Meet The Leader

Chapter 1221: What is a fairy?

PS: Thanks to book friend Lin Hailingzhi for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Chu Xiu was able to breathe a sigh of relief after repelling the Demon Palace of Bliss and others.

When I saw that Ming Xuanyu took the lead to escape Chu Xiu, I knew that the relationship between Bliss Magic Palace and Singara was not so close. What method was used to let the Magic Palace of Bliss help him.

Now that Xingaluo has been driven away by Chen Qingdi, the Bliss Devil Palace will naturally not take the initiative to provoke him again.

Chen Qingdi shook his head and walked over: "Yes, the strength of this Da Luotian's martial artist is really strong, and the number of martial arts is somewhat different from the lower realm.

However, this man couldn't help but fight a little, and he ran away before he could really decide the winner. "

Hearing Chen Qingdi say this, everyone present felt a little speechless.

Does this mean that there is no winner or loser?

They saw with their own eyes that Xin Jialuo was crushed by Chen Qingdi all the way, and it was a miserable thing.

In this case, if Xin Jialuo didn't run away, he would easily be hammered to death by Chen Qingdi.

Chu Xiu came over and bowed to Emperor Chen Qing: "Chen Alliance Lord, thank you very much."

Chen Qingdi waved his hand and said: "No need to be too polite, you bring me to Daluotian, and I will help you eliminate your opponents, which is reasonable and reasonable.

By the way, boy Chu Xiu, that stinky boy from Xie Xiaolou will stay with you temporarily. You can take care of me. I am going to travel around in Da Luotian to find some inspiration for breakthroughs, and by the way, I will find someone to learn from. "

The corners of Chu Xiu's mouth twitched, I'm afraid that in the end, by the way, is what Chen Qingdi really wants.

However, Chu Xiu still reminded: "Chen alliance leader, Daluotian is different from the lower realm. There are countless masters in the four domains of east, west, north, south, and south, and there are several martial immortals in each domain. It is best to act with caution."

Although Chu Xiu's ability to cause trouble is no worse than that of Chen Qingdi, Chu Xiu's troubles and Chen Qingdi's troubles are two different things.

Everything that Chu Xiu caused was either related to profit or reputation.

As for Chen Qingdi, he just wanted to find someone to fight, so he went out to make waves.

He is not Chu Xiu's subordinate, Chu Xiu naturally can't control the other party, so he can only mention it a little.

Chen Qingdi nodded and said, "Don't worry, I am measured. Although I am belligerent, I am not mindless."

Speaking of this, Chen Qingdi suddenly sighed: "To be honest, if you didn't bring me to Daluotian, I really don't know my next step and how I should go."

Chu Xiu was stunned for a moment, Chen Qingdi's current strength can already be regarded as a half-step Martial Immortal realm, and his body is strong and his combat power is superior. What is he still confused about?

Chen Qingdi pointed to himself and said, "In the entire lower realm, I am actually the most special one.

Although you also practice True Fire Body Refinement, I can see that you have cultivated a lot of things. There are many roads, and each of them can reach the pinnacle. "

Chu Xiu secretly smiled bitterly, Lu Duo is not a good thing. When he broke through the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan before, he still felt confused because he had too many roads.

Chen Qingdi continued: "There are many paths you can choose, Ye Shaonan, Laotianshi, and the winner, the immortal, it should be said that all the existences in the entire lower realm who have reached the realm of heaven and earth, they all know that they should Which way to go, but I alone don't know.

I knew from the beginning of my cultivation that no one would accompany me on this path, and I could only travel by myself.

In the lower bound, it actually broke through three times in total.

The first time was to condense the inner strength and true fire. It failed to break through the real fire to refine the gods. As a result, I turned to body refining, but succeeded. That was the first time.

The second time was not long after the fight with the Lao Shizi Tianmen God you killed, the body was perfected, and it was invincible among the same rank.

The third time was the previous one, when the fleshly body assimilated the heaven and the earth, and the power of the heaven and the earth could be mobilized with the power of the pure fleshly body, and it could rival the half-step Martial Immortal.

These three times, each time was extremely dangerous, and each time was a coincidence.

So whether I can wait for the fourth breakthrough, the fleshly body becomes holy, comparable to the body of an immortal, even I am not sure.

Daluotian is incomparably vast, and there are countless strong people. Whether my martial arts can go further, depends on this time.

I have already told the World Alliance, keep a low profile, I will come back in a year, but if I don't come back after a year, then you can help me and let that kid Xie Xiaolou inherit the title of the leader of the World Alliance. bit.

There are also a lot of people who have offended my bad temper in the lower realm. I am gone, and it is inevitable that some people will find trouble with the Tianxia Alliance. "

Hearing Chen Qingdi's words that seemed to be saying goodbye, Xie Xiaolou's eyes turned red, and his voice trembled: "Master..."


Chen Qingdi looked directly at his head and scolded: "I'm not dead yet, why are you crying!?

