Meet The Leader

Chapter 1238: The storm is chaotic, the war is about to start

No one has ever seen such a thing as an ancient demon god, and of course no one has ever seen a dead one.

The body of the demon **** currently contained in this large tomb has long since become one with this piece of heaven and blessed land in the passage of time, and has become a rock of gold and iron.

And supporting the existence of this cave, must be the most critical thing in the body of this devil, either in the head or in the heart.

Knowing where the Demon God's hands were, Chu Xiu could roughly guess where the Demon God's head and heart were. He didn't stop, and immediately took Lu Jianghe there.

Chu Xiu and Lu Jianghe deduced the location of the Demon God's head and heart, but they did not know that with the powerful speed and spiritual sense of the Martial Immortal Powerhouse, someone had already found this location.

It was a raised hill, shaped like a huge head, but vaguely had three eyes.

Two of the normal eyes have been weathered into two large sunken holes, but the vertical eye in the middle is like a gem, shining with dazzling light, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

At this time, there were two people standing in front of the raised eyes, one of them was a sloppy old man, Tao Qianming, the master of the Daqianmen, and the other with a long sword on his back, with an indifferent expression, was the third swordsman in the world. One of the Great Sword Sovereigns, the 'Qingli Sword Sovereign', Mu Baishuang.

The two of them were standing in front of the vertical eyes at this time, but neither of them did anything, and Tao Qianming didn't even show the slightest hostility.

Because Tao Qianming knew that the gap between him and Mu Baishuang was too great.

A fourth-level heaven, a seventh-level heaven, and a sword madman from the Sword Sect of the World, his combat power is very amazing, and he is notoriously powerful among his peers.

And although there are a lot of secret techniques in his thousands of sects, he is even known as the universe, although it is not as exaggerated as 10,000 secret techniques, but there are not many.

It's just that the secret method is a secret method, but there are only a few tricks that really work. The more stuff the better, Chen Qingdi can fight all over the world with just a pair of iron fists, and it is still hard to meet an opponent at the same level.

The real housekeeping skills of their Daqianmen are still formation, weapon refining, alchemy, and even researching all kinds of strange things.

Tao Qianming cupped his hands towards Mu Baishuang and said, "Jianzun Qingli, this thing was transformed by an upright eye of the ancient demon god, it is where its power gathers, it must be extremely precious.

In this way, I, Daqianmen, originally intended to create three superb weapons for the Sword Sect of the World. We produced the materials ourselves and asked the Sword Sect to bring it up. With these things, I was able to get this eye. I wonder if the Sword Master Qingli can be given to me by the old man? "

Although this thing is a treasure, almost all the warriors of the Sword Sect in the world rely on a sword to fight all over the world. For them, this thing is not very useful.

However, the three superb swords were real, and he was bleeding profusely. He believed that Mu Baishuang would agree.

However, Mu Baishuang did not answer Tao Qianming, he just said lightly: "Sect Master Tao, have you seen the current strength of Dongyu?"

Tao Qianming was stunned for a moment, why did he mention the Eastern Region again? He nodded subconsciously and said, "I see, what's wrong?"

Mu Baishuang said solemnly, "When I came to Daluotian in the past, among the four regions, east, west, north, south, and south, my southern region was the worst.

Now, in the Southern Territory, the physical cultivation of Sword Sect, Demon Dao, Zhanwu Shenzong, and the miscellaneous family represented by Daqianmen are not bad. On the other hand, in the Eastern Territory, there are endless infighting, and the rise of Hanjiang City, the power It's not as good as it used to be.

The division of the Four Territories was 10,000 years ago, and now 10,000 years have passed. Shouldn't this rule be changed? "

Tao Qianming was shocked when he heard the words.

The guys from the Sword Sect of the World are not just ascetic monks who only specialize in kendo, on the contrary, they are all crazy and aggressive.

I heard that before the great calamity of ancient times, the guys from the Sword Sect of the World once did it, killing their own disciples in cold blood, leaving only the elites to enter the Great Luotian.

Although this behavior is rational, it is also rational and cold-blooded.

Over the years, the Sword Sect in the world has been indistinctly possessing the might of the number one sect in the Southern Region. These forces were also created by the long swords in their hands.

It's just that Daqianmen is actually a sect that came to the Daluotian Empress and was not inherited from ancient times.

So Tao Qianming didn't know much about the division of interests ten thousand years ago. He just asked cautiously, "What does Sword Master Qingli mean?"

Mu Baishuang's face was still expressionless, but his voice contained a hint of unmeltable coldness: "I mean, take this devil's eyes as a guide, and take this opportunity to seriously injure, or even kill that one. The first person in the Eastern Region, Fang Yinglong of the High Heaven Sect!"

Tao Qianming was taken aback by Mu Baishuang's words.

He couldn't help but whisper: "What do you want to do? Provoking a dispute between the two domains? That's Fang Yinglong, the suzerain of the High Heaven Sect!"

Although they are hostile at the moment, stealing treasure is stealing treasure, killing is killing, these are two concepts.

