Meet The Leader

Chapter 1198: Listen and you won't die

In the land of Bazhong and Shu, mist and rain are like silk.

Xue Wuli walked in the hazy mist and rain. He didn't use True Qi to guide the rain, but let them fall on his body. He even closed his eyes and enjoyed this feeling.

He has never seen rain, and it will not rain in Kunlun Mountain.

This is the first time Xue Wuli has come to the outside world since he was brought into Tianmen when he was a child. It may be a little longer, and he even forgot what the rain looks like.

Then again, this time he was able to go out, in fact, he still had to thank Chu Xiu from the Kunlun Demon Sect.

If Chu Xiu hadn't killed the idiot Luo Shenjun, resulting in a vacancy for the gods, this time there were two more places in the ranking of gods, maybe he would have to stay in Tianmen to continue his penance.

Becoming a **** of the Tianmen is of course something that many people wish for, but you have to endure decades of stagnant ascetic cultivation, as well as battles and battles between the same sect.

In the ranking of **** generals, no one will keep their hands, because only by becoming a **** general can one have the qualification to step into the gate of heaven, and have the qualification to be free!

Although it was only a period of freedom, it was enough to be able to enjoy this feeling.

In fact, Xue Wuli had discovered the Tongtian key in the mission, but he had never been in a hurry to grab it. Instead, he slowly followed behind the other party, enjoying this feeling, a kind of cat and mouse. the same feeling.

In a simple pavilion by the official road, a man wearing a hat was hiding there from the rain, holding a large box in his arms, but his expression was sneaky. When he saw Xue Wuli walking into the pavilion, he He was also shocked, but after seeing that the other party was not those people, he was relieved.

But then he said with a faint smile on Xue Wuli's face, "Abandoned disciple Tang Zhan?"

The man named Tang Zhan suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Who are you?"

Xue Wuli shook his head and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm not the one sent by the Tang Sect to hunt you down."

Hearing what Xue Wuli said, Tang Zhan was relieved, but the next moment, Xue Wuli said: "But you have something on your body that I really need, you don't know its value, that's okay to say, but you are now Surely you can guess, it's important, so I can't keep you.

Killing people, tsk tsk, this is the first time for me to do this kind of thing, I have no experience, but don't worry, it shouldn't be very painful. "

Xue Wuli said a lot in those rambles, but Tang Zhan immediately lifted the big box in front of him. The next moment, countless hidden weapons were smashed towards Xue Wuli like a torrential rain!

This scene seems amazing, but what happened next caused Tang Zhan to collapse directly.

His proud work, those various, well-crafted hidden weapons are simply vulnerable in the face of Xue Wuli.

There is no hidden weapon that can penetrate the bloodless body protection qi, and they all fall to the ground.

Tang Zhan only has the strength of the unity of nature and man. This time he completely understands that he and the other party are completely different!

Just when Xue Wuli just stretched out a hand and was about to grab Tang Zhan, a voice came faintly: "Heavenly Gate God General Xue Wuli?"

The hand that Xue Wuli had just stretched out suddenly shrank, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

When someone came to him, he didn't even notice it!

Behind Xue Wuli, Chu Xiu stood there so quietly, the raindrops fell on him, and were not bounced off by the qi, but strangely merged into his body, converging into a stream-like river under his feet. , as if he himself existed in this world.

Lu Jianghe held an oil-paper bag in his hand, which turned out to be a snack of Bashu's fried crispy pork.

He stood on the other side, eating while watching the bloodless as if he were watching a play.

To deal with a warrior who is in the realm of real fire, even if he is a **** of the Tianmen, Chu Xiu has the feeling of killing a chicken with a dragon-slaying knife. There is no difficulty, so he has no intention of making a move.

"Chu...Chu Xiu!"

Xue Wuli's originally calm and relaxed eyes instantly became extremely horrified.

The Demon Lord Chu Xiu, the Chu Xiu who killed the two gods in their Tianmen, the Chu Xiu who just destroyed the Northern and Southern Buddhist sects!

Even if Xue Wuli had a high self-esteem and carried the inherent arrogance of a Tianmen martial artist, when facing Chu Xiu, those so-called arrogance turned into panic, and he didn't even have the courage to fight against Chu Xiu.

The next moment, a layer of blood mist erupted all over Xue Wuli's body, merging into the raindrops all over his body.

Almost in an instant, people have appeared a hundred feet away, leaving only a faint layer of blood mist in the air.

Xue Wuli was considered extremely resolute, and without saying a word, he directly used the Blood Escape Secret Technique.

"Where do you want to go?"

Xue Wuli looked ahead in horror. He obviously didn't feel Chu Xiu moving, but Chu Xiu appeared in front of him strangely.

Xue Wuli just turned around, and before he could move, another figure of Chu Xiu appeared in the direction he was looking at!

"Am I that scary? You run away when you see me."

