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Chapter 1182: talk about martial arts

PS: This chapter is for the reward of the silver cod fish, the concubine of the silver alliance.

Half-step Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan can also be regarded as Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan, anyway, after Chu Xiu left the customs, Shang Tianliang first felt that there was something wrong with Chu Xiu's aura.

He looked at Chu Xiu in amazement and said, "You actually broke through?"

Although Chu Xiu's cultivation speed is well known, but Chu Xiu has stepped into the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan so quickly, which still makes Shang Tianliang unacceptable, which is simply too shocking.

Even if it is placed in a place like Daluotian, the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm is considered a strong person, able to dominate a region, and in the lower realm, it is even a supreme level of martial arts. How old is Chu Xiu? To be able to achieve such a cultivation base is indeed a bit terrifying.

But Shang Tianliang reacted immediately after he was amazed.

"Wait, something is wrong, you haven't fully stepped into the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, what's your situation? I feel that you can clearly break through, and you can walk through it in one step, and you still have half a leg left in the real fire to refine God. What are you doing?"

"Don't be sarcastic, I'm also going to ask you to ask Wei Lao about this question."

In fact, in terms of combat power alone, Chu Xiu has even completely surpassed Wei Shuya and Shang Tianliang.

But combat power is combat power, and understanding of martial arts is understanding, and the two cannot be confused.

Chu Xiu's strength is completely tempered by uninterrupted fighting.

For normal people to break through, they must first accumulate strength, and then spend a lot of time comprehending the world, learning this realm, and so on.

Chu Xiu is different. As a challenger who often leapfrogged, when he did not break through, he fought fiercely with a powerhouse that was a level higher than himself, and realized the power of this realm in the battle of life and death, like a robber, crazy plundering .

Although this method made his breakthrough very fast, when it comes to his understanding of the realm, he is really inferior to Wei Shuya and Shang Tianliang, who came up step by step.

Of course, Chu Xiu also took one step at a time, but he did not come up, but killed him.

After Chu Xiu finished talking about his situation, Wei Shuya and Shang Tianliang shook their heads at the same time.

This is the first time they have heard of this situation, but there are people who can't break through because they don't know what kind of field to condense. Chu Xiu is also a strange thing.

Wei Shuya pondered for a moment and said, "Your question is indeed very strange, at least in my experience, I have never encountered such a thing, because the path you took is too special, but you can think in a different direction. Consider this question.

For you, Martial Dao, what exactly is Dao? What does it have to do with heaven and earth? "

"The way of fighting!"

Chu Xiu answered directly without thinking.

Since the day he practiced martial arts, Chu Xiu has always thought and done it.

If he wants to live, he wants to live better, to stand higher, he will fight, he will fight.

So Martial Dao is the way of fighting for him.

"What do you think of the store owner?" Wei Shuya asked.

Shang Tianliang said solemnly: "The way of life!

Boy Chu Xiu has been in that ghostly place in Ludu. Without strength, you can't even live to be ten years old.

Martial arts is fighting for life with heaven!

Martial Artists born in Green Capital don't know what Dao is, and they don't even know what Martial Arts is. They just want to live. This is human nature and human instinct. "

Wei Shuya nodded and said, "What the store owner said is very close.

In the past, the head of the five heavenly demons in Jiutian Mountain, and my sworn brother once said that martial arts is actually the way to defy the sky!

For the first time, the unity of heaven and earth perceives the power of heaven and earth. Martial Dao Zhendan borrows the power of heaven and earth, and the real fire refining **** controls the power of heaven and earth, and then goes to heaven and earth to open the mystery, and directly changes the world with its own power.

Martial arts practice, it seems that every step is related to heaven and earth, but in fact, it is against the sky, stealing the power of the sky! "

Wei Shuya pointed at Chu Xiu, then pointed at himself and said, "You and I were born as human beings and weak by nature, but step by step, we have reached the point where we can move mountains with only one hand, breaking rivers and covering seas. This is not the way to go against the sky. What?

Although your martial arts are numerous, as long as you can comprehend a little, it is enough. The domain is completely controlled by you.

Heaven and earth can't suppress you, rules can no longer restrain you, within the realm, you are heaven!

You can understand this, and it doesn't matter what kind of realm you can evolve into in the end, because it must be the path you want to take. "

Chu Xiu nodded thoughtfully. For Chu Xiu, what Mr. Wei said was an experience and an enlightenment.

For a long time, Chu Xiu's strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and his combat power is even more impressive, but the realm above the martial arts seems to be a little unstable, which is exactly what he lacks.

Shang Tianliang was also surprised and said: "Your sworn eldest brother is a talent. If he is not dead, he will definitely be a person in the future."

There was a hint of sadness in Wei Shuya's eyes, but he pointed at himself and said in a proud tone: "The five heavenly demons in Jiutian Mountain, including the old man and me, are all mediocre!"

After speaking, Wei Shuya said in a low tone, "It's just that they were born in the wrong age."

Chu Xiu also nodded, he understood Wei Shuya's feelings.

