Meet The Leader

Chapter 1254: 1 drum

PS: Thanks for the reward of 10,000 starting coins from Xun'anzi

Half-step Martial Immortals are not Martial Immortals, but for ordinary Martial Artists in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, the opponent is still a powerful existence that can make him feel hopeless.

Chu Xiu's knife directly broke through the great formation of the branch hall of the Demon Palace of Bliss with a shocking power. For other warriors, it was undoubtedly a shot in the arm, which made everyone's morale even higher.

The one-eyed old man in the Demon Palace of Elysium was still somewhat responsible. He did not flee the first time, but looked at Chu Xiu and said coldly, "You attacked the branch of the Demon Palace of Elysium today, but have you thought about the consequences? After that, you will not die. Endless ending!"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "You actually already know the answer, why do you keep asking that question? Kill them all, and as a result, of course I know.

It's not going to die, and when all of you in the Devil's Palace of Bliss are dead, they'll all be dead. "

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, before anyone arrived, Daomang had already arrived.

The surrounding space was twisted in waves, and the boundless sharpness completely wrapped the one-eyed old man from the Devil Palace of Bliss in it.

In all directions, there are boundless sharp edges in the sky and the ground, making him unavoidable and unavoidable.

The invisible and intangible misty slash shot, the power is more powerful than before, this knife has even been infinitely close to the supernatural power.

Of course, that means Chu Xiu's full-strength shot, to the point where it is truly invisible and intangible, and the consumption will also increase greatly.

And now the knife that Chu Xiu slashed can still leave some fluctuations in the void, and there are still traces to follow.

But even so, the power of this knife is not something that ordinary experts in the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan realm can block.

The one-eyed old man in the Demon Palace of Elysium felt the breath, and at this moment, his whole body turned into a black mist strangely.

It is also invisible and intangible, the black mist overflowed from the gap of the blade, and finally condensed together and turned into the figure of the old man.

"Huh? Interesting."

Chu Xiu snorted lightly. He was really interested in the Magic Palace of Elysium. The secret techniques in the opponent's hands were always beyond imagination.

But the next moment, Chu Xiu had already pinched the cross lotus print and dropped it.

The pure white Buddha's light shone through the ages, and while the cross lotus was in full bloom, the one-eyed old man wanted to turn into a black mist to escape again, but he was completely evaporated and purified, and he died without a whole body in the Buddha's light.

Chu Xiu shook his head gently and said: "The kung fu of escaping is quite unique, but unfortunately, no matter how well you practice, there will always be a day when you can't escape."

This one-eyed old man can be said to be the most embarrassed among the warriors who died in the hands of Chu Xiu in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm.

Others still have the possibility to resist, only him, he just avoided one move, but he didn't even avoid the second move.

At this time, the other warriors of the Demon Palace of Bliss had completely collapsed.

The master of his own house, the powerhouse of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, is definitely a big man in their Paradise Demon Palace, but in the hands of the person in front of him, he was killed in two moves. This is simply a monster!

In an instant, there was almost no fighting spirit on the side of the Elysium Devil Palace, and many warriors began to flee in all directions.

As soon as they fled, the morale of Chu Xiu's side became more and more high, and they even started to chase and kill without Chu Xiu's command.

Before, they also had some fear of the Elysium Devil Palace. After all, the other party has been rampant in the southern region for so long, and the magic power is still there.

But at this time, it seems that there is nothing scary about this blissful magic palace.

The entire battle lasted no more than half an hour. Wang Yizhi walked over with blood all over his body and said solemnly, "Senior, everyone in the entire branch hall has been cleaned up, and only a small number of people have fled."

Chu Xiu nodded, narrowed his eyes and said, "Very good, next, go directly to the headquarters of the Devil's Palace of Elysium!"

If Chu Xiu had asked them to attack the headquarters of the Demon Palace of Elysium, they must have thought that Chu Xiu was asking them to die.

But after experiencing such a massacre at this time, the people present were a little bit excited. Simply put, they were inflated. They thought that the Magic Palace of Elysium was nothing, and they wanted to kill in one go.

Wang Yizhi hesitated and said, "Senior, why don't you find an opportunity to destroy the remaining two branch halls? First, cut off all the wings of the Elysium Devil Palace, the threat should be much less."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "We succeeded this time, just because the Elysium Demon Palace was careless, they just sent people to hunt you down, but they didn't expect us to play so much.

Before we attacked the Palace of Bliss branch, they must have already passed the news to the headquarters. The other party should have received the news by now. What's the point of us attacking the branch? Just go straight to the punch. "

Chu Xiu's guess was right, the Bliss Magic Palace had indeed received the news.

Elder Gongsun was completely panicked after getting the news.

He is an old man from the Palace of Elysium, and he is also considered to be experienced in all corners of the world.

Before Ming Xuanyu's branch hall was destroyed, he already felt that something was wrong. At this time, when he received the news, Elder Gongsun immediately reacted, and someone was planning to deal with their Bliss Magic Palace!

