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Chapter 1246: Blood Collection Program

Chong Qiushui's answer made Chu Xiu a little speechless. He didn't expect that the two drops of blood essence would be lost by the Emperor Tiange.

In fact, it is quite normal to think about it. The Heavenly Demon Palace can extract the magic method from the blood of Dugu Weiyi. That is because the Heavenly Demon Palace is an orthodox magic way and has a deep research on this aspect, while other sects do not. .

There was no gain here in Huangtian Pavilion, and Chu Xiu went to High Heaven Sect again.

Just after entering the gate of Ling Xiaozong, Xuanyuan Wushuang's voice came coldly: "Chu Xiu, what are you doing here?"

Looking at Xuanyuan Wushuang, Chu Xiu couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Xuanyuan Wushuang, is this how your High Heaven Sect treats guests? If guests come, they don't greet them first, but instead they rush out?

And why are you not cultivating every time I see you? No wonder your combat power is so poor. You only know how to rely on talent, and you are not even willing to practice hard work. How can you improve your cultivation base? "

Hearing Chu Xiu's words that seemed to be teaching the younger generation, Xuanyuan Wushuang was almost blown away.

In fact, Xuanyuan Wushuang practiced very **** weekdays. He was not the kind of idiot who only relied on talent to eat without knowing how to cultivate.

It's just that every time Chu Xiu comes to Ling Xiaozong, there must be something big happening. How could Xuanyuan Wushuang go to practice at this time?

And this time when he met Chu Xiu, it was actually related to Chu Xiu strictly speaking.

Fang Yinglong felt very disappointed because of Xuanyuan Wushuang's performance before, so Fang Yinglong deprived Xuanyuan Wushuang of all the powers as the top disciple of High Heaven Sect, and let him patrol the streets of High Heaven City, the purpose is to exercise Xuanyuan Wushuang's character.

But now it seems that Xuanyuan Wushuang has not made any progress in his xinxing.

Just when Xuanyuan Wushuang was about to say something, an old voice suddenly came: "Enough! Shut up!"

Qin Baiyuan appeared behind Xuanyuan Wushuang and shouted angrily at him, but when he turned his head, Qin Baiyuan smiled at Chu Xiu and said, "Why did you come to my High Heaven Sect? What's going on?"

Before in the High Heaven Sect, Qin Baiyuan was the one who loved Xuanyuan Wushuang the most, and Qin Baiyuan didn't have a good look on Chu Xiu, who had repeatedly defeated Xuanyuan Wushuang.

However, after learning that Chu Xiu had rescued Fang Yinglong, Qin Baiyuan immediately changed his attitude towards Chu Xiu.

Needless to say, Fang Yinglong's value to the entire High Soaring Sect is almost a pillar of existence.

Chu Xiu rescued Fang Yinglong and deserved his courtesy.

The most important thing is that after this incident, even Qin Baiyuan, who loves Xuanyuan Wushuang the most, feels that he can't let Xuanyuan Wushuang go on like this.

He was going to train Xuanyuan Wushuang as the next generation of the sect master of Lingxiao sect. A sect master could be arrogant and stingy, but he couldn't let his own hobbies fool around when it comes to major events.

So this time, Qin Baiyuan's attitude towards Xuanyuan Wushuang became stricter.

Of course, this is also for Xuanyuan Wushuang's good. If he doesn't care about Xuanyuan Wushuang's performance, then he will truly give up Xuanyuan Wushuang.

Under Xuanyuan Wushuang's resentful gaze, Qin Baiyuan welcomed Chu Xiu into the hall, and Chu Xiu also changed things to Qin Baiyuan.

In the end, Chu Xiu added a sentence: "Old Sect Master, I, Chu Xiu, are not the one who wants to repay the favor. I intend to trade at the price of that person's blood essence."

Qin Baiyuan waved his hand casually and said, "It's nothing important, so what kind of deal do you use? I still have three drops of blood essence in my Lingxiao Sect. In the early years, because someone was studying this thing, I wasted a drop and didn't get any results, so Put it on hold, and you can take the rest."

In the Lingxiao Sect, Chu Xiu got three drops of blood essence very smoothly. For someone like Qin Baiyuan who had not experienced the battle five hundred years ago, this thing is really not very important.

"By the way, the old sect master, do you know that among the major sects in Daluotian, who collects the most blood essence?"

Qin Baiyuan thought for a while and said, "I really don't know this, I just heard my master mentioned some things.

The war at the beginning was too chaotic, and few people really noticed this thing, mainly because the demons got more of this thing, especially the Elysium Palace.

Not to mention the evil and weird exercises practiced by the Paradise Devil Palace, they are also good at researching all kinds of evil and secret techniques, so they should have collected a lot of blood essence for research.

In addition, the Brahma religion and Tianlu Baosha in the Western Regions should have also gathered some.

Among them, the Sanskrit religion also wants to decipher some secret techniques from the blood essence, and their exercises themselves are half Buddha and half devil.

As for the Tianluobaosha, they were killed by the powerhouse who existed five hundred years ago, and the losses were heavy. It seems that the monk hated the monk very much. The Tianluobaosha was obviously the last one to join the battle group, but the casualties were more than There are many Eastern Regions that I first intervene in.

