Meet The Leader

Chapter 1215: ambush

PS: Thanks to the book friends for the reward of 20,000 starting coins

The main function of this branch hall of the Demon Palace of Elysium guarded by Ming Xuanyu is to capture those fierce beasts in the Diluo Mountains, and of course the barbarians among them, to supply the Demon Palace of Elysium to do various things. for experimental use.

So when he heard Xin Jialuo say that Chu Xiu was able to control a barbarian tribe, Ming Xuanyu immediately thought of its role in the Magic Palace of Bliss.

The barbarians in the Diluo Mountains are not weak. He can deal with some small tribes, but if he provokes those big tribes, it will attract the big tribes deep in the Diluo Mountains to join forces to deal with him, which is very difficult.

It would be much more convenient if he could control a large tribe in the southern barbarian land like that Chu Xiu, and let him help him arrest people.

However, Ming Xuanyu still did not agree to Xin Jialuo.

Xingaro just gave him a piece of information, and he wanted them to be the thugs from the Bliss Magic Palace. How easy is it?

So Ming Xuanyu made a look of embarrassment and said: "Brother Xin, to be honest, I also want to do it.

But right now, my branch hall is also understaffed.

The several branch halls of the Magic Palace of Elysium belong to me, which is a chore. I need to collect those beasts and catch those barbarians.

So don't look at how many people there are in my place, but it's really hard to squeeze out many people.

If I send someone to help you, what will I do with my mission here? "

Xin Jialuo frowned, scolding Ming Xuanyu for being insatiable.

After thinking for a while, Singara took out a bone from his space secret box.

The bone was the size of an arm, but it looked like a phalanx. It was extremely dark and exuded a fierce aura.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared in Ming Xuanyu's eyes: "Is this the phalanx of the Black Demon Ape?"

Xingaro nodded and said, "It's the phalanx of the Black Demon Ape.

When my Sanskrit religion first came to the Western Regions, a large number of masters were dispatched to exterminate this beast, and even the powerhouse of the Martial Immortal Realm lost one person.

Originally, we wanted to surrender this beast, but we didn't expect this beast to be fierce.

After so many years, some of the materials on this Black Demon Ape have almost been used up, and this phalanx is the only thing I have left.

Brother Ming, take him back to the headquarters of the Demon Palace of Elysium, and let everyone else do their best to encircle and suppress that Chu Xiu, is that enough? "

Putting the phalanx of the Black Demon Ape into the bag, Ming Xuanyu couldn't help but bring a smile on his gloomy face.

"Enough, of course enough.

But Brother Xin, it's still the same sentence, if you only let me do it alone, it doesn't matter.

But if you want to borrow the power of the Elysium under my command, you cannot cross the border.

Crossing the border is a taboo, and I never thought of being an enemy of those big factions in the Eastern Region. "

Xin Jialuo said solemnly: "This is easy to handle, I said, I didn't let you go to Cangwu County, in the land of Nanman, in the Diluo Mountains, it can't be the site of Huangtian Pavilion, right?"

"Then how are you going to lead the other party to the land of the southern barbarians?"

"It's very simple, isn't the Heluo clan under the opponent's control? You send people directly to exterminate the Heiluo clan. Remember, you don't have to be too ruthless, as long as the opponent feels the threat of extermination, and then they will naturally attracted the other party."

Ming Xuanyu waved his hand and said, "I am familiar with this, and I guarantee it will be done properly."

Saying that, Ming Xuanyu also held up the cup of sticky blood and handed it over: "By the way, brother Xin, you really don't want a cup? It's very filling."

Xin Jialuo looked indifferent: "I am very strong, I don't need to make up."


In Cangwu County, Chu Xiu did not go to retreat during this time, but ordered everyone to set up defenses, and also collected information about Na Xin Jia Luo.

Although the other party did not disclose his name, the strength of the other party's half-step Martial Immortal Realm, as well as the other party's extremely conspicuous exercises, can reveal the other party's identity.

Sanskrit religion, Vishnu Temple, Sun God Palace Lord Singara, a strong man in the realm of half-step Martial Immortal, the future successor of the Vishnu Temple Lord, and even as long as he steps into the Martial Immortal realm, the previous Temple Lord will immediately give way.

His status is obviously much higher than that of Maha.

So even if Chu Xiu knew that it was impossible for the Sanskrit religion to attack in a big way, Chu Xiu would not be able to bear two more such powerhouses.

As for Tianhun, Chu Xiu didn't tell him about it.

Heavenly Soul was imprisoned in Lingxiao Realm, and he could do almost nothing except a head.

Chu Xiu spent the power of Yuanshen, and at most he could only ask him some questions about cultivation.

As for asking him for advice, Chu Xiu never thought about it. He believed in his ability, and he didn't think the other party was stronger than himself.

Tianhun is not Dugu and me, he himself inherited the memory of Dugu and me five hundred years ago, so even if he is allowed to walk the old road of Dugu and me five hundred years ago, he may have the strength of Dugu and me, but But there will be no loneliness and only me means.

Chu Xiu came up from the lower realm step by step. Obviously, he is better at this kind of thing.

Just after Chu Xiu arranged all this, there was news from Kecha that something happened to the Hei Luo Department!

