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Chapter 1294: dead city

PS: This chapter is for the reward of Silver Cod, the noble concubine of the Silver Alliance.

Although high-level ghosts are terrifying, they are not incomprehensible existences.

At the peak of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, even if he is no match, he can still escape.

Just like the ghost generals before, although they were able to rival Wuxian, Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong were still able to escape with secret methods.

Before Lu Jianghe had not paid much attention to the evil spirit guarding the city, how strong could the two little demons guarding the city be?

But after seeing the head, he was silent for a moment.

"Is this head real?" Lu Jianghe asked cautiously.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "How do you feel? Don't say that you can't detect the fluctuation of blood in that person's head.

Even if it is fake, it can hide from your eyes and even your natural sense of qi and blood. Will this level of demon be weak? "

Chu Xiu walked over and asked, "How much does it cost to buy a road?"

One of the evil spirits took out a dirty little basin and said viciously: "Two people need four pounds of blood!"

Chu Xiu rushed to Lu Jianghe: "Let's bleed."

Lu Jianghe said dissatisfiedly, "Why am I bleeding?"

"You practice the blood demon magic, and you still have this little blood?"

"You can do the Gorefiend Magic."

"Wait when you enter this city of vain death. If you encounter any crisis, will you or me? Of course, I have to maintain my peak state, and not a drop of blood will flow in vain."

Lu Jianghe: "..."

He suddenly regretted entering this with Chu Xiu now.

Although it is true that he is cultivating the blood **** and devil art, the blood is not in vain.

However, although Lu Jianghe was a little reluctant, he still obediently ran to the bloodletting. After all, what Chu Xiu said was very reasonable, and he was powerless to refute it.

After the blood was drained, the two evil ghosts opened the city gate and let Chu Xiu and others enter.

In the dead city, everything is silent.

All the streets are neat and tidy, and the houses are so neat and tidy, it even makes people feel weird, because every house is exactly the same, even the decorations at the door are like this, as if they were copied. generally.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the street. Someone was playing the flute and playing music, but the sound was extremely strange, as if it was a ghost howl from the Nine Serenities Hell.

Chu Xiu pulled Lu Jianghe, pushed open a room directly, and entered it to hide.

There was no one in the room except for some tables and chairs.

The only thing that attracts attention is the center of the room, where a shrine is enshrined, but the shrine is not a **** statue, but a soul crystal, a soul crystal the size of a fist.

Lu Jianghe raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that in this dead city, there is a soul crystal in every house? The city is so big, if we search from house to house, we can find a lot of soul crystals and make a lot of money. what."

Chu Xiu stared at the soul crystal for a while, and suddenly said, "This soul crystal is alive."

Lu Jianghe shivered violently: "Alive!? What do you mean?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "It literally means, you concentrate on the soul, carefully perceive the soul crystal, do you see anything?"

Lu Jianghe did as Chu Xiu said, and sure enough, there was a figure in the deepest part of the soul crystal, but looking at his clothes, it didn't look like a current warrior.

"What the **** is this? A ghost?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Actually, I have always had a question, that is, whether the demon will die.

Chong Qiushui said before that because of the distortion of the power rules in Zhongzhou, it turned into a ghost, and the martial artist's primordial spirit will not dissipate here. What about the ghost?

We killed ghosts, ghosts turned into soul crystals, but are they really dead? Is the primordial spirit dead, or is the soul flying away? But one of the rules of this place is that the primordial spirit is immortal, so why is the soul flying away? "

Lu Jianghe suddenly thought of something, and shook violently: "You mean, the ghosts in Zhongzhou won't die at all?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "At least according to my guess, the demons are immortal, and even if we 'kill' them, they will continue to gather strength and be reborn.

Soul crystals are just the source of their power, their shells, if we take their shells, will they re-condense their power? It is like the soul crystal enshrined in the shrine.

The power in this city of death is even stronger than that in Zhongzhou, and it slowly penetrates into the soul crystals. Maybe they will turn into ghosts again. "

At this moment, Lu Jianghe couldn't help but say: "What the **** are the Daluotian guys doing? The Daluo Temple has existed for 10,000 years, and I don't believe they don't know this.

The demons are immortal, they kill a group and there are still more, and in the end, more and more, do they want to make the entire Daluotian into a ghost? "

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Even if the top powerhouses of Daluotian are not in harmony with each other, they should not be chaotic in this kind of thing, just look at what happened to Daluotian.

They don't do it, obviously for their reasons, not that they don't want to do it, but they can't do it. "

The two were talking, but the strange sound outside was getting louder and louder.

