Meet The Leader

Chapter 1281: join forces

Thirteen days have passed since the Zhongzhou competition has passed, and most of the people have already arrived in the hinterland of Zhongzhou, or are on their way here.

The number of people in the Tianluobao Temple is basically complete, and there are more than 40 people gathered here.

Seeing Faming coming, the monks from the Tianluo Temple came over and asked, "Junior Brother Faming, why did you arrive now? Who are these two?"

Fa Ming said bitterly: "Don't mention it, I encountered a siege of three Sanskrit warriors on the way, and I almost couldn't come."

Having said that, Faming quickly brought Chu Xiu and Shang Tianliang to introduce them to a few people: "These two are Chu Xiu, the descendants of the ancient ancestors of the Eastern Region, and Mr. Shang Tianliang, and they are also people of Huangtian Pavilion.

If it wasn't for their help this time, I'm afraid I would have been left behind by the Sanskrit people.

By the way, what about Senior Brother Fajing? I'm going to tell him something big!

The people of Sanskrit have come up with a secret method to find the position of each other.

Now they have begun to converge, gathering in twos and threes, hunting and killing the people of my Tianlu Baosha! "

At this time, a faint voice came: "Junior brother, you said it's too late, I already knew about this matter, and even my Tianluobaosha has lost nearly ten people."

The crowd separated, and a monk in white came out.

Although the man called Junior Brother Fa Ming, he actually looked younger than Fa Ming. His appearance was only in his thirties, and the lines on his face were tough and masculine, but he kept his eyes closed for some reason.

Chu Xiu looked at Shang Tianliang with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Tianluobaosha does not distinguish its strength and status according to the color of the cassock.

The red one is Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, and the golden one is Martial Immortal, but now this one is dressed in white, what is his status?

Shang Tianliang also returned a suspicious look, he was just hearing it, how did he know so much?

And when Faming heard that his family had lost nearly ten people, he suddenly changed and said viciously: "These heretics! Damn it!"

He had also expected before that Tianluobaosha would suffer some losses by surprise, but he did not expect that the losses would be so great.

After a moment of grief, Fa Ming recited a few sutras on rebirth, and then introduced them to Chu Xiu: "Young Master Chu, Mr. Shang, this is the leader of my Tianluo Temple this time, Venerable Jinglian from Huasheng Pavilion. His direct disciple, Senior Brother Fajing, is also the future heir to the position of abbot of Huasheng Pavilion."

Chu Xiu nodded slightly, he had heard the name of Tianluobaosha Huasheng Pavilion before.

There are dozens of pavilions under the Tianluobaosha, each performing its own duties, among which the Huasheng Pavilion is one of the strongest.

Especially for the restraint of the practice of Sanskrit, Huasheng Pavilion can be said to be the nemesis of Sanskrit.

Even the existence of the Daikoku Temple was created by the Sanskrit religion in order to resist the Huasheng Pavilion.

Chu Xiu cupped his hands at Fajing and said with a smile, "Even if Master Fajing inherits the position of abbot of Huasheng Pavilion now, if I guess correctly, Master Fajing should have stepped into the realm of Martial Immortal by now. Bar?"

The power on Fajing's body is very pure, even so pure that Chu Xiu can't see through his specific realm.

But you can guess, since there is a Singalla in the Sanskrit religion, there must be a Martial Immortal realm in the Tianlu Baosha.

Fajing shook his head and said, "The master is also in his prime, and he can continue to shield the Tianluo Baosha from the wind and rain, and it is far from my turn to take action.

Chu donor, Shang donor, thank you two disciples for saving me Tian Luo Baosha, this kind of favor, the poor monk wrote down. "

Faming on the side hurriedly said: "Senior brother, Chu Shizhu also has a grudge with San Jialuo, and even Xinjiala once named Chu Shizhu's life.

So before I came, I had already agreed with the donors Chu and the donors Shang, and we both joined forces to fight against Sanskrit! "

Hearing this, Fajing's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the other warriors of the Tianluo Temple also felt a little reluctant.

They are not pure Faming, thinking that the joint effort is a matter of just touching the upper and lower lips.

With the strength and status of Tianluobaosha, it would be unpleasant to say that, even if it is a kind of autumn water, you should politely call them a master.

join forces? Ordinary people are not even qualified to join forces with Tianluo Baosha.

Seeing everyone's subtle expressions, Chu Xiu chuckled and said, "Master Faming said about joining forces, so I won't resist, after all, one more person has more strength.

But since the masters are in difficulty now, they will stay here soon, everyone, see you at the Daluo Shrine. "

With that said, Chu Xiu turned around and was about to leave.

Although Faming's strength is not weak, he is relatively straightforward and a little stupid.

Chu Xiu was invited by him, and he also saved their lives, but now the brothers and the others have this attitude, which makes Fa Ming feel a little sorry.

Faming also ignored Chu Xiu and the others, and quickly said to Fajing: "Senior brother! Young Master Chu and Shang Shizhu are both half-martial immortals, and the three palace masters of Sanskrit are in his hands, like slaughtering a chicken. Like a dog, he was easily killed by him.

