big.

Although Lu Haochang knew that he didn't have much time left to live, the more time this happened, the rarer the time he was alive.

So Lu Haochang just pondered for a moment, and then said directly: "Go and bring Chao Yun here."

After a while, a sloppy old man in a black robe was brought over, and he scolded as he walked, "Why did you call me here? I still have an unfinished formation!"

Lu Haochang coughed and said, "Chao Su, this is the Cult Master Chu of the Kunlun Demon Sect. From now on, you will not be my guest Qing of Dongqi, you can just follow the Cult Master Chu."

Chao Chen glanced at Chu Xiu in amazement. After all, even if he threw himself into the formation, he didn't bother to inquire about the right and wrong on the rivers and lakes. He also knew the name of the demon master, Chu Xiu.

But then he snorted coldly: "I'm not going! I still have a lot of formations here that I haven't finished yet, what should I do?"

The expressions of Lu Haochang and the others suddenly changed.

They didn't expect that they and others agreed, and Chao Yun didn't even do it here.

It would be bad if Chu Xiu misunderstood and they were the ones making a fuss.

At this time, Chu Wuji said: "Chao Su, don't worry about your formations, come to my holy religion, my holy religion can give you more formations for you to study.

Have you ever heard of the name of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable, one of the Four Great Demon Venerables of my Holy Sect in the past? The legacy of the formation he left behind is in my holy religion.

If you do things for the Holy Religion well, these things can also make you look at it. "

Of course, Chao Su has heard of the name of Tianku Mozun. It should be said that everyone who studies the formation technique, whether it is the right way or the magic way, has heard of it.

When Chao Chen stopped, he couldn't help looking at Chu Xiu and said, "What he said counts?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Of course it counts, can my Holy Sect still deceive you?"

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Chao Chen nodded neatly and left behind Chu Xiu.

After Chu Xiu and the others left, everyone in the hall let out a sigh of relief.

The existence of Chu Xiu put too much pressure on them.

The old man from the Eastern Qi royal family said solemnly to Lu Haochang, "Your Majesty, the world of Jianghu is about to change.

From now on, I will take back all the people who have been placed in the rivers and lakes.

The rivers and lakes are the rivers and lakes, and the temples are the temples. From now on, I will only take care of the people of the world, and I will not care about the grassy rivers and lakes. "

Hearing the old man say this, Lu Haochang couldn't help but say: "Then Chu Xiu is really so terrifying? It's so terrifying that I can't do anything with the power of Dongqi alone?"

The old man nodded and said, "It's more terrifying than His Majesty imagined.

But don't worry, Your Majesty, just like what Chu Xiu said, at his level, what he pursues is no longer the pitiful power in the mortal world, but the ultimate power of true power.

So as long as Your Majesty doesn't provoke him, the Kunlun Demon Sect will naturally not attack me Dongqi.

Five hundred years ago, Dugu and I was more powerful than this Chu Xiu, but it was the whole river and lake that suffered, not the world. "


On the top of Kunlun Mountain, next to the rootless holy fire.

Master Yuan Ji did not expect that Chu Xiu would bring Chao Xuan and Zhuge Qingshan with him so quickly.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "What I have to do is very simple, that is, to find a way to connect this rootless holy fire from the top of Kunlun Mountain to the land of Nanman. As long as it is completed, the benefits will inevitably be two."

Zhuge Qingshan frowned, this is not an ordinary difficulty, but he did not doubt anything.

After Chu Xiu occupied the land of Nanman, he established many branches in the land of Nanman, as if he wanted to take Nanman as an important stronghold, and it was normal to increase some power here.

Chao Min rubbed his hands excitedly. For him, this kind of challenging thing was exactly what he needed.

Chu Xiu called Master Yuan Ji over and explained a few words to him, and then he went directly back to Daluotian retreat.

Before Master Yuan Ji came, he had completely opened up the communication channel between the two realms. If something happened in the lower realm, Chu Xiu would be able to receive the news immediately.

This time in retreat, Chu Xiu also wanted to try to see if he could break through the realm of heaven and earth.

After successive fierce battles with the powerhouses in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, Chu Xiu's understanding of the entire realm can be said to be very familiar. He has even touched the bottleneck, and he is only one step away from to be able to break through.

In the closed room of the Cangwu County Governor's House, Chu Xiu spent seven to seventy-nine days in retreat this time.

The heaven and earth in the entire closed room were frighteningly rich in vitality, almost like flowing water, forming a liquid appearance.

At this time, if someone stretched out their hand and stirred the vitality of the day, they could even make it flow.

Chu Xiu's spiritual energy had already climbed to its peak. The next moment, a terrifying suction force emerged from Chu Xiu's body, and all the energy of heaven and earth was absorbed into the body by Chu Xiu, leaving a vacuum.

The vacuum area was constantly distorted, and Chu Xiu even tried to control this area and change the rules.

The twisting aura in the space was getting faster and faster, but at the last moment, it seemed that he couldn't bear this powerful force, and it exploded completely.

Chu Xiu let out a long breath and opened his eyes.

He succeeded, but failed again.

It is said to be successful because he now has the power of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, and also has the Yuanshen of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. With a wave of his hand, the power in one side of the world can be controlled by him, which is already the same as the normal world. The experts in the Tongxuan realm are no different.

But where Chu Xiu failed was that he failed to condense the domain successfully.

Chu Xiu knew where the problem was, and it happened to be where he was best at.

His power system is so complicated that he doesn't even know what kind of field he should concentrate on, which is embarrassing.

Therefore, he still only stays in the control of one side of the world, not the complete control, and changes the realm of one side of the world.

Therefore, the current Chu Xiu can only be regarded as half-step heaven and earth.


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