Meet The Leader

Chapter 1218: Help, humanoid beast

Chu Xiu has decided to go to the lower realm and ask Chen Qingdi to come forward, but on Daluotian's side, he also has other countermeasures.

Xin Jialuo has Chen Qingdi to deal with, but those people in the Bliss Devil Palace have to repel them.

In fact, in Daluotian, Chu Xiu's own strength is not weak.

Almost all the elites of the Kunlun Demon Sect practiced in batches in Da Luotian, and they were all released, completely not afraid of a branch hall of the Demon Palace of Bliss.

But these are all his people, the confidants he has carefully cultivated. If he sacrificed at this time, it would be a waste, so Chu Xiu could only think of some other ways.

Since this is the land of the southern barbarians, the matter will fall on the heads of the southern barbarians themselves.

Chu Xiu directly approached Lu Fei and said to her, "Those guys in the Demon Palace of Elysium used to arrest the warriors of the tribe near the Southern Territory and conduct all kinds of evil experiments, but because your barbarians have too little communication with each other. , so the barbarian tribes near the Eastern Region do not know about this.

Now I want you to send someone to inform the barbarian tribes, so that they can unite and resist the Elysium.

However, this matter is very dangerous. Right now there are warriors from the Elysium Palace. Although they mainly monitor us warriors, the barbarians have no real energy and are not easy to be discovered. However, there is still a certain risk. What do you think about this matter? Who is capable of the Hero Department? "

If this kind of thing happened in these sects of Daluotian, then these will definitely be carefully verified first to see if the matter is true.

Then they will think about it, shirk the blame, and even go against the grain. They may not be willing to join forces until they have made their own interests clear to them, and even provided enough benefits.

But this kind of thing is much simpler for these barbarians, and there are not so many routines.

As long as the people from the Heluo tribe come to those tribes, tell them about it, and swear by their ancestors and gods, the other party will definitely believe it.

The people of these barbarian tribes are almost straight and they will not lie.

In addition, they also swear by their ancestors and gods who are more important than their lives, which makes it even more impossible to fake.

Lu Fei nodded and said, "Master God Envoy, rest assured, the soldiers of the Hei Luo tribe are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that they will not be able to complete the task given by Master Envoy.

I'm going to arrange people, and arrange a few more people, and the possibility of successfully breaking through will be greater. "

Chu Xiu nodded, Lu Fei would handle such a matter.

After speaking, Chu Xiu immediately went to the lower realm.

At this time, outside Chu Xiu's stronghold, the people from the Devil's Palace of Bliss had already gathered around.

Ming Xuanyu looked at the stronghold surrounded by layers of formations in front of him, and he asked, "Are you going to attack? Say it in advance. If you are attacking, the power of this formation is not weak. You go first. , I will take another shot after breaking the formation, I can't let the disciples of my Bliss Devil Palace die."

Xin Jialuo snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I won't be attacking for the time being, I don't believe that they can always keep the formation of this strength open, even if it is the headquarters of the Emperor Tiange. It wouldn't be so extravagant."

Xingaro said this on his lips, but he was puzzled in his heart.

He has always felt that Chu Xiu is a bit weird, not only his people are weird, but what he does is also weird.

Just like the formation in front of him, he really couldn't understand what Chu Xiu was thinking. The county governor of Cangwu County didn't make such a big battle, but instead built such a giant in this desolate southern barbarian land. With a big stronghold and so many powerful formations, what does he want to do? Could it be that Huangtian Pavilion is about to invade the land of the Southern Barbarians?

Of course, Singara just thought about these things casually, and didn't go into it.

For him now, he just wants to capture Chu Xiu and interrogate the whereabouts of the other party Ma Liha, whether it is dead or alive, a palace master of the dignified Sanskrit Church, how can there be an explanation, especially if the other party is still alive? The lord of his own Vishnu temple.


Lower Realm, Western Chu, World Alliance.

The World Alliance is not in the state capital of Western Chu, but in a huge valley and plain.

Standing in front of the World Alliance, Chu Xiu suddenly felt that Emperor Chen Qing and the ancestors of Lingxiao City must have a common language.

Their architectural styles turned out to be exactly the same. They were all large and magnificent. Especially the palace where Chen Qingdi was located had only one floor, but the foundation was more than ten feet high. It seems that this man likes to stand on high places Looking down.

Today's Chu Xiu can be said to have truly achieved that no one in the world knows you.

Even if he had no relationship with Xie Xiaolou, he was politely invited into the World Alliance.

Xie Xiaolou immediately came out to greet Chu Xiu after hearing the news.

When he was young, he had a cold temper and spoke less words. Over the years, perhaps because he began to gradually take over the affairs of the Tianxia Alliance, and he hadn't seen Chu Xiu, an old friend for a long time, he seemed very enthusiastic.

"Brother Chu, I actually wanted to go to Kunlun Mountain to visit you when I learned that you were back, but unfortunately, my status in the World Alliance is special. If I go, the influence will not be very good."

The World Alliance is neither the right way nor the devil's way. When Chu Xiu returned, a group of people came to persuade Chu Xiu to return to the shore. As a result, he came here to reminisce about the past, which was really awkward.

