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Chapter 1274: No one can leave!

Momentum is a very mysterious thing, at least now Sikongtan can clearly feel that Chu Xiu has an aura that makes him chill.

He didn't think that he was cowardly, but that the other party was too strong, so strong that he didn't even have the courage to shoot.

I didn't leave just now, but now I can't leave anymore

Chu Xiu's eyes are full of murderous intentions. These guys have caused him a lot of trouble. If he doesn't kill them now, how long will he wait?

Yu Wenfu did it very successfully, and successfully aroused Chu Xiu's killing intent.

The people he wants to kill usually don't stay until the next day.

Misty Zhan slashed down with an extremely strong sword intent, and that sharpness shocked everyone.

Yu Wenfu shouted, "This Chu Xiu is so arrogant that he wants to drive us out. If we don't do it now, how long will it take?"

Chen Jiulong and Xu will look at each other and put Yuwen, who has been severely injured, to the side, while the two of them head straight for Chu Xiu.

Chen Jiulong's whole body shone with a strong golden light, and in the roar of the dragon, he seemed to be transformed into a giant dragon flying into the sky, fighting the sky.

As soon as he grabbed it, he directly smashed Chu Xiu's misty slash with his flesh, and bursts of slashes from the sword slash resounded throughout his body, and the sharp edges scattered.

Chen Jiulong's lineage of Zhenlong generals is best at physical cultivation.

Moreover, the secret technique of transforming dragons in his vein has obtained three points of Canglong's verve.

But at this moment, when Chu Xiu's sword light was shaken, Chen Jiulong's complexion suddenly changed.

The extreme sharpness ripped apart the scales all over his body, which were made of astral gas, and he was strangled almost in an instant.

"Xu General"

Chen Jiulong shouted, and Xu Jiang behind him squeezed his hand to seal it, and the moonlight illuminated Chen Jiulong's body. In an instant, his body turned into a bizarre state of being empty and real, and in a vertical leap, Like a dragon, he rushed towards Chu Xiu.

The lineage of Zhenlong Shenjiang and the lineage of Venerable Gu Yue actually had a connection a long time ago.

Not only Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang are good friends, but their ancestors have always been good friends thousands of years ago.

The generals of Zhenlong are good at body refining and melee combat.

On the other hand, Venerable Gu Yue's lineage is good at all kinds of strange secret techniques, and the melee attack ability is not very strong.

Therefore, once the two join forces, they complement each other and multiply their combat power.

Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang have known each other since childhood, grew up together, and practiced together when they were not walking around the rivers and lakes. At this time, when they fought against Chu Xiu together, it was even more tacit understanding.

Looking at the figure of Chen Jiulong attacking, a cold look appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

He's just over-exhausted his primordial spirit, and he still has a lot of strength left.

Facing Chen Jiulong, Chu Xiu slashed out again, but with the blessing of the moonlight, Chen Jiulong's actions seemed to distort the rules of this area, and the power of Misty Slash was directly defeated.

"go to hell"

Chen Jiulong shouted loudly, and the crimson qi above the dragon's claws tore through the void.

Long Zhan Yuye, his blood is dark yellow, that is the ultimate blood evil spirit, even sharper than the blade

At this time, Xu Jiang's seal fell even more, and the half-moon vacated the sky. In the light of the moonlight, under Chu Xiu's feet, black shadows rose up one by one, wrapping directly around him, preventing him from moving.

At the moment when Chen Jiulong's dragon claws fell, Chu Xiu finally moved.

A simple punch fell, but that mighty power exploded to the extreme. A loud bang came, Chen Jiulong's whole body shattered with golden light, and the dragon shape was directly defeated.

At this moment, Chen Jiulong's eyes widened. Even though his internal organs were shaken by the powerful force of Chu Xiu's punch, he still couldn't believe that Chu Xiu was stronger than him in terms of strength. , so much stronger than him

In fact, Chen Jiulong felt that his physical strength was strong, but it was only because he felt good about himself.

Needless to say, Emperor Chen Qing, after Chu Xiu refined the blood of the demon god, his strength has almost reached the state of being invincible under the martial immortals.

Although Chen Jiulong's physical body is very strong, even stronger than the warriors of the same rank, but compared with Chu Xiu, there is a huge difference.

At the same time, Chu Xiu's whole body was in full bloom, and the black shadows around him were instantly strangled, and when he moved, he ran towards Xu Jiang to kill him.

Of these two people, Chen Jiulong is actually very easy to deal with, but with that general Xu on the side, he who was originally easy to deal with will become extremely difficult to deal with.

Therefore, kill General Xu first, and Chen Jiulong can be wiped out with a wave of his hand.

The sword light fell, and Xu Jiang was horrified, and the whole body turned into a moon shadow and disappeared, making his sword fall in vain.

But in the next moment, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal with his hand. In an instant, the rain of blood and blood suddenly descended, and a powerful force enveloped the space within a few hundred meters. Under the rain of blood, the moonlight was pressed to the extreme. Can no longer help Xu Jiang to hide his figure.

The void was torn apart, and the huge demon **** phantom stretched out his hand and grabbed towards Xu Jiang.

