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Chapter 1275: You don't need to think about killing you

The warrior who slapped Sikongtan down was none other than Shang Tianliang.

The strength of Banbu Martial Immortal, even in Zhongzhou, is like a duck to water, so Shang Tianliang did not encounter any danger during this time, nor did he encounter a powerful high-level demon like Chu Xiu.

When I met Shang Tianliang, I wanted to go to the hinterland of Zhongzhou for a long time, but I just heard the news of Chu Xiu.

He originally went to find Chu Xiu in the valley, but Chu Xiu was no longer there, and all he saw was a series of traces of fighting.

However, Shang Tianliang was not in a hurry. He believed in Chu Xiu's strength.

Besides, good people don't live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years. If someone like Chu Xiu died here so easily, he wouldn't believe it.

Sure enough, when he came here slowly, everything was over, leaving only a few poor guys who were hanged and beaten by Chu Xiu.

Sikongtan collapsed at this time, and Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong also collapsed after seeing Shang Tianliang's arrival.

A Chu Xiu is already so difficult to deal with, and now there is another half-step Martial Immortal, obviously with that Chu Xiu, how can this fight? No way to fight!

So Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong looked at each other quickly, and in an instant, the two of them had made a decisive decision.

Xu Jiang squeezed the seal and poured all the power of the last moonlight into Chen Jiulong's body, so that his physical strength instantly soared to the maximum.

Long Teng jumped, Chen Jiulong exploded his power to the extreme, and at the same time with Xu Jiang, he directly reached out and grabbed Yu Wenfu in his hand and took them away together.

The two of them are still loyal, and they have not forgotten Yu Wenfu.

Although the relationship between Yu Wenfu and the two of them is not as close as between the two of them, they are still friends who have known each other for many years, and they can't bear to leave Yu Wenfu here alone.

Moreover, Ling Tian Jianzun's lineage has always been unreasonable.

If they really left Yu Wenfu here to fend for themselves, they wouldn't be able to prevent Qi Yuwenfu's master from coming to trouble their master's sect.

"Mall owner, stop them! For the last time, leave the seriously injured one for me!" Chu Xiu let out a low voice.

As soon as Fa Tianxiangdi came out, in fact, Chu Xiu's own strength was almost exhausted, so he did not pursue it because he couldn't catch up.

But fortunately, Shang Tianliang came, and with the cultivation of half-step Martial Immortal Realm, it is still very simple to stop them.

It's just that Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang also knew that as long as they were left behind, they would really die, so both of them immediately began to flee desperately.

Chen Jiulong burned his blood essence, his physical strength was pushed to a peak, and the golden dragon had turned into a blood dragon.

Xu Jiang did the same, directly burning blood essence, turning the silvery white moonlight into blood red, and injecting it into Chen Jiulong's body.

In an instant, the speed of the two skyrocketed a lot.

"Leave it all to the old man!"

The Withering Field spreads out, and the power of time begins to reverse.

Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong were shocked to discover that the power in their bodies seemed to be out of their control and began to burn violently.

"Throw away Yu Wenfu!"

A gentle Xu general suddenly roared.

Chen Jiulong was stunned for a moment, and he threw Yu Wenfu on the ground without any hesitation. The two of them took advantage of the powerful explosive power brought by the burning of power in the field of dry prosperity, and the dragon leaped in an instant, and they escaped from the business in one leap. The coverage of Tianliang's field has disappeared.

Shang Tianliang was stunned for a moment, and some did not respond.

He didn't expect that the explosive power of these two guys was so strong, and he failed to let their power burn out completely, but let them use the power of Kurong to bloom and escape in an instant.

At this time, Shang Tianliang looked back, and the little fat man who had been slapped on the ground by him had disappeared at this time. Looking closely, there was still a hole in the ground.

Sikongtan turned out to use the secret technique of escaping to escape while Shang Tianliang was chasing Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang.

There were four people in total, one had been maimed by Chu Xiu, three had been maimed by Chu Xiu, and in his hands, only one was left crippled, which made Shang Tianliang lose face, and wanted to go chase.

"Mall owner, don't chase after them, let them go."

Right now, Chu Xiu was severely depleted of his strength and primordial spirit, and urgently needed a recovery.

And the land of Zhongzhou is in danger again. At this time, it is meaningless to pursue it, but there will be accidents.

Shang Tianliang snorted coldly: "Give me time, none of those three little brats can escape!"

Chu Xiu gave Shang Tianliang a step down, nodded in agreement, and walked towards Yu Wenfu.

Seeing Chu Xiu walking towards him with murderous intent, although Yu Wenfu was frightened in his heart, he did not beg for mercy.

He is the descendant of Gu Zun, the descendant of Ling Tian Jian Zun's line.

He can calculate to kill Chu Xiu, or he can lose, but he can't beg for mercy.

Therefore, even under the fear of life and death, Yu Wenfu still did not beg for mercy, but instead made a strong threat: "Chu Xiu! Before killing me, you have to think about it..."