"There is no need to explain this between you and me. In this world of great competition, it is not easy for the World Alliance to remain neutral."

Xie Xiaolou sighed: "Yeah, it's not easy."

Before Xie Xiaolou didn't participate in the messy affairs of Tianxia Alliance, he didn't feel so deeply.

It was only when Xie Xiaolou began to take part in the management of the World Alliance that he realized how difficult all kinds of things were.

The rivers and lakes are divided into righteous demons. Since you do not occupy the righteous demons in the world alliance, it is possible that the righteous demons will come to you for trouble.

Therefore, the World Alliance has been able to persist until now, almost entirely supported by Chen Qingdi's powerful strength.

"By the way, Brother Xie, can Alliance Leader Chen be in the World Alliance now?"

Xie Xiaolou nodded and said, "Master is inside, I'll take you to see him."

In fact, Chu Xiu had not seen Chen Qingdi for a long time.

Since the war between the righteous and the demons, the righteous way and the demonic way have been fighting each other with full firepower.

Chen Qingdi led the Tianxia Alliance to remain neutral. Because of his strength, no one was bored to tease him. Therefore, Chen Qingdi spent most of his time cultivating, and he has not appeared in the arena for a long time. Xie Xiaolou manages many things in the World Alliance.

Of course, there are times when Emperor Chen Qing also brings Xie Xiaolou to watch the play, just like the last time when Chu Xiu destroyed the Subhuti Temple.

It's just that Chen Qingdi just watched, did not participate, and was very low-key.

When he saw Chen Qingdi at this time, Chu Xiu could feel that Chen Qingdi had really broken through, and his physical strength had even reached a level that Chu Xiu couldn't understand.

Chen Qingdi now contained an explosive force in his body, and in every muscle he exposed, that force shocked Chu Xiu.

At this moment, Chu Xiu seemed to see a walking humanoid beast.

Chen Qingdi sat on the chair with a big horse and a golden knife, and laughed: "How come you, Master Chu, have time to come to my world alliance?

If you don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, you came to me, definitely not to catch up with the old days, let’s talk, what is the matter. "

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "Mengzhu Chen made fun of you, Brother Xie and I are brothers, and in front of Alliance Lord Chen, we don't dare to be called the leader.

It's just that I heard that you have stepped into a new realm, Alliance Leader Chen. It happened that I also practiced the real fire body, so I would like to ask Alliance Leader Chen to enlighten me. "

Chen Qingdi's face showed a smile that was half a smile but not a smile: "Yo, you want to draw a game with me, okay, last time I saw you fight with Rama, various methods emerged one after another, but let this seat I’m so greedy, I just happened to be able to see it today.”

If an ordinary junior told Chen Qingdi to teach him anything, Chen Qingdi would directly punch him.

Teach a grandma!

You too!

But Chu Xiu is different. Even after destroying the Buddhist sects in the north and south, Chu Xiu is now ranked as the supreme leader of the rivers and lakes, at least in terms of fame, but he is bigger than Emperor Chen Qing.

As the two of them spoke, they walked all the way to the martial arts field behind the World Alliance.

Xie Xiaolou followed behind the two people, stunned for a while.

Until now, he still couldn't figure out what was going on with these two people. How could they start their hands after only a few words?

On the martial arts field, Chen Qingdi said lightly: "Get ready, this punch from this is not so easy to receive."

Chu Xiu ordered something, and Chen Qingdi was not polite. The next moment, he was already punched!

Punch out, the wind and clouds dissipate!

In front of that punch, all the power disappeared.

It's not because this punch has any special ability, but because of this pure and extreme power, even the vitality of heaven and earth can't stand this overwhelming sense of oppression!

The formation on the entire Martial Arts Arena just lit up and then died out. Wherever the punch passed, the earth and rocks flew up, just like an earth dragon turning over.

Xie Xiaolou, who was watching the battle from a distance, twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Master, did the old man forget, this is in his own home!

When Chen Qingdi threw this punch, Chu Xiu already knew Chen Qingdi's true strength.

This is a punch with the ultimate physical strength, and even the physical strength after Lu Fengxian's unparalleled power erupted in the past, can't compare with the strength of Chen Qingdi's punch!

After a while, it was cut out, and the cold sword light ripped apart the void.

At the same time, God's Domain opened, and the five elements of Yin and Yang were reversed and twisted, tearing apart all the power, but it was unable to twist the body that was powerful enough to be comparable to a beast.

There was a thunderous bang.

Chen Qingdi's punch not only tore apart Chu Xiu's domain, but also shattered his knife.

The next moment, the rain of crying and blood descended in the sky, and the giant hand of the devil reached out and held Chen Qingdi's punch.

In an instant, the two forces stalemate, but after only three breaths, the giant hand of the devil began to shatter.

Fortunately, at the same time as the Great Compassion Curse dissipated, the power of Chen Qingdi's punch was finally exhausted.

Just when he was about to deliver the second punch, Chu Xiu suddenly said, "Stop! Stop fighting!"


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