Meet The Leader

Chapter 1284: Helping Hand, 13 Sword Peaks

Fighting with more and less, with six against two, but still failed to win the opponent, which made Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong's eyes show a touch of anger, feeling a little embarrassed, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

While being beaten, Lu Jianghe shouted at Lu Fengxian and Mei Qinglian, "I said, can you both put in more strength and kill one first? If I keep fighting like this, I can't hold it anymore. "

Mei Qinglian said angrily: "You are too embarrassed to say it! If it wasn't because of your bad mouth, how could we be besieged by them?"

Lu Jianghe said righteously: "How can you blame me? It was they who insulted Chu Xiu first, and I couldn't stand it.

Cult Master Chu is the face of my holy religion. You can scold me, but you can't scold him! "

"Oh? Why didn't I know when you were so loyal?"

The moment they heard this voice, Lu Fengxian and the other three suddenly showed a look of joy on their faces, but Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong's expressions suddenly changed, pulling them back quickly.

Chu Xiu and Shang Tianliang fell from the air, followed by the monk Faming.

Looking at Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong, Chu Xiu said coldly, "You two really don't know what to do.

What, Yu Wenfu is dead, do you still want to go down with him? "

As soon as the sentence came out, both Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang's expressions became extremely ugly, but they did not dare to refute the sentence, and there was a look of horror in their eyes, and even Chen Jiulong was ready to escape with the power of qi and blood at any time.

In the last battle, they were really scared by Chu Xiu.

It was a crushing of absolute power, no matter what means they used, what kind of trump cards they used, but in the opponent's hands, they were so powerless that they were easily crushed.

This kind of feeling is very bad, it makes them feel very desperate, and when they face Chu Xiu at this time, they don't even have the courage to scold Chu Xiu.

Although the strength of these two descendants of ancient venerables is not weak, their mental cultivation is a little worse. They were scared by Chu Xiu in the first battle, and it is no wonder that their master will let them participate in the Daluo Shrine. I am afraid that it also means to exercise their mood.

There were other scattered cultivators on the scene who were not competing, but were just watching.

Seeing that as soon as Chu Xiu appeared, he calmed down the scene, and even made Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong dare not even say a word. Everyone's eyes were full of astonishment.

Only some warriors from the Southern Region had heard of the news that Chu Xiu had teamed up with the Heavenly Demon Palace to destroy the Bliss Demon Palace, and they were discussing carefully there.

Xuanyuan Wushuang on the side clenched his fists tightly, his teeth clenched, a jealous fire flashed in his eyes, and a jealous emotion rose in his heart.

This kind of emotion had never appeared in Xuanyuan Wushuang's heart before.

For Xuanyuan Wushuang, he has always been the object of envy by others, standing in the center of the crowd with radiant radiance, and the one who accepts the look up is him! It can only be him!

As a result, now, this person has become Chu Xiu, and the uncontrollable jealousy has sprouted from his heart, which may not even be realized by him.

At this time, Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong were already trying to escape, but the two warriors of the Sword Sect under Heaven took a step at the same time. Even if Chen Jiulong wanted to pull, he didn't hold back.

"Yu Wenfu, were you killed by you?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "So what? You want to avenge him?"

One of them shook his head and said, "Vengeance? He is not a member of my Sword Sect, so naturally we don't need to take revenge.

It's just that Ling Tian Jianzun's lineage has always been related to my sword sect, and he also entrusted me to take care of him.

As a result, he died in your hands now. This is because we are doing things unfavorably. It is the cause and effect. We are not revenge, but just want to get the cause and effect back. "

Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang looked anxious at the back. They wanted to say something, but they didn't dare to say it in front of Chu Xiu. They didn't even dare to transmit sound, for fear that Chu Xiu would notice it again them.

The two Underworld Sword Sect warriors are not weak, but they don't know what kind of monster is on the opposite side.

With your little strength, you still have to rush to get the cause and effect back? I'm afraid no one will have the chance to come back.

"Cause and effect? ​​Is it just you?" A smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face.

"And the swords in our hands!"

As soon as the words fell, the two warriors of the Sword Sect of the World rushed directly to Chu Xiu, the sword energy in their hands exploded, and the sword intent rose into the sky, extremely powerful.

Lu Fengxian subconsciously wanted to go out to help, but was stopped by Lu Jianghe.

"Calm down, to deal with these two guys, do you think Chu Xiu still needs help?

This deity teaches you to be good. When your boss needs to be in the limelight, you'd better not intervene, and be responsible for calling the leader's mighty power from below.

In this way, there is a future. "

Mei Qinglian on the side suddenly said: "So this is the reason why you were banned by the leader of Dugu for five hundred years? Flattery slapped the horse's leg?"

Lu Jianghe's face turned black immediately: "Humph! The deity doesn't care about women like you, the Red Lotus Demon Venerable was not as poisonous as you back then. If you are like this, the Four Demon Venerables will not have your share in the future!"

Mei Qinglian's face didn't matter: "You don't have the final say on how many Demon Venerables are."

