Meet The Leader

Chapter 1200: undercover general

Tianmen's control of the warriors under him is indeed strict, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is extremely careful.

Use the spiritual imprint to ensure their loyalty, and the existence of the soul lamp can also ensure that they will not be manipulated by others, and it can also make Tianmen aware of their life and death at any time.

But unfortunately, nothing in this world is perfect, and the arrangement of Tianmen is the same.

As it is now, as long as the arrangement of Tianmen is changed, it can be easily solved by Chu Xiu.

Those formations were built according to the rules of the lower realm, and Daluotian was a completely different world.

Now that Chu Xiu brought Xue Wuli to Da Luotian, it means that Chu Xiu has completely shielded everything from him and the lower realm. Whether it is the spiritual imprint or the soul lamp, it can no longer affect Xue Wuli. .

Chu Xiu glanced at Lu Jianghe and said, "It's up to you now, leave the blood **** mark in his body."

Chu Xiu has already obtained the complete Gorefiend Art, and he will naturally know the Bloodgod Seal.

However, Chu Xiu had never used it before, so he was definitely not as skilled as Lu Jianghe.

Lu Jianghe shrugged and placed a blood **** mark on Xue Wuli's body.

And after Lu Jianghe placed the blood **** seal, Chu Xiu said to the inner demon in his body: "Split a bit of power to attach to this guy's body, and monitor the movement in his body at all times."

The inner demon was a little dissatisfied: "This is the second time you have divided my power. If this goes on, I won't have much power for you."

"Don't complain, I've said it all. I'll find an opportunity in the future to get you a perfect body. You can have as much strength as you want."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, the inner demon just pouted and obediently attached a trace of strength to Xue Wuli's body.

After everything was arranged, Chu Xiu also released the ban on Xue Wuli, but Xue Wuli was still dumbfounded, as if he still didn't react.

The restrictions that Tianmen had placed on him really made him unhappy. Although the restrictions were lifted now, he was not at all excited because Chu Xiu added two more restrictions on him in an instant.

In the end, the result is still the same.

At this moment, the blood was weak and even had a feeling of hurting spring and autumn.

Beauty is poor, and heaven is jealous of talents.

Thinking that he was incompetent and talented, he fought and fought all the way, and finally became the youngest general of the Heavenly Sect, but he just came out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den again.

Seeing your Xue Wuli's sentimental appearance, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Okay, don't be emotional, follow me, you have a better future than you follow Tianmen.

You have been in Tianmen for such a long time, even if you were not a **** before, you should know exactly what is going on in Tianmen.

Inside the gate of heaven, you have no future.

Unless you can become the sect master of Tianmen, then you can have real freedom, even the freedom to control other people.

However, do you feel that you have the hope of becoming the sect master of Tianmen? "

Bloodless shook his head.

Although he has a high self-esteem, it can even be said that he is a little narcissistic, but he is still very pushy in his heart. It is not so easy to become the master of Tianmen.

As for the undercover agent who helped Chu Xiu in Tianmen, although it is dangerous now, as long as Tianmen is destroyed in the future, he can still hope to gain real freedom when he becomes the head of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

So Xue Wuli was very sensible and directly bowed to Chu Xiu: "My subordinate Xue Wuli, see the leader!"

He himself is not very loyal to Tianmen, and now his life is in the hands of Chu Xiu, so he changed his identity very quickly.

Chu Xiu nodded with satisfaction and asked directly: "Tianmen should know that I'm back now, but in the year I was away, why didn't Tianmen do anything to my Holy Sect, and it doesn't do it to me now?"

Xue Wuli replied: "Because the sect master was injured, to be precise, it should be a serious injury.

If it wasn't for the news of the birth of the key to the sky this time, and the news was very clear, I wouldn't have the chance to come out. "

"What!? Jun Wushen was injured? Who moved the hand? Zhong Shenxiu?"

Chu Xiu was really shocked by this news. He never thought that Tianmen had not come to trouble him for so long, but it was because Jun Wushen was injured.

The strength of the warriors in the lower realms can hurt Jun Wushen, so there should be only one Zhong Shenxiu.

Could it be that there is really some causal relationship between him and Zhong Shenxiu, so after Zhong Shenxiu learned that he was plotted by Jun Wushen, he came to ask Jun Wushen to trouble him to avenge him?

Xue Wuli gave Chu Xiu a strange look, what does this have to do with Zhong Shenxiu?

He replied: "It's not Zhong Shenxiu, it's because of a very strange thing, and I still listen to Zhu Tianxiao about this.

By the way, Zhu Tianxiao is also one of the nine gods in my Tianmen. The best thing is divination. When the door master... Jun Wushen used the nail head and seven arrows to plot against you, the leader, Zhu Tianxiao calculated it. your bearing.