Xue Wuli looked around, in all directions, all were Chu Xiu's figure, even if he raised his mental power to the extreme, he couldn't see clearly which one was real and which was fake.

"Ah ah ah! Give me death!"

Xue Wuli roared wildly, punched out, and the boundless blood mist merged into the surrounding raindrops, making the raindrops filled with violent qi, and swayed wildly towards the surroundings.

A violent qi shock erupted, even knocking Guan Lu beyond recognition, and Chu Xiu's figure was finally lost around him.

Just when Xue Wuli breathed a sigh of relief, a voice came from behind him.

"Are you looking for me?"

As soon as Xue Wuli turned his head, Chu Xiu easily tore his body-protecting qi, pinched it directly on his neck, and lifted him up, the powerful qi poured into Xue Wuli. In his body, the meridians of his whole body were instantly blocked.

"Be obedient, don't move, and you won't die."

Lu Jianghe did not know when he hid in the pavilion. Seeing that Chu Xiu was picking up Xue Wuli like a little chicken, he couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Poor child."

Seeing Tang Zhan, who was already stunned, Lu Jianghe handed over the little crispy meat in his hand: "Here's a piece? Hey, is the thing that shoots hidden weapons made? It's interesting, but the hidden weapons are a bit weak, if you use them Good materials are made, and the formation pattern is inscribed, and it can even kill warriors in the real Dan realm and the real fire refining spirit realm.

By the way, I also know a guy. He also plays hidden weapons. His surname is Tang. His name is Tang Ya. Do you recognize him? "

Tang Zhan subconsciously took a small piece of crispy meat and threw it into his mouth, but he forgot to even chew it.

Everything that happened today was a bit destructive to him.

The strength of Xue Wuli before has made him feel unable to resist, it is a kind of power that makes people feel hopeless.

As a result, such a person is now trembling in his hands. The impact of this scene on Tang Zhan is very huge.

The bloodless power at this time is not actually the shivering in Tang Zhan's eyes. Although he is indeed shaking, it is also because Chu Xiu has blocked the meridians of his whole body, and the qi is running strongly in his body, so it is given to people. A shivering feeling.

Although he is a newly promoted Heavenly Gate God, he is still a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining.

But at this time, there was a hint of despair in Xue Wuli's eyes.

He knew the relationship between Chu Xiu and Tianmen, and later he also learned from Zhu Tianxiao's mouth that last time Jun Wushen used nails and seven arrows to plot against Chu Xiu.

But it was because he knew this that he felt hopeless.

He fell into the hands of Chu Xiu, who had a blood feud with Tianmen, and he no longer had hope for his own survival.

Before, he was still thinking that he should thank Chu Xiu for beheading Luo Shenjun, giving him a chance to ascend.

As a result, now that Chu Xiu killed him, someone in Tianmen should thank Chu Xiu for giving him a chance to rise.

Thinking like this, Xue Wuli gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Xiu, you are also the master of the Kunlun Demon Sect, the devil's giant owl, the supreme figure in the rivers and lakes, if you are brave enough, give me a happy one!"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Who said that I want to kill you? I said, as long as you are obedient, you will not die."

The next moment Chu Xiu's figure moved, and he came to the pavilion.

He glanced at Tang Zhan and asked, "Do you know me?"

Tang Zhan shivered for a while, and it seemed that he had just come to his senses, and bowed respectfully to Chu Xiu: "Let's go down to Tang Jiabao, Abandoned Disciple Tang Zhan, and I've seen Cult Master Chu!

I was originally an ordinary hidden weapon craftsman in the Tang family, because..."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "I'm not interested in hearing about your messy life experience. You've seen enough things today. Logically, I should kill you to silence you.

But you sure don't want to die, so give me a reason, what can you do? What's the value in you to keep me from killing you? "

Tang Zhanxiao's face turned pale, his brain was blank, he almost subconsciously shouted: "I have researched a set of thousands of hidden weapon techniques based on the secret weapon map of Tangjiabao, and the thousands of hidden weapons have changed. As long as there are enough materials, and a strong enough formation is engraved on the hidden weapon, it can kill the powerhouse in the real Dan realm and even the real fire refining spirit realm!

There is no blueprint for the Thousand Machine Changes, the blueprints are in my head, and only I can create the Thousand Machine Changes in the whole world! "

Lu Jianghe on the side pouted, this kid copied his idea, but he brought up these two points just now.

Chu Xiu nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, from now on, you will be a member of my Holy Religion, and you will be responsible for creating hidden weapons for my Holy Religion and the thousands of changes you mentioned."

Just when Tang Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, Chu Xiu said again: "Take that thing out of your body, it's not a good thing, it will lead to death."

With that said, Chu Xiu waved his hand, and a brocade box flew out from Tang Zhan's body, the lid opened, and inside it was a key to the sky!


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