There are not so many coincidences in the world, and in a short period of time, the two branch halls were destroyed.

That kid named Wang Yizhi was definitely not so lucky. After being hunted down for a few years, he was able to stir up such a big wave.

As soon as they made a move, they abolished the two branch halls of their Demon Palace of Elysium. This was enough to make their Demon Palace of Elysium hurt. What would the other party do next?

When he got here, Elder Gongsun no longer dared to imagine that even if he took a risk, he would interrupt Yan Beifeng to continue his research on the Zhoutian Demon God Great Array.

But before Elder Gongsun knocked on the door of Yan Beifeng's closed room, Yan Beifeng opened the door by himself and came out.

Seeing Elder Gongsun in a panic, Yan Beifeng couldn't help frowning and said, "What's the fuss about?"

At this time, Yan Beifeng's face showed a strong look of exhaustion, but there was also a hint of excitement.

However, these elders Gongsun did not notice, but eagerly told Yan Beifeng everything that happened during this period.

After Elder Gongsun finished speaking, the expression on Yan Beifeng's face did not change in the slightest.

"that's it?"

Elder Gongsun was taken aback for a moment, is this not enough?

"Palace Master, these actions of the other party in the dark, to be precise, they have all turned to the light, waiting for the other party to make a big move, how should we deal with it now."

Yan Beifeng said lightly: "How to deal with it? Come one, kill one, come two, kill one pair!"

Elder Gongsun looked at Yan Beifeng with a stunned expression, wondering why the other party had so much confidence.


At noon, the sun was shining brightly in other places, but the valley where the headquarters of the Demon Palace of Elysium was located was gloomy, and the mid-air was shrouded in a thick cloud of demonic energy, which looked very strange.

Wherever he passed, various evil statues were also carved on the walls of the valley.

There are devil gods cannibals, monsters with beast bodies and human heads, and goddesses dancing, but goddesses have no lower limbs, and instead are ferocious spider bodies.

Such a bizarre scene frightened everyone who had been fighting with high spirits before.

The Elysium Demon Palace is not very popular in the Southern Regions, let alone their small sect warriors, even those from the major faction who have had some exchanges with the Elysium Demon Palace, they rarely come to the Elysium Demon Palace. .

At the end of the valley, a black giant city is located below, like a crawling giant beast, lying there.

Yan Beifeng was sitting at the front of the city, looking relaxed.

Looking at the tens of thousands of warriors below, Yan Beifeng's eyes seemed to be looking at tens of thousands of ants.

"Slow, it's too slow, the deity has been waiting for you for so long, why did you arrive?"

Yan Beifeng's voice resounded throughout the valley, and also resounded in the hearts of everyone present, causing them to feel a chill involuntarily.

Bliss Demon Venerable Yan Beifeng, everyone in the entire southern region knows that he is a lunatic.

The real villain is not scary, but it is a moody lunatic like him that is scary.

Yan Beifeng's prestige, or in other words, his notoriety has resounded throughout the southern region. At this time, facing Yan Beifeng, none of the warriors in the southern region could not be afraid.

Yan Beifeng stared at the people below and said lightly: "They have already hit the gate of my Demon Palace of Ultimate Bliss, so don't hide it and show your I don't believe this. This incident was caused by Wang Yizhi, no matter how strong an ant is, it can't lift an elephant."

There was a humiliated look on Wang Yizhi's face, but in front of the powerhouses in the Martial Immortal realm, even though he had deep hatred, he couldn't even scold.

Moreover, what Yan Beifeng said was indeed the truth. In front of such a powerful person in the Martial Immortal realm, he was indeed just an ant.

Chu Xiu didn't pretend to be mysterious, and directly took off the mask on his face.

"Palace Master Yan, we meet again.

Didn't you want to arrest me and interrogate Chen Qingdi's whereabouts? Now I have taken the initiative to deliver it to the door, how is it, am I surprised or not? "

Yan Beifeng suddenly sat up and stared at Chu Xiu below, the coldness in his eyes could not be shaken away.

He really did not expect that the person who provoked all this would be Chu Xiu.

His Bliss Devil Palace has provoked countless people over the years, including the Southern Territory Great Sect, as well as scattered cultivators, and even Gu Zun.

But he never thought that this person would be Chu Xiu, a person from the Eastern Region, or a warrior who had not yet reached the Martial Immortal Realm.

Moreover, Yan Beifeng was also very impressed with Chu Xiu, so profound that he wanted to kill Chu Xiu for a month!

Before, in the Paradise of Paradise, Mu Baishuang planned to kill Fang Yinglong. As long as he succeeded, the Eastern Region would be at his fingertips.

As a result, after the first battle, no one made a mistake, but he made a mistake and was blocked by a junior like Chu Xiu who had not yet reached the realm of martial arts, resulting in the failure to kill Fang Yinglong.

Although Mu Baishuang didn't say anything in the end, and Tao Qianming and others didn't ridicule Yan Beifeng as a lunatic, this incident was still a great shame for Yan Beifeng!


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