Meet The Leader

Chapter 1285: admit defeat and surrender

Yan Zhifei's fate was the same as that of the other two warriors of the Sword Sect in the world, and they were both punched and blown away by Chu Xiu.

The only difference is that it was the same punch from Fa Tianxiangdi, but he managed to stand up without being seriously injured.

There was a hint of surprise on Chu Xiu's face: "It's very resistant, I didn't expect that the warriors of your sword sect in the world are even good at physical cultivation."

There are very few warriors in the ordinary heaven and earth Tongxuan realm, even if they are half-step Martial Immortals, who can resist the ultimate blow of Chu Xiufa's heaven and earth.

Chu Xiu stepped on his feet and wanted to continue to shoot, but Yan Zhifei took out another small sword and said coldly, "Chu Xiu, are you really going to fight with me to the end of the sword sect in the world, do you not die?

The Daluo Shrine has not yet officially opened, and the final battle is still very early. If you have to fight hard, I will use Wanjian to return in advance, and everyone will die together! "

The small sword that Yan Zhifei took out looked very ordinary, with a wooden scabbard and a wooden handle, only about a foot long.

But when he uttered the words Wanjian Guiliu, everyone present subconsciously retreated at the same time, and their eyes were full of horror.

Even Chen Jiulong had used his own dragon-turning secret technique and was ready to escape at any time.

Although Chu Xiu didn't know what this thing was, judging from the expressions of everyone present, it was obviously not something easy to deal with, and it was very dangerous.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Never die? Do you have this qualification? You can leave if you want, but just now, the people from the Sword Sect in the world moved my people, and the people who shot, broke one arm and left.

Otherwise, you will all stay here and wait for decades or hundreds of years to turn into ghosts.

If you don't believe it, you can try it to see who dies and who ends up in the end. "

Shang Tianliang stood at the back and said with a smile: "Don't look at those two boys, they are talking about you, the one who can turn into a big worm.

Whether you are a dragon or a long worm, I let you escape last time. Try this time to see if you can escape from the palm of my hand! "

Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang's expressions suddenly changed, and they didn't expect that they were so low-key that they were still noticed by this old thing.

A look of anger appeared in Yan Zhifei's eyes. Over the years, the Sword Sect of the World has never suffered such grievances!

With his temper, he wanted to use Wanjian to return to Liuliu, and everyone would die together, but he was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that after using Wanjian to return to Liuliu, he would return together, but the other party was still alive and well.

Turning to look at the two warriors who had been severely injured by Chu Xiu, Yan Zhifei said coldly, "How did the sect master tell you before?

Yu Wenfu is dead, and it's not your father who is dead, what are you rushing to do? Even if you want to get back the cause and effect, it's not the two of you! "

The two warriors of the Sword Sect under the Heaven were extremely neat and swift, their qi exploded directly, shattering their arms, and they didn't even say a word.

Yan Zhifei snorted coldly and left with the two of them. Chu Xiu also kept his promise and did not stop him.

But before leaving, Yan Zhifei didn't glare at Chu Xiu, but gave Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang a deep look.

What he hates most is the people who sow discord like them!

Although he did not see the details of what happened, he knew that the warriors of the Sword Sect in the world were straight and would not be secretly calculating.

These two people would shoot before, and someone must have encouraged them.

When the two warriors who followed the siege saw this scene, they also disregarded their own face, and decisively crushed one of their own arms, bowing their heads and said: "I was blinded by lard, please forgive me, Lord Chu. ."

They are also people of status in the Southern Regions, but at this time they are nothing in the Central Province where the powerhouse gathers.

The price of not wanting to admit counsel is only a dead end, all the sword sects in the world admit counsel, why are they still arrogant?

The two were also in tears at this time.

Before they shot, they just simply knew the identities of Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong, and wanted to flatter these two ancient ancestors, but they didn't expect to offend the existence that they couldn't afford to offend.

It's all right now, I lost my wife and lost my army.

Although it takes a few days to get rid of an arm, it can be repaired, but this is Zhongzhou, and a few days of wasted time will cost them their own lives.

Six people confessed to four, Chen Jiulong gritted his teeth, but never did anything.

The reason why the Sword Sects in the World can admit their counsel is because they don't want to waste their power in this indifferent conflict. When they enter Zhongzhou, they naturally have to put the interests of the sect first.

The two Loose Cultivators confessed because they themselves rolled out of the bottom of the rivers and lakes, and they can be considered to be able to bend and stretch.

But what about the two of them?

They are the descendants of Gu Zun, and their status is extremely respected.

Before they were hit hard by Chu Xiu, that's all. The martial arts line, there are strong and weak, there are losses and wins, and victory and defeat are common affairs in military affairs, which is not ashamed.

But now, under the threat of life and death, they have to admit their counsel in front of so many people, which makes Chen Jiulong a little unbearable.

