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Chapter 1266: their own situation

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Thousands of warriors entered Zhongzhou, but in fact, there were only a few who were able to run into ghosts right away.

Although there are many ghosts in Zhongzhou, they are not so numerous that they are everywhere, and if you encounter ghosts, you may not necessarily encounter such a strong one that Chu Xiu encountered, so in general, it is still Chu Xiu. Hugh is unlucky.

Of course, there are people who are more unlucky than Chu Xiu. In less than a day, dozens of warriors have already died in the entire Zhongzhou area, and most of them died at the hands of demons.

At this time, on the top of a high mountain, the golden light of the sun flickered around Xingaro's body until he reached the peak, but he didn't stop. Underfoot!

Walking on the sky, the land is a real fairy!

On the first day he stepped into Zhongzhou, Xingaro had already stepped into the realm of Martial Immortal.

Chong Qiushui had told Chu Xiu before that someone might look for loopholes in the competition for the Daluo Shrine to suppress their realm.

Sanskrit is also one of the top sects of Daluotian, and also has the peak powerhouses of Wuxian Jiuzhongtian. Their sensitivity to this kind of event is far more than that of Qiu Shui and others, so Xin Jialuo is for this. One day, but it took a long time.

"Chu Xiu!"

There was a hint of coldness in Singara's eyes, hoping that Chu Xiu would not die in the hands of the demon, but he still wanted to ask the whereabouts of Maha Liha from Chu Xiu's body.

Of course, Shingalo's priority now is not to find Chu Xiu, but to find other Sanskrit warriors.

Although in Zhongzhou, the rules of heaven and earth are distorted, and all contact secret techniques such as formations cannot be used.

However, Daluotian's secret techniques are endless, and the things that can remotely contact others are not limited to arrays.

In his hands, there is a secret technique obtained from the sacrifice of the barbarians, and he can vaguely perceive people who have their own blood in their bodies.

Although this perception was suppressed very much in Zhongzhou, he was still able to perceive a general idea.

At this time, Chu Xiu didn't know that he and Xin Jialuo had a "heart connection", and they were calculating each other.

It took almost three hours for the soul crystal to be completely refined by Chu Xiu, and a dazzling golden glow appeared on the back of his head, which could not be concealed.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Xiu's eyes showed a hint of amazement.

The five kilograms of soul crystals fully increased his spiritual power by one tenth. This effect is simply amazing.

Spiritual strength is no better than normal internal strength. It has always been extremely difficult to improve. If this one-tenth is to be improved by Chu Xiu through penance, he may not be able to achieve it after several years of seclusion.

Looking up at the sky, in Zhongzhou, the sky was shrouded in formations, and the sun, moon, and stars could not be seen clearly, and the sky was covered by layers of misty brilliance.

Xin Jialuo was going to find other Sanskrit people, and Chu Xiu was also going to look for an opportunity to see if he could find Lu Fengxian and others.

One is that after seeing the strength of the demons, he is indeed a little worried about them, and there are so many warriors in Zhongzhou, even though Chu Xiu's strength is amazing, if he wants to collect enough tokens, he still needs a lot of human assistance. .

This is also some experience that Chong Qiushui told him.

In the past, the final winner of each Daluo Shrine was basically from the great faction, and there were a bunch of people behind him to help him collect tokens.

After all, your opponent is not a pig. Even if you can defeat everyone, you still have to catch and collect tokens one by one. Just tracking will consume 90% of your time.

But what Chu Xiu didn't know was that Lu Fengxian and the others actually had better luck than him.


In a dry and yellow desert, just like the scene in the green capital, countless starving ghosts with huge stomachs and tiny limbs struggled to crawl towards Shang Tianliang.

Shang Tianliang sneered: "I'm starving to death and still crawling so slowly, it's useless when I'm alive, and after I die, I can't keep up with the heat!"

The power of withered glory exploded around him, and the starving ghosts around him exploded one by one. He directly put his hand into the belly of the thinnest starving ghost, and took out a thumb-sized spar.

Shang Tianliang smiled with satisfaction: "Tsk tsk, there are three or two levels, not too small."

In the pitch-black devil's cave, the endless darkness engulfed Wei Shuya, and low voices rang in his ears, whispering in a low voice, letting him sleep and let him rest.

Wei Shuya sighed softly: "The great cause has not yet been completed, how can I just rest like this, old man.

If you put it down when you are tired, then how many people will be able to reach the end of the dangerous road in this world? "

Wei Shuya's voice fell, and a little light bloomed in his palm, like the rootless holy fire burning on the top of Kunlun Mountain, tearing apart the eternal night!

In the dead city, countless rotten corpses and even skeletons rushed towards Chen Qingdi, but what greeted them was a huge fist, one punch, destroying the city!

