Meet The Leader

Chapter 1253: nomination certificate

The power of hatred is great, and it can turn a young man like Wang Yizhi, who didn't know anything before, into an avenger who kills without blinking an eye.

Chu Xiu did not deliberately stir up their spirits, but only amplified a certain emotion in their hearts, and they naturally knew what they should do.

As the Zhao family's patriarch spoke first, everyone seemed to have been ignited by some kind of emotion, and they shouted loudly, wanting to seek revenge from the Elysium Demon Palace.

Chu Xiu's hand pressed down and said solemnly: "Everyone, revenge is not something that can be accomplished in one go. If I ask you to attack the headquarters of the Demon Palace of Elysium together, you will definitely think that I am letting you You go to die.

So this time, it's enough for us to only take action on one branch of the Demon Palace of Elysium, gather our own elites, I'll take the lead, find the Demon Palace of Elysium first, and ask for some interest back! "

Hearing that it was going to be real, everyone present calmed down a little, and at the same time, some concerns arose in their hearts.

Going to attack a branch of the Devil's Palace of Elysium is easy, but after the fight, what if the Devil's Palace of Elysium wants to take revenge?

At this time, one person stood up and said with an embarrassed smile on his face: "Everyone, you can seek revenge from the Elysium Devil Palace, but I will not be involved.

There are still a group of disciples in my Xuankong Sect, and I can't afford such a big relationship. "

With that said, the head of the Hanging Sect was about to leave.

With him taking the lead, the others were also a little shaken.

Everyone has a family, young and old, to eliminate the devil and guard the road, after all, we must weigh the strength of the devil.

At this time, Chu Xiu said coldly, "Sect Master Liu of Hanging Sect, are you planning to leave like this?"

Sect Master Liu's expression changed: "What do you mean? I have only heard of people forcing others to kill, but I have never heard of anyone forcing others to take revenge!"

Chu Xiu snorted coldly: "Forced? Everyone came voluntarily, who forced whom?

During this time, I have sent out hundreds of posts, and 70% of the people who came here today.

The other 30% of the people don't come, so I won't force it. After all, everyone has their own aspirations.

But when you all come here today, it is equivalent to accepting the application form and preparing to deal with the Elysium Devil Palace together. Now you want to leave, what do you mean?

You have seen our face and our purpose. Now that you go out, as long as you tell the Elysium Demon Palace everything that is present, it will sell us for a good price. "

Saying that, Chu Xiu also looked at the people present: "Everyone, even if you don't agree now, it's too late, in the eyes of the Devil's Palace of Bliss, as long as you come here, it's already considered to be against the Devil's Palace of Bliss. Take action, if these news spread out, will you be able to stop the revenge of the Demon Palace of Bliss?"

The people present were not idiots, and they instantly understood the stakes involved, and they couldn't help but look a little unkind when they looked at the head of Liu.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, the face of Liu Sect's face suddenly changed, and his body speed suddenly exploded to the strongest, and he wanted to jump out of the mansion.

The formation in this place is not strong, this Liu Sect Master has the cultivation of the real fire refining spirit realm, and if he wants to rush out, one breath is enough.

But he was surprised to find that he had already moved, but the distance from the door was getting further and further away.


Just as Liu Zhangmen realized this, a hand suddenly appeared in front of him, easily breaking his body protection qi, strangling it to death, and throwing it in front of everyone.

The sound of the body falling to the ground shook the hearts of everyone present, and no one dared to say anything.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "To eliminate demons and guard the way, the guard is the right way, and it's my southern martial arts!

As a result, some people don't want to take action now, but they still want to fornicate with the Devil Palace of Bliss and be their lackey. This kind of behavior is even more hateful!

I think everyone, no one should want to learn from such a person, right? "

Everyone present nodded again and again and saw the fate of the Liu Sect, but no one wanted to be a 'traitor' here.

Chu Xiu took out a piece of paper, and what was written on it was the guilt of the Devil Palace of Elysium.

He handed the paper over and said solemnly: "Everyone, there is no way out now, since everyone is united, no one wants to have an accident halfway.

Signing this crime, crusade against the Elysium Demon Palace, I will wait for the demons like Elysium Demon Palace to die endlessly! "

This piece of paper can be regarded as the real name certificate. After signing it, it can be considered that there is no way out. No one dares to go to the Palace of Elysium after signing this thing, because it is courting death.

After everyone signed the names, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Everyone, three days later, gather your strength and attack the branch hall of the Demon Palace of Bliss!"

Everyone went away with a solemn expression, and Wang Yizhi followed.

Chu Xiu, however, was standing in the house and said solemnly, "Elder Xing, you can go to inform Palace Master Yuan, and the Demon Palace of Bliss is also ready to start gathering forces and prepare to attack the Demon Palace of Bliss.

