Meet The Leader

Chapter 1248: cut before play

Chu Xiu's move is said to be a first move and then a performance, but in fact it is to force the palace.

Killing a palace master of the Elysium Demon Palace, even if the two factions don't want to fight, they will have to fight.

Yuan Kongcheng is not the kind of indecisive person. In fact, you can't find a few people who can be indecisive.

Yuan Kongcheng's character is inherently a bit aggressive, so he stopped Yan Beifeng at the beginning and took the initiative to discuss with Chu Xiu about trading the blood of Dugu and me.

Although Chu Xiu's plan was dangerous, in Yuan Kongcheng's opinion, if he really carried Ming Xuanyu's head back to the Tianmo Palace, Zuo Qiuliang would definitely agree.

"Killing Ming Xuanyu is easy, but will it alert the Demon Palace of Bliss ahead of time?" Yuan Kongcheng asked.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Palace Master Yuan, don't worry, as long as I am here, you can do it cleanly. Sometimes killing people doesn't need to be done by yourself. Palace Master Yuan will wait for my arrangement."

With Chu Xiu's current strength, it was easy for him to kill Ming Xuanyu, but the difficulty was not to disturb the Demon Palace of Bliss.

So he can do it, but the person who mainly does it can't be him.

Chu Xiu has already thought about who will do it, and those barbarians are very good thugs.

Now, under the full support of Chu Xiu, the strength of the Heluo tribe ranks among the top in the entire Diluo Mountains.

Moreover, Chu Xiu also discovered a characteristic of the barbarians, that is, these barbarians only do things in front of them, and few barbarians can think about the future.

It can't be said that these barbarians have narrow vision, it can only be said that this is a habit of them, a very bad habit.

Therefore, Chu Xiu asked the Heluo Department to do it very simply, and their vision was narrow, so let the Heiro Department be the leader and make a series of shots.

This kind of thing is not the original creation of Chu Xiu. When Hanjiang City was doing things in Cangwu County before, it also encouraged several barbarian tribes to take action together, causing a riot and killing the previous county governor of Cangwu County.

The branch hall where Ming Xuanyu is located, although the dense forest near the southern region is not within the scope of the Heluo tribe, but the barbarians must have heard the name of the Heluo tribe. The communication between these barbarians is actually very simple, as long as Betting on their ancestors, gods and the like, it is easy to trust each other.

At this time, Ming Xuanyu didn't know that he had been targeted by Chu Xiu. In the branch hall of his Demon Palace of Paradise, Ming Xuanyu stood in a dark hall, and in front of him were filled with various All kinds of blood and runes are circulating, imprisoning the power of the primordial spirit of some warriors, or the real spirit and the like.

The Elysium Magic Palace often studies all kinds of evil things. If you want to kill a person, you have to understand a person.

In a variety of experiments, they may obtain some treasures, gain some power, and of course, more likely, create some monsters.

After Ming Xuanyu mixed all kinds of blood and demonic energy to refine a real spirit into a demon-like existence and merged it into his body, Ming Xuanyu couldn't help but pouted.

These barbarians are physically strong, but their mental strength is too weak. Only the barbarian high priests can extract the true spirit.

And now it's not easy to catch this group of people, Ming Xuanyu wants to push his branch hall further into Nanman.

But at this moment, there was a sound of shouting and killing outside the branch hall. Ming Xuanyu's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly ran out and shouted: "What happened?"

A disciple of the Demon Palace of Elysium shouted in panic: "It's those barbarians! A few, maybe a dozen barbarian tribes have united to attack the branch hall, and the formation has been broken by them in an instant!"

Hearing this, Ming Xuanyu's face showed an expression of disbelief.

He has been guarding the land of the southern barbarians for so many years, and naturally he knows the characters of those barbarians very well.

Therefore, Ming Xuanyu is confident that he should not have angered their bottom line. How can these stubborn barbarians join forces to make a move?

"Go and report to the headquarters first, and I'll go out and take a look."

Although the matter was urgent, Ming Xuanyu was not too panicked.

Although there are many barbarians, he is at the peak of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. The combat power of those barbarians is generally low, and the ordinary barbarian patriarch is no match for him.

But when Ming Xuanyu went out to take a look, he could no longer be calm.

The crowd was densely packed with warriors of the barbarian race, rushing towards the disciples of the Demon Palace of Elysium with an incomprehensible roar. The disciples were submerged in an instant.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Ming Xuanyu shouted, just about to go to the rescue, but a sense of extreme crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

Intuition made Ming Xuanyu immediately withdraw his hand and burst out all the power in his body. In an instant, his body was covered with ghosts, and the ferocious hungry ghosts wrapped his whole body in it, and the domain was also spread all over his body.

But at this moment, a sharp edge suddenly came, and the evil spirits around Ming Xuanyu were torn apart one after another.

Ming Xuanyu shouted fiercely, and the pitch-black magic knife slashed backwards, making a roaring sound, and he was blasted out, and at the same time he could clearly see the appearance of the man behind him.

"Chu Xiu!"

Ming Xuanyu's eyes were full of disbelief. He never thought that the person who shot him at this time would be Chu Xiu.

