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Chapter 1264: weird

?The opening of the Daluo Shrine can be said to be a martial arts festival, or a martial arts festival that will spread to the entire Daluotian.

When the major factions of the four regions in the east, west, north and south and some powerhouses of loose cultivators all came together, the edge of the entire Zhongzhou was already noisy.

Although entering the Zhongzhou region, it means that you will face endless battles.

But this opportunity is one that no one wants to give up.

Therefore, knowing that participating in the competition for the Daluo Shrine has a very high mortality rate, but there are still many people who are unwilling to give up this opportunity.

For these warriors who have cultivated to the realm of True Fire Refining Spirituality and Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, the pursuit of power is something they can never let go of.

Half a day later, at noon.

On the other side of the Daomen, the endless Dao Yun rose up, forming countless purple mist clouds in mid-air, shrouding everyone's heads.

The two qi of yin and yang hovered in mid-air, supporting a figure whose whole body was wrapped in Dao Yun.

This one is the Taoist Venerable of Sanqing Hall, the first person in the entire Daluo Tiandao Sect!

"The Daluo Shrine is open for one month. Life and death are determined by one's destiny, and the chance depends on one's own destiny. Everyone, please come in."

As Dao Zun's slightly old voice fell, he gently waved a whisk in his hand, and in an instant, the entire Zhongzhou great formation burst into an extreme light, reaching the sky.

In front of everyone, a halo portal opened, and several old Taoist priests from the Sanqing Temple maintained order there. One person entered and a token was issued.

The Daluo Shrine is shared by all the sects, but most of the formations outside Zhongzhou are built by the Sanqing Palace, so every time the Daluo Shrine is opened, it is basically created by the Sanqing Palace. The Taoist priest came to be the abbot.

Of course, there is also the reason for the strength of the Sanqingdian Temple, which can calm the powerhouses who live in the field.

Otherwise, the great factions of the four regions will continue to have grievances with each other, the powerhouses of loose cultivators are rebellious, and the descendants of Gu Zun are very proud. If these people are gathered together, if there is no powerhouse at the level of Sanqingdian to abbot, I am afraid it will not wait. When they enter Zhongzhou and start to compete, they can fight to the death first. 35xs

Chu Xiu whispered to Lu Fengxian and the others, "After entering Zhongzhou, don't be stubborn. There are countless strong people in Daluotian, and some people are planning to step into Martial Immortal. If you can't beat them, just run away, no shame."

Before anyone else said anything, Lu Jianghe said proudly, "Don't worry, as for the ability to escape, this deity has never been afraid of anyone!"

As soon as he said these words, even Lu Sanjin and other people from Huangtian Pavilion looked at Lu Jianghe in surprise.

Is this something to be proud of?

Mei Qinglian directly covered her face and stood behind Chu Xiu, not wanting to stay with this shameful guy.

Although Lu Jianghe's people were a little unreliable, Chu Xiu still believed him. With the magic of the Gorefiend, even if a strong man from the first level of Wuxian came, he would not be able to kill Lu Jianghe.

Others also have their own means, although the strength is not the strongest, but there is no problem in saving their lives.

Shang Tianliang and Wei Shuya are experienced and strong, and this chaotic occasion is just right for them to play.

Although Mei Qinglian's strength is the weakest, her red lotus karma has a certain restraint on the characteristics of demons. Just killing demons can also accumulate a lot of soul crystals.

And Lu Fengxian was the one that Chu Xiu was least worried about.

This man's luck is amazing, Chu Xiu even guessed that if he entered Zhongzhou this time, maybe Lu Fengxian could get some other treasures.

Lined up, after Chu Xiu was the first to get the token, he made a gesture at the crowd and stepped into Zhongzhou first.

When the white light of the teleportation formation dissipated, Chu Xiu's whole body suddenly opened up, and the foggy realm shrouded the surroundings.

This is also a little skill, or experience, that Chong Qiushui imparted to Chu Xiu.

Because the formations in Zhongzhou are all randomly teleported, you cannot be sure whether you will be teleported around the first person after being teleported.

After entering Zhongzhou, it is a big chaos, with enemies on all sides, so in order to prevent being attacked just after being teleported, you must open the domain defense as soon as possible.

But this kind of thing is only a small probability event, at least Chu Xiu is not so unlucky, or in other words, other people are not so unlucky.

Putting away the domain, Chu Xiu looked around, but the scene in front of him was somewhat beyond Chu Xiu's expectations.

He thought that this place in Zhongzhou, where demons and ghosts are rampant, must be a regional scene, but who would have imagined that what appeared in front of Chu Xiu turned out to be a beautiful landscape with green waters and green mountains.

The vitality of heaven and earth here is extremely rich, and it is not the normal vitality of heaven and earth, which does not contain any alien attributes, but the purest vitality of heaven and earth that is close to the source, Taoism, Buddhism, and magic. Refining without hesitation.

No wonder over the years, knowing that this place is extremely dangerous, there are so many warriors rushing to it.