With the strength of this group of people, it is easy to destroy the branch of the Demon Palace of Bliss, and it is also easy to deal with other disciples, but if you want to kill Yan Beifeng, you still have to rely on Palace Master Yuan. "

The figure of Xing Bugong appeared from the dim room, shook his head and said, "You fooled them all over the place. Although these bottom-up methods are novel, those people are still in the dark, which is also pitiful."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "How can I be called a liar? It's a fact that I want to destroy the Demon Palace of Elysium, and it's good for them after destroying the Demon Palace of Elysium, it's also a fact, I can only be regarded as an inducement.

By the way, Elder Xing, you are also from the Heavenly Demon Palace. As a martial artist, you still have this kind of compassion? "

Xing Bugong said in surprise: "Does this have anything to do with being born in the devil's way?"

Chu Xiu shook his head slightly, but did not speak, but he forgot that the magic way of the upper world and the magic way of the lower world should be two concepts.

In fact, Chu Xiu has always felt that these small sects of Daluotian are a little bit cowardly, or they are not successful.

In the past 10,000 years, there have only been two sects that rose up like Hanjiang City, too few, too few.

These sects are not weak, but they may have become accustomed to the rule and oppression of those big factions, and they will only tolerate rather than resist.

This time, it was Chu Xiu who took the lead, half seducing and half coercing, otherwise they themselves would still not have the desire to resist.

If a sect like the Devil's Palace of Ultimate Bliss appeared in the lower realm, they would have been attacked long ago.

Even he, Chu Xiu, has done far less than the Elysium Demon Palace, and has been attacked by the crowd several times. Even when he was in control of Beiyan Wulin, those small forces dared to jump out and follow him. He is the enemy.

Although it is an enemy, but looking at it now, the warriors in the lower realm seem to have more backbone than those warriors like Daluotian.

In the past three days, those forces that have hatred with the Demon Palace of Elysium have been gathering. In fact, during this time, Chu Xiu has been defending the Demon Palace of Elysium.

After signing the nomination form, although Chu Xiu was confident that these people should not go to inform, but he was worried that the Palace of Elysium would find any clues.

After all, so many forces are gathering, and all of them are forces that have a grudge against the Elysium Demon Palace. This kind of thing can't be a coincidence at all.

But I don't know if it's because the Elysium Palace is too confident, or if they really don't pay attention to the intelligence. In the past three days, the Elysium Palace has really not noticed their actions.


On the peak of the Shangliu River in the Southern Region, the pitch-black temple is located in it.

This is a branch hall under the Palace of Bliss.

The entire Demon Palace of Bliss, which is considered to be the branch hall of the Nanman land that was abolished by Chu Xiu, has four places, each of which suppresses a fierce place full of beasts.

Ten thousand years ago, there were many aquatic beasts in the Shangliu River, and it was said that there were also dragons, but now, there are only some big fish left.

There are dozens of forces and tens of thousands of warriors gathered around the branch hall of the entire Demon Palace of Bliss, completely surrounding the entire branch hall of the Demon Palace of Bliss.

Although the dozens of patriarchs and the like had already made plans, there was a sense of unease in their hearts at this time, but there was still a kind of heroic emotion in them.

After all, looking at the entire Daluotian, how many people dare to be the enemy of the Demon Palace of Bliss? They dare!

Chu Xiu didn't know that when he started this, he brought a different atmosphere to the entire southern region. Since then, the entire southern region has been constantly resisting and strife, and a lot of rambunctious heroes have also been born~www Of course, these are all things to say later. At this time, Chu Xiu looked at the Demon Palace of Bliss, which had already opened its defense formation, and Chu Xiu said solemnly, "Everyone, this is the end of the matter, and there is no way out. When you go all out!

Go up the mountain, slaughter the demons, and defend me in the right way! "

In the past, Chu Xiu was always the demon who was killed, but now it was his turn to shout slogans below. Not to mention, this feeling was really good.

At this time, in the branch hall of the Demon Palace of Bliss, the extremely arrogant warriors of the Demon Palace of Bliss in the past could not help but show a look of panic.

The strength of this branch hall is not strong, far less than that of Ming Xuanyu's branch hall, and the number of people is only over a thousand.

Although the warriors of the Elysium Demon Palace are definitely stronger than those from the small faction, the number of the opponents is dozens of times their own. How can they not be afraid when they watch the crowd of people besieging them?

The current hall master of this branch hall is a one-eyed old man, and he said coldly: "Why are you panicking? Do you really think a group of trash can break through the branch hall? Even killing the demons, suicide is almost the same!

Guard the formation, the news has been passed, and when the palace master comes with reinforcements, everyone must die! "

As soon as the one-eyed old man's voice fell, he saw a black-robed figure appearing in the middle of the crowd.

As the long knife in his hand fell, the void was distorting in bursts.

No one can see the invisible and intangible sword light, and it is invisible and invisible.

But the next moment, the formation on the branch hall of the Demon Palace of Bliss suddenly burst out with an extreme edge, and with a bang, the formation shattered!

The calm in the eyes of the one-eyed old man had completely turned into panic at this time.

"Half-step Martial Immortal!"


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