According to Zhu Tianxiao, after Jun Wushen plotted against you with seven arrows with nails, it seems that a figure appeared in front of Jun Wushen through the connection of divine powers, and slapped him heavily.

Zhu Tianxiao didn't know who the figure was, but thinking of your original situation, the leader, he suspected that the figure was Dugu and me! "

Chu Xiu touched his chin, it seemed that he was being affectionate, and it was not Zhong Shenxiu who shot.

But if I am alone, then it can be explained.

Anyway, there are too many things that are unclear about him and Dugu Wei I, and there are too many connections.

Back then, the place was full of marks left by Dugu Wei and Ning Xuanji after the fierce battle. Chu Xiu would not be surprised by what those marks did.

"Then Jun Wushen's injury is still okay now?"

Xue Wuli said: "Anyway, since I left Tianmen, there is no good profit, Jun Wushen also specially instructed that before he has no good profit, no one is allowed to step out of Tianmen at will, even looking for the key to the sky. It needs to be approved by him personally."

Hearing what Xue Wuli said, Chu Xiu was also relieved.

Since Jun Wushen is recovering from his injuries, he cannot be threatened for the time being.

Next, Chu Xiu asked directly: "Okay, then, let's talk about Tianmen, and tell us all the information about Tianmen. The most important thing is, Tianmen, what kind of door does it guard?"

Xue Wuli said with a confused look: "I don't know either."

"What? You don't know?" Chu Xiu frowned suddenly.

Xue Wuli said innocently: "I really don't know.

Outsiders think that the Heavenly Gate God will definitely have a lot of rights, but in fact, the Heavenly Gate God will only use tasks in exchange for a certain degree of freedom.

There are only two tasks for Tianmen generals, one is to collect the keys to the sky, and the other is to be responsible for guarding and strengthening the ban in their respective palaces.

There are ten palaces in Tianmen, and in each palace, there is a banning formation left by the ancients, I don't know what it is banning.

The nine gods of Tianmen and the door master are responsible for banning these ten formations. I don't know why, every once in a while, these formations will riot, and we need to use our own strength to resist and strengthen them. "

Speaking of this, Xue Wuli's face even showed a hint of horror: "Sometimes the formation riots are due to the aging of the formation, and there are places that need to be strengthened, so there are fluctuations.

But sometimes, it is because there is something on the opposite side of the formation that is attacking the formation, so there is a riot!

And I have a feeling that there seems to be a living creature on the opposite side of the formation.

I have only experienced a very slight formation riot since I became a **** general, but I seem to be able to vaguely hear what someone is saying on the opposite side of the formation. Definitely talking, not other cluttered voices! "

The unknown existence is the most frightening. The other gods of Tianmen may have already adapted to these things, but Xue Wuli, a new **** general, is still extremely sensitive to these things.

Chu Xiu touched his chin and thought about it. Could it be that the gate guarded by Tianmen is behind Da Luotian, is there a sect or some kind of existence guarding it?

Chu Xiu was a little confused, but it didn't matter to him anymore. He couldn't trace these things for the time being, and he didn't have the strength to trace them.

The useful information I got from Xue Wuli's mouth is actually so much. As for the rest about how Tianmen cultivates and how cruel the competition for the gods is, these Xue Wuli are all Personal experience, although incomparable in detail, but for Chu Xiu, it is of no use.

Tianmen is too strict with these gods. It should be said that only the door master knows all this, and the other so-called gods are just tools.

But the size of Tianmen is indeed amazing.

According to Xue Wuli, Tianmen has a huge secret realm, and its area is even larger than a county in Beiyan.

In that secret realm, there are thousands of disciples of Tianmen, and they were all brought to Tianmen since childhood.

There are only two things these disciples can do in the secret realm, training and fighting, just like raising gu.

Every time the gods will be ranked, some people will be pulled down, and some will be re-upgraded.

This is also the reason why Tianmen warriors are almost always the best in their class.

Not because of their amazing talent, but because the Heavenly Gate gods who are qualified to step into the rivers and lakes are themselves one-of-a-kind. Those who stand out from countless fights are of course stronger than warriors of the same level.

So what Chu Xiu should be vigilant about is that if he really wants to confront Tianmen one day, he should also be careful of the disciples of Tianmen in the secret realm of Tianmen.

Although their strength is definitely not as strong as the **** generals of Tianmen, their strength is definitely not weak.

After finishing these arrangements, Chu Xiu brought Xue Wuli to the lower realm, but Xue Wuli himself did not know that he had already traveled through two worlds once in such a short period of time.

At the moment when Xue Wuli appeared in the lower realm, within the Tianmen, a soul lamp flickered slightly, and then it returned to its original state without any change.


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