Meet The Leader

Chapter 1239: I want it all!

The powerhouses of the Martial Immortal Realm fought against each other, and the power was so powerful that Chu Xiu dared not approach.

But Chu Xiu looked at it for a long time, but he suddenly said: "Go, the core of Dongtian Paradise is not here."

Lu Jianghe pointed at the vertical eyes in surprise and said, "This thing is so conspicuous, isn't it the core?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "The core is the existence that can support a world. Although this thing is conspicuous and its strength is not weak, it is too fragile. Maybe the fluctuations when these Martial Immortals fight against each other will be able to Break it up."

Having said that, Chu Xiu took Lu Jianghe directly and went to the location where the heart of the devil's body was located.

The heart of the Demon God's body did not turn into a treasure that was as conspicuous as the vertical eye.

There is only one hill in this place, and from the depths of that hill, there is a faint burst of powerful energy and blood, and some rhythmic beating sounds can even be heard.

In addition to the existence of the Martial Immortal Realm, almost all the martial artists who entered the Cave Heaven Blessed Land gathered here to compete for this place. Of course, it was mainly the competition between the Southern Region and the Eastern Region.

Compared with the number, the number of warriors in the Eastern Region is too small and has fallen into the disadvantage.

Although there were several elders from the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm, Xuanyuan Wushuang was still the leader of Ling Xiaozong.

Although he was severely injured by Lu Fengxian in the martial arts gambling battle, his physical cultivation is not weak. At this time, he has come back from recuperation, and his strength has improved.

At this time, he held Fang Tianhua halberd to resist those warriors in the southern region, and scolded Lu Sanjin and other warriors in Huangtian Pavilion: "Waste! Don't you know how to flank to resist? Zhong Qiushui is not here, your Emperor The pavilion is only a mob like you?"

A look of anger appeared on Lu Sanjin's face: "Xuanyuan Wushuang, what kind of onion do you think you are, qualified to command my Emperor Tiange?

You have been defeated successively in the hands of Brother Chu and Brother Lu. Why, you are still not satisfied, and now you want to fight with me two more times? "

Seeing that the people in the Eastern Region are starting to fight infightingly, the faces of the warriors in the Southern Region are all showing a playful look.

Although the place where the Heavenly Paradise appeared was relatively close to the Eastern Region, in the end, it still belonged to their Southern Region.

But at this moment, a more powerful aura descended directly, and the demonic energy around Chu Xiu lingered in the air, and the momentum went straight to the sky, stirring the surrounding vitality and blood mist, making it extremely dazzling.

Lu Sanjin glanced at Chu Xiu in surprise, but he rarely saw Chu Xiu make such a high-profile appearance.

Looking around at everyone present, Chu Xiu said lightly, "Everyone came early, but I'm sorry, I want this thing."

Before showing his face, Chu Xiu had already exerted the spiritual sense of the emperor's qi technique to the extreme, and he could see almost instantly that what was bred in the hill was the heart of the ancient devil.

And the strangest thing is that the exterior of the heart has been petrified, but the center is condensed into a spar, and there is even a faint vitality emanating from it, connecting with this world.

The source of the blood mist in this Cave Heaven Blessed Land is here, and here is the core area of ​​the entire Cave Heaven Blessed Land. If it is destroyed, this Cave Heaven Blessed Land will also be destroyed.

So it doesn't matter whether Chu Xiu is high-profile or not at this time, because strictly speaking, these people present are his 'enemies'.

A martial artist from the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm in the Demon Palace of Elysium was not a subordinate of Ming Xuanyu, but came with Yan Beifeng.

He had never seen Chu Xiu take action, and when he heard this, he couldn't help sneering: "Your warriors in the Eastern Region are not strong enough, but their tone is not small. Do you really think it is still ten thousand years ago?"

Among the Southern Territory warriors present, there was the warrior from the War Martial Sect who had seen Chu Xiu's shot before, and he whispered: "Brother Fang, don't underestimate this Chu Xiu, I have seen him take action before. , the one who defeated your Bliss Devil Palace like a wreck... FUCK!"

Halfway through the words of the warrior of the Zhanwu Shenzong, Chu Xiu's broken arm had already been unsheathed, and the powerful edge of power was hidden in the blade, and suddenly slashed towards the ground, the entire earth shook like a dragon turning over.

The next moment, the endless sword light has risen from the body of the blissful magic palace warrior, and by the way, he suppressed the words of the warrior of the Zhanwu Shenzong, and let him dodge subconsciously.

Under the shock of the martial artist from the Devil's Palace of Bliss, he squeezed the seal with his hand, and the fierce demonic energy circulated around his body, turning into a realm. In the demonic realm, the demonic mist turned into an evil spirit and roared around him.

At first glance, this warrior from the Demon Palace of Ultimate Bliss has entered the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm for the first time.

When Chu Xiu came up, he directly used the domain. That was because his domain was powerful enough. The name of God's Domain was not an exaggeration, but a supreme domain that evolved from all his martial arts.

But the martial artist of the Demon Palace of Elysium used his domain purely subconsciously, and used his strongest means.