The perception was blocked in the dead city, Chu Xiu and Lu Jianghe could only look out along the crack of the door.

I saw that on the long street, a team was slowly approaching.

There was no one in the team, only 'demon ghosts', but the appearance of those monsters was a bit strange, very similar to the ghost generals that Chu Xiu had encountered.

They are all wearing the same armor, they can't see the body, they can only see a layer of black fog coiled around the armor.

There are several very strange existences around these ghost soldiers.

They have humanoid shapes, but they are tall and thin, even abnormally tall. They are more than 30 feet tall. They are wearing mourning clothes and hats. They hold bone flutes in their hands and play the incomparably evil tune before.

Among the people in this group, the leading demon was even more bizarre. He actually wore a golden armor with strange Sanskrit inscribed on it, and even faintly exuded a touch of Buddha light.

This made Chu Xiu a little suspicious, whether this demon was a person from the Tianlu Baosha and Sanskrit before his death.

Speaking of which, the people from Buddhism don't know why, it seems that the ghosts they turned into after death are extremely powerful.

Could it be because Buddhist warriors are already strong in tempering their state of mind, so after turning into ghosts, their power has also increased?

Chu Xiu was still puzzled. He suddenly felt that something was wrong. He turned his head sharply to see that Lu Jianghe's eyes were blurred and his body was shaking constantly, as if he was immersed in some illusion.

Chu Xiu frowned, and a golden glow of the primordial spirit shone on the six-path reincarnation bracelet in his hand, resounding in Lu Jianghe's mind like a Hong Zhong Dalu, and awakened him thoroughly.

Lu Jianghe suddenly spurted out blood, and his eyes returned to Qingming.

"What's the matter? Are you trapped in a ghost's fantasy?"

Lu Jianghe still had a look of astonishment in his eyes and said, "Don't you feel it? The voice in the bone flute directly brought me into the memory of these demons. I was confused and transformed into a demon by this twisted rule."

Chu Xiu shook his head. He really didn't feel these things. Although the sound of the flute was strange, he was only evil and had no effect on Chu Xiu.

Could it be because his Primordial Spirit is stronger than Lu Jianghe, or because he had refined the ghost's soul crystal before, so he couldn't feel the impact?

Thinking of him refining the demon ghost crystal, Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly changed.

It seems that the soul crystals of high-level demons have been refined, and they will also be targeted by high-level demons.

He turned his head subconsciously and looked into the crack of the door, but at this moment a scarlet eye suddenly appeared from the crack, full of twisted malice.

"Found you!"

The break in Chu Xiu's hand was cut out directly, and the powerful sword light instantly shattered the house. He and Lu Jianghe also jumped out of the house with the fastest speed.

But the next moment, the house that was smashed by him began to restore strangely. It was not an illusion, but it was as if time had flowed back, returning to its previous appearance.

The demon wearing the Buddhist gold armor pointed at Chu Xiu and shouted in a low voice, "Kill my compatriots, break into the city of my death, and the guilt should be punished!"

As his words fell, the ghost in the golden armor held a long stick with a ferocious ghost drawn on it, and smashed it directly at Chu Xiu.

The other ghost soldiers were roaring and rushing, and those tall and incomparably tall shroud ghosts played the bone flute in their hands, and the sound was countless times louder than before. At this moment, Chu Xiu finally felt the impact. , as if the sound of magic pierced his ears, constantly impacting his mind, as if to pull out his primordial spirit.

The realm of the gods bloomed, the yin and yang and the five elements were reversed, constantly strangling the power of the golden armored ghost and other ghost soldiers.

But as soon as he shot Chu Xiu, he discovered that these monsters, their power is actually 'real'. In short, their current state is actually the same as that of the ghost general. It is not between the virtual and the real, but has real real power. existing.

Lu Jianghe had never met a ghost He was surrounded by the group of ghost soldiers and shouted, "What is this? Power is real, it has no flesh and blood, what is it? Not a ghost?"

Originally, in the face of those demons who only had the power to invade the state of mind, his blood demon magic was still somewhat useful, at least he was able to distinguish between reality and reality.

But in the face of this kind of demon without flesh and blood, but with real power, the effect of Gorefiend's magic was instantly reduced to a minimum.

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "It's true and false, and of course it's also a ghost. The special high-level ghost I encountered before was like this.

However, the monster turned into that appearance because of an accident, and the monster here is definitely not normal. "

"Then what?"

The break in Chu Xiu's hand slashed through a piercing edge, intangible and invisible, directly tearing up all the ghost soldiers in front of Lu Jianghe.

"What should I do? Of course, kill it!"

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