Meet The Leader

Chapter 1265: catastrophe


Reincarnation, another reincarnation.

At that moment, with Chu Xiu's spiritual sense, he didn't even realize how the old farmer appeared and how he recovered, as if time had flown backwards at this moment and returned to the original point.

Although he clearly knew that these should be fake, they should all be illusions, but his eyes told him that these were real, and his spiritual sense also told him that these were real.

So where exactly are they lying?

A cold look flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes. With a wave of his hand, he once again released a burst of qi to strangle the old peasant. The divine realm around him expanded to a range of several hundred meters. In an instant, the entire small village disappeared under the strangulation of the divine realm.

This time, Chu Xiu raised his spiritual power to the maximum, and the Emperor Wang Qi was performed to the extreme by him, but at the moment when the whole village was shattered, his memory seemed to be erased. At that moment, the next moment, He was still standing in front of the small village, and the old farmer looked at Chu Xiu with the same, but very strange smile: "The guests are here on their way, why don't we go to the village to rest? It's getting dark, and it's not safe to travel at night. "

"If I can't kill you once, I will kill you ten times a hundred times!"

There was a cold look in Chu Xiu's eyes, and he strangled everything in front of him again and again. At some point in his eyes, they were stained with a scarlet color, and his murderous aura became stronger.

At the end, there was only one word 'kill' left in Chu Xiu's mind, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​finding the true body of this demon.

When Chu Xiu was about to get lost in this killing intent, he suddenly felt blessed, and suddenly woke up, expelling the killing intent from his mind with strong willpower.

"This thing is quite capable."

In the strangulations just now, it seemed that Chu Xiu was strangling demons and tearing apart these illusions, but in fact, he had been lost in it unknowingly.

In his eyes and perceptions, these people are no different from ordinary people. Although he knows that these things are not real people, his eyes and perception tell him that these are real people.

Although Chu Xiu also killed countless people, he dared to say that he had never killed these ordinary people.

He is not addicted to murder. Killing is just a means, not a pleasure.

Those who take pleasure in killing are not called demons, commonly known as perverted murderers.

But now, in this 'real' environment, he kills these ordinary people again and again. The feeling of incomparable realness has inadvertently infected his heart, making him almost blinded by this murderous aura. mind.

Here, eyes and spiritual sense are no longer a question of whether you can believe or not, but a burden that leads you astray.

This time, it was indeed Chu Xiu's carelessness.

Before coming in, Chu Xiu had always made the masters of other sects the main target. He really didn't pay attention to these demons, but he almost capsized in the gutter.

In fact, think about it carefully, since those big factions use a pound of ghost crystals as a reward equal to a token, the difficulty of the two sides should be similar.

It's just that Chu Xiu forgot to ask Chong Qiushui how much a ghost's soul crystal weighs. If it's only a few taels, then it's really better to deal with other warriors.

At this time, the old farmer was still looking at Chu Xiu with a smile: "The guests are here on their way, why don't they go to the village to rest? It's getting dark, and it's not safe to travel at night."

This time Chu Xiu also smiled and said, "Okay, it's not very safe at night, maybe I'll stay in this village for one night."

There was a pause in the smile on the old farmer's face, and then he brought Chu Xiu to the thatched hut. The old woman still brought a bowl of corpse water with severed fingers to Chu Xiu's mouth.

But this time, Chu Xiu didn't do anything. He took it directly and drank the bowl of corpse water in one gulp.

The stench and greasy feeling exploded in his mouth, and the amputated finger was swallowed by Chu Xiu, but he did not change his face, smiled and said: "The well water in the farmhouse is really good, if there is any, I will give it to you. I'll have a bowl."

The smiles on the faces of the old farmer and the old woman stiffened for a moment, but returned to normal the next moment.

The old farmer smiled and said, "The guests don't have to be so anxious. It's been a long time since no one has come to our village. I finally saw an outsider once. The village chief is bringing everyone to prepare a banquet and waiting for you."

"That would be disrespectful."

Chu Xiu pushed open the door with a smile, and in just a short while, the streets of the village were already covered with running water mats, and countless villagers were standing there, staring at Chu Xiu.

But the banquet was extremely terrifying, with plates of maggots, cockroaches, centipedes and other poisonous insects, and a rotting human head, looking at Chu Xiu with empty eyes.

The surrounding villagers all looked at Chu Xiu with smiles, and persuaded: "Guests, please taste, these are the specialties of our village, you can't eat them anywhere else."

"Do you want to eat? Then I'll have a good taste."

With a smile, Chu Xiu swallowed the plates of terrifying food into his stomach without changing his face. The touch and taste were very real, but he seemed to be really tasting those delicacies. With a satisfied smile.