Just like the ghost that Chu Xiu encountered, the dead city shattered, but it began to reappear.

Time and time again, even the demon did not know how many reincarnations he had gone through, but Chen Qingdi's mood still did not change in the slightest, and he did not want to explore the true body of the demon.

In the end, even the demon wondered if the guy in front of him was fake too? The demon finally couldn't hold it anymore, and a small skeleton escaped along the ground.

But when it just emerged, a foot suddenly fell, crushing it!

"finally found you!"

Among the dilapidated temples, countless monks held scripture bowls and kept reciting the turbulent Buddhist scriptures in Lu Jianghe's ears.

Lu Jianghe sneered, and countless bloodshots erupted all over his body, penetrating into the bodies of those monks and drawing their blood, but those monks did not change in the slightest.

Lu Jianghe closed his eyes and said with a sneer, "That boy Chu Xiu said that he can't trust his eyes, he can't trust his spiritual sense, but this deity only believes in his senses, his sense of qi and blood!

All of them are very real. The power of qi and blood is no different from that of ordinary people. In this case, the one who is the least human is a ghost! "

Lu Jianghe suddenly turned back towards the Buddha statue behind him, and took out a soul crystal from it. Whether it was a temple or a monk, it all dissipated.

In the brightly lit restaurant, countless handsome and masculine young men were poking their heads at Mei Qinglian.

That's right, in Mei Qinglian's view, their movements were scratching their heads and making poses.

Mei Qinglian looked unhappy: "My mother seems to be so short of men? Is this thing so penetrating?"

The jade hand waved lightly, the red lotus karmic fire bloomed in front of his eyes, and everything was burnt out.

A fat and ugly demon wanted to escape, but it was horrified to discover that the red lotus karmic fire actually ignited from its body, and when it reacted, it had been burned into a soul crystal.

On the mountains in Zhongzhou, Lu Fengxian didn't encounter the ghost, he just stood there and watched the two warriors who were in the realm of real fire fighting.

In the end, before he could see the clue, the two of them actually used their ultimate move at the same time, and they died together. This made Lu Fengxian, who was about to see other great martial arts, look stunned.

But after being stunned, he immediately walked over and found two tokens from the bodies of the two warriors.

"It's not bad luck."

A bright smile appeared on Lu Fengxian's face. He didn't like fighting, so he picked up two tokens at this time, just to give Brother Chu a boost.

On the first day of entering Zhongzhou, except for Lu Fengxian, everyone around Chu Xiu encountered ghosts at about the same time, but they were resolved smoothly without wasting much time. No one was as difficult as Chu Xiu. .

At this time, although Chu Xiu was going to look for Lu Fengxian and the others, he didn't wander around indiscriminately, but went straight to the Daluo Shrine in the center.

Daluo Shrine has been open for so many years, and naturally there are some experiences and routines left by the predecessors.

Everyone needs to fight in the land of Zhongzhou for a month before the Daluo Shrine will really open, so at the beginning, almost no one will go to the hinterland of Zhongzhou, but around the periphery to fight with fellow warriors or Kill demons.

So in this way, the entire Zhongzhou region is divided into three stages with time and region.

The first is to first search for companions and kill demons and ghosts in the periphery. After about ten days, nearly half of the people will be eliminated in this time.

In the next ten days, they entered the hinterland of Zhongzhou and began to compete for the At this time, basically what was left behind was the existence above the realm of heaven and earth, and most of them were qualified to walk in Zhongzhou alone. Resisting the existence of high-level demons is also at this stage, the distance is narrowed, and the people of various sects will also meet here.

In the last ten days, the final fierce battle began in front of the Daluo Shrine, and the real winner was decided, which was extremely tragic.

Now, Chu Xiu simply gave up the first step, and was going to go directly to the passage between the periphery of Zhongzhou and the hinterland.

In this way, there is a high probability of encountering Lu Fengxian and others, and he can also save some time.

After all, stealing tokens and soul crystals from others is much faster than trying to find them yourself!

In front of the entrance to a canyon in the hinterland of Zhongzhou, a unkempt old man looked ahead with a demented face, holding a **** human head back and forth in his hands.

Seeing Chu Xiu's figure, the old man's face showed a strange smile, and he handed the head up in his hand: "Do you want to eat a melon? The one just picked has a thin and juicy skin."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Demon?"

The old man, as if he didn't realize it, just handed the head up in his hand, but the next moment, the head suddenly burst, and a sharp sword light appeared in front of Chu Xiu's eyes.

The cold sword glow froze space and time, and the power of the rules was compressed to three feet around the old man's body, just enveloping Chu Xiu's figure.

When that sword light appeared between Chu Xiu's eyebrows, he couldn't move half a step!

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