Meet The Leader

Chapter 1252: The following grams

Some people can guess that there are experts behind Wang Yizhi, but Chu Xiu doesn't care about this. As long as these people don't cause him trouble, he doesn't bother.

Wang Yizhi stood in front of everyone, to be honest, he was still a little nervous.

Although he has gone through a lot, he is not the first-time junior, but this is the first time standing in front of so many people in the martial arts.

However, thinking of what Chu Xiu taught him, Wang Yizhi still maintained a solemn expression and said solemnly: "Everyone, everyone knows about my Wang family.

My entire family was killed by demons like the Devil's Palace of Elysium. If I live, I can actually walk away. With my strength, I can also make a breakthrough in the other three domains.

But I didn't leave, why? Because of personal hatred, but also because of righteousness!

The Bliss Devil Palace is a disaster for the Southern Territory, not only my royal family suffers, but among you, how many have never been angered by the Bliss Devil Palace, and how many have not been threatened by the Bliss Devil Palace?

The Bliss Magic Palace bullies the soft and fears the hard, and does not do anything to those big factions, but only to us small families and small sects.

The people in the big faction are indifferent, can't I save myself when I wait?

When I come back this time, I want to join hands with fellow Jianghu people in the Southern Region to eradicate evil spirits and help justice! "

After saying these righteous words, Wang Yizhi left directly without the slightest slack.

These are also what Chu Xiu taught him. Don't be too eager to do things. The seeds have already been planted, and the rest can be done slowly.

A few days later, what Wang Yizhi did in Fangtianlou, and what he said, had already spread throughout the southern region, and it also caused a lot of fluctuations.

After all, for so long, the Demon Palace of Bliss has been in the Southern Territory, but few people dare to be so provocative, and it can even be said to challenge the Demon Palace of Bliss.

Among these major sects in the Southern Region, except for one of the Sword Sect of the Heavenly Bliss, the Demon Palace of Bliss did not dare to rival, the other sects and the Demon Palace of Bliss had the confidence to fight against it.

So for so many years, as long as the Demon Palace of Elysium did not offend the bottom line of the other major factions, those major factions would naturally not go about their business and provoke the Demon Palace of Elysium.

As for the other martial arts forces, even though they hate the Demon Palace of Elysium, who would dare to provoke the ruthless means of the Demon Palace of Elysium here? Unexpectedly, this time, someone dared to lick the tiger beard of the Devil Palace of Bliss.

At this time, in the Demon Palace of Bliss, Elder Gongsun was watching the news from Jianghu with a look of anger and sadness.

Elder Gongsun is considered to be the oldest person in the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan realm in the Demon Palace of Bliss. When the previous palace master was there, he was in charge of some of the chores of the Demon Palace of Bliss.

All the news about the Demon Palace of Bliss on the rivers and lakes was first passed on to Elder Gongsun, and then handed over to Yan Beifeng when there was something he couldn't handle.

In the information, the murderer who killed his own grandson finally appeared, but what Wang Yizhi said and did made him shudder and have a bad feeling.

Elder Gongsun wanted to go to Yan Beifeng to talk about this, but at this time Yan Beifeng was in retreat, not in retreat to practice, but in retreat to study his Zhoutian Demon God Formation.

This formation method was figured out by Yan Beifeng himself. In fact, strictly speaking, it should not be regarded as formation method, but a combination of formation method, martial arts, weapon refining, Yuan mysticism, and various secret techniques of their blissful magic palace. something out.

When Yan Beifeng was in seclusion normally, he could still find him, but when he was refining this week's Heavenly Demon God Formation, if he disturbed him, he would be dead.

Therefore, Elder Gongsun had to sigh and order the warriors who could be mobilized in the Palace of Bliss to hunt down Wang Yizhi with all his strength.

At this time, Wang Yizhi was running with Chu Xiuman in the southern region to meet the heads of the patriarchs of various forces.

The information Xing Bugong found for Chu Xiu is very complete. It seems that Tianmogong did not study the Bliss Palace before.

All of those documents are warriors who have had a grudge against the Demon Palace of Bliss for so many years.

In the Zhao family in Changshan County, when Chu Xiu and Wang Yizhi quietly broke through the Zhao family's mansion and suddenly appeared in front of the Zhao family's patriarch, they shocked the other party.

"Uncle Zhao, long time no see." Wang Yizhi greeted the other party calmly.

The other party had had business dealings with their Wang family, and the relationship was quite good.

The Zhao family's patriarch said in shock, "Yizhi, are you dying? The Demon Palace of Elysium is chasing you in the entire southern region, how dare you walk around?"

"Chase and kill? Uncle Zhao, it's the Devil Palace of Elysium who is chasing and killing me now, but who will be chasing who in the future, that's not necessarily the case."

Wang Yizhi said solemnly, "Uncle Zhao, you should know why I came to you.

When Brother Zhao had a conflict with the Magic Palace of Bliss, it was just a trivial matter, but his cultivation was abolished by the other party's domineering. As a result, Brother Zhao couldn't think about it for a while. You are also a white-haired person sending a black-haired person. This hatred, Are you stumped and don't want to report? "

The Zhao family's patriarch was silent for a moment, he smiled bitterly and said, "Of course I want to report it, but that is the Devil Palace of Bliss, how can we report it?"

