Meet The Leader

Chapter 1247: Join hands to destroy demons

When Yuan Kongcheng was recruited by Chu Xiu, he was still a little puzzled. He didn't know what kind of deal Chu Xiu had specially brought him to the Eastern Region.

The last time Yuan Kongcheng gave Chu Xiu the contact array of the Tianmo Palace, it was just because he was polite. Anyway, one of the two parties was in the southern region and the other was in the east region. The Tianmo Palace had no plans for the east region, so there was no conflict between the two sides. In the future If there is any opportunity, we can cooperate.

He did not expect that Chu Xiu would contact him so quickly.

In the secret room of Cangnan Mansion, Yuan Kongcheng said in surprise: "Little friend Chu, what kind of deal are you trying to tell me? If it involves the dispute between the Southern Territory and the Eastern Territory, please don't open your mouth."

If it is a transaction on some trivial matters, Chu Xiu should be able to distinguish the importance of it, and will not let him, the Martial Immortal, come here on purpose.

As a result, Chu Xiu called him here on purpose. That must be an unusual deal. Apart from the recent dispute between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region, Yuan Kongcheng really couldn't think of anything else.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "It's not a matter between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region, but a matter of the Demon Dao.

Right now, in the Southern Territory, the Demonic Way is headed by the Heavenly Demon Palace and the Elysium Demon Palace, but I wonder if the Heavenly Demon Palace wants to be the only leader of the Demonic Way?

My deal is very simple, I just want to join forces with the Heavenly Demon Palace and destroy the Bliss Demon Palace! "

Chu Xiu's remarks shocked Yuan Kongcheng's complexion. He never imagined that what Chu Xiu told him was such a thing.

"Chu Xiaoyou, are you sure you're not joking?" Yuan Kongcheng said with a solemn expression.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "I specially called you, Palace Master Yuan, you, a powerhouse of the Martial Immortal Realm, from the Southern Region just to make a joke, I'm not that bored yet.

The grievances between the Elysium Palace and me, you are also aware of the grievances between the Elysium Palace and the Master Yuan. on my head, trying to kill me.

This is just a personal grudge, and there are some interests involved.

The last time I traded with you, Palace Master Yuan, the blood of that person belonged to that person. After the teacher got it, he was very satisfied, but he still wanted more.

As far as I know, the one with the most blood essence in the whole Da Luo day should be the Devil Palace of Bliss.

So all I ask for is two things, one is to destroy the Demon Palace of Ultimate Bliss, and the other is the blood of that one! "

Looking at Chu Xiu's serious face, Yuan Kongcheng also knew that Chu Xiu was not joking.

The Heavenly Demon Palace and the Elysium Demon Palace are not in harmony. Of course, with the demeanor of the Elysium Demon Palace, they will not be in harmony with anyone.

Therefore, destroying the Demon Palace of Bliss and making the Heavenly Demon Palace the leader of the Demonic Way of the Southern Region, and also the leader of the Demonic Way of the entire Daluotian, Yuan Kongcheng had no reason to refuse, and what Chu Xiu wanted did not conflict with their Heavenly Demon Palace in the slightest.

However, Yuan Kongcheng thought about it for a while and said: "It is not easy to destroy the Demon Palace of Ultimate Bliss.

Yan Beifeng's means are not weak, and I am not as good as him in the real fight to the death.

As for the palace lord of my Heavenly Demon Palace, I will not hide it from you. He made some mistakes in his practice and could not leave the Heavenly Demon Palace. People in the entire Southern Region knew this, so he could not participate in the war.

Moreover, the Demon Palace of Elysium has recruited many disciples because they are not shy about meat and vegetables. Although the aptitudes for xinxing are mixed, they have also cultivated a lot of masters. This is even better than my Heavenly Demon Palace.

Over the years, there have been many disputes between the Demon Palace of Elysium and the Demon Palace of Heaven, but the two sides have never had a war. That's because neither we nor the Elysium Palace know that we can't help each other. "

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "That was before, and now that I have taken action, the result will not be the same."

Yuan Kongcheng couldn't help laughing and said: "You are really confident, how much strength can you show here? If you say that Huangtian Pavilion is all shot, I can barely believe it, but if Huangtian Pavilion is really all shot, Nanyu The major forces will also intervene."

Chu Xiu stretched out his hand, and a trace of qi twisted and twisted in his hand, but the extreme sharpness was constantly cutting and tearing all the surrounding forces.

Although the Gang Qi was small, Yuan Kongcheng could feel what the power radiated from it represented.

"Have you stepped into the half-step Martial Immortal realm? There is another half-step Martial Immortal beside you?" Yuan Kongcheng couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Yuan Kongcheng wasn't there when Chu Xiu blocked Yan Beifeng's kowtow, but he had heard people talking about it.

At that time, Chu Xiu had not yet stepped into the half-step Martial Immortal realm, but it was only a long time ago that he broke through again. Even Yuan Kongcheng, who was a Martial Immortal, was shocked by this speed.

"Two half-step Martial Immortals, we will all take action when we attack the headquarters of the Bliss Magic Palace.

As long as the Heavenly Demon Palace has a decision, I can design and help the Heavenly Demon Palace to deal with the Elysium Demon Palace, so that the Heavenly Demon Palace will not lose too much. "

Chu Xiu pointed to his head and said, "Although sometimes, I prefer to use fists and knives to solve problems, but when it's time to use my brain, I still have to use my brain."