When several people were arguing, Chu Xiu had already finished the battle.

The people of Sanskrit still don't know where they are, and Chu Xiu doesn't want to waste time here.

So at the moment when these two people shot, Chu Xiu used the method of heaven and earth.

In an instant, the powerful force was instantly absorbed into Chu Xiu's body, and his figure was soaring into the clouds, even directly on top of the formation of the land of Zhongzhou.

A punch fell, the sword shattered and the person flew, and the two warriors of the Sword Sect in the world suddenly flew out, and they spit out a mouthful of blood.


The expressions of those warriors who had never seen Chu Xiu's action changed one after another, and their expressions were incomparable.

Although supernatural powers do not represent Martial Immortals, in the consciousness of normal people, only Martial Immortals can use supernatural powers.

Now that Chu Xiu has used his magical powers, in their opinion, there is not much difference between Chu Xiu and Wu Xian at this time.

Chen Jiulong, who was on the side, pulled General Xu and was about to escape.

He didn't doubt Chu Xiu's determination to kill at all.

Yu Wenfu had already died in his hands, would he still worry about him waiting for the backer behind him?

Just when they were so cowardly that they wanted to escape, a scorching sword glow, like a fire dragon, flew from the sky, mixed with the sound of a sword cry, and appeared in front of everyone.

It was a forty-something martial artist in a red robe. The red robe was as red as fire. The long sword in his hand also exuded a hot breath. It was like a suppressed volcano in the scabbard, constantly restless.

"It's Yan Zhifei, the master of the Fire Lotus Sword Peak of the Thirteen Sword Peaks of the Sword Sect in the World!"

Chu Xiu raised his head and glanced at this man. He had heard of this name, and he heard it when he was dealing with the Demon Palace of Bliss in the Southern Region.

There are thirteen sword peaks in the Sword Sect of the World, representing the thirteen branches of the swordsmanship of the Sword Sect. Although there are not as many as the dozens of pavilions and the dozens of shrines of the Sanskrit Temple, they are qualified to enter the thirteenth branch of the Sword Sect. Those who are called Sword Peaks are all in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, standing at the peak, and can understand the existence of that kind of swordsmanship.

If no one can meet the requirements, even if the peak masters of the thirteen sword peaks are empty, no one will sit in this position.

"It seems that the relationship between your world sword sect and Lingxiao sword sect is really very good. Your peak master is also here to avenge him?"

Yan Zhifei shook his head and said, "My Sword Sect under Heaven has no revenge. People from Lingxiao Sword Sect don't need us to avenge him. I'm just here to take people away."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Is it so easy for the person who moved me to leave now?"

"If not, what do you want? Leave me here with you?"

Yan Zhifei's eyes flashed with suffocation.

It's just that when he entered the land of Zhongzhou this time, Sword Master Luo Shan once instructed him to put the interests of the sect first.

That's why this time he wanted to take the two severely injured warriors away first, otherwise if he saw his own disciples being severely injured according to his previous character, why would he have to fight the last battle first, and then talk about other things.

But he didn't expect that when he forbeared a step, the other party seemed to be taking an inch?

"Since you don't want to go, then stay!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the broken time in his hand had already been unsheathed, and Yan Zhifei was enveloped in the endless edge in an instant.

The next moment, Yan Zhifei's whole body instantly rose with boundless flames. The whole person was like a huge pillar of fire, and the flames rose into the sky, trying to break through Chu Xiu's ethereal slash.

There was a sonorous sound of weapons chanting, and the pillar of fire broke into several sections, but Yan Zhifei's figure was rushing straight towards Chu Xiu, the sword burst like fire, and the fire lotus bloomed in the center of the sword. , with the attitude of burning the sky and destroying the earth, destroying everything in front of you!

Half-step Martial Immortal!

The combat power that Yan Zhifei showed had definitely reached the level of a half-step Martial Immortal. No wonder he dared to stand up and challenge Chu Xiu at this time.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal, and the Great Compassion Mantra was cast, the air was torn apart, and the huge demon ripped apart the void, pulling it towards Yan forcing him Changing the direction of the sword, the fire lotus bloomed, strangling the devil into pieces.

In such an instant, Chu Xiu slashed out several knives one after another, the misty slash, the sword-shattering sword intent, the seven great limits and other slashes one after another, and Yan Zhifei was shrouded in the violent sword light in an instant.

Every blade fell, it was the ultimate strength, Sen Leng's blade had the power to tear apart the void, causing Yan Zhifei's complexion to change suddenly.

He could see that Chu Xiu should also be a half-step Martial Immortal. Although his strength is strong, he is not a real Martial Immortal. The two sides should be similar.

As a result, who would have thought that the other party could suppress him to such an extent just with this pure strength.

"Break it for me!"

Yan Zhifei shouted sternly, the red lotus bloomed with fierce flames, Yin Hong was like blood, and red was like fire.

The sword light soaring to the sky was like a blooming red lotus, breaking through the barrier of the sword light, but the next moment, Chu Xiu's magic was unleashed, and he punched him directly to the ground!

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