Meet The Leader

Chapter 1216: get out of desperation

PS: Thanks to the book friends RushA, and Ye Hui for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

The moment he saw Singara, Chu Xiu knew that he had been tricked.

There was no annoyance or remorse, Chu Xiu had never had this kind of emotion.

there is always a solution to a problem. When there is a problem, solve the problem. In this world, I have never regretted selling medicine.

And it's not only Xin Jialuo who appeared in front of Chu Xiu, Ming Xuanyu and two other experts from the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm from the Demon Palace of Bliss also appeared here.

In the outermost area are a group of other disciples of the Demon Palace of Bliss, who are forming formations at a distance.

Their strength is too weak. If they get close, one is afraid of being noticed by Chu Xiu, and the other is that they are afraid of too many casualties, so they can only set up a formation to intercept them at a distance.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Singara, what do you want to do? I've said it all, I don't know any Maharishi, why do you have to be entangled?"

"Don't know Maha? Then how did the illusion on you come? Don't tell me it was inherited by your ancestors, there are not so many coincidences in this world!"

Singara sneered: "Chu Xiu, if you really have a clear conscience, then come back to the Sanskrit religion with me. My Vishnu Temple has a secret method to detect the spirit. After proving that you are innocent, I will give it to you in person. apologize.

Otherwise, if you resist, you are guilty of a guilty conscience and a ghost! "

Chu Xiu snorted coldly: "Joke! As the county governor of Cangwu County of Huangtian Pavilion, I am also a descendant of Gu Zun. If you say that you want to probe my spirit, you will probe my spirit, this is simply humiliation!

Singara, just because of an unwarranted thing, you have to take action against me, you are not afraid of the emperor and my master to blame? "

Xin Jialuo sneered directly: "Afraid? If I were afraid, I would not have done anything to you before.

Don't talk nonsense, Chu Xiu, since you don't want to capture it, don't blame me for being rude, do it! "

Saying that, Xin Jialuo waved his hand and asked Ming Xuanyu and others to rush up together.

Chu Xiu is no match for a single Xingaluo, but he is still sure to block it.

But at this time, with Ming Xuanyu, and two not weak Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan realm warriors, Chu Xiu was really unable to stop him.

So at that moment, Chu Xiu's body was surrounded by pure demonic energy, frantically devouring the vitality of the world around him.

The celestial manifestation of the law, Chu Xiu's figure continued to grow, and a powerful breath suddenly descended, like a demon.



Xin Jialuo and Ming Xuanyu spit out these two words almost at the same time.

Both of them are warriors from the top sects on the rivers and lakes, and they are also expected to step into the realm of Martial Immortals. Naturally, they are not unfamiliar with magical powers.

But this kind of thing is something they haven't mastered until now, and they only dare to try it when they reach the realm of Martial Immortal.

As a result, now Chu Xiu was in front of them and used his magical powers in a grand manner, which had a huge impact on them.

Moreover, when Chu Xiu burst out, he also looked at Ming Xuanyu and other warriors in the Magic Palace of Bliss, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Seeing this scene, Ming Xuanyu immediately shouted: "Back! Back!"

He was even more scolding in his heart at this time. He was obviously here to help. The person who wanted to arrest you was Singara. What are you doing to me?

Although Ming Xuanyu has played against many people and has seen supernatural powers, he has never faced supernatural powers, and he does not know what kind of power the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and earth can use to use supernatural powers. , but obviously, it will not be weak.

He's just here to help, but he doesn't want to indemnify himself, even if it hurts, it's not worth it.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu's figure quickly changed from big to small, the heaven and earth energy that was absorbed madly dissipated in an instant, and turned into a strong explosive force, making Chu Xiu an instant body. The shape has already crossed hundreds of feet!

At this moment, Ming Xuanyu's complexion turned black, and he was tricked! He was tricked!

In the face of two powerhouses at the peak of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, one of them is a half-step Martial Immortal, this kind of lineup Chu Xiu will only go head-to-head with them if he is crazy.

The power of Fa Tianxiangdi or Qingtian Zhaoying is indeed amazing, but even if it is used for a long time, it will threaten Chu Xiu's origin.

So even if Chu Xiu tried his best to kill one, he would still lose money, so what would he do if he didn't run?

Xin Jialuo was not frightened at this time. While chasing Chu Xiu, he shouted angrily at Ming Xuanyu: "What are you running for?"

Ming Xuanyu snorted coldly, but did not speak.

That is a magical power, and it is still aimed at you. If it is you, will you not escape?

At this time, the warriors from the Demon Palace of Bliss in the distance had already opened their formations and stopped in front of Chu Xiu.

But the next moment, Chu Xiu's whole body's divine domain opened, and in the foggy domain, yin and yang were confused, the five elements were reversed, and everything was distorted.

The brilliance of the formation was distorted and disappeared in the realm. Those warriors of the Magic Palace of Elysium, even the masters of the real fire refinement realm, once pulled into the realm, their bodies were still weirdly twisted.