With the help of the two of them, our odds of winning against Sanskrit will definitely increase by 30%! "

Hearing the words "Half-step Martial Immortal", the warriors of the Tianluobao Temple who were present began to move.

Even if it is placed in a place like Zhongzhou, where there are strong people everywhere, it can be regarded as a big help.

Fajing raised her brows slightly, stepped forward and said, "Master Chu, please wait a moment."

But at this time, Chu Xiu's footsteps did not stop, and he was still walking straight forward.

Catching up is not buying or selling.

In the past, that Faming 'begged' to join forces with him, but you said you didn't want to, but now you're willing, how can there be such a good thing?

With a flick of Fajing's left hand, a golden lotus with a transparent color rose up and stopped in front of Chu Xiu. It was gentle, but it had an unshakable feeling.

Chu Xiu also pinched the seal, and the Great Sun Tathagata was displayed.

The Great Sun Tathagata behind him was fiery and fierce. Although he belonged to the same lineage of Buddhism, it was completely different from the lotus Buddha's light, but he did not lose the slightest in confrontation with it.

Chu Xiu turned around and said with a half-smiling smile, "This is the Pure Lotus Buddha Light of Huasheng Pavilion? Well-deserved reputation.

But Master Fajing, how can I say that I am also the one who saved your Tianlu Baosha. Is this how you treat your benefactor? "

Fajing recited the Buddha's name, bowed to Chu Xiu and said, "I was rude before, please forgive me.

Since the Sanskrit religion is the common enemy of everyone, I, Tian Luo Baosha, originally intended to join forces with the Chu donors and the Shang donors.

The tokens and soul crystals obtained are divided equally according to the number of defeated enemies. When the Daluo Shrine fights, you and I will not be enemies. "

Hearing what Fajing said, a smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face.

This Fajing is a person who understands.

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "Since Master Fajing said so, it would be disrespectful below.

Time is running out, let's talk about Sanskrit now.

Since you already know that the people of the Sanskrit religion have the secret method of connecting with each other, Master Fajing, how did you prepare before? "

Fajing let out a long sigh and said, "To be honest, this is because my Tianluo Baosha is not well prepared, and when I find out, it will be too late.

After thinking about it, there is only one way. There is no other way than to take everyone to find Singara.

People of Sanskrit can be distributed in groups of three or five because they all know each other's positions.

If we also spread out like the Sanskrit religion but actively seek death, we will easily be defeated by the Sanskrit religion one by one.

But if so many of us go to find Singaro together, the goal is too big, and it is easy to be detected by Singaro. At that time, as long as Singaro retreats in advance, we can only be dragged here. "

Fajing pointed to himself and said, "There are six places in the Daluo Shrine, and I will definitely take one of the six places in the Tianluo Temple.

My brothers and sisters, almost all of them are here to help me, and the token soul crystals they get will be handed over to me in the end.

But if we are dragged here, then the number of tokens and soul crystals will be greatly reduced in the end, and we may be eliminated in the end. This is the idea that Xinjialu fought. "

Before Chu Xiu came, Fajing was indeed in a dilemma.

Scattering is easy to be broken one by one. It is safe for so many people to gather together, but if no one is found, what can they do? Delayed grabbing tokens and soul crystals, leading to the elimination of the Daluo Shrine competition, and they were the ones who lost in the end.

So Fajing actually has a plan, and if it really doesn't work, they don't care about the Sanskrit religion and start killing demons and ghosts directly.

The warriors of the Tianluobaosha have the effect of concentrating and calming their minds in the practice, and the loopholes in their mood are relatively small, and they have a huge advantage when targeting demons and ghosts.

It's just that it seems a little cowardly to do so, as if they are afraid of Sanskrit, so Fajing didn't say it.

Hearing this, Chu Xiu said with a smile on his face: "The Sanskrit religion is doing this, and it is aimed at the Tianlu Baosha.

But Sanskrit would never have thought that I had joined forces with the Tianlu Baosha.

The Tianlubaosha is huge and easy to target, but my goal is very small.

As long as your temple believes in me and sends someone out alone as bait, I will take care of the rest.

So now the crux of the question is whether you believe me. "

Hearing Chu Xiu say this, the expressions of the monks in the Tianluobaosha were a little unsightly.

They are dignified and dignified in the Buddha Sect Supreme Tianlu Baosha, but they want to go out as bait, which they can't accept.

Besides, Chu Xiu was just an outsider. To be a bait would mean handing over his life to Chu Xiu. It was indeed difficult for them to trust Chu Xiu.

At this moment, Fa Ming suddenly stood up and said, "Senior brother, I brought the donor Chu, and now that I'm going to be the bait, then naturally I have to come."

Fajing glanced at him, and after a while, he nodded and said, "Just do as you said, Shizhu Chu.

But I hope, Chu donor, you can try your best to ensure Faming's safety. "

With a smile on Chu Xiu's face, he said, "Master Fajing, please rest assured, those who have worked with me, Chu Xiu, will not be disappointed."

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