Give me a good training here, and wait for me to come back in a year. If you haven't made a breakthrough, I really take a hammer to open your head and see, how did you accept such an idiot in the first place! "

After finishing speaking, Chen Qingdi stepped on his footsteps, and suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and his figure had disappeared.

Xie Xiaolou let out a long sigh and said, "Brother Chu, please help me arrange the place, I will be in retreat now."

Chu Xiu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Alliance Leader Chen built the World Alliance from scratch when he was in the lower realm, and he has fought all the way to the present, and the danger is no less than that of Da Luotian.

Since he has nothing to do in the lower realm, it is the same in Da Luotian. Although the path he has taken is powerful, he is destined to pay more than ordinary people. "

Xie Xiaolou shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I am not worried about my master now, but about myself.

If I really don't have a breakthrough after a year, with my master's temper, he will really beat me with a hammer. "

Chu Xiu: "..."

After arranging for Xie Xiaolou to go to retreat and practice, Chu Xiu also began to arrange other people to strengthen the formation in this stronghold.

After going through this incident, Chu Xiu actually felt a sense of crisis.

Xin Jialuo is a half-step Martial Immortal, plus a branch of the Elysium Demon Palace, they are in a mess here, and they have to find reinforcements from the lower realm, which is indeed a bit embarrassing.

This kind of strength crushing Chu Xiu is also helpless. Da Luotian has developed for tens of thousands of years. How long can he let them develop? Years or decades?

In the face of pure strength, there is no way other than to steadily improve one's own strength to resist hard, and this kind of thing cannot be opportunistic.

Right now, he is the only one who can be regarded as a trump card, and he can only rely on Wei Shuya to control the rootless flame and pretend to be a Martial Immortal.

To be honest, this trick works, but only once or twice.

Fake tiger might be fine, but once it is enough, if you come a few more times, the tiger might will be completely dissipated.

After explaining these things, Chu Xiu didn't waste any time, and immediately prepared to start retreating.

Now Chu Xiu's realm is very strange. Strictly speaking, his strength is profound, so as soon as he stepped into the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, he directly passed the initial stage of adapting to the power, and directly reached the middle and late stages.

But the realm is not the same as the combat power. His combat power is far beyond the realm. Except for the half-step Martial Immortal like Xin Jialuo, he has no absolute certainty to win, even the existence of the peak of the heaven and earth Tongxuan realm like Ming Xuanyu. , he dared to fight it.

Therefore, the current Chu Xiu is already qualified to reach out and touch it, the legendary Martial Immortal Realm!

As Chu Xiu squeezed the seal, his Primordial Spirit power was quickly consumed.

At the same time, Fang Yinglong, the sect master of the High Heaven Sect who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes. He seemed to feel a trace of the power of the primordial spirit vibrating, but when he noticed it carefully, it disappeared.

Shaking his head, Fang Yinglong closed his eyes and continued to practice.

There are so many warriors in Lingxiao Sect, maybe who is cultivating the secret method of Yuanshen, and it is normal to make some movements.

At this time, in the depths of Lingxiao Realm, the heavenly soul tied to the bronze pillar suddenly raised his head, and an indescribable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the foggy space, Tianhun looked at Chu Xiu and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to contact me so quickly, did you encounter something difficult, or did you have a problem with your cultivation? "

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice: "It's a matter of cultivation. I want to know what exactly is the Martial Immortal Realm, and how can we reach the Martial Immortal Realm."

As for the realm of Martial Immortal, Chu Xiu actually knew it. After all, the collection of sermons of Martial Immortal on the streets contained many descriptions of the realm of Martial Immortal.

But it can also be said that Chu Xiu does not know.

Those things said in the sermons of the Martial Immortals, one person has one appearance, one person has one perception, Chu Xiu wants to really know, it is the real road that can lead to the realm of Martial Immortal!

Tianhun pondered for a while and said: "With your current state, it's a little early to think about Martial Immortal, but it's okay, anyway, you will have to step into this state sooner or later, and with your speed, it's faster.

In the course of martial arts, from smashing the muscles and bones to opening the sky and the earth, from cultivating oneself to understanding the world, in fact, there is no escape from the cage of this world.

In the field of the evolution of heaven and earth, in this field, you are a god, and you are an existence that can be of the same origin with heaven and earth.

But Martial Immortal, you can understand it like this, Martial Immortal is an existence that wants to transcend the world.

The rules of heaven and earth say that there can be no flying snow in summer, but Wuxian can make snow in June, not simply to control the celestial phenomenon with his own power, but to directly change the rules of this world. The power of people, change the rules, distort the world! "

Tianhun said solemnly: "The word Wuxian is very vivid, of course, when you are still in the cage of heaven and earth, even if you reach the realm of heaven and earth, you are still human.

But when you try to transcend the world in which you exist, your level is actually already out of the category of 'human', but an immortal!

Martial Dao Jiuzhongtian, in fact, every step is walking on the sky, reaching the highest point, stepping on the entire sky, then, is the real detachment! "


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