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Chapter 1223: Run Lao Lu

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Lu Jianghe can be considered a person who has seen the big world. To be precise, he who has followed Dugu and I to slaughter the entire righteous way, of course, will not be afraid of such a thing as the ancestor of the blood river, in front of him, just straight Call him 'old clapper'.

There was a cold look in the eyes of Xuehe Old Ancestor: "Old Ancestor, I hate people with bad mouth.

Today I will give you a chance to hand over the exercises on your body, and I can make your death a little more happy! "

There was a clear look in Lu Jianghe's eyes. It turned out that this old bangzi came for his practice.

With a sneer, Lu Jianghe scolded directly: "Just relying on your blood river to teach this bunch of waste snacks, is also worthy of conspiring to do Lao Tzu's exercises? Are you worthy?

After practicing for hundreds of years, but in the end I didn't even understand the exercises. The power of qi and blood is played like a blood-sucking monster by you. The people who practice it are not human, not ghosts, it's ridiculous!

What about half-step Martial Immortal? Now come to **** the exercises from me, a real fire refining **** realm warrior, are you not afraid of losing your master?

Oh, I forgot, I heard that you are the ancestor of your blood river sect, right? Old Ancestor is a shameless old bangzi, you can imagine what kind of people the people below are, a bunch of shameless garbage! What kind of martial arts are you still practicing? You can drown yourself by urinating, so you don't have to make others laugh! "

In the past, before joining the Kunlun Demon Sect, Lu Jianghe was born in water thieves and bandits. He was a standard low-ranking man, but his mouth was very poisonous. The angry ancestors of the blood river and Yin Xueli were gasping for breath, and there were hideous expressions in their eyes. Murder is coming.

"Boy, you're very good! After I strip the exercises out of your mind bit by bit, I will break your limbs and throw you into the blood prison..."

Before the ancestor of Xuehe finished speaking, an extremely powerful force emerged from Lu Jianghe's body in an instant. In an instant, the blood light rose up into the sky, and Lu Jianghe's figure turned into a single exercise. , fleeing towards Cangnan Mansion.

At this moment, Lu Jianghe directly performed the Dafa Dafa of Hemorrhagic Demon and ran away.

After seeing how many times Chu Xiu had performed the Gorefiend Transformation, it was finally his turn this time.

It's just that Chu Xiu used this trick most of the time to fight with others, and Lu Jianghe used it for the first time to run away.

It's not that he's cowardly. If he rushes up to fight against the existence of a half-step Martial Immortal, he's just an idiot. Although he has been sealed for five hundred years, he still has a lot of good times to enjoy. He doesn't want to die. it's here.

Behind him, Xuehe Old Ancestor and Yin Xueli were both confused.

Just now, Lu Jianghe scolded them in front of them. He was very tough. No one could have imagined that the other party would say run and run. A sense of shame being played on.

"court death!"

Ancestor Xuehe roared and chased Lu Jianghe directly, with Yin Xueli following behind, but his current strength was already half useless, and he couldn't catch up with those two people at all.

Blood River Patriarch is, after all, a half-step Martial Immortal Realm existence. Although his cultivation technique is not as mysterious as the blood demon technique, the simplest blood escape technique can be displayed very quickly.

Seeing the blood river ancestor hanging behind him, Lu Jianghe also cursed badly.

Back then, when he used the Bleeding Demon Technique in front of everyone, Lu Jianghe really didn't think so much.

When he thinks about it, he has just abolished a **** evil. If the Gorefiend Sect is looking for trouble afterwards, he may find Huangtian Pavilion or Chu Xiu, but he is the only one who can't find himself.

He could never have imagined that a large faction in Daluotian, although not the top one, was also a half-step martial immortal, and he was so poor that he even coveted his own practice.

"It's quite fast to run, but no matter how fast you are, you can't beat the palm of my hand!"

The blood escape of the ancestor of the blood river erupted with extreme power, and the boundless blood river flowing behind him directly shrouded Lu Jianghe.

Lu Jianghe himself has already reached the half-step Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan Realm. At this time, using the Gorefiend to change the sky, his power is even stronger than most of the existences in the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan Realm.

The endless blood mist wrapped around him, but in the next moment, it turned into an extreme blade, cut the river of blood directly, and continued to escape.

Ancestor Xuehe let out a light snort, but the blood river that was torn apart quickly healed, turning into countless tiny blood threads hanging behind Lu Jianghe.

Those tiny bloodshots trembled, causing the surrounding heaven and earth to stagnate, while on the other hand, they were pulling the blood in Lu Jianghe's body, as if pulling all the blood out of his body.

Lu Jianghe snorted coldly and squeezed the seal in his hand. In an instant, the ancestor of the blood river was horrified to find that those bloodshots seemed to be out of his control, and they shattered and dissipated.

Ancestor Xuehe was not angry at this time, but a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

This method of manipulating qi and blood is something he doesn't have, and it is meticulous.

The ancestor of the Blood River started from scratch, not from those top sects. He only relied on the few remaining exercises of the extinct ancient sect, the Blood River sect, to create the Blood River Sect. The flaws in the exercises are too great.

