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Chapter 121: Buddhist martial arts

The northern part of the Yan Kingdom is a large wasteland, and its area is even larger than the seven or eight counties. However, because of its desolate land and harsh climate, it is sparsely populated, and the Northern Yan court did not set up counties here.

However, in the slightly desolate Northland, there are several major forces that Fengmanlou has included in the verses of Jianghu.

Although there is not so much snow in the northwest, the weather is dry and desolate. A straight giant peak stands in the northwest wasteland. This is the Daguangfeng Peak, where the sect of the Daguang Temple of the Northern Buddhist Sect is located.

The Daguang Temple has three major meditation halls and six martial arts courtyards, all of which are located above the Daguang Temple.

At this time, in the King Kong Academy among the six martial arts schools, a tall monk in his forties looked at the information written on the paper, and a look of anger appeared in his eyes.

Throwing down the letter, the monk immediately went out, but was stopped by an old monk in the meditation room: "Mingchen, where are you going?"

Mingchen said coldly, "Master, Senior Brother Hengshan was murdered by the villains of the Qinglong Society when he was helping Yao Nanqian, the abbot of the Lingjian Sect, to wash his hands in the golden basin. How can I ignore it?"

In the entire Beiyan territory, almost all Buddhist temples respect the Daguang Temple, so in terms of seniority, Zen Master Hengshan and the Mingchen in front of him are also of the same generation. Because Zen Master Hengshan is old, he is the only one. Mingchen will be honored as a senior brother.

And the relationship between the two people is indeed good, although there is a big gap between the two people's identities, one is the head of the King Kong Temple monk, who is responsible for teaching the young monks of the King Kong Temple to practice, and the other is the Beiyan Temple. Abbot.

In the past, Zen Master Hengshan was once invited to Daguang Temple to talk about Zen and Taoism. Of course, because of his identity and Buddhist practice, he was not qualified to talk about Zen and Taoism with the big people of Daguang Temple. He was only received by the three major Zen halls and the six major martial arts institutes. At that time, it was this Mingchen who was in charge of receiving Zen Master Hengshan.

It was precisely because of that time that the two sides became good friends. Although they were a few decades apart, they also became friends. Mingchen often visited Jinhua Temple when he left Daguang Temple.

For the past two years, he has been retreating in the Daguang Temple. I didn't expect that he had just left the retreat and received the news of the death of Zen Master Hengshan!

The old monk shook his head and said: "When you enter the rivers and lakes, you are infected with karma, this is the karma caused by Hengshan himself, and no one can blame others.

You treat Hengshan as a friend, and he also treats Yao Nanqian as a friend, so he will be killed, but the key is that now you don't even know who the person who asked Qinglonghui to take action is, who are you looking for revenge? "

Mingchen said coldly: "Yao Nanqian was killed because of his own grievances and grievances, and I don't care who those who want to avenge him go to.

All I know is that it was someone from the Azure Dragon Society who killed Senior Brother Hengshan. Naturally, I should go to the Azure Dragon Society and ask for it from the 'Gorefiend' Chu Xiu! "

The old monk shook his head and said, "Mingchen, you have reached a critical moment in your practice of the Heart Sutra of Angry Eyes, and any little thing from the outside world will stir up anger in your heart.

King Kong's angry eyes are for slaying evil spirits and killing demons, killing one person and saving ten people.

You are now full of anger and murderous intentions, and if you let you kill again, I am afraid that you will be completely swept away by the anger, and your anger will soar, which will lead to the breeding of demons, so this time, you cannot go! "

"But Master..."

The old monk said solemnly: "No but! Besides, the rudder of Heaven's crime is very sensitive now, the abbot and the first seat of each church have been banned, and they are not allowed to conflict with the Qinglonghui.

Three years ago, the dragon of the Qinglong Association first came to Tiannan to provoke me at Daguang Temple.

But that Bu Tiannan is crazy and moody by nature. If the Qinglong Society is really desperate to fight to the end with my Shaolin Temple, the killers of Tiangang's thirty-sixth rudder will all stare at my Daguang Temple. How many disciples will my Daguang Temple die?

Beiyan Wulin is already chaotic enough. My Daguang Temple sits firmly on the Guangming Peak in the north. I don’t want to interfere in the chaos of the rivers and lakes.

If it was the Qinglong meeting that moved the disciples of my Daguangming Temple, then I, the Daguang Temple, would not mind strangling the rudder of the crime on this day.

But if you cause my Daguang Temple to form an endless hatred with Qinglong again because of your own personal resentment, can you afford this cause and effect? "

Mingchen was drenched in cold sweat by what his master said, and his anger surged just now, but he really didn't think about it that much.

The old monk sighed and said, "Okay, go back to practice, Mingchen, among the disciples of the King Kong Academy, your strength is not the strongest, but it is you who practice the hardest on weekdays and have the most perseverance.

When you can completely control your emotions, then your Angry Eyes Vajra Heart Sutra can be regarded as the real success. "

"Yes, Master."