Even if they madly used Gang Qi, it didn't have any effect. After leaving the body, the Gang Qi was immediately melted and torn apart, and their whole body was torn into a blood mist in that field!

No one has seen this kind of weird field before, Ming Xuanyu shouted from behind: "Retreat! Rewind!"

These people seem to be the elites under his command, and Singara's phalanx can't exchange their lives.

In fact, it doesn't need Ming Xuanyu to say that the warriors of the Demon Palace of Bliss have also started to retreat frantically. No one wants to do this kind of death.

Xin Jialuo cursed inwardly, but this group of people helped him delay Chu Xiu for about a breath.

Just this breath of time is enough.

A big sun rose into the sky behind Xingaro, and the strong firelight condensed in his hand, turning it into a long bow.

At this moment, all the vitality of the world around him poured into his longbow frantically, as if it were fuel, with a bang, the flames rushed into the sky.

A powerful force was poured into the longbow, and with the burst of Singalona's arrow, in an instant, it was like the fall of the sun.

Where the arrows passed, the trees and forests were instantly burned into fly ash, the air was twisted, and the soil and rocks under the feet melted like a magma eruption.

Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly changed, is this the strength of a half-step Martial Immortal realm powerhouse?

No wonder everyone said that it was a sure thing for Xin Jialuo to step into the Martial Immortal Realm. With his current strength, it was only a matter of time before he stepped into the Martial Immortal Realm.

Chu Xiu turned around, and in the middle of the hand pinching the seal, the field spread out.

The foggy field enveloped the arrow in it, constantly twisting the power of the arrow.

However, the power of that arrow was too strong. Even if Chu Xiu's Divine Realm could distort everything, it would only twist and tear the scorching flames on the outer layer, but the inner power was still strong.

But at this time, the seal in Chu Xiu's hand had also been completed. In an instant, the sound of ghost crying resounded in the field, and the air was torn apart. The terrifying demon **** phantom stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly towards the arrow, as if To drag it into the endless gloomy death.

At this moment, Xin Jialuo squeezed the seal in his hand, and he himself had turned into a scorching sun, and his figure seemed to have some connection with the arrow. Almost in an instant, he appeared in the sky. In front of the scorching sun and the long arrow.

The Singara seal fell, and the scorching rays of light bloomed all over his body, and layers of wonderful Sanskrit words enveloped him in it, and the next moment, the great sun came!

The dazzling brilliance rose, and the scorching aura tore everything and burned everything. The ground was like a volcanic eruption, and a huge pothole was burned out, and there was also a black flow of melted soil and rocks. crystal.

However, there was no figure of Chu Xiu, not even a corpse.

"Damn it! You really know Maha's illusions!"

Xin Jialuo had reacted in an instant, the power of the Great Compassion Mantra should have been prepared by Chu Xiu long ago, and the last one who was slow to seal was not Chu Xiu himself at all!

It was so natural that he couldn't see the slightest flaw, except for Maha's illusion technique, he couldn't think of a second one in the entire Daluotian.

At this time, Ming Xuanyu also brought someone over and asked, "Didn't catch up?"

Xin Jialuo did not answer him, but snorted coldly and asked: "Brother Ming, I gave you news and things, I asked you to help, not to let you come to see the fun, why did you run away just now? ?"

Although Ming Xuanyu was a little embarrassed, he retorted confidently: "That's a supernatural power! You are being targeted by supernatural you running?

Besides, I asked you about this Chu Xiu before, but you didn't say that he has magical powers! "

Singara is also speechless, he doesn't know it himself, how can I tell you?

But right now this is not the Western Regions, nor the Sanskrit religion, and the power he can use is only a magic palace of bliss.

So he had to suppress his anger and said, "If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. As long as this Chu Xiu is still in Cangwu County, then I'm not afraid that he won't come out!"

"What are you going to do?" Ming Xuanyu asked.

Xin Jialuo said coldly: "The Heluo Department is in his hands, and he has established a stronghold in the land of the southern barbarians, which is guarded by the Heluo Department.

From this point of view, he should have some plans in the entire southern barbarian land.

Attack his stronghold by storm, and if you can't attack it, surround yourself with it until the opponent shows up, or until you don't want these foundations! "

Ming Xuanyu shrugged and didn't express any opinion.

Anyway, he is here to be a thug, so of course, it is up to Singara to decide.

However, he still said: "Brother Xin, it was agreed in advance that this place is very close to the area of ​​Cangwu County, if Lingxiao Sect and other major factions from the Eastern Region come, I will take people away.

It's not worth it to offend the Eastern Martial Arts because of this trivial matter. "

"Don't worry, I have it in my mind."

Xin Jialuo said this, but he felt a little disdain for Ming Xuanyu.

The other party is a little too cautious. Martial arts are like being human. How can you keep moving forward without a brave and radical heart?

In the past, his cultivation base was similar to Ming Xuanyu's, but now he has half footed into the realm of Martial Immortal, and the other party is only the peak of the realm of Tongxuan, which is the gap.


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