Therefore, Tianluobao collected a part of the opponent's blood essence, it should be to study the method of restraining the opponent's power. "

Qin Baiyuan found Chu Xiu very pleasing to the eye now, so he didn't hide some secrets that were not a secret to him, he told Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly, but he had some calculations in his heart.

He stood up and cupped his hands. Just as he was about to say goodbye, he suddenly said, "Old Sect Master, if you punish Brother Xuanyuan for patrolling the streets because of what happened last time, you don't really need to, I didn't take what happened last time into my heart.

Brother Xuanyuan was defeated once by me, and once again by Brother Lu. It is normal for someone as arrogant as him to be unable to let go for a while. If it were me, I might not be able to let go.

A little grudge when we were young is nothing, maybe when I and Brother Xuanyuan both step into the realm of Martial Immortals in the future, when we look back, these are just some interesting conversations.

Therefore, the old Sect Master should let Brother Xuanyuan practice normally. He is the number one of the younger generation of the Lingxiao Sect, but he is doing low-level disciples patrolling the streets, which is really disgraceful. "

Seeing that Chu Xiu was "generous" to excuse Xuanyuan Wushuang, Qin Baiyuan couldn't help but sigh. They are the same age, why is the gap between the two sides so big?

In the past, because of his position, he felt that Chu Xiu was not pleasing to the eye, but now without this important position, he felt more and more that Chu Xiu was 'steady and magnanimous', at least there was nothing to say about it.

"Don't worry, little friend Chu, this move is just to temper the character of that kid."

An unpredictable smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face and said: "That's good, the old sect master doesn't need to send too much, I'll leave now."

After speaking, Chu Xiu pushed open the door and left, while Xuanyuan Wushuang was waiting not far away. When he saw Chu Xiu coming out, he glared at Chu Xiu fiercely.

After Chu Xiu left, he immediately walked into the house and said loudly, "Old Sect Master, what did Chu Xiu tell you?

This son is insidious and cunning, and there are many tricks. You must not believe what he says! "

Hearing this, Qin Baiyuan looked at Xuanyuan Wushuang with a look of disappointment, what a difference.

"You're right. I really can't believe what Chu Xiaoyou said. You don't have to patrol this street, just go to guard the city gate."

Xuanyuan Wushuang's face was stunned, and he changed from patrolling the streets to guarding the city gate. This was equivalent to making him lose face all the time. How could he bear it?

"Old Sect Master, what did that insidious fellow Chu Xiu tell you, you actually let me go..."

Before Xuanyuan Wushuang could finish his words, he was interrupted by Qin Baiyuan's stern shout: "I told you to get out of the city gate, didn't you hear it?"

Qin Baiyuan's furious tone directly frightened Xuanyuan Wushuang, who did not dare to say a word, and immediately retreated obediently.

In the entire High Heaven Sect, although the sect master Fang Yinglong is the most powerful, Qin Baiyuan does not get angry easily, but once he gets angry, even Fang Yinglong does not dare to push hard.

'Xiao Xiao' calculated Xuanyuan Wushuang, and Chu Xiu returned to Huangtian Pavilion and used a secret method to contact Yuan Kongcheng of Tianmo Palace.

After Yuan Kongcheng left last time, he also gave Chu Xiu a battle plate, so he could contact the Tianmo Palace in the Southern Region.

Hearing Qin Baiyuan talking about the whereabouts of Dugu Yume's blood essence, Chu Xiu also made a decision, that is to try to collect all the blood essence scattered by Dugu Yume, which is why he can quickly improve his strength now. a way.

The most important thing is to collect those blood essences. He can also see the imprints and illusions of the past in the blood essence. He may be able to get some useful things from them, such as the full version of Misty Slash.

Although it is said that Tianhun also knows this, it is impossible for him to impart it to Chu Xiu perfectly.

Now that the body of the heavenly soul is banned, the power of the primordial spirit can only be communicated.

But if it is only described in words and words, it is too pale, and it is impossible to show the charm of this martial arts.

In a word, refining the blood essence of Dugu Weiyi is equivalent to the speed of cultivation for the current Chu Xiu, and there are no side effects, at least not now.

The blood essence of the Heavenly Demon Palace is in Chu Xiu's hands, and what Chu Xiu is eyeing this time is the Elysium Demon Palace.

According to Qin Baiyuan, the Elysium Magic Palace likes to study strange things, so they should collect the most blood.

Moreover, the grievances between Chu Xiu and the Devil's Palace of Elysium are also well calculated.

In the past, when Chu Xiu faced the existence of the Martial Immortal Realm, he was indeed a little embarrassed, and even to protect himself, he could only rely on Wei Shuya to use the rootless holy fire fox fake tiger power.

And now, after refining the blood of the demon god, and refining eight drops of blood that belonged to Dugu Yume, Chu Xiu is almost the same as an invincible player of the same rank. Counting his cards, at least in the face of Wu Immortal, have the confidence to fight.

Although in Chu Xiu's own opinion, he is actually a stable one, but in the eyes of others, Chu Xiu is definitely the kind of master who dares to slay dragons when he has a pig-killing knife.

Now that he has the strength to challenge Wuxian, to move a top faction in the southern region, is this too much?


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