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Chapter 1282: booby

In the hinterland of Zhongzhou, inside a huge cave, the lights were magnificent at this time.

However, upon closer inspection, it was not a light, but a dazzling golden glow of the sun rising from the inside of the cave, illuminating the entire cave.

The Singa compass sat in it, constantly absorbing the rich heaven and earth vitality around it, calming down its own strength.

He has just stepped into the Martial Immortal realm, and the most important thing at this time is to stabilize the realm and not let it affect his combat effectiveness.

If he breaks through Martial Immortal in the outside world, then he has a lot of time to stabilize his realm, even several years.

But here is Zhongzhou, maybe there will be a big battle next, he has no time to delay.

After a while, a black-robed warrior walked in and said in a low voice, "Palace Master, no, Palace Master, I have already gone to find out. Shi Qi and the other three have all died."

Singara frowned and said, "Who made it or is it a ghost?"

The black-robed warrior said, "It's a human, it can't be a ghost.

The corpse was deliberately destroyed, and nothing could be seen. The only thing I knew was that the opponent's attack was very fast.

Shi Qi and the other three did not die together. When someone died, several surrounding teams had already noticed it, and immediately went to support in that direction.

But in less than a quarter of an hour, the other two died one after another, and they didn't even have time to support them.

Hall Master, do you think they met the people from the Tianluo Temple? According to the information, there should be a few monks from the Tianluobao Temple who have not returned to their places and have not been killed by us. "

Singaro put away the strong sunlight behind him and rubbed his head.

"It's not the people of the Tianluobaosha, if the people of the Tianluobaosha do it, they won't destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces.

Those monks are very hypocritical. In order to show their magnanimity, they will not do things like destroying corpses and destroying traces.

In Zhongzhou, it's normal for people to die, and it's normal to find no one for this kind of thing.

In Zhongzhou, the strong people are not only people from Tianluobaosha, but there are also many others who have this kind of strength.

Xu Guishan, the direct disciple of Dao Zun of the Sanqing Temple, known as the Three Thousand Laws of the Taoist Sect, and the only master of two thousand nine, came here.

The one who was able to step into the Martial Immortal realm more than 40 years ago.

But he said that he has never seen what Zhongzhou looks like, so he has been suppressing the realm for more than 40 years, until today.

There is also Fang Yizhen, who is called the unparalleled Taoist body. He entered the Sanqing Hall at the age of ten, and he has been a Taoist boy who has organized the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion for ten years, but he cannot even achieve the unity of heaven and man.

But ten years later, one day he realized the Dao, one day the heaven and man were united, three days condensed the real pill, ten days the real fire refines the gods, and in one hundred days, he has stepped on the world and reached the realm of Tongxuan.

There are also the Xuantian Realm in the Northern Territory, the Underworld Sword Sect in the Southern Territory, as well as the few strong men in the loose cultivation and some descendants of the ancient masters. Among these people, there are not a few strong people.

Remember, our enemies are far more than just one Tianlu Baosha. "

The man in black nodded and suddenly asked, "Then do we need to revise our previous plan?"

Singara shook his head and said, "Why do we need to revise? Although our enemy is not only the Heavenly Buddha, but the Heavenly Buddha is our greatest enemy.

Continue to follow the plan, see the lonely Tianluo Temple warriors, you must kill them, once you find a large-scale operation in the Tianluobao Temple, you will immediately avoid the edge and drag them here."

After giving these instructions, Xin Jialuo suddenly asked, "How much information have you collected about Chu Xiu?"

The black-clothed warrior said, "Then Chu Xiu's reputation in Zhongzhou is not weak recently.

I heard that he set up a card at the other end and entered the hinterland of Zhongzhou, and blatantly looted the warriors who came and went, and many people suffered losses in his hands.

Later, for some unknown reason, he seemed to be in conflict with several other descendants of Gu Zun.

Among them, Yu Wenfu, the descendant of Sword Sovereign Ling Tian, ​​was killed, Xu generals from the line of Venerable Gu Yue and Chen Jiulong from the line of Zhenlong Shenjiang were severely injured and fled.

Along with them was Sikong Tan of Shenjimen, who was also severely injured.

It is strange to say that Chu Xiu is clearly a descendant of Gu Zun, but he seems to have no connections among the descendants of Gu Zun, but there are many people who have enmity with him. "

Xin Jialuo didn't think about the last sentence of the black-clothed warrior, he just looked a little gloomy after hearing it.

If it was in the past, he would definitely find a way to deal with Chu Xiu.

However, he is not the kind of person who can take his temper and ignore the overall situation.

Although Chu Xiu had something to do with Maha, but in front of the Tianlu Baosha and the competition in the Daluo Shrine, it was only a small matter.

So let's leave him alone for now, it's important to deal with the Tianluo Baosha first.

"Let's go, this time in the competition for the Daluo Shrine, the Tianluo Baosha must be completely eliminated."

