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Chapter 1199: Tianmen secret

After getting the Tongtian key on Tang Zhan's body, Chu Xiu didn't ask Tang Zhan how this thing came from, so he gave him a token and sent Tang Zhan himself to the branch of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the land of the southern barbarians to report. , Anyway, with Tang Zhan's strength, he would never dare to think carefully, and he was already thankful that he could survive.

Taking a look at the Tongtian Key, this thing is actually irrelevant to Chu Xiu now, and the Tongtian Key carefully collected by Tianmen is no longer mysterious to Chu Xiu.

"You want this?"

Chu Xiu shook the Tongtian key in front of Xue Wuli.

Xue Wuli snorted coldly: "If you want to kill, kill, you are such a big man, is it interesting to humiliate me like this?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I said, as long as you are obedient, I will not kill you. If I really want to kill you, do I still need to do it myself?"

Xue Wuli glanced at Lu Jianghe, who was eating and watching a play. This one alone was enough to restrain him.

Their exercises are somewhat similar, but his strength is definitely not as good as the Hall Master of the Gorefiend Hall five hundred years ago.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Xue Wuli looked at Chu Xiu with confusion in his eyes.

As Chu Xiu said, it seems that he really didn't intend to kill himself this time.

Chu Xiu put the Tongtian key in front of Xue Wuli, and said lightly: "Is the gatekeeper very imposing that day? It's not a retreat all day, just to collect this thing, even if there is no news of this thing appearing on the rivers and lakes, you Can't even get out of the gate.

Have you considered changing owners? The hall master of my holy religion, who commands thousands of masters of the devil's way, is majestic and powerful, even if the head of the great faction sees it, he will bow to greet him, is it not as powerful as you, a lonely **** of heaven in the future? "

With that said, Chu Xiu pointed at Lu Jianghe and said, "That guy who knows all day long that he can be the head of the Gorefiend Hall for two generations, do you think that if I give you a chance, you will be worse than him? "

Lu Jianghe was stunned, who did he provoke? Is it wrong to eat something?

At this time, Xue Wuli was already stunned by Chu Xiu's words.

He never thought that Chu Xiu would actually recruit himself and a Heavenly Sect general.

Xue Wuli is not an idiot, on the contrary he is very smart.

An existence that can stand out in the ranking of gods has either strength or brains, and nothing but a stepping stone.

Thinking of Chu Xiu's relationship with Tianmen, he understood what Chu Xiu meant almost instantly.

"Want me to go to Tianmen as an undercover agent?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "I like to deal with smart people without too much nonsense.

The exercises you practice are also related to the blood line, so you should be aware of the existence of the blood demon magic.

Let Lu Jianghe leave the blood imprint of the Gorefiend on you. As long as you are obedient, the blood imprint will not erupt. When you become the master of my holy church, the blood imprint will naturally be lifted. "

Looking at Chu Xiu, Xue Wuli suddenly laughed strangely: "Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu, I really didn't expect you to be so courageous.

Over the years, there have been very few people in the arena who want to fight the gods of heaven. You still want to buy me as an undercover agent. You are creative.

But alas, you got the wrong idea, it's simply not possible. "

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and glanced at Xue Wuli, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Although it's your first time appearing on the rivers and lakes, but in my hands, I have collected by Feng Manlou about what you've done along the way. data of.

According to what you have shown in your information, you are not a person who is not afraid of death. Even if you are loyal to Tianmen, you should know that there are many things in this world that are actually more terrible than death. You You should know that I'm not trying to scare you. "

Xue Wuli looked at Chu Xiu's emotionless eyes, and shivered suddenly.

As an enemy of Tianmen, there is a lot of information about Chu Xiu in Tianmen, so he knows who Chu Xiu is.

Ruthless enough and poisonous enough, now that he is in Chu Xiu's hands, it is not surprising that Chu Xiu does something.

But Xue Wuli just showed an expression that was uglier than crying: "Even if you torture me, it is useless to die, and it is impossible for a Tianmen martial artist to betray!"

Xue Wuli is of course afraid of death. He is a **** of the Heavenly Sect, but he is also a human being. Since he is human, there are not many who are not afraid of death.

And he is not so loyal to Tianmen. Anyway, there are only two impressions of Tianmen to him, one is uninterrupted fighting, and the other is to do things for Tianmen.

Hearing what Xue Wuli said, Chu Xiu couldn't help frowning and said, "What's the secret behind this?"

Xue Wuli pointed at his head with a wry smile and said: "You only know that there are nine great generals in the Tianmen dynasties, but few of you know that there are thousands of warriors under the Tianmen who are raised in the secret realm.

These warriors have been brought into the Tianmen since they were young, and they are placed in the secret realm to fight. Among a thousand people, there may not be one who can stand out and become the gods of Tianmen.

