Meet The Leader

Chapter 1222: Peeping exercises

PS: Thanks for the reward of 10,000 starting coins for sweet and sour radish sticks

The same thing, but everyone looks at it differently.

A flower is a world, and in the eyes of a person, it is a world.

It may be because Chu Xiu is the only soul of Dugu. Even though all the memories on him have disappeared now, Chu Xiu feels that the things that Tianhun told him fit him abnormally.

After being silent for a long time, Chu Xiu suddenly asked: "Since Martial Immortals walk on the sky and have nothing to do with the strength they have cultivated, why are there so many Martial Immortals in the Upper Realm?"

Tianhun said: "Who said it has nothing to do with your own strength?

If you want to walk on the sky, you must first understand the sky. If you can’t compare with the sky, how can you walk on the sky?

Daluotian's heaven and earth are more abundant, and the martial artist is closer to this world, and the chance of naturally birthing a martial immortal is higher than that of the lower realm.

Of course, this is not an absolute thing. For example, Dugu is the only one, such as Ning Xuanji. For thousands of years in the lower realm, almost every generation has stepped into the realm of Wuxian. "

"If you cross the ninth level of Martial Immortal, you can achieve transcendence, immortality and immortality. Then, is there anyone in this world who has achieved transcendence?"

Tianhun shook his head and said: "I don't know, at least I don't know about Dugu five hundred years ago.

But now he knows that by gathering the three origins and entering the Heaven of Longevity, he can reach the state of transcendence.

Now you and I are the stepping stones on his road to detachment. Whether you want to reach the top or be a stepping stone, you have to think about it. If you don't hurry up, I am afraid we can only be a stone. He is out of this world. "

As the last sentence of Tianhun was finished, the power of the primordial spirit on Chu Xiu's side was also somewhat exhausted, and the figure of Tianhun disappeared in front of Chu Xiu's eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Xiu's eyes became much firmer, and he continued to retreat.

Chen Qingdi has no road ahead, so he needs to develop a road by himself before he can reach the peak.

But Chu Xiu is different. There are many roads ahead of him, but what he lacks the most is time.

He has reached the peak in the lower realm. Even in this big Luotian, he is still a figure, but even so, Chu Xiu's mentality is even more anxious than when he was in the lower realm, and his cultivation has even reached the point of forgetting to sleep and eat. Now, Mei Qinglian and the others were a little stunned, thinking that Chu Xiu was provoked by Xin Jialuo's incident and was about to anger Wuxian.

It's just that in Chu Xiu's view, the so-called Singalore, the so-called Sanskrit religion, can only be regarded as an obstacle. His real opponent, there is only one real enemy, that is, hidden in Huang Quantian, I don't know when. The loneliness that will appear is only me!

During the period of Chu Xiu's frantic cultivation, the power of Chu Xiu's subordinates also began to grow wildly.

Batches of warriors from the Kunlun Demon Sect entered Da Luotian to practice in turn. After the practice, they were not idle in the lower realm.

The Kunlun Demon Sect has now controlled the land of Beiyan and Nanman, and all the resources in Nanman have been occupied by the Kunlun Demon Sect. As for Beiyan, Mei Qinglian sent a bunch of people over to help Beiyan. When Yan suppressed Wulin Zongmen, he was also mining and excavating the extreme north.

Although these places are bitter and cold, it does not mean that the products are not rich, otherwise the Daguang Temple would not have established a sect here.

All kinds of mineral resources have been mined, and almost all of them have been shipped to Daluotian for Master Yuan Ji and Chao Chen to build the formation. It is more solemn than the lower realm.

After all, there is no one in the lower realm who dares to lick the tiger beard of the Kunlun Demon Sect at such a time.


Four months later, on a small road at the border of Cangwu County and Lingluo County, Lu Jianghe sat bored in the pavilion, waiting there with a jar of wine, taking a sip from time to time.

The entire Kunlun Demon Sect is very busy.

Those with strength are busy retreating and practicing.

Those who are capable are busy arranging the construction and formation of strongholds, etc.

Lu Jianghe is powerful, but he is not willing to practice that, so he wanders around Cangwu County.

In the end, Mei Qinglian really couldn't stand the stage, so he made him responsible for guarding the caravan in Cangwu County.

The caravans of Cangwu County not only traveled to and from the Nanman land, but naturally also transported them abroad. Among them, many caravans had to pass through Lingluo County.

Lingluo County is now the territory of Hanjiang City, so it is natural to be careful of some people in Hanjiang City, so Mei Qinglian asked Lu Jianghe to guard the caravan.

Of course, this kind of thing is very boring in Lu Jianghe's view. He still wants Hanjiang City to do something. He likes to move his muscles and bones.

It's a pity that although Hanjiang City sometimes doesn't follow the rules, when they don't plan to officially take action against the Emperor Tiange, they still don't bother to do these small actions that can't be brought to the surface.

But at this time, Lu Jianghe, who looked laid-back, didn't notice that someone was staring at him in the high-rise building on the border of Lingluo County, a few miles away from him.