Above the mountain ridge, Monk Faming was swaying around all alone, looking like he was looking for his own army.

It's just that the expression on his face is a little unnatural. Obviously, Faming's acting skills are still not very good.

But it doesn't matter. For the people of the Sanskrit religion, as long as they can see the people from the Tianlu Baosha appear here, they will definitely come to besiege them.

Chu Xiu and Shang Tianliang followed directly ten miles behind the monk Faming.

They didn't hang so far on purpose, but because they came from Sanskrit, and they must be experts.

Even if Chu Xiu asked Shang Tianliang to use the Kurong Realm, so that their aura of power would spread to the slowest in the realm, Chu Xiu could not guarantee that the other party would not notice.

So, this bait is still a little dangerous, because after all, Chu Xiu can't teleport, so he can't arrive at the first time.

Of course, with Faming's strength, as long as he was not killed instantly and survived a few tricks, Chu Xiu would be able to come to the rescue in time.

At this moment, a powerful wave suddenly came in front of Fa Ming, and the three Brahma cultivators stopped directly in front of them.

One of the monks who was wearing a golden robe shone with the scorching sun all over his body laughed and said, "I didn't expect that it's already this time, and there are monks from Tianluobao lounging outside.

Which pavilion are you from, but the person from the Huasheng Pavilion?"

Seeing the three people in front of him, Fa Ming's eyes suddenly showed fury, and he shouted angrily, "Your Sanskrit religion planned to kill me and others halfway.

Those brothers and sisters have already died in your hands."

Although Farming's acting skills are not good, his rage at this time is extremely real.

The enmity between the Brahma Sect and the Tianlu Baosha has been going on for many years, and it has been fighting since the lower realm, and has been fighting all the way to the upper realm.

Over the years, countless warriors have died in each other's hands, so as long as the two warriors meet, it is almost an endless ending.

Fa Ming's reading is so straightforward, knowing that nearly ten warriors from the Heavenly Buddha Temple have died in the hands of the other party, his rage is normal.

The leading warrior seemed to like seeing Faming's furious appearance, he laughed and said, "What do you think and a lot of people died.

It doesn't matter if there are eight or nine, including you, there must have been ten."

As his voice fell, the three Sanskrit warriors from the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm attacked Faming together.

Faming also knew that Chu Xiu was right behind him. Compared with other warriors in the Heavenly Temple, he actually trusted Chu Xiu very much.

Before, when he was most desperate, when he saw Chu Xiu appear, he easily killed three Sanskrit warriors.

Now he has not reached the most desperate time, what is he afraid of?

So Faming burst out with the strongest power directly, with golden Sanskrit characters shining all over his body, and he resisted the attack of the three.

The three warriors of the Sanskrit religion were a little surprised. The monk of Luobaosha was really tough on this day. He had already reached this level, and he was still holding on.

The leading warrior sneered and said, "Why bother to give up struggling, I will send you to bliss early, and you can suffer less pain.

By the way, you haven't said yet, are you from Huasheng Pavilion, your Pure Lotus Buddha Light?

Killing a monk from the Huasheng Pavilion deserves twice as much credit as other monks from the Heavenly Buddha Temple."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the ear of the warrior.

"Then what about you, you are in the Sanskrit religion, and the people in which palace or palace see your exercises, you are a warrior of the Sun God Palace."

The leading warrior subconsciously said, "You have the vision, this seat is the Vishnu Palace, the new Palace Master of the Sun God Palace."

After speaking, the palace master of the Sun God Palace felt that something was wrong. Who was talking?

The next moment, a powerful edge shrouded his whole made his hair explode, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

The hands formed seals, and the fields around his body spread out. At the same time, the endless rays of the sun rose from behind him, illuminating the power for several kilometers in a radius like the day.

But the next moment, the realm shattered and the sun fell.

The palace lord of the Sun God Palace even spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards. There was still a huge knife scar on his body, and blood was gushing out.

Before he could react, the other two warriors shouted "Be careful" at the same time.

Under his feet, in the shadow of the sun, at some point in time, there was a ferocious ghost.

The phantom was entrenched on his body, absorbing the power of the sun's light, and the next moment, behind him, another big sun rose.

But this time, it was not a scorching sun, but a demonic sun emitting a purple-black light.

The magic sun originated from the power of the palace lord of the Sun God Palace, but instead he was swallowed into it. Under the burning of the demon flames, the palace lord of the Sun God Palace could not even let out a miserable cry, and was killed burnt to ashes

The ferocious ghosts dissipated, invisible substances, but they were also ever-changing, from nothing to existence, creating all the forces in the world.

This is the power of good fortune demons

Chu Xiu landed beside Fa Ming, shook his head gently and said, "Weak, too weak, your Sanskrit religion is really inferior to one generation.

The new Palace Master of the Sun God Palace is this kind of person. This guy is far worse than Shingalo. "

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