"There are countless people in the entire Southern Region who have enmity with the Demon Palace of Bliss. If one family can't match, then ten families, if ten families can't match, then one hundred families!"

The head of the Zhao family was still a little hesitant, at this time Chu Xiu suddenly said: "Is the head of the Zhao family worried about Yan Beifeng, a powerhouse in the Martial Immortal realm?

We deal with the Elysium Demon Palace to help justice, not to seek death. Yan Beifeng will be dealt with by someone.

In this arena, there are far more people who want to destroy the Demon Palace of Bliss than you think. "

"Who is this?"

Wang Yizhi said in a deep voice: "This senior also has a grudge with the Bliss Demon Palace, and also wants to give me peace in the Southern Region Martial Arts. Our people are more than a little bit."

The head of the Zhao family has long heard that Wang Yizhi came back to take revenge this time, and there seem to be some people around him, but he is a mysterious powerhouse, and it seems that this is the person in front of him.

The head of the Zhao family is also an old man, and his intuition tells him that the matter here is not that simple, so he does not want to agree for the time being.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "It is normal for the Zhao family to have concerns. In a month's time, we will have a meeting. I hope you will come to the Zhao family at that time. We will inform the Zhao family of the location."

After speaking, Chu Xiu and Wang Yizhi left directly.

After all, the other party was the Demon Palace of Bliss, and Chu Xiu didn't expect the Zhao family's patriarch to agree on the spot.

Afterwards, Chu Xiu and Wang Yizhi ran back and forth with dozens of factions, most of them were hesitant like the Zhao family's head, and they had a bitter hatred with the Bliss Devil Palace, and they agreed directly, and some refused without hesitation. .

No matter what kind of person, Chu Xiu just gave them a time, told them a location, and gave them a month to make a decision.

A month later, all the patriarchs, etc., received news from Wang Yizhi, and the place for discussion was in a mansion in Zhongyuan Mansion.

After Wang Yizhi made such a big commotion in Zhongyuan Mansion a month ago, Zhongyuan Mansion is the center of the entire southern region, and there are many warriors from the Bliss Magic Palace coming and going here.

As a result, Wang Yizhi still chose to appear here, which is simply bold.

Inside the mansion, all the doors and windows were sealed, and it was dark, with only a faint light on.

The patriarchs of dozens of forces are all here, whispering and talking.

The next moment, the lights suddenly came on, and Wang Yizhi and Chu Xiu appeared in the room.

Those with sharp eyes found that Chu Xiu was following behind Wang Yizhi before, but this time, it was Wang Yizhi following behind Chu Xiu.

In front of other Jianghu people, Wang Yizhi must do things first, because these warriors in the Southern Region only know Wang Yizhi. Everyone knows his background and the grievance between him and the Bliss Magic Palace, so he has great righteousness. A mysterious person, Chu Xiu, who did not know his origin, went to talk to them about destroying the Demon Palace of Ultimate Bliss, and no one would listen to him.

And now facing so many heads of the patriarchs, although they are not ranked in the entire southern region, they are also old foxes who have been fighting for so many years in the rivers and lakes, and there are not many stupid people, so in front of them, Chu Xiu There is no need to pretend any more.

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "I am very pleased that you can come here, because this means that all the warriors in the Southern Region are not all lambs to be slaughtered!

Today I brought you Everyone should know what it means, the Devil Palace of Bliss is in the southern region, and it has been evil for too long!

You have all experienced the oppression of the great factions, but I think you are all able to endure it, because they follow the rules and will not kill you just because you are not pleasing to the eye.

But the Devil Palace of Bliss, they do a lot of evil, and they never follow the rules. The brutality of their methods and the viciousness of their hearts are really the cancer of my southern martial arts!

Of all of you present, who has not been oppressed by the Demon Palace of Elysium, and who has no grudges with the Demon Palace of Elysium? Now, are you still going to be patient? "

Everyone present was told by Chu Xiu that their faces were gloomy and anger flashed in their eyes, but no one said a word.

Of course, they have a grudge against the Demon Palace of Elysium, and they can't wait to destroy the Demon Palace of Elysium now.

However, there are still sects and family members behind them. If they fail, what will happen to the others?

So if they have hatred, they have to endure it.

Seeing the appearance of everyone present, Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I'm so disappointed by all of you, do you think that in the face of such a ferocious villain of the Devil's Way, as long as you endure it?

Everyone, look at Wang Yizhi, when the Wang family was destroyed, you didn't take any action, and you didn't even dare to say a fair word, because you were not from the Wang family.

Next time, when the Li family is destroyed, you will still be like this, because you are not from the Li family.

At the end, when it's your turn, have you ever thought that there is no one around you who can speak for you! "

Chu Xiu's words resounded in their hearts, as if there was a kind of magic power, stirring up the hatred in their hearts.

The head of the Zhao family, whose son had died before, stood up abruptly and said angrily, "Fuck his grandma! I can't bear it this time!"


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