It has been a long time since he reached the half-step Martial Immortal realm, but he has never broken through.

This is not the reason for his strength, but his martial arts, which is still not comprehensive enough.

If you can capture this guy's cultivation technique and integrate it into your own martial arts, you might be able to go to the next level and get a glimpse of the supreme realm of the Martial Immortal!

Thinking like this, the ancestor of Xuehe laughed wildly, waved his hand, and the power of qi and blood affected the vitality of the world, smashed towards Lu Jianghe crazily, and immediately threw him into a vomit.

Although the Gorefiend God Art is obviously a level higher than that of the Blood River Ancestor, it can dissolve the energy of each other's blood, but the strengths of the two sides are very different, even if those related to the energy of blood are not used. Cultivation method, Lu Jianghe is not his opponent either.

The two sides chased me and chased me all the way to the outside of Cangnan Mansion. This time, even the ancestors of the blood river were a little anxious.

He also underestimated this Lu Jianghe, the other's toughness was beyond his imagination.

Every time he thought that the other party could no longer hold on, but he did not expect that the other party would still be able to burst out with strength and continue to escape.

Seeing that the other party had already fled outside Cangnan Mansion, the ancestor of Xuehe knew that Cangnan Mansion was guarded by several experts in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm, so his chances were not many.

The ancestor of the blood river snorted coldly, and the power of qi and blood burst out, condensing into a blood arrow.

Lu Jianghe also wanted to use the Gorefiend Art to decompose the blood arrow, but the blood arrow seemed to pass through space, directly through the void, and the next moment, it had directly penetrated Lu Jianghe's heart!

At that moment, blood splattered out, but Lu Jianghe held on to squeeze the seal, and took the spilt blood back into his body. His speed exploded again, and his figure jumped into Cangnan Mansion instantly.

Ancestor Xuehe's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that the other party's toughness was so strong. To be precise, the other party has studied Qi and blood to the extreme. Resilience comes.

But the more he did, the more he desired Lu Jianghe's blood demon magic.

It's just that this time Lu Jianghe escaped, he had no chance, and the ancestor of Xuehe had to leave with unwillingness.

At this time, most of the people in Cangnan Mansion were in retreat, and Mei Qinglian was still taking care of some chores.

She suddenly felt a messy, **** force intruding in. Mei Qinglian immediately put down the affairs at hand and went out to check. As a result, she saw Lu Jianghe standing miserably at the gate, his breath was extremely depressed, and he was covered in blood. , there was a blood hole in the chest.

Seeing Mei Qinglian, Lu Jianghe grinned and said weakly, "Fuck! I lost a lot this time!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Jianghe lost consciousness and fell to the ground with a 'boom'.

His last thought was that no matter how strong a woman was, she was unreliable, why Mei Qinglian's first reaction was to cover her mouth and exclaim, instead of helping him and letting him fall again.

In the secret room of the county governor's mansion, Feng Buping fiddled with Lu Jianghe for a long time. Chu Xiu and everyone else had woken up from the retreat and looked at Lu Jianghe lying in the center with a solemn expression.

Seeing Lu Jianghe's miserable appearance just now, Chu Xiu was very angry, and so were the others.

Although Lu Jianghe's mouth is a bit stinky and his personality is not out of tune, it is undeniable that he helped Chu Xiu a lot in the early days of Chu Xiu, and he is definitely a confidant of Chu Xiu's confidant~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Anyone who touched him, Chu Xiu, was equivalent to hitting him in the face of Chu Xiu. No matter who this is, there is a price to pay!

After a long while, Feng Buping stood up and said, "Sir, Hallmaster Lu is all right now, although his injuries are serious, and everyone else would have died, but Hallmaster Lu's blood demon magic is extremely miraculous, and all the vitality has been scattered to the In every drop of qi and blood, let alone the heart burst, even if the head falls, as long as the true spirit is not extinguished, it will not die.

However, he lost too much qi and blood this time, and I am afraid it will take a long time to recover. "

"Then why hasn't he woken up yet?"

Feng Buping thought for a while and said, "Because the loss of qi and blood is too serious, so Lu Tang has hidden his true spirit in the qi and blood to protect it. This is a subconscious reaction of cultivating the blood demon magic. After all, although the body is not Important, but the true spirit is the most important.

Now either wait for a while, and after his physical body slowly recovers, the true spirit will feel that there is no danger and will return naturally, or just stimulate him to wake up his true spirit in advance. "

Chu Xiu nodded, and said loudly to Lu Jianghe: "To seal Lu Jianghe as the fifth Demon Venerable of my Holy Sect, and title him the Blood Sea Demon Venerable!"

Lu Jianghe, who was lying on the bed, didn't react at all.

Chu Xiu frowned, does it work?

At this time, Mei Qinglian suddenly whispered: "The Red Lotus Demon Venerable is here to find you."

Lu Jianghe, who was lying on the bed, twitched suddenly, and a carp sat up straight and looked around: "Where is the red lotus?"

When he saw the people around him, Lu Jianghe realized where he was. He let out a long sigh of relief and said in a bitter tone, "Wake me up next time to change the method, don't make fun of the Red Lotus Demon Venerable."


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