The existence of this area in Zhongzhou has broken the rules of this world. To cultivate here is equivalent to cheating, ignoring the shackles of the rules between heaven and earth, and it also means that there is no bottleneck!

Chu Xiu tried to walk in the air and stand at the highest point to see the situation in this area, but even if he raised his strength to the extreme, he could only hang about a few dozen feet in the air, and he could no longer take a step up.

Chu Xiu frowned, this should be the reason for the inner formation of Zhongzhou.

In order to prevent the ghosts from escaping, the formation of the entire Zhongzhou is like a huge hood, covering the entire Zhongzhou, but now it seems that this hood is a bit low.

Unable to step in the air, Chu Xiu went in a random direction.

The entire Zhongzhou is as big as two counties, and thousands of people were thrown into it, which is enough to be called a vast area and sparsely populated. Chu Xiu walked for half an hour and did not see anyone else, but the one who appeared in front of him. The scene is extremely strange.

In front of Chu Xiu, it turned out to be a small village.

In front of the small village, there was an old farmer who was hoeing the land. Seeing Chu Xiu coming here, the old farmer showed a kind smile at Chu Xiu, "The guests are here, how about going to the village to rest? The sky is getting darker. It's not safe to drive at night."

Chu Xiu looked at the old peasant indifferently, is this thing a ghost?

There is not a single living person in the land of Zhongzhou. Now that this village has appeared in front of Chu Xiu, all idiots know what the other party is.

It's just that in his perception, there is nothing wrong with this village, and there is nothing wrong with the old farmer in front of him.

No wonder Chong Qiushui told him before that, in Zhongzhou, don't trust your own eyes, and don't trust your own perception, everything may be fake.

Chu Xiu didn't choose to shoot at the first time, but also showed a smile and said, "Okay, then I will trouble the old man."

For those warriors who are in the realm of real fire, every step in Zhongzhou is a dangerous murder, but for Chu Xiu, his biggest opponent here will always be people, not these ghosts.

It's just that he wanted to find out the depths of these demons. After all, he only heard the vague description of Chong Qiushui, and his impression of this demon was still a little vague.

The old farmer brought Chu Xiu into the village. The whole village was unusually peaceful. The women, children, and men who were busy with farming, saw Chu Xiu, and everyone had a warm smile on their faces. Warm, it made people feel ...weird!

The old farmer took Chu Xiu into a thatched hut and shouted, "Old lady, come to the guest, quickly pour a bowl of water."

An old woman brought a bowl of water, came to Chu Xiu with a smile, and handed it to him, "Guest, this is the well water we made in our village. It's very sweet, you can try it."

Chu Xiu looked into the bowl and saw that there was some water in it, but a bowl of scorched yellow and turbid liquid, emitting a corpse stench, and even a black severed finger with a ring on it. There are two Sanskrit characters written, which happened to be known by Chu Xiu, the word Shiva!

Chu Xiu frowned, what does this mean? I don't know how many years ago, the people who had the Shiva Temple of Sanskrit fell here?

Of course Chu Xiu wouldn't drink this kind of thing, he just looked at the old woman coldly.

Seeing that Chu Xiu didn't drink, the old woman still smiled and said, "Why don't the guests drink, then I'll feed the guests myself."

Saying that, the old woman actually sent the bowl containing the corpse water to Chu Xiu's mouth.

"court death!"

There was a cold glow in Chu Xiu's eyes, a flash of qi flashed, and the old woman's head was directly chopped off.

But the weird thing is that the corpse didn't even flow out of blood, and the head that fell on the ground still smiled and said, "What do you mean by guest? But you hate us for being dirty?"

The smile is still that kind of smile, but the scene at this time makes people shudder.

The old peasant squinted at Chu Xiu, "I was waiting for a long time to entertain the guests, but the guests committed murder. This is your fault, the guests."

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Chu Xiu's whole body suddenly burst out, directly smashing the old woman, the old farmer, and the entire thatched hut.

But the next moment, all the villagers surrounded Chu Xiu, with a strange smile on their faces, holding bowls of corpse water in their hands, and walked towards Chu Xiu.

"Please drink a bowl of water."

"Drink a bowl of water."

"A bowl of water."

The voice that sounded like a magic voice sounded in Chu Xiu's ears, and penetrated directly into his heart, making Chu Xiu's state of mind unconsciously feel a little irritable.

"Go to hell!"

The fluctuation of God's Domain instantly exploded to the maximum, shattering everyone.

The feeling was extremely real, the flesh and blood splattered and evaporated, and the vitality dissipated, as if Chu Xiu had really killed hundreds of innocent and weak villagers in an instant.

Everyone, including the entire village, was strangled by Chu Xiu, but the next moment, when Chu Xiu didn't react at all, he actually stood in front of the village again, and the old farmer gave Chu Xiu a kind smile. "The guests are on their way here, why don't you go to the village to rest? It's getting dark, and it's not safe to travel at night."


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