A soft sound came, and after a while, it stabbed directly into Yu Wenfu's heart, and the sharp qi instantly shattered his heart.

"Do you still need to consider killing you?"

It was only at this time that Shang Tianliang noticed Chu Xiu's current state. His primordial spirit and strength were almost exhausted. Although it was not a serious injury, it was already overdrawn.

"These four guys actually forced you to look like this?"

Shang Tianliang was a little curious, which logically shouldn't be the case.

With Chu Xiu's current strength, as long as he doesn't encounter a half-step Martial Immortal, he is almost an invincible existence at the same level.

Chu Xiu didn't speak, just took out the ghost general's soul crystal.

Shang Tianliang was taken aback immediately: "What exactly did you kill?"

Shang Tianliang had no idea about the power of ghosts before.

But after he killed a few demons and got those soul crystals, the heaviest only weighed a pound, did he know how powerful these demons really were.

The soul crystal that Chu Xiu has taken out now looks like it is at least ten pounds. What kind of monster is that?

"It's just a high-level demon equivalent to a martial arts cultivation base."

Shang Tianliang suddenly stopped talking, coughed, and changed the subject: "You are using too much power now, don't talk so much, first restore your power and talk."

After Chu Xiu spent almost a day to make up for his consumption of strength and primordial spirit, he told Shang Tianliang everything after he entered Zhongzhou.

After listening, Shang Tianliang looked at Chu Xiu with a hint of sympathy.

Chu Xiu is definitely the unlucky kind.

As soon as he came in, he encountered a high-level demon. Later, he was besieged by Yu Wenfu and other four people. After two fights, he was not counted. He was also targeted by ghost generals comparable to Martial Immortals because he had refined soul crystals before.

Shang Tianliang even dared to say that among these warriors who entered Zhongzhou, Chu Xiu was the most unlucky one.

"By the way, the store owner, what have you done after entering Zhongzhou?"

Shang Tianliang thought for a while and said, "Kill the demon and grab the token."


Shang Tianliang glanced at Chu Xiu and said, "This is normal operation. Besides these, what else do you want?"

Chu Xiu was choked for a moment. Indeed, 90% of the warriors should have such a routine.

"Mall owner, have you met anyone else?"

Shang Tianliang said: "I haven't met anyone else, but I have met Emperor Chen Qing.

That guy basically has no opponent. As long as he encounters a person, he can get a token. As long as he encounters a ghost, he is almost killed.

So I just chatted with him a couple of times, and we didn't go together. "

Having said that, Shang Tianliang added: "By the way, you don't have to worry about other people. They have their own means and should be fine. After all, not everyone will be as unlucky as you."

Chu Xiu: "..."

Shang Tianliang suddenly thought of something at this time, and he said to Chu Xiu with a serious face: "Chu Xiu kid, be careful next to the people of the Sanskrit religion."

"What happened to Sanskrit?"

Shang Tianliang said: "Chong Qiushui said before that some people will deliberately suppress the realm, and then break through the Martial Immortal in Zhongzhou. This is the case with Sangara of Sanskrit.

Moreover, the Sanskrit religion did not know what method it had used, and even managed to gather 80% of its own disciples in just a few days, so now the Sanskrit warriors in Zhongzhou are almost all working in groups of three or five~www. When encountering people from the Sanskrit religion, most warriors can only admit that they are unlucky and take the initiative to hand in the token.

Your feud with Sanskrit is well known, and Singara even inquired about your location.

It's just that you are relatively lucky in this regard. Singara's location is completely different from yours. Even if he knows that you are here, it will take a while to find him. "

There was a cold look in Chu Xiu's eyes and said: "I really find it, it's not certain who will kill who!"

Shang Tianliang shook his head and said: "With your current strength, even if you really face the existence of the Martial Immortal First Layer like Xin Jialuo, you will not necessarily suffer, but the question is, do you think that Sanskrit is the only one who is difficult to deal with?

Dozens of people have come to the three major halls of the Sanskrit Church, and Singara has gathered 80% of them. When the time comes, you will also be unable to bear it. "

Chu Xiu nodded. Although he was stubborn, he also remembered it in his heart.

"Where are you going next? Enter the hinterland of Zhongzhou to find others?" Shang Tianliang asked.

Chu Xiu said: "Don't worry, before I killed the core of the ghost general, it should be said that after I freed the warrior of the War Martial God Sect, the other party gave me a piece of information, it is the place where he fell, and he has been with him before. The relics that people are fighting for are, and according to his tone, they should be extremely precious things.

I'm going to get that thing first, and then enter the hinterland of Zhongzhou. "

Shang Tianliang frowned slightly and said, "That guy has already become the core of the demon. Are his words credible? Don't be a trap."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said in an educational tone: "Mall owner, your mind is too dark, why do you always think people are so bad? This is not good.

When a person is about to die, his words are also good. I believe that he will not lie before he is dying. "

Shang Tianliang looked at Chu Xiu speechlessly.

Saying that my mind is dark, are you worthy too?

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