The smiles on the faces of the other villagers froze there. A little doll who looked like a pink and jade-carved doll opened his mouth wide. He didn't notice for a while, and his head fell to the ground. The expression on the top is still the same surprised look, which is extremely strange.

Chu Xiu picked up his head, put it back on him, and said lightly, "Little guy is really careless, you should take good care of your head, there is nowhere to look for shame."

Chu Xiu looked around and said, "That's all you have, there is no other way? Or, for so many years, few warriors have been able to survive here, so you are not prepared?

But ghosts are really amazing. An existence like you is not within the rules of heaven and earth, and it is not within the five elements of reincarnation, so it can only be born in places like Zhongzhou.

If you want to kill you, your cultivation is actually not the most important thing, but your state of mind.

I'm afraid you died here because you didn't pass the test at the beginning, right? You people in the Sanskrit religion are extreme when you live, and you can easily get out of balance when you encounter ghosts. Now that you are dead, you have not grown, you are a waste! "

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, he actually stretched his hand directly into his stomach, 'opened his stomach', and took out a severed finger from it!

With a firm squeeze, the amputated finger turned into a black-clothed monk whose whole body was covered with gnaw marks, and he couldn't even see his face clearly, struggling constantly in Chu Xiu's hands.

As the fire of Chu Xiu's hands bloomed, the monk was directly burned into fly ash in the screams, but left a transparent spar in place.

As the monk became flying ashes, the surrounding villages also disappeared, just like that, in front of Chu Xiu's eyes, they dissipated without leaving any flaws.

Chu Xiu let out a long sigh of relief, this is the ghost, or the really scary place in Zhongzhou.

Seems like it's real, but it's fake, you think it's real, it's real, you think it's fake, but it's not necessarily fake.

As long as it is within the scope of Zhongzhou, a person will turn into a ghost after death. This ghost should have also been a disciple of the Shiva Temple of the Sanskrit religion who entered the Daluo Shrine for trials, but ended up here and became a ghost.

Chu Xiu also paid attention to when the people of Sanskrit came here before.

In addition to the half-step Martial Immortal Singara, there are dozens of people from the Sanskrit religion, and the weakest one is the pinnacle of the real fire refining spirit realm, which can be said to have a profound background.

The Sanskrit warriors in the past should not be worse than they are now. Even so, they still fell here. The level of danger of demons is somewhat beyond Chu Xiu's imagination. I don't know what happened to Lu Fengxian and the others.

Chu Xiu subconsciously picked up the soul crystal and weighed it. This soul crystal weighed about five kilograms, which was somewhat beyond Chu Xiu's expectations.

"I didn't expect that killing demons would be more cost-effective than fighting against other warriors."

Actually, Chu Xiu was wrong about this. He could only say that it was bad luck this time.

The weight of the soul crystal determines the strength of the ghost, and who the ghost was before he was alive also determined his strength after he became a ghost.

With a soul crystal weighing five kilograms, this demon is already considered to be a relatively strong group in Zhongzhou. It belongs to a very small but Chu Xiu came across it.

Moreover, its predecessor was not only a warrior of the Sanskrit religion, but a palace lord of a shrine in the Shiva Temple. His strength was not weak, so after he became a ghost, he would have such power, which almost caused Chu Xiu to capsize in the gutter. If it were replaced by other weaker demons, with Chu Xiu's current state of mind, it would be easy to solve them.

Picking up the soul crystal, Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long while, he suddenly penetrated the primordial spirit into the soul crystal and began to refine it.

Chong Qiushui told him that soul crystals can be refined, and after refining, they can enhance their own spiritual power and primordial spirit power.

The major factions asked everyone to use soul crystals instead of tokens, and they also used soul crystals as materials to consolidate the Zhongzhou formation.

Soul crystals originate from demons, and as materials for formations, they can also ban demons.

There are opportunities everywhere in Zhongzhou. Of course, the premise is that you have to take this opportunity with your life.

Now refining this soul crystal can quickly enhance Chu Xiu's spiritual power and primordial spirit, which is even more beneficial when dealing with these demons.

As for the final opening of the Daluo Shrine, Chu Xiu was not worried at all.

Because from the very beginning, he planned to obtain the qualification to enter the Daluo Shrine by plundering the tokens in the hands of other warriors.

Of course, by the way, you can also deal with your enemies, such as Singara and Singara.

Since he stepped into Zhongzhou, the first demon he met was a member of the Sanskrit religion before he died. Does this mean that it was God's will to let him and the people of the Sanskrit religion break karma here?

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