Meet The Leader

Chapter 1219: counterattack

PS: Thanks to the book friends for blowing away the reward of Yundui’s 10,000 starting coins

With just one punch, Chu Xiu almost knew Chen Qingdi's strength.

True fire body refining, this path is countless times more difficult than normal martial arts practice, but once a breakthrough is made, it is also countless times stronger.

Before Chen Qingdi broke through, facing the existence of True Fire Refinement God Realm was almost a punch, but now that he has broken through, facing the existence of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, it is also a punch.

This kind of combat power seems to have no initial and mid-stage at all. As long as it breaks through, it is the peak!

Chen Qingdi was a little depressed at this time and said: "Boy, why don't you fight? I know that this is far from your peak strength.

The last time I had a fight with that old guy from Fengyun Jianzhong was very unpleasant. That old bangzi only had a name, and if he couldn't beat him, he had to use their trump cards in Fengyun Jianzhong. It was boring and not enjoyable. "

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "Mengzhu Chen wants to have fun, I can give you this opportunity. This time I came to you, Alliance Lord Chen. Actually, there is a very important and important thing I want to tell you."

When he heard Chu Xiu say this, Chen Qingdi's face also showed a look of awe: "Oh, what's the matter?"

Chen Qingdi started from scratch and laid down such a big foundation of the World Alliance. Naturally, he is not just a reckless man.

The current Chu Xiu is the leader of the Kunlun Demon Sect, a powerful figure in the world. He came here on purpose to tell him an important matter, and one can imagine how important this matter is.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "This matter is a bit important, let's find an absolutely safe and secret place to talk about it."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Qingdi took Chu Xiu and Xie Xiaolou to a secret room, and said solemnly, "Can you say it now?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said solemnly: "This matter involves a very big secret of mine. I came to tell you, Alliance Leader Chen, because there is something to ask for your help, and I believe Brother Xie, I also believe in your conduct, Alliance Leader Chen.

Regardless of whether you agree or not, Alliance Leader Chen, please don't spread the word. "

Chen Qingdi waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about this, not to mention your relationship with that kid in my family, I, Chen Qingdi, are not the kind of person with a long mouth."

Chu Xiu nodded and said directly: "Do you know where I went during the year I disappeared?"

Xie Xiaolou couldn't help but ask, "Where did you go?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "Go to another world!"

Having said that, Chu Xiu told Chen Qingdi all about Daluotian. Except for the core things about Dugu and me, he did not keep anything else.

After listening to this, Xie Xiaolou opened his mouth wide, with a look of astonishment on his face, and was so shocked that he was speechless.

Even Chen Qingdi couldn't keep his composure, and he was horrified.

The existence of Daluotian, the other world, these are indeed a big impact on martial artists like Chen Qingdi, who have a rough background, and who have relatively little knowledge of some ancient news and rumors.

Chu Xiu paused for a while and let the two people digest the information, and then he said: "So this time I am here, I want to ask you to help me relieve the siege and defeat the half-step martial artist of the Sanskrit religion. fairy.

At the same time, as a price, you and Brother Xie can freely travel between Da Luotian and the lower realm, and even the elites of the World Alliance can enter Da Luotian to practice, but they cannot walk freely. They can only tell them that it is a secret realm and can only stay there. practice in it.

This condition, I don't know what Chen Meng thinks? "

After a long while, Chen Qingdi knocked on the table and said: "To be honest, your kid actually asked me to be a thug, but I have no reason to refuse your conditions."

For Chen Qingdi, in fact, the energy of heaven and earth in Daluotiantian did not have much effect on him.

The real fire body refining is to temper itself, not to absorb the external energy to accumulate power, so this is of no use to Chen Qingdi.

But being able to fight against a powerhouse in the half-step Martial Immortal realm is very tempting for the current Chen Qingdi.

After Chen Qingdi's breakthrough, in fact, he is already fully capable of ranking in the Supreme Ranking, but there are not many people who can fight him in the lower realm.

Chu Xiu is his own person and can only learn from each other.

The old Tianshi was hidden deep enough. Even if he fought with Ye Shaonan in the past, he didn't use all his strength, but there was no conflict between the World Alliance and the Tianshifu.

Ye Shaonan's strength is strong enough, but they are in retreat, and the rest are Tianmen and Dazizitian. Chen Qingdi has a lot in his heart, and these two can't be beat by himself. It's not to accumulate combat experience. , but to deliver food.

And according to what Chu Xiu said, there are quite a few warriors who have reached the half-step Martial Immortal, or the peak of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, enough for him to show his strength.

And Da Luotian is also very useful for Xie Xiaolou and other warriors of the World Alliance.

In the entire World Alliance, only Chen Qingdi took the road of True Fire Body Refinement. Even Xie Xiaolou did not take this road, so the environment of Da Luotian was definitely a treasure for them.

