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Chapter 122: Not simple to the point of sin

PS: Thanks to book friend Wo husband, book friend 312***01, book friend 120****29 for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Hearing that the old man Huang said that the practice in the jade slip was actually a Buddhist practice, Chu Xiu was really surprised.

Because the inheritance of Dao and Buddhism is relatively complete, the inheritance of the outside world is relatively rare.

The Zhang family had nothing to do with Buddhism when they were most prosperous in the past, so this jade slip should have been acquired by accident, but when they split up, due to conflict or some other reason, it was finally broken into two halves. hold half.

As for the old man Huang who was worried that Chu Xiu was cultivating both the magic and the Buddha at the same time, something went wrong, but Chu Xiu was not worried at all.

In fact, now Chu Xiu himself belongs to the three cultivators of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons.

Xiantian Gong is the secret scripture of Taoism, there is no attribute bonus, but it is the most important foundation, so there is no need to worry about conflict with any cultivation method.

Although Chu Xiu didn't directly practice Buddhism's exercises, because of the glazed golden silk Gu, he also contained the power of Buddhism in his body.

As for the magic method, Chu Xiu has more. Whether it is the three swords of Abi Dao or the Great Compassion of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth, they all belong to that kind of extremely powerful magic arts.

Perhaps it was because Chu Xiu had turned these three powers into his foundation from the very beginning, and even the glazed golden silk Gu was basically connected to Chu Xiu's bloodline, so the conflict of power did not appear on Chu Xiu's body. Naturally, Chu Xiu doesn't have to worry about the situation of going crazy in the later stage.

Chu Xiu said indifferently to the old man Huang: "I know this, you only need to repair the jade slips, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

After he finished speaking, Chu Xiu left directly, leaving old man Huang behind him and shaking his head.

If it wasn't for Chu Xiu's lavish spending, he would really be reluctant to cooperate with a famous killer like Chu Xiu.

After the old man Huang had no accident, Chu Xiu returned to the Azure Dragon Society first.

However, as soon as he returned to the underground palace, he was pulled by the Ghost Hand King and said, "Don't take the task for the past few days. The helm master must gather the power of the entire heaven and sin to carry out a task."

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "Another collective mission?"

To be honest, for this kind of collective task, Chu Xiu did not want to do it again after performing it once, and the benefits were too low.

It's just that now people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. With the character of the helmsman of Heaven's Sin, if Chu Xiu dares to disobey his orders, the fate can be imagined.

After all, the Ghost Hand King and Huo Nu have said that if you want to mix well in the rudder of heaven and crime, it is enough to master one, that is, you must absolutely obey the orders of the helm master!

Ghost Hand King said: "This time it is considered a collective mission, but it is not a collective mission issued by someone outside, but the master of the helm has to do one thing, which requires the cooperation of all the killers in our entire heaven.

But don't worry, the helm master is quite generous, and this task will be distributed to everyone according to the rewards of the sixth-level task. "

Chu Xiu shrugged, even if the sixth-level task was evenly spread out, it was not much. Dingtian was a psychological comfort, so that everyone would not take one shot in vain.

It's just that this series of actions by the helmsman of Heaven's Sin made Chu Xiu feel that the other party was a little impatient.

Chu Xiu had heard some information about the helmsman of this day in the original plot, but it was not detailed.

This Heavenly Sin helmsman may not be the strongest helmsman in the history of the Qinglong Club, but he is the one with the strongest sense of existence and the most troublesome helmsman.

Ordinarily, the helmsmen of the Qinglong Club treat the sub-rudder of the Qinglong Club as a pure killer organization, but only this helmsman of Tiansin is the one who regularly leads the rudders of Tiansin in the land of Yandong. Doing things on the rivers and lakes has caused a lot of waves in the rivers and lakes.

Chu Xiu had this feeling when he performed the group mission last time. This time, Chu Xiu can be sure that the other party should gradually start to follow the route in the original plot.

However, these things don't matter to Chu Xiu. His strength is here. If it is beneficial to follow the helmsman of Heavenly Sin, he will naturally obey orders, but otherwise, it may be a matter of chance.

Chu Xiu was talking to the Ghost Hand King, when Tang Ya wandered out from nowhere, playing with a delicate golden dragon tail dart in his hand, and asked the Ghost Hand King: "Ghost Hand King, this time What exactly is the helm master going to do, do you know?"

The Ghost Hand King smiled bitterly: "The helmsman didn't tell me the specific situation. He just told me to let me watch it here. When you come back, you will be notified one by one to suspend the mission and prepare to take action together."

Tang Ya sighed, shook his head and said, "It's really troublesome. In fact, as a human being, it's better to be simple, and the same goes for killers. We, the Azure Dragon Society, are getting more and more not simple."

The Ghost Hand King frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Tang Ya didn't answer the Ghost Hand King's question, but instead asked Chu Xiu, "How do you feel?"

Chu Xiu just said lightly: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and simple things will become complicated. It's good to get used to it."