The evil spirits in the realm that turned into demons devoured the power of the sword light, and the magic of the Bliss Magic Palace still had two brushes, and it was able to devour the sword light cleanly before it appeared.

But before the martial artist could breathe a sigh of relief, Chu Xiu's figure had already appeared in front of him, and God's Domain opened, completely wrapping his domain in it.

In an instant, yin and yang were reversed, the five elements were reversed, and even all the rules between heaven and earth were strangled in the realm of the gods. In less than a breath, his realm was strangled!

The martial artist from the Demon Palace of Bliss was horrified, his body moved, and the blood mist condensed all over his body. He turned into a blood dragon and struggled and circled, stirring the rules of power, trying to escape from Chu Xiu's realm of the gods.

But before he could move, what appeared in front of him was a huge Buddha seal!

The Great Sun Tathagata bloomed brilliantly, and the holy Buddha's light floated in the cave filled with blood and mist, but it gave people an extremely sacred feeling, and even vaguely had the Buddhist sound and Sanskrit singing resounding in the hearts of everyone.

The warrior in the Demon Palace of Elysium was about to go crazy.

When Chu Xiu appeared on the stage, he was obviously full of fierce demonic energy, and even his shots were extremely ruthless, and he didn't keep his hands at all.

The devil uses the Dharma, and the power he uses is so powerful that it is simply incomprehensible.

The Great Sun Tathagata smashed down, and the blood mist erupted all over the warrior of the Demon Palace of Bliss, and the blood dragon was directly smashed to pieces.

"What are you waiting for!? Just watching this guy show his might in front of my Southern Region martial artist?" The martial artist from the Bliss Magic Palace spit out blood and shouted loudly.

This is a dispute between the two domains. The others were stunned by Chu Xiu before they were beaten. Seeing that Chu Xiu was so arrogant, everyone snorted and rushed over.

Needless to say, this time, Lu Sanjin took someone along with Lu Jianghe to protect Chu Xiu's flank.

But Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Brother Lu, this thing is very useful for my current cultivation, can you give it to me?"

Lu Sanjin was stunned for a moment, and said directly: "Of course there is no problem."

Chu Xiu is a member of his Emperor's Pavilion. The most important thing is that Chu Xiu's strength is here. He opened his mouth. Even if it is a kind of autumn water, he will consider it, not to mention that Lu Sanjin still thinks he owes Chu Xiu a favor. .

A martial artist from the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm from the Sword Sect of the World stopped in front of Chu Xiu, the sword in his hand was as frosty as frost, and the icy sword glow was like tearing the sky apart, severing a world.

On top of Chu Xiu's head, a warrior from Daqianmen formed an empty-handed formation, and in an instant, a five-element formation was set up, following the sword energy of the world's sword sect warriors, surrounding Chu Xiu and strangling.

The Demon Palace of Bliss is huge, and there are two warriors in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. One was severely injured, and the other, with a sneer, took out a big flag and erected it on the ground. A demon general holding a sword is killing Chu Xiu!

The warrior of the Zhanwu Shenzong was a little afraid of Chu Xiu because he had seen Chu Xiu take action before. At this time, seeing that all the warriors in the southern region had taken action, he also gritted his teeth and followed Chu Xiu.

At this moment, four experts from the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm besieged Chu Xiu together, even Lu Sanjin looked solemn.

The Heaven, Earth, and Profound Realm martial artist from Ling Xiaozong wanted to go for reinforcements, but Xuanyuan Wushuang waved his to stop his action.

"Wushuang, this is a dispute between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region. We can't really watch each other lose, right? We will also be targeted by the Southern Region."

Ling Xiaozong knew the grievances between Xuanyuan Wushuang and Chu Xiu, and he thought that Xuanyuan Wushuang wanted to get down on the ground at such a time.

Xuanyuan Wushuang said solemnly, "Master Lin, don't worry, I know the seriousness."

When the words fell, Xuanyuan Wushuang shouted at Chu Xiu: "Chu Xiu! I can help you if you want. After this is done, I will share the treasures in this place with the Emperor's Pavilion. Isn't that too much?"

Although Xuanyuan Wushuang was arrogant, he also knew the importance.

He is the future heir of Emperor Tiange. If he always acts on his own will, although he will not let Ling Xiaozong give up on him, he will definitely consider whether it is suitable for him to be the heir. After all, the entire Ling Xiaozong is expected to break through the younger generation of Wuxian. The strong man is not the only one.

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "It's not too much, but I want to have all of this, evenly divided, it doesn't exist."

"Chu Xiu, you are courting death!"

A cold look appeared in Xuanyuan Wushuang's eyes, and he said to the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm practitioner of Ling Xiaozong: "Uncle Lin, you have seen it, Chu Xiu made it clear that he doesn't want to cooperate with me in Ling Xiaozong, so we don't have to take action later. , and wait for the opportunity to make a move after he and the warriors of the Southern Region have lost both sides!"

Seeing that Chu Xiu had already started to fight with the warriors in the Southern Region, then Uncle Lin shook his head helplessly.

The overall situation of these young people is worse than each other. Xuanyuan Wushuang still has grievances against Chu Xiu in his heart. He can see that, and that Chu Xiu wants to eat alone at this time, it is unreasonable.


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