Xu Jiang was like holding the moon in his arms, the silver full moon stopped in front of him, the light was brilliant, but the cold moonlight was purifying the power of the Great Compassion Mantra.

The power in the moonlight is not the power of Taoism or Buddhism, but a very strange power, which is constantly assimilating different powers.

Xu Jiang's move can be regarded as a very powerful move when facing a warrior of the same rank, but unfortunately, Chu Xiu's power is too strong.

It was just the power of the Great Compassion Mantra, and even Xu General was unable to resist, sweating on his forehead.

Seeing that General Xu could no longer resist, Chen Jiulong immediately rushed towards Chu Xiu with his teeth clenched, regardless of the pain of his internal organs being shaken.

Taking the shape of a dragon, it was like a flying dragon in the sky, and the stroke that came down from the sky directly brought a powerful storm, sending out bursts of dragon-like roars.

But unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, it is still useless.

It was still a simple punch, and it was still a punch with extreme power. In an instant, Chen Jiulong flew upside down, and the dragon-shaped qi on his body was defeated one after another.

Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong are definitely not weak. It can be said that they are not bad when facing the disciples from the top sects. Unfortunately, they encountered Chu Xiu.

For the current Chu Xiu, even if he is not in a good state, he will no longer take the existence of the ordinary Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan realm into his eyes.

Unless you meet Xin Jialuo, or someone like Fang Yizhen from the Sanqing Palace before, can Chu Xiu really be regarded as an opponent. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

Xu Jiang gritted his teeth and shouted, "His primordial spirit was severely damaged in the previous battle with the ghost general. With that move, as long as I can break his defense, I can use the moon-pulling technique to injure his primordial spirit again."

When Chen Jiulong heard the words, he immediately knew which move Xu Jiang was talking about.

In an instant, he squeezed the seal in his hand, and his whole body burst into qi and blood. On his exposed skin, layers of muscles and texts appeared strangely, like scales.

At the same time, Xu Jiang himself was also pinching the seal, and the power of his qi and primordial spirit blossomed to the extreme, releasing bursts of silver-white moonlight, and his whole person was shrouded in the moonlight, as if he could not see the sun. In Zhongzhou, a full moon suddenly rose.

The next moment, all the moonlight was injected into Chen Jiulong's body, and in an instant, the moon dance dragon soared ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

This is no longer a gasification shape, but a real dragon shape.

Taking the moon as the dragon's soul and Chen Jiulong's body as the dragon's body, Chen Jiulong's body can no longer be seen under the moon dance and the dragon soars, only a lifelike hundred-zhang giant dragon with a bright and cold moonlight, rushing towards Chu Xiu

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and softly spit out four words, "Supernatural power, interesting."

Now what Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang are using is the supernatural power, or the real supernatural power.

In Da Luotian, except for the abnormal like Chu Xiu, most normal warriors are actually very difficult to master the magical power in the realm of heaven and earth, because they can't bear the power of the magical power backlash, even if they master it, they dare not to use.

However, Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang were quite creative. They even split the magical power into two halves, practiced separately, and then combined them to perform together. In this way, the two people could bear the burden together, and they could display the magical power as smoothly as they are now.

However, this requires that you have to have a good heart with the other party and have an incomparable tacit understanding, otherwise, you will not be able to succeed.

But when he thought that two big men grew up together, childhood sweethearts, no guesses, they practiced and cultivated together, and they had to practice to the point where they had a good heart, Chu Xiu felt a little awkward.

In the face of the supernatural attack, Chu Xiu was still thinking wildly here. This move is not to underestimate the enemy, but to be confident.

The next moment, Fa Tianxiang was displayed, and everything in the body was swallowed by Chu Xiu.

When the thousand-hundred-foot-long body of a demon **** stood between heaven and even penetrated into the formation of Zhongzhou, the dragon that Chen Jiulong transformed into, Dingtian can only be regarded as a small loach And to.

As Chu Xiu landed with a punch, he was shot several hundred feet away.

The dragon shape dissipated, the moon shadow disappeared, Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang vomited blood at the same time, their eyes were full of horror.

On the other side, Yu Wenfu saw that the two of them joined forces and were beaten by Chu Xiu. Even if he used his trump card, it was the same as before. Hurry up and start"

Seeing that people on both sides had even used their supernatural powers, Sikong Tan had completely collapsed.

Before, he secretly scolded Yu Wenfu all the way, but at this time it finally broke out.

"Shoot your grandma, you idiot, arrogant arrogant, if your brain is kicked by a donkey, the door is squeezed, or you are born with stunted growth, you know how to shoot. If you can beat others, you will shoot.

You are tired of living and want to court death, I have more than a dozen wives and concubines, I don't want my son to go with someone else's surname in the future."

After the scolding, Sikongtan moved, turned around and fled, leaving behind Yu Wenfu, who had already been scolded.

However, before he could escape far, a strange field directly wrapped him.

The power of time in that realm seems to have been confused, no matter how he tries to break free.

A slap suddenly came over and slammed him to the ground. An old man with his hands behind his back, like an old farmer, slowly fell from the air, and said lightly, "Little fat man, where do you want to go?"

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