Hearing this news, Chu Xiu frowned.

He had told Hei Jie and others before that the accumulation of strength had to be done step by step, which was too radical and would easily lead to the targeting of the entire Nanban tribe.

Could it be that Hei Jie was really eager to succeed, so he attracted the siege?

The Heiluo tribe is the key to Chu Xiu's layout in the land of the southern barbarians. Unless he has the strength to solve all the southern barbarian tribes in the Diluo Mountains, he must use the Heluo tribe.

So when he heard that there was a problem with the Black Luo Department, he immediately went to Nanman.

After waiting for the Hei Luo Department, Chu Xiu discovered that Hei Jie and others were even worse than he thought.

The bones of Hei Jie's body were shattered, his face was pale, and he had been severely injured.

And Lu Fei's complexion is also extremely pale, although there is no trauma, but the aura on her body is weakened to the extreme, it is obvious that someone has injured her soul.

"What's going on? Which tribe made you look like this?" Chu Xiu asked with a frown.

Hei Jie was so hurt that he was speechless, only Lu Fei said in a depressed tone, "It's a foreigner from the south!"

Of course Lu Fei didn't recognize the people from the Elysium Palace, but since they weren't from the east, they must be from the south.

Ke Cha, who was on the side, said, "Sir, it was someone from the Devil's Palace of Elysium who did it!"

"Magic Palace of Bliss?"

Chu Xiu frowned. He had encountered the ruins of a Demon Palace of Elysium in the lower realm before, and he had only two impressions of this sect, one being paranoid, and the other being evil.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The reputation of the Demon Palace of Bliss in Daluotian is not very good. The main reason is that they always like to study those strange and strange things. They are very evil, so they are hated by the entire Daluotian.

"The Devil's Palace of Elysium is in the Southern Region, why did you come here and take action against the Hei Luo Ministry?"

Ke Cha explained: "The Elysium Palace always likes to study all kinds of evil methods, and some even experiment with living people.

They are simply impatient with the big dispatch.

Even if it is against some unfounded loose cultivators or small sects, it will affect the reputation, or be warned.

So they can only play the idea of ​​barbarians.

On the side near the Southern Territory, the Demon Palace of Elysium even built a branch hall, just to catch those barbarians and beasts in the Diluo Mountains.

It may be that they took too long to catch people, and the barbarians near the southern region were a little wary, so they came to the mountains in the eastern region to arrest people. "

Chu Xiu nodded, and he suddenly asked, "Did the people from the Paradise Palace kill you? Who is the one who did it?"

Lu Fei shook her head and said: "There is no killer, they seem to want to catch the alive, the patriarch is injured like this, they haven't killed, otherwise we will not be able to escape.

The person who shot is just an ordinary Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm Martial Artist, far less powerful than you.

However, there are a lot of things in their hands that restrain our clan. We have never been in contact with these things, and all of them were caught without a moment's notice. "

Chu Xiu nodded. Although he still felt something was wrong in his heart, everything made sense. The other party seemed to be here to arrest people.

As for Xingaro's side, it was not Chu Xiu's carelessness, but he ignored one point, that is, the difference between Daluotian and the lower realm.

Chu Xiu has been in the lower world for so many years, and the idea of ​​swearing between the righteous and the devil has even been carved into his bones. Not long ago, he also destroyed the two schools of Buddhism.

But Daluotian is different. There is not such a strong confrontation between Buddhism and magic. Everyone belongs to the four regions. Your Buddhism is in the western magic is in the southern region, and the grievances between the two sides are not that much. as big.

Even if there is the appearance of Dugu Yume, Dugu Yume is the whole Da Luotian, not the right way.

Even though the style of Sanskrit is a little different from that of Tianluobaosha, it is still in the line of Buddhism. Chu Xiu would never think of it. This incident turned out to be a game for Xinjialuobu.

So Chu Xiu said directly: "During this time, the Hei Luo Department temporarily shrinks the defense and leaves it to me to deal with it."

Ke Cha on the side said: "Sir, are you ready to do it? As far as I know, the guys in the Elysium Devil Palace are all crazy people, but they are not very easy to deal with."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "If it's not easy to deal with, you have to fight, the Di Luo Mountains are so big, if they intend to go elsewhere, I can't control them.

But if they insist on coming to me to do things, then don't blame me for being rude! "

After instructing Lu Fei, Chu Xiu asked Ke Cha to go back to report the letter, and he himself went to the place where Lu Fei had said before, where the people of the Magic Palace of Elysium were stationed.

In the dark forest, a powerful demonic energy fluttered and was extremely conspicuous. Chu Xiu could find it without much searching.

But before Chu Xiu got close to him, he felt something was wrong.

This is a mountain range close to the Eastern Region, which is already very far away from the Southern Region.

The Elysium Demon Palace has captured so many barbarians, and it should be known that the barbarians are extremely hostile to them.

As a result, they are still so high-profile, aren't they afraid of being found and besieged by a group of barbarians here? After all, these barbarian tribes are still very united when facing outsiders.

Aware that something was wrong, Chu Xiu just wanted to step back, when the dazzling golden light of the sun already lit up.

Xin Jialuo walked out indifferently and said, "Chu Xiu, you can't escape my Wuzhi Mountain!"


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