For so many years, every sect has traitors, and every sect has people with bad intentions, but only Tianmen has not. Do you know why? Because from the very beginning, from the day we entered the gate of heaven, our lives no longer belong to us!

From the moment we step into Tianmen, Tianmen has placed a spiritual imprint on our minds.

That mental imprint makes it impossible for us to do anything that damages the Heavenly Sect, otherwise we will have a splitting headache, and even the primordial spirit will dissipate.

Moreover, the spiritual imprint is connected to an ancient great formation in Tianmen, and it is said that its core is the brain of an ancient fierce beast.

As long as you want to strip away your spiritual imprint in this world, you will immediately be discovered by the people of Tianmen, listed as rebellious, and hunted to death.

And after becoming the gods of the Heavenly Gate, we have to offer our blood and a trace of primordial spirit to make a soul lamp.

The soul lamp can know the state of the gods and generals of the heavenly gate, the lamp will be extinguished when people die, and it can even link the divination technique to know the location of the deceased, who was killed, and so on.

You want to leave a threatening mark on me, it's useless, as long as the soul lamp is there, you will be noticed the moment you put the mark, and even if I return to Tianmen, I will still be dead.

Your plan will not be successful, you will die sooner or later, so why don't you give me a happy one now! "

When Xue Wuli finished speaking, Chu Xiu and Lu Jianghe were a little shocked.

Tianmen is simply controlling its own disciples to the extreme.

No wonder for so many years, no one has ever heard of Tianmen's warrior rebellion, abandoned disciples, etc., because they have no chance to have it at all.

Chu Xiu frowned. He didn't expect that the first thing would be stuck here. So, wouldn't Xue Wuli be caught in vain and could only kill him to vent his anger?

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something, and he asked Xue Wuli: "You mean, whether it is the formation that connects your spiritual imprint, or the soul lamp of your Tianmen, it is inside your Tianmen, and you gods Will it be detected everywhere, as long as the hands and feet are passive in the body?"

Although Xue Wuli didn't know what Chu Xiu meant by asking, he still nodded and said, "It can definitely be detected.

In the past, there was a **** general in my Tianmen who wanted to betray Tianmen. He went to a small tribe in the Western Regions that was good at fine mysticism. He asked someone to help strip off his spiritual imprint, but he was still found. Then he was located at the fastest speed. Kill it as quickly as possible. "

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Your Tianmen's method is indeed delicate enough.

But even if your formation can detect the whole world, what about changing the world, changing the rules of heaven and earth? "

With that said, Chu Xiu directly carried Xue Wuli all the way to the land of the Southern Barbarians, the branch established by the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Xue Wuli didn't know what Chu Xiu meant, but he was really shocked when he went on this way.

The Kunlun Demon Sect has built a large number of constructions in the land of the southern barbarians, and has established more than ten branches, especially the central branch, which is guarded by countless formations, and its rigor is even comparable to that of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Could it be because Chu Xiu and the others felt that the Kunlun Mountains were too cold, so they were going to move the entire Kunlun Demon Sect to the land of Nanman?

Before Xue Wuli had time to think, Chu Xiu took him directly into the deepest part of the central sitting hall.

There is only one thing in there, a great formation that is always on.

That great formation is a defensive formation set up by Master Yuan Ji, Chao Min, and Zhuge Qingshan, the most powerful formation master in the Even if it is a powerhouse in the realm of heaven and earth. , and don't try to break it easily.

But strangely, there was nothing in it.

Xue Wuli was secretly surprised that such a formation was set up, but there was nothing in it, so what was this formation protecting? air?

Before Xue Wuli could react, Chu Xiu took him and walked directly into the formation with Lu Jianghe. In an instant, a suction hit, and Xue Wuli appeared in a hall with a dazed expression.

It is not surprising that a space was suddenly changed, and there is a secret realm in Tianmen itself.

But the vitality of heaven and earth in that secret place is not as deep and rich as that in this great hall.

The most important thing is that Xue Wuli can feel that the aura in this hall is a little different, even different from all the auras he felt before, but he can't say what the difference is.

Chu Xiu put his hand on the top of Xue Wuli's head, and said lightly, "Okay, now it's time to peel off that spiritual imprint from your body."

"don't want!"

Xue Wuli suddenly screamed in horror.

He had seen the backlash when the spiritual imprint was stripped. There was once a disciple of Tianmen who made a mistake and was beheaded after being stripped of the spiritual imprint.

Peeling off the imprint will not only disturb Tianmen, but also cause a great backlash, making life worse than death.

Chu Xiu didn't care so much, his mental power was stimulated to the maximum, and he forcibly penetrated into the bloodless body. In his primordial spirit, he found the spiritual imprint and destroyed it directly.

Xue Wuli opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

The imprint was destroyed? There is no backlash, it seems to be invalid, what is going on?


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