The means that Chu Xiu used to play in the lower realms were actually almost useless in Da Luotian.

The reason is very simple, his strength is not enough.

The premise of using your brain and playing tricks is that you have this strength, otherwise, it will be called cleverness and will be mistaken by cleverness.

And now, Chu Xiu obviously has the confidence to fight against Wuxian.

Yuan Kongcheng thought about it for a moment, then he stood up and said, "Young friend Chu, please wait for a while, this matter is very serious, I need to go back to the Heavenly Demon Palace and ask the palace master before making a decision."


Southern Region, inside the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The place where the Tianmo Palace is located is the remains of a devil's cave. It should have been a small world before. Later, for some unknown reason, the small world shattered and merged with Da Luotian, making the area of ​​the Tianmo Palace more than ten miles away. Surrounded by pitch-black mountains of strange rocks, no grass grows, and life is hard to live, but it exudes an amazing magical energy, which is most suitable for magical cultivation.

The headquarters of the Tianmo Palace is built in the center, and it is built on the mountain. All the palace materials are taken from those pitch-black stones, which makes the whole Tianmo Palace naturally have a magical feeling.

In the deepest temple, Yuan Kongcheng stood there, and in front of him sat an old man in black robe, with white hair and beard, looking a little old.

What's even more bizarre is that his legs seem to be petrified, and they are united with the entire hall of the Tianmo Palace.

This person is the current palace lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, Zuo Qiuliang, the 'Great Desolate Demon Lord', a powerhouse of the Eighth Heavenly Martial Immortal who once traversed the Southern Region.

It is a pity that a few decades ago, Zuo Qiuliang wanted to sacrifice a natural demon born in the devil's cave, and integrated it into the main hall of the entire Tianmo Palace for protection. Fusion, no longer able to step out of the Temple of Heavenly Demons.

Except for Zuo Qiuliang to give up his physical body, otherwise, he will never be able to step out of the Tianmo Palace in this life.

It's just that Zuo Qiuliang's practice is special, and it is extremely important for the tempering of the physical body. Giving up the physical body is equivalent to giving up his martial arts cultivation, so over the years, Zuo Qiuliang has not stepped out of the hall.

After Yuan Kongcheng finished talking about the deal with Chu Xiu to Zuo Qiuliang, Zuo Qiuliang snorted coldly and waved his hand directly: "No! Kongcheng, you are also growing, a promise made by a yellow mouth child, You actually believe that it is a joke to join forces with him to do such a big thing!

My Heavenly Demon Palace has been based in the Southern Territory for so long, and it depends on acting calmly, so that I can make no mistakes in every step, and it has not been too weak even today. This kind of dangerous thing must not be done! "

Yuan Kongcheng secretly said in his heart, still calm, if you didn't suddenly want to refine some magic spirit, you wouldn't be like this now.

Although he thought so in his heart, Yuan Kongcheng had to explain: "Sect Master, that Chu Xiu is not an ordinary junior, this person is very famous in the Eastern Region, second only to the martial arts experts.

In addition, he once used the realm of heaven and earth to communicate with the mysterious, and he took over Yan Beifeng's supernatural powers with one trick and thousands of demons, and his strength has reached the realm of half-step Martial Immortal.

If I can destroy the Demon Palace of Ultimate Bliss this time, my Heavenly Demon Palace…”

"I said no, but no!"

Zuo Qiuliang directly interrupted Yuan Kongcheng's words with a firm attitude.

Seeing Zuo Qiuliang's appearance, Yuan Kongcheng was also Although Zuo Qiulang has not been out of the Tianmo Palace for decades, the Tianmo Palace is still in his hands. Even Yuan Kongcheng couldn't refute the decision he made, so he had no choice but to retreat.

However, Yuan Kongcheng was still very particular about it. Although it didn't work out, he still went to the Southern Region with his son and told Chu Xiu about the outcome of the matter.

Chu Xiu was not depressed, he just asked: "Ignore the attitude of the Zuo Gongzhu, just say Yuan Gongzhu, you agree with this matter, right?"

Yuan Kongcheng nodded and said, "Although I agree, it's useless.

The palace master said that he did not agree. Except for my few confidants, I couldn't mobilize a few people in the Tianmo Palace. "

Chu Xiu whispered: "Dare to ask Yuan Gongzhu what is your relationship with Zuo Gongzhu?"

Yuan Kongcheng said, "He is my uncle."

Seeing that Chu Xiu's eyes were a bit wrong, Yuan Kongcheng explained: "My master passed away unexpectedly and early, and the relationship with the palace master during his lifetime was also good, there is no such thing as infighting in the sect.

Even the palace lord told me that in the future, I will be the only one who is qualified to take over the position of the palace lord. "

Chu Xiu clapped his hands and said, "Since this is the case, then it's easy to handle. I have a plan. I wonder if Palace Master Yuan would dare to do it?"

"What count?"

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "It's very simple, just cut it first and then play it.

Didn't the left palace master disagree? Then we will find a way to kill Ming Xuanyu of the Demon Palace of Bliss with lightning speed, and take his head to the Zuo Gongzhu, and he will naturally agree.

The branch hall where Ming Xuanyu is located is the most important branch hall of the Demon Palace of Bliss. We will eradicate it. The raw rice has been cooked and the rice has been cooked. The Zuo Palace Master does not agree, and the two sides will definitely fight to the death. "


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