After it was finalized, Chu Xiu immediately brought Chen Qingdi to Daluotian.

The moment they just stepped into Daluotian, Chen Qingdi and Xie Xiaolou couldn't avoid a moment of confusion, lamenting the power of Daluotian's aura.

After they finished their sighs, Chu Xiu brought the two of them out to meet Wei Shuya and others.

Chen Qingdi, several members of the Kunlun Demon Sect, also knew each other, especially Xie Xiaolou and Lu Fengxian who were also good friends. The sect guy felt sad.

He was still carrying all kinds of calculations there, guarding against and planning, but you all started to work hard in another world, which is simply unreasonable. "

From Xie Xiaolou's point of view, the people of the righteous sect in the lower realm are simply pitiful.

They secretly poked all kinds of plans, but Chu Xiu turned out to be good. They didn't plan to play with you at all. The starting points of the two sides are different. How can we play?

Chen Qingdi waved his hand directly at this time: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, where is the guy you said?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "We're just around outside. They've been around us for so many days. They're probably a little impatient. Now, it's time to solve it together!"

At this time, outside the stronghold where Chu Xiu was, Xin Jialuo and Ming Xuanyu were still guarding there.

In fact, they are not impatient. Xin Jialuo has time, and Ming Xuanyu takes advantage and has more time.

Originally, they were still waiting for Chu Xiu's formation power to be exhausted, but who would have thought that the light of the formation would dissipate in the next moment.

Ming Xuanyu and Xin Jialuo looked at each other, Chu Xiu finally couldn't help it, and wanted to fight with them?

The two immediately surrounded them with people.

Looking at Chu Xiu and the others who came out of the formation, Xin Jialuo said coldly: "Chu Xiu, are you ready to be captured? Go back with me obediently, and explain everything about Mahaliha. Those people, I won't touch them yet.

But if you don't know how to praise, let alone someone in your stronghold, you can't even protect Cangwu County! "

However, at this time, Xin Jialuo found it strange that the people on Chu Xiu's side did not have any fear. When facing them, they seemed to have made up their minds, which made Xin Jia Luo doubt in his heart. What can't you rely on?

Chu Xiu did not respond to Xin Jialuo either. A burly-looking strong man standing beside him pointed at Xin Jia Luo, and said with an accent that made Xin Jia Luo feel awkward: "What you said is The shiny monk?"

Xin Jialuo was stunned, what the **** is the shiny monk?

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Chu Xiu nodded, and then the strong man nodded: "Okay, then this guy, leave it to me."

Xin Jialuo just wanted to say that the other party was shameless, but the next moment, the strong man had already shot.

With a punch, the ultimate physical strength shook the void, and everything in front of Xingaro's eyes began to twist, that was the powerful sense of oppression brought by absolute power!

Xin Jialuo suddenly widened his eyes, where did this monster come from? Even a strong man from the top sect of the Southern Territory War Wushen Sect can't have this level of physical strength!

He squeezed the seal in his hand, and a big sun rose behind him, slamming down towards Chen Qingdi with a scorching power that could melt everything.

Although Sanskrit can be regarded as a branch of Buddhism, in fact, the practice of Sanskrit is like a Buddha but not a Buddha, like a devil but not a devil, and it is biased towards the sinister and strange kind. The fire that destroys the world knows.

However, only the cultivation technique of the Sun God Palace lineage cultivated by Singara is upright and bright, exerting the power of the sun to the extreme, which can be called a fierce atmosphere.

But in front of Chen Qingdi's powerful punch, I am the only one in the sky and the earth, what about Haoyang Sun? Holding the moon with one hand and picking up the stars, even the sun can be smashed with one punch!

There was a loud bang, and the scorching fireball was smashed by Chen Qingdi with a direct punch. The true sun fire, which was enough to smelt the divine weapon, smashed on him, but he couldn't even burn through his flesh.

Singara's complexion changed, and the Sanskrit Buddhist seal bloomed in his hands and stopped in front of him, but the next moment, he was blasted hundreds of feet away by Chen Qingdi's punch, smashed to the ground, and blasted a huge pit. Cave come.

At this time, Chu Xiu was not idle either. The broken moment in his hand was slashing at Ming Xuanyu with a sharp edge that ripped apart the sky and the earth. This person is also at the peak of the realm of communication between heaven and earth. Of course, he has to deal with it. .

In the branch hall of Ming Xuanyu's Bliss Magic Palace, there are also two powerhouses in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, Wei Shuya and Shang Tianliang each greeted one person to fight.

The people from the Heiluo Department were also under the order of Lu Fei, roaring and rushing towards the warriors of the Elysium Demon Palace. Hei Jie was too seriously injured, so he did not take action.

At this moment, the two conveniences have already become a group.


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