"It was this person who deposed you in Lingxiao City last time? Is he the one who harbors that mysterious and evil blood refining secret technique?"

The person who spoke was an old man in a blood robe, with a grim appearance, his eyes were blood red, and he looked extremely evil.

His blood robe is extremely strange, not pure blood, but as if there is a layer of blood flowing on it, like a living thing, extremely strange.

This old man is the leader of the Blood River Sect, the ancestor of the Blood River.

Few people remember what his real name was, anyway, when he became famous in the Eastern Region, he was called Blood River Patriarch.

In addition to the Martial Immortals, the most powerful person in the Eastern Territory is this person.

Standing beside him was the yin and blood Li who was almost drained of blood by Lu Jianghe in the last martial arts gamble, and his cultivation base was abolished.

Although Lu Jianghe didn't kill him last time, he still drained Yin Xueli's whole body.

For a martial artist like Yin Xue Li, who specializes in the power of qi and blood, this is almost like being abolished.

More than half a year has passed, but Yin Xue Li still hasn't returned to the peak period, still like a mummy.

Although he still has the cultivation of the realm of heaven and earth, but if he really fights, it is estimated that he can't even beat the real fire.

"That's the man!"

Staring at Lu Jianghe in the distance, a trace of resentment appeared in his **** eyes.

Since he was abolished by Lu Jianghe last time, his status in the Blood River Sect has plummeted, and even those junior brothers don't take him seriously, and the master has a faint feeling of not paying attention to him.

But fortunately, he brought a piece of news that could make Master not completely give up on him. That news was Lu Jianghe's practice!

The cultivation technique passed down by the ancestors of the blood river is already strong enough in the Qi and blood one, at least in the eyes of Yin Xueli.

But compared with Lu Jianghe, the exercises of their Blood River Sect are really not good enough. Lu Jianghe's exercises are definitely one level higher than that of their Blood River Cult.

And if it wasn't because of the restraint of the practice technique, he wouldn't have lost so badly last time, and was directly crushed by Lu Jianghe with the weak defeating the strong.

So he immediately told the news to the ancestor of Xuehe, and encouraged him to take action against Lu Jianghe and force him to ask about his practice.

It's just that although Xuehe Ancestor was tempted, after that time, Lu Jianghe never left Cangnan Mansion, which made Xuehe Ancestor helpless.

Although he is also a figure in the Eastern Region martial arts, and he is still standing on the side of Hanjiang City, but he is not arrogant enough to attack the county guard before the battle between Hanjiang City and Huangtian Pavilion is complete.

Although his strength is the same as that of Singara, there is no Sanskrit religion behind him.

It was not until recently that Lu Jianghe came out to **** the caravan that he found an opportunity.

Xuehe Old Ancestor turned his gaze to Yin Xueli, and said in a hoarse voice: "Are you sure, this person's cultivation technique is really so strong that it is far superior to my Xuehe Sect?

You have to know that the other party is Chu Xiu after all, and Chu Xiu is the county governor of Cangwu County.

We moved his people in Cangwu County, which is equivalent to provoking the Huangtian Pavilion. Do you understand the relationship? "

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Xuehe Old penetrated into the bottom of Yin Xueli's heart, causing him to tremble.

Having stayed in the Blood River Sect for so long, he has long known what the blood river ancestor was like.

Don't look at him as the eldest disciple of Blood River Ancestor, and also the strongest one, so he was the most favored before.

But now he has been abolished. For the Blood River Sect, it should be said that it is basically useless for the Blood River ancestors. At this time, as long as he shows a little bit of mistakes, he will not be at all. I doubt that my master will take away the last trace of blood essence from his body.

Yin Xue gritted his teeth and said, "Master, I dare to take my life to guarantee that Lu Jianghe's exercises are definitely from the same source as my Blood River Sect, and their power is stronger and more miraculous!

As long as I can get that exercise, the overall strength of my Blood River Sect will definitely skyrocket, even if it offends the entire Emperor Heaven Pavilion for this, it will be worthwhile! "

Hearing what Yin Xueli said, Xuehe Patriarch snorted coldly, and his figure swept straight towards Lu Jianghe.

At this time, Lu Jianghe was still drinking leisurely, but the next moment, he immediately threw the wine jar aside and looked in one direction with a solemn expression.

Five hundred years ago, he followed Dugu Yume to fight, and five hundred years later, he followed Chu Xiu, and he had not less experience in the war. He was extremely keen on the perception of murderousness.

Someone is going to shoot him!

The next moment, two blood-colored figures fell, and the ancestor of the blood river was slightly surprised: "The perception is quite keen."

As soon as Lu Jianghe saw Yin Xue Li, he knew that the other party was looking for trouble.

Taking another look at the ancestor of the blood river, Lu Jianghe sneered: "What's the matter, this is a young man and an old man? I can't beat the competition in the arena, so I brought another old man to trouble me, do you want to be embarrassed? ?"


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