Tang Ya smiled and said: "Yes, it's good to get used to it, but unfortunately I'm just not used to this kind of thing all the time."

After speaking, Tang Ya walked away humming a little song with a little taste of Sichuan and Sichuan.

The Ghost Hand King looked at Chu Xiu and said, "What does he mean?"

Chu Xiu patted the Ghost Hand King on the shoulder and said, "Stop playing the sharpshooter, you understand what you're asking?"

After speaking, Chu Xiu also turned and left.

The Ghost Hand King remained silent on the spot. He had been a killer in the Azure Dragon Society for more than ten years. The Ghost Hand King was not an idiot. In fact, he had always understood that he was just pretending to be confused.

The Qinglong Association is just a simple killer organization. It does not participate in the disputes between the rivers and lakes. It only acts as a double-edged magic sword in the hands of everyone.

Whoever wants to use this sword must irrigate it with blood. While this sword helps you kill people, it is also nourishing the power of this sword.

In fact, this is the true purpose of the Azure Dragon Society. It is only by simply being a sword that it can grow slowly in the endless killings on the rivers and lakes.

It can even be said that as long as there is hatred and slaughter in the rivers and lakes, then there is the value of the survival of the Azure Dragon Society.

It's just that under the leadership of the helmsman of Tiansin, the current helm of Tiansin seems to be no longer so pure. things get complicated.

As for whether this matter is good or bad, even the Ghost Hand King himself can't tell, but as the confidant of the helmsman of Heavenly Sin, who helps the helmsman of Heavenly Sin to manage the helmsman, he naturally can't talk nonsense. Even if you understand something, you have to pretend you don't understand it.

Two days later, Yan Bugui, who was carrying out the mission, also came back. The helmsman of Tiansin directly called Chu Xiu and other warriors with code names into a meeting room, and explained to them the task that Tiansin's rudder was going to perform this time.

Looking at the people present, the helmsman of Heavenly Sin said solemnly: "This time the mission is not an external mission, and I am going to take action to **** something, but don't worry, as long as this mission is successfully completed, your reward is not will be less."

The few people present, except for Yan Bugui, who was still indifferent, said in unison, "Follow the instructions of the helmsman!"

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin nodded, and he was not dissatisfied with the fact that Yan didn't return, that guy had that kind of character.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin said solemnly, "A half month ago, a small family Fang in Linzhong County photographed an inconspicuous secret box from the secret box auction, and it actually contained the most precious blood and jade.

Linglong Xueyu is the treasure of the ancient blood river sect. According to legend, it was made by condensing the essence of qi and blood of tens of thousands of warriors. After refining, it can enhance qi and blood, and it can transform one's own qi into powerful Incomparable blood refining divine astral.

After obtaining the treasure, although the Fang family tried their best to prevent the news from spreading, in the end, the news of the birth of the blood jade was still known by the two sects around the Fang family, the Qingchen Sect and the Golden Sword Sect.

Both factions wanted the blood jade exquisite, so they began to coerce the Fang family together. The Fang family was too angry, and announced that they would hand over the blood jade exquisite to the North Piao Xue City. He moved the Fang family to the north, where Juyi Village served as a witness.

At this time, Meng Yuanlong, the chief guest officer of Juyi Village, 'Jiuhua Qingfeng', has arrived at the Fang's house, and some strong and masters of the surrounding sects are also gathered in the Fang's want to see the exquisite blood jade. appearance.

Half a month later, the North Piaoxuecheng will officially send people to receive the blood jade exquisite, we will take advantage of the chaos to grab the blood jade exquisite when they are officially ready to hand over! "

Chu Xiu and the others looked at each other in dismay. It would be better to say that they would **** the blood jade Linglong when it first appeared in the world.

But now they are trying to **** the exquisite blood jade from the North Piaoxuecheng and Juyi Village. This is not an easy thing.

"Jiuhua Qingfeng" Meng Yuanlong, the chief guest officer of Juyi Village, is a master of the unity of nature and man. He was invited to Juyi Village by Corporal Nie Renlong Lixian a few years ago. In the rivers and lakes, they are called brothers.

And it is still unknown who will be sent to the snow city in the extreme north, and it is estimated that the strength should not be bad.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly wondered: "Fang's family should be the closest to Juyi Village, why do they have to abandon the near and seek far away to find the snow city in the extreme north? Moreover, Juyi Village is not even annoyed at all, and is willing to be this witness. Is there any conspiracy in this?"

When the others heard what Chu Xiu said, they also felt that something was wrong, and they all turned their attention to the helmsman of Tiansin.

Taking a deep look at Chu Xiu, the helmsman said lightly: "Actually, the Fang family wanted to give this thing to Juyi Village at first, but Juyi Village didn't dare to ask for it.

The relics of the blood river sect of the ancient demon sect are good things, but neither Nie Renlong nor Nie Dongliu should use this thing, they care about their reputation.

And for other people in Juyi Village, would Nie Renlong be willing? So this news was sold by Juyizhuang to Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north, but it's just that other people don't know how many transactions there are. "


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