Ming Chen respectfully bowed to the old monk, but did not dare to mention the matter of going to the Qinglong Society for revenge.

Of course, he also suppressed this hatred in the bottom of his heart.

King Kong's anger is not for killing people, but for saving people, but if he can't even avenge his friend's revenge, then his King Kong's anger will be too aggrieved.


Because Yaojiazhuang was destroyed and Yao Nanqian was killed, the martial arts atmosphere in the entire Yandong area became a little tense, which was not noticed by the killers of the Qinglong Association such as Chu Xiu.

After destroying Yaojiazhuang, the commission for the task was issued, and Chu Xiu felt a little disadvantaged.

The rewards of the sixth-level quest are naturally very rich, but the question is how many people are there for this sixth-level task?

Even in terms of credit, Chu Xiu could only be ranked in the middle and upper class, after all, Yan Bugui and Tang Ya had both killed two outsiders.

In addition, there are so many killers participating in the mission this time, you share some, he will share some, and in the end, the commission that everyone gets is not too much.

At least Chu Xiu used so much energy to kill a master of the Outer Astral Realm, but the reward he got was not much more than that of him performing the lowest-level fifth-level task alone.

However, this battle brought Chu Xiu a lot of benefits. At least Chu Xiu can be sure that he already has the strength to fight the outer gangster masters alone. Of course, the process is more dangerous.

Although Zen Master Hengshan is already old and his qi and blood have begun to decline a little, but in the early years of Yandong martial arts, he has extremely rich combat experience, and his own martial arts are also extremely strong, and even forced Chu Xiu to use him. Now it is the second sword of the three swords of Abitao that can't be fully controlled.

With Chu Xiu's current strength, it is estimated that it will be much easier to deal with if the opponent is replaced by Yue Henian's level.

During this period of time, Chu Xiu was not idle either. He was still taking tasks, cultivating, and then taking tasks.

And after the Yaojiazhuang incident, Chu Xiu can be said to be the most famous killer in the helm of Heavenly Crime, and there are even many tasks that Chu Xiu is asked to do by name.

Only then did Chu Xiu know what the ghost hand king said in the past, that killers also need fame.

The commissions for this task of appointing killers are extremely rich. If the employer wants to designate Chu Xiu to take the shot, he only needs to pay more.

So now Chu Xiu only chooses the kind of task that he is specially assigned to complete, and performing such a task once is 30% higher than the ordinary task reward.

During the free period of the mission, Chu Xiu also ran to the old man Huang, ready to see if there was any progress on his side.

Pushing open the courtyard door of the old man Huang, a sharp and cold light flashed in front of Chu Xiu's eyes, and two flying knives stabbed directly in front of him, at an astonishingly fast speed.

But no matter how fast the flying knife is, it is not as fast as Chu Xiu's knife.

He unsheathed the red sleeved sword in his hand and directly chopped the flying saber in front of him. The old man Huang hurried out and saw Chu Xiu in front of him. He couldn't help but smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't know that it is Master Chu who is here, please forgive me. ."

Chu Xiu looked at the flying knife on the ground and said in surprise, "Is this what you arranged?"

The old man Huang said with a wry smile: "The old man is now a cripple, he can no longer arrange a complete formation, and he has no money to hire a powerful warrior to guard him.

So I can only think of a way to temporarily combine the formation and the hidden weapon, and use the power of the formation to automatically trigger the hidden It is also a little thing to protect yourself, otherwise you will encounter a bandit. What, it didn't even have the strength to fight back. "

After saying that, the old man Huang glanced at the two flying knives on the ground with some distress.

The material that the two handles had reached the level of 3rd turn, and finally let Chu Xiu split the knife in half, but he was very distressed.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "I came to see you for nothing, I just wanted to see how the restoration of the jade slip that passed the skill was restored."

The old man Huang nodded and said: "The repair is still smooth, and in less than a month, Master Chu will be able to come and get things.

Moreover, the old man also found some interesting things. The jade slip of the power transmission turned out to be the martial arts of Buddhism. Master Chu should be more careful when practicing. "

What old man Huang said was really for the good of Chu Xiu. He already knew the identity of Chu Xiu. Chu Xiu, the 'Gorefiend', was a rookie of the younger generation of Yandong Wulin, and the most famous killer in the helm of Heaven's Crime. Needless to say, he knew it. This practitioner must be a magician.

The Buddhist practice and the magic practice are mutually restrained. This is known to everyone in the arena. Chu Xiu practiced the magic first, and then went to practice the Buddhist practice. If one does not get it right, it is easy to go wrong, or even go to the devil. What.

In fact, it's none of his business that Chu Xiu goes into trouble, but now he repairs the jade slips for Chuan Gong. If he wanted to harm him, or because of his poor craftsmanship, which caused problems with the jade slips, and finally came to kill him in a rage, then the old man Huang was wronged.

So now the old man Huang explained the matter first, the exercises can not be practiced casually, so don't come to me if something happens in the future.


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