Mu Baishuang still said with a blank expression: "The two regions are fighting? No, no, no, the two sides are evenly matched to call it a fight. Now that the southern region is stronger than the eastern region, it should be plundering.

Also, Master Tao, don't forget, the Daluo Shrine is about to open, and that's something that really concerns the future of us big sects.

The Daluo Shrine can only accommodate so many people. From the very beginning, the Daluo Shrine had to draw lots to enter, and later on in the arena, but in recent times, it has turned into a complete chaos!

Although this fight is controlled within a certain range, no one knows how long this fragile order can be maintained.

Killing now is killing, killing or killing later, weakening the power of the Eastern Region now, why not?

Ten thousand years, Daluotian has been calm for too long. It is not that my sword sect is going to set off a storm, but the entire Daluotian, east, west, north, south, four regions, has long been shrouded in endless wind and rain! "

Hearing what Mu Baishuang said, Tao Qianming's body couldn't help but twist a little uncomfortably.

He is also a strong Martial Immortal and the head of a top sect. Of course he can feel this kind of thing.

10,000 years is too long, and it is not easy for the order established 10,000 years ago to persist until now.

In fact, 10,000 years ago, when everyone first came to Daluotian, they were all distributed in the four regions of east, west, north and south, each dealing with their own affairs. They were too busy with their own affairs, and where would they have time to take care of others?

So at that time, there was very little communication between the big sects.

And now, although it is said that few people lead a sect person to cross the four regions, there are many warriors who walk through the entire Daluotian experience, and the rise of such forces as Daqianmen and Hanjiang City, the entire Daluotian. The order is actually not the same as it was ten thousand years ago.

But what Tao Qianming didn't expect was that this kind of thing would happen to him.

After thinking for a while, Tao Qianming sighed, "What is Sword Master Qingli going to do?"

He is from the Southern Territory. This kind of dispute involves the four territories. If he does not stand here in the Southern Territory, where can he stand?

Mu Baishuang said lightly: "It's very simple, it doesn't take any calculations, and I'm not good at that.

When people come, they will kill people with swords. You, Sect Master Tao, are responsible for helping me kill people by the side. "

Tao Qianming grinned, as expected, it was simple and rude, the style of the Sword Sect of the World.

However, what Tao Qianming didn't expect was that Mu Baishuang was more simple and rude than he imagined.

He originally wanted to lie in ambush with Mu Baishuang, preparing to attack, but Mu Baishuang stood there so brightly and didn't take his eyes away, as if he was waiting for Fang Yinglong to come.

For Mu Baishuang, who is a swordsman, the ambition of interests is to take the straight, not to seek.

Of course, this requires a lot of strength, otherwise, you will be fooled, and you will not be able to deal with it.

When Fang Yinglong came here, what he saw was this strange scene.

At first glance, it was not that the vertical eyes of mortal objects were floating in the air, but Mu Baishuang and Tao Qianming were standing aside, not taking them, as if they were waiting for something.

Fang Yinglong said in surprise: "What kind of powerful formation is there to protect this place?"

Mu Baishuang looked at Fang Yinglong and said lightly, "Does Sect Master Fang want this?"

"Of course I want." Fang Yinglong replied subconsciously.

Mu Baishuang nodded and said, "Very good, I want this too."

As Mu Baishuang's voice fell, the long sword with green glow in his hand was unsheathed, and the sound of the sword sound resounded throughout the world in an instant.

The blue light of the sword light distorts the The rules of all things seem to be invalid under the sword light, and there is only one kind of power that can exist here, sword energy!

"Qingli Sword World!"

Fang Yinglong was suddenly shocked. This kind of thing is like a realm rather than a realm. It is one of Mu Baishuang's famous stunts. As a result, he started to use it as soon as he came up. What is he going to do?

Fang Yinglong didn't have time to think, and nine dragons roared all over his body, trying to open the Qingli Sword World.

At this moment, Tao Qianming squeezed the seal with both hands and formed a formation in the sky. The dazzling golden light of the formation blocked the connection between Fang Yinglong and this world.

Judging from the movement and power of these two people's shots, Fang Yinglong could feel that the other party actually wanted to kill him!

"Mu Baishuang! Are you people in the Southern Region crazy? You are really here for the sake of stealing treasures?"

Mu Baishuang didn't speak, but Qingli Sword World opened a world, and countless sword beams fell from the sky, strangling the Coiling Dragon around Fang Yinglong.

Both of them were murderers. Although Fang Yinglong didn't know why, he naturally wouldn't just grab it.

A series of fierce fights, the fluctuations resounded in the entire cave in an instant.

When Chu Xiu came here, what he saw was a scene of melee.

Not only Fang Yinglong and the other three, but Linghu Xianshan of Lingxiao Sect also came, and Chong Qiushui also joined them.

On the other side of the Southern Territory, Sikong Jialuo from Zhanwu Shenzong also came. Several people scuffled into a group. So many martial arts experts fought fiercely, as if they were going to smash the entire cave, and the power was extremely terrifying.

Lu Jianghe looked stunned: "I'll be darling, Da Luotian's gang are so angry, they are trying to steal treasures, how can they be like stealing the other's wife, and everyone is desperate?"


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