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Chapter 1263: cloud concentration state

? There are loopholes in the rules, let alone a place like the Daluo Shrine.

Daluo Shrine does not belong to any one person, but belongs to the entire Daluotian, so many people know about this loophole, but no one prohibits it.

You can drill this loophole, and he can drill it, as long as those martial artists from the big faction can drill, the difference is only to see if there is anyone in your sect who can reach the realm of Martial Immortal, but still can suppress it.

Chong Qiushui said in a deep voice, "I've told you everything I need to say. After entering the Central Region, everyone will be sent randomly, and no one will be able to help anyone. Maybe you can meet by coincidence.

So what you can do is to be careful and careful, and you would rather not use tokens or soul crystals, and you must not make any mistakes. "

Lu Sanjin nodded, but Chu Xiu suddenly asked, "Pavilion Master, are there any restrictions on the number of forces that can enter Zhongzhou?"

Chong Qiushui frowned and said, "There is no limit on the number of people, as long as it is in the realm of real fire refining spirits and the realm of heaven and earth.

Do you want to bring your people into it? It's a good idea, but I urge you to think twice.

The strength of your subordinates is quite good, even if you don't enter the Daluo Shrine to practice, just practice in Zhongzhou, you will gain something.

But you have to know that the mortality rate is even more than half, and it is not worthwhile for you to lose one. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then there is no problem, life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky.

Entering the Central State is an opportunity, an opportunity that can take decades or even hundreds of years to wait. I will tell them this and let them choose for themselves. "

Chong Qiushui nodded and said, "Well, Zhongzhou will only open in a month. After 20 days, you can bring someone to meet at the headquarters of Emperor Tiange."

After finishing speaking, Chong Qiushui turned his eyes to Lu Sanjin again, "Boy, during this time, I will open the Emperor's realm, and I will use the vitality in it to train your body, enough for you to step into the realm of heaven and earth."

Lu Sanjin was startled, and quickly said, "But the pavilion master, only the pavilion owner can..."

Chong Qiushui waved his hand and said, "Okay, needless to say, I spent the vitality in the emperor's realm, and I can't increase the cultivation of the first layer of heaven, but it can ensure that you step into the realm of heaven and earth. 35xs

The real fire refining spirit realm enters Zhongzhou, basically it is to deliver food and take luck.

After all, you are also the heir of my Emperor's Pavilion. I can't just watch you get killed when you just entered, right? "

Huangtian Pavilion was preparing, Chu Xiu also returned to Cangwu County to call everyone out of the retreat, and also called Chen Qingdi to tell them all about it.

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu said solemnly, "This time the Daluo Shrine is open, although there are only six places, but as long as you can enter the area of ​​Zhongzhou to cultivate, there will be opportunities to improve your cultivation, so this is a chance. .

However, according to Chong Qiushui, the crisis involved was also extremely large, with more than half of the fatalities. There were masters from the entire Daluotian, as well as those unspecified, but definitely extremely terrifying ghosts.

Although you are all my people, I don't want to make decisions for you on this kind of thing, so everyone, whoever wants to go, go to the Emperor's Pavilion with me when the time comes. "

Chen Qingdi's eyes lit up and said, "Needless to say, I'm definitely going for this kind of thing."

Shang Tianliang and Wei Shuya looked at each other and said that we should go too. "

Shang Tianliang and Wei Shuya are both people who have the hope of stepping into the realm of Martial Immortals. Besides, based on their experience, they really don't care about fighting at this level.

Lu Jianghe even laughed and said, "Fight, I like it."

Lu Fengxian thought for a while and said, "I'm not interested in fighting, but that monster is very interesting, I want to go in and have a look.

Moreover, although it is a random teleportation, if I am lucky enough to meet Brother Chu and you, I can also help. "

Mei Qinglian squinted her eyes and said, "You said that the demon is really good at sneaking into the depths of the warrior's heart? It's very interesting, I want to enter it too. 35xs"

All of these people nodded in agreement, but in the end Chu Wuji slumped on the chair, hehe smiled and said, "You all go, I won't join in the fun, I'll just help you watch the house here."

Seeing everyone's choice, Chu Xiu also nodded, which was similar to what he thought. Except for Chu Wuji, everyone else should choose to enter it.

Chu Wuji did not choose to enter it, not because he was afraid of death, but because he did not have such a big obsession with power, and he was a person who was easily satisfied.

Previously, the hidden demon lineage needed Chu Wuji to be the backbone, so he did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

But now that Chu Xiu has become the master of the Kunlun Demon Sect, he has countless masters under his command, and he doesn't want to show such limelight.

Moreover, he only has the real fire refining spirit realm. He is not weak in the same rank, but he is not the top, and he does not have the trump card of Mei Qinglian and Honglian Karmic Fire. It is indeed dangerous to enter, and the gains outweigh the losses.

After it was finalized, Chu Xiu asked everyone to start preparing, and 20 days later, they went to Huangtian Pavilion to meet.

Chong Qiushui never expected that so many people would come under Chu Xiu's command.