More than 300 years ago, the Kunlun Demon Sect had just been destroyed for more than 200 years. The power of the righteous way was at its peak. Even Ye Shaonan, who worshipped the moon, was not born, and the entire demonic way was at a loss.

The five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain were born in that era, and no matter how amazing they were, they could not turn the tide.

If they were born now, they would also be able to become giant owls of the devil's way.

Just when Chu Xiu was about to go back to retreat, Xu Fengshan suddenly ran in in a panic, holding the news and said with a panicked face: "Sir, Ye Weikong, it's coming!"

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "Has it been confirmed?"

Xu Fengshan nodded again and again: "Ye Weikong is about to finish inspecting Lingluo County at this time, and he personally told others that he was going to come to Cangwu County to see what kind of person could kill Ye Tianqing.

He said this while standing in front of the county governor's office in Lingluo County. Many martial artists who were watching heard it. It is estimated that they will be leaving in a few days! "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

Xu Fengshan was stunned, what do you mean by knowing? How?

Before he could ask, Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "I will solve this matter."

Hearing Chu Xiu say this, Xu Fengshan didn't ask the last word, so he left with worry and hesitation.

Chu Xiu frowned and knocked on the table. Ye Wei's heart was too small, he just killed one of his subordinates who was in the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm.

Of course, if Chu Xiu's words were heard by others, they would definitely give him a slap in the face.

In the entire Hanjiang City, there are not many experts in the realm of Heaven, Earth, and Profound Realm that you can kill.

To confront the existence of the Martial Immortal Realm head-on, Chu Xiu's head is not so iron.

More than a month has passed, and I don't know what happened to Master Yuan Ji.

Chu Xiu went straight to the lower realm, but as soon as he left Nanman, he saw that Master Yuan Ji, Zhuge Qingshan and Chao Su were already busy in the Nanman land.

Of course, the Rootless Sacred Fire was not directly introduced into the passage between the two realms, but a branch near it.

After Chu Xiu got there, he just happened to see that in a large array made of white jade, golden and silver flames were rising, straight into the sky, and it was the rootless holy fire burning on the top of Kunlun Mountain!

"Have you been successful?"

Seeing Chu Xiu coming, Zhuge Qingshan nodded, Master Yuan Ji just wanted to go over to repay his merits, when Chao Yun said impatiently: "I'll tell you if I succeed, do I still need you to check it out in person?

It was only half of the success. Although the rootless holy fire was successfully introduced here, this kind of heaven and earth creation is too overbearing. After it is attracted, it can only maintain 80% of its power.

Zhuge Laoer's idea is good, borrowing the ice jade that is also produced by the top of Kunlun Mountain as the carrier of the rootless holy fire formation, it is indeed able to transmit the rootless holy fire.

However, although Bingyu was born on the top of Kunlun Mountain, it is not a natural thing. Although it is contaminated with a part of the rootless sacred fire, it is still unable to present it perfectly. Even 80% of its power cannot last long. time.

We have tried it, and within three days, the ice jade will melt completely in three days at most. Without a suitable carrier, don't even think of successfully transmitting the rootless holy fire. "

Chu Xiu nodded, not to mention three days, one day is enough for him.

Chu Xiu called Master Yuan Ji out and asked, "How long will it take to connect this formation to Da Luotian?"

Master Yuan Ji knew about Daluotian's affairs and Chu Xiu's He was shocked when he heard this, and then said: "Two days, two days is enough.

This formation was deduced by the three of us together. The teleportation formation between the two worlds is ready-made. I can also complete the formation alone in Da Luotian. Two days is enough. "

Chu Xiu nodded, returned to the main hall, and said to Zhuge Qingshan and Chao Su: "The two of you will take a break for a while, and then do special research on the formation method."

Zhuge Qingshan shrugged indifferently. Anyway, he was being intimidated, so he would do whatever Chu Xiu asked him to do.

But Chao Yun looked angrily and said: "Why? Do you know how much of my inspiration will be wasted if you stop at a critical moment? Don't think that you are the master of the Kunlun Demon Sect and you can point fingers here, above the formation, and also It's not your turn to command here!"

Chu Xiu looked at Chao Yun and said coldly, "Remember, this is not a suggestion, but an order!

Also, I hate people calling themselves Laozi in front of me. "

Chao Chen was taken aback by Chu Xiu's eyes, but he still clenched his neck and said, "What? Are you still trying to kill me? I am afraid of everything, but I am not afraid of death!"

Chu Xiu sneered: "Aren't you afraid of death? There is no one in this world who is not afraid of death!

If you want to study these formations, you can only study them while you are alive. If you die, will you go to the underworld to talk about formations with King Yama?

I will give you one more chance. If you want to die, I will fulfill you. Anyway, you are not the only one of the formation masters on the rivers and lakes! "

No one is afraid of death, no matter how arrogant Chao Min is, he can see a murderous intent in Chu Xiu's eyes, a real murderous intent.

So in the end, he had to leave in despair, not daring to continue to challenge Chu Xiu.


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