The Southern Region and the Eastern Region are at a time when their relationship is sensitive, and the Elysium Demon Palace is also stronger than the Emperor's Pavilion behind Chu Xiu. Where did he get the confidence to dare to take action against himself?

At this moment, a lot of interests flashed through Ming Xuanyu's mind, but before he could understand, the next moment, Chu Xiu had already squeezed the Buddha's seal, and the Great Sun Tathagata smashed down!

The powerful momentum instantly enveloped Ming Xuanyu's entire body, the boundless Buddha's light quenched the demonic energy, and all those evil and hungry ghosts were dissolved.

Just this move, Ming Xuanyu's eyes were full of horror.

Half-step Martial Immortal!

The only thing that can make him unable to resist even now is the existence of half-step Martial Immortal Realm.

But it has only been a few months since the last time the Heavenly Paradise opened? Although Chu Xiu was very powerful at that time, he definitely did not reach the level of a half-step Martial Immortal.

Under the Great Sun Tathagata Seal, Ming Xuanyu's whole body was blasted out, and the powerful power of Buddha's Light penetrated into his body, strangling the demonic energy in his body, causing him to snort suddenly.

"Chu Xiu! If you dare to shoot at me, don't be afraid..."

His words had just been spoken, and Chu Xiu was followed by another expressionless seal, shrouded in Buddha light, it was still the Great Sun Tathagata Seal!

For the magic palace of Elysium, which is completely sinister and weird, Buddhist martial arts can be said to restrain it to the extreme.

Seeing Chu Xiu's eyes, Ming Xuanyu knew that the opponent had to kill him this time.

Ming Xuanyu can be considered decisive. At this time, he can't care about the remaining disciples of the Demon Palace of Elysium. The ghosts around him that have been refined by him burst one after another, turning into a black mist and merging into his body.

In an instant, the ghosts around him were almost shattered by 90%, and Ming Xuanyu's body speed also exploded to the extreme, turning into a black mist and appearing hundreds of feet away in an instant.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and slashed with a knife.

No sword light, no sword light.

But that sharpness that seems to tear the world apart can be felt by anyone.

The sword's meaning is gone, invisible and invisible!

Ming Xuanyu thought he could escape, he just breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could finish his breath, Ming Xuanyu felt a sudden pain in his neck.

When he looked down, what he saw was a headless corpse!

With a soft sound of 'dong', the head fell to the ground, but the corpse was still standing.

Chu Xiu walked forward slowly, picked up Ming Xuanyu's head, a fire of world-annihilation bloomed in his hand, and skillfully burned Ming Xuanyu's body into flying ashes.

He nodded at Lu Fei in the barbarian crowd, but he was hidden in the darkness.

At this time, Shang Tianliang and Yuan Kongcheng came over at the same time.

During this period of time, Shang Tianliang, the blood of the demon god, has also been refined and successfully entered the half-step Martial Immortal realm, so he was also called by Chu Xiu to be a thug.

Maybe it's because of the short hand and the short mouth. Usually, when this kind of thing happens, although Shang Tianliang will definitely help, he must also complain a few words, but this time, he didn't even say a word. .

At this time, Yuan Kongcheng's gaze towards Chu Xiu was more horrified, extremely horrified.

This kind of combat power, this kind of realm, the speed of Chu Xiu's progress is simply beyond description by Yuan Kongcheng.

"Palace Master The warriors in the branch hall have already spread the news of the barbarian riots to the Elysium Palace?"

Yuan Kongcheng was stunned for a moment, and then he said, "I was the one who killed them after watching them pass on the news."

Chu Xiu nodded, held the head in his hand and said, "Since this is the case, then there is no problem, you can go to see the Zuo Palace Master."

Yuan Kongcheng also nodded and took Chu Xiu and Shang Tianliang to the Tianmo Palace.

He also did not expect that Chu Xiu would handle this matter so neatly, using the barbarians to easily destroy the branch hall of the Demon Palace of Bliss.

In fact, it was not that no one could think of such a method before, but in Da Luotian, few people could drive the barbarians to be his thugs like Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu came to this region of the Southern Region once. On the way, Chu Xiu also carefully observed the Southern Region. No wonder the great sects in the Southern Region, such as the Sword Sect, would have thoughts on the Eastern Region. The feng shui of the entire Southern Region is indeed Not as good as those in the Eastern Region, and even the vitality of heaven and earth in the Southern Region is full of a violent aura, not as peaceful as in the Eastern Region.

After reaching the Tianmo Palace, Yuan Kongcheng didn't talk nonsense, and took Chu Xiu and others to knock on the gate of the palace where Zuo Qiuliang was.

Zuo Qiuliang looked at Chu Xiu and Shang Tianliang doubtfully and said, "Who are they? Are they the newly recruited guest ministers from my Heavenly Demon Palace?"

Yuan Kongcheng shook his head and said, "Palace Master, they are what I told you last time, Chu Xiu from Huangtian Pavilion, and Shang Tianliang, a half-step martial immortal under his command."

Zuo Qiuliang's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted: "What did I tell you last time? I don't..."

Zuo Qiuliang stopped before he could finish his words, because Yuan Kongcheng had already taken Ming Xuanyu's head out of the space secret box and put it in front of Zuo Qiuliang!


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