This group of people really only need their strength to die. After the competition for the Daluo Shrine is over, it is not bad that half of them can come back.

You must know that there are only three people from Huangtian Pavilion, one of them is Lu Sanjin, and the other is Xie Yingzong. He is also very persistent in power.

The remaining one is a young deacon elder, who has also reached the realm of heaven and earth.

It is enough to have these three people. No matter how many people enter it, if the loss is too great, with the background of the current emperor's pavilion, Chong Qiushui cannot accept it.

After a group of people converged, they went straight to Zhongzhou.

At the very center of Daluotian, the entire area where Zhongzhou is located is shrouded in formation.

In fact, in the beginning, Daluotian didn't have the concept of Zhongzhou, only Daluo Shrine.

But after discovering the existence of demons and Daluotian not being able to completely eliminate demons, he could only set up a formation around the periphery to prevent demons from going out, causing chaos to Daluotian.

For thousands of years, the demons have been growing, and the formation has been expanding, forming a huge area. This is Zhongzhou. According to Chong Qiushui, its area is even the size of the two counties in the Eastern Region.

When Chu Xiu and the others came to Zhongzhou, there were already many martial artists everywhere, most of them were scattered cultivators.

The opening of the Daluo Shrine is an opportunity for the major factions in the Eastern Region, and it is also an opportunity for these loose cultivators. Even if there are many dangers, they still intend to take this risk.

The people from Ling Xiaozong and Hanjiang City in the Eastern Region are here.

There are more than 20 people here in the Lingxiao Sect. Anyway, the Lingxiao sect has a profound background. As long as half of these more than 20 people can get a chance in Zhongzhou, that is also the seed of the future martial arts.

Among these people, Xuanyuan Wushuang was naturally there.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Wushuang saw Chu Xiu, and his eyes could not wait to swallow him alive.

Thanks to Chu Xiu's words before he left last time, Xuanyuan Wushuang was severely punished by Qin Baiyuan again. He looked as if he couldn't make a piece of jade. Qin Baiyuan even told him directly, if he couldn't correct himself. If you have a mentality, then Ling Xiaozong may have to change to another heir.

The next heir of Ling Xiaozong can be mediocre, but he can't use his own emotions to control the decision of the sect.

So this time Xuanyuan Wushuang was also a good student, even if he wanted to swallow Chu Xiu alive, he still held back and didn't dare to say a word.

Seeing Xuanyuan Wushuang's appearance, Chu Xiu pouted in disdain.

Who said that Xuanyuan Wushuang was born with such a personality? They are all used to it, but they lack repairs. Now that they have been repaired twice, Xuanyuan Wushuang is completely honest.

There are the fewest people in Hanjiang City in the Eastern Region, only two people.

Even Ye Weikong didn't come in person, so he might be recuperating in Hanjiang City.

Chu Xiu was looking at people from other domains at this time, and looked carefully.

Chu Xiu from the Southern Territory basically recognized them. Several major factions sent a lot of people here. Among them, there were the most people from the Sword Sect of the World, and the fewest from the Daqianmen.

In the Northern Territory, the number of people in the Sanqing Hall alone exceeds the sum of the entire Southern Territory, and there are other branches of Taoism such as Xuantianjing and Lingbaoguan. There are warriors standing there, and the whole body is blooming, extremely Conspicuous.

On the other side of the Western Regions, there are two distinct camps, one is the Tianlu Baosha, and the other is the Sanskrit The monks of the Tianlu Baosha are very similar to the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple in the lower world. Like, of course, this is also normal, because the two schools of the lower realms are the inheritance left by the Tian Luo Baosha.

On the other hand, the aura on the people of the Sanskrit religion seemed a little strange, and various forces were mixed together.

There are too many martial arts inheritances in Sanskrit. The three major halls and dozens of shrines also represent dozens of martial arts inheritances, each of which can be said to be not weak.

On the Sanskrit side, Singara stared at Chu Xiu in the crowd, with a grim look in his eyes.

Now he is no longer the lord of the Sun God Palace, but the lord of the Vishnu Palace.

The previous palace master passed away in a hurry, even if he had not stepped into the realm of Martial Immortal, he could only hurriedly took over this position.

So during this time, Singara has been busy all the time, busy taking over various things in the Vishnu Temple, and busy consolidating his power in the Sanskrit religion, and he has no spare time to care about what Chu Xiu is doing.

But he didn't want to care about Chu Xiu, who would have thought that Chu Xiu's name was actively passed on to his ears.

This son actually teamed up with the Heavenly Demon Palace to destroy the Bliss Demon Palace, which made Xin Jialuo horrified and did not know how to describe it.

In his opinion, the Demon Palace of Elysium was brought by himself to deal with Chu Xiu, so he subconsciously believed that the destruction of the Demon Palace of Elysium had a causal relationship with him. mood.

So this time the Daluo Shrine competition, whether it is the matter of Ma Lihe or the matter of the Demon Palace of Bliss, these causes and effects, he will have to settle with Chu Xiu sooner or later!


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