The honor and pride of being a master from a young age did not allow him to do such a thing.

But at this moment, Xu Jiang suddenly slapped his palm out, and Yuehua broke out, smashing one of his arms directly.

If it weren't for the fact that he and General Xu were inseparable and trust each other, he would have subconsciously made a move.

Before he could ask why, Xu Jiang also smashed one of his arms, turned around and pulled Chen Jiulong away.

It wasn't until he was dozens of miles away from Chu Xiu that Chen Jiulong shouted: "Why did you do this just now? We gave up our arms and bowed our heads to that Chu Xiu. My face is so embarrassing, how can I explain it to my teacher afterwards?"

With a look of fear on Xu Jiang's face, he said: "Explain? If we don't leave, then we won't even have the chance to explain!

You should know that the perception power of my Venerable Gu Yue line is extremely powerful and extremely sensitive.

Just now, I saw a strong killing intent on Chu Xiu's body. If we don't leave, the other party will really kill us! "

Xu Jiang felt good, but Chu Xiu just now had a murderous intention.

He can let the people of the Sword Sect in the World go, because he is not sure what the Wanjian Guiliu is, and he doesn't want to capsize in the gutter, so he took a step back.

As for the remaining two scattered cultivators, although their strengths are not bad, for Chu Xiu, they have long been unable to pose any threat, and it is okay to let them go.

Only Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang, who had participated in the besieging and killing of themselves, and now attacked Lu Fengxian and the others, had already formed an enduring feud with Chu Xiu.

Moreover, the division behind them stood, but the two ancient venerables had the strength to threaten the existence of Chu Xiu.

So if there is a chance to kill them, Chu Xiu will definitely not keep it.

It's just that he has already spoken out in public, and if he openly regrets it, it will affect his reputation.

Although Chu Xiu didn't care much about reputation, but now he was teaming up with Tianluo Baosha, so he still had to pay attention to this reputation.

Fortunately, Xu Jiang's reaction was quick. If he was a step slower, Chu Xiu would immediately attack them, scold them for wanting to fight to the end, and then kill them without even giving them a chance to speak.

The crisis of Lu Fengxian and the others has been resolved. The other onlookers were about to leave, and Lu Fengxian and others also wanted to come over and talk to Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu went straight to the people from the High Heaven Sect.

The elder Wu of Ling Xiaozong sighed and felt a little embarrassed.

After all, Chu Xiu had saved their suzerain in the past, but this time, seeing that the people on Chu Xiu's side were in crisis, they didn't help. Speaking of this kind of thing, it was indeed a bit insignificant.

Just as Elder Wu was about to say something, Chu Xiu went straight to Xuanyuan Wushuang and stretched out his hand towards him.

Xuanyuan Wushuang never thought that Chu Xiu would suddenly attack him.

Unpredictable, Xuanyuan Wushuang didn't even have time to take out Fang Tian's halberd, so he could only burst out his Domain Astral Qi to resist.

But the next moment, Chu Xiu's whole body was strangled, and Xuanyuan Wushuang's domain was completely shattered in an instant.

The Heavenly Demon of Creation turned into a shadow and merged into Xuanyuan Wushuang's shadow, and his power suddenly exploded, binding him tightly.

Chu Xiu stretched out his hand directly, grabbed Xuanyuan Wushuang's neck, lifted him up, and said coldly, "Xuanyuan Wushuang! Are you looking for death? Or do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

When Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong attacked Lu Fengxian and others before, he felt something was wrong.

It stands to reason that Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong should not know the relationship between Lu Fengxian and him, and Chu Xiu's reputation only circulates between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region, so in the eyes of most Da Luotian people, Lu Fengxian and others should only belong to the 'nameless generation'.

The only person present who knew Chu Xiu very knew a lot about him, but there was only one person. To be precise, it should be a group of people, people from the High Heaven Sect.

Although Chu Xiu was hostile to Ling Xiao before, after he rescued Fang Yinglong, the relationship between him and Ling Xiaozong also eased a lot. Even many people in Ling Xiaozong remember him as a favor, and there is no reason to calculate at this time. he.

So after thinking about it, apart from Xuanyuan Wushuang, there is no one else.

When they were fighting just now, Chu Xiu had been paying attention to Xuanyuan Wushuang, and seeing his face, Chu Xiu knew that he must have done this.

Xuanyuan Wushuang struggled, but because all the meridians in his body were penetrated by the power of creation and demons, he couldn't even mobilize his qi.

"Chu Xiu! You dare!" Xuanyuan Wushuang spit out these four words from the gap between his teeth.

"See if I dare!"

The cold murderous intent in Chu Xiu's eyes almost overflowed, and the qi burst out in his hands, even with Xuanyuan Wushuang's physical strength, he couldn't hold it, and he was about to be strangled to death by Chu Xiu.

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