Meet The Leader

Chapter 1295: Kill your backs first!

PS: This chapter is for the reward of Silver Cod, the noble concubine of the Silver Alliance.

Having experienced the tempering in the reincarnation of the six realms, the high-level ghosts who have no entity and specialize in the state of mind are actually unable to help Chuxiu.

Of course, that kind of thing is still quite troublesome. These demons who have entities and can be killed, on the contrary, they need to be solved better.

God's Domain opened, and the yin and yang of heaven and earth were reversed within the domain, strangling everything, slowing down the speed of those ghost soldiers, and letting Lu Jianghe at the rear kill them.

At the same time, Chu Xiu's hand slashed horizontally for a while, and the powerful sword light directly slashed the golden ghost general with an aura that was tearing the sky and the earth.

However, the golden armor on the golden armor ghost general does not know what material it is made of, but it is extremely tough and can be repaired automatically.

With Chu Xiu's current strength, he slashed down, and although the golden armor in Sanskrit on the opponent's body had already shattered, the next moment he was madly absorbing the surrounding power and began to recover.

"This is somewhat similar to the previous ghost general."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, squeezed the seal in his hand, and cast the Great Compassion Mantra.

The huge demon phantom ripped apart the heaven and the earth, and directly pressed the golden armored ghost general to the ground, and chopped it out one after another. But in the next moment, it was immediately restored.

But the Sanskrit golden armor on the golden armored ghost general has been completely torn apart. Although he wants to heal, he can only struggle under Chu Xiu's powerful strength, leaving behind a cloud of black mist.

In Chu Xiu's hand, the golden Buddha light permeated the six-path reincarnation bracelet, and the black mist was directly put into the six-path reincarnation bracelet and madly strangled. After a while, the black mist disappeared completely, leaving only a golden one in place. The soul crystal still has strange Sanskrit characters on it.

Chu Xiu looked back and saw that Lu Jianghe had not finished it yet. He shook his head and said, "It's really slow."

The voice fell, the gods around Chu Xiu instantly increased tenfold in power, and the violent energy of heaven and earth burst out suddenly, strangling the rest of the ghosts.

After they died, they also left some soul crystals, but those soul crystals were very small, only equivalent to the soul crystals of ordinary middle-level ghosts, and they did not weigh more than a pound.

Lu Jianghe said angrily: "To deal with these things that don't even have qi and blood, it is strange that the speed can be fast."

At this moment, a shrill ghost howl sounded from the same place, as if it was played with various musical instruments, all of which came towards Chu Xiu and the others.

Chu Xiu's expression changed slightly: "Retreat first!"

Chu Xiu wouldn't be afraid if there was another golden-armored ghost general like this again. This kind of thing has not yet reached the realm that can be compared to Martial Immortals, so it is still a good solution.

But this city of death is full of weird feelings. Who knows if there will be stronger ghosts?

When Chu Xiu led Lu Jianghe to a safer place, and the strange voice was no longer heard, Chu Xiu said, "Old Lu, do you feel something is wrong?"

Lu Jianghe snorted softly: "Of course I feel it. This ghost place doesn't feel right everywhere. If I had known this, I wouldn't have come in with you."

Chu Xiu shook his head, took out the soul crystal of the golden-armored ghost, and said, "I'm not saying this, I mean, there's something wrong with this ghost.

I killed three high-level demons, and you have encountered quite a few, but the demons we encountered, no matter if they were evil or abnormal, they were all twisted within the rules of this state. The monsters, in simple terms, they have only instinct, no thinking.

But the golden armored ghost we met before is different. The other party can talk, communicate with us, and have emotions.

The most important thing is that he said a word, he said me, killed his 'compatriots'.

A ghost who can think that he has compatriots, a ghost who recognizes his identity, is such a ghost still a monster? "

Lu Jianghe said lightly, "You mean that the demons here have evolved their own consciousness?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I don't know, but these things are definitely not simple."

With that said, Chu Xiu looked at the golden soul crystal in his hand, and suddenly said, "Old Lu, help me protect the law, I want to refine this thing and see."

Hearing this, Lu Jianghe was taken aback: "I said, Master Chu, you are not a three-year-old child, why do you want to try everything you see?

You said it yourself, this thing is very evil, you still refining it? "

"How do you know the good or bad effect of this thing? Martial arts are all about having the courage to try, and you can't rest on your laurels."

Just as Lu Jianghe was about to say, standing still doesn't mean chaotic death, Chu Xiu had already started refining, and he had to help Chu Xiu protect the law there.

The power in this golden-yellow soul crystal is slightly worse than that of a normal high-level demon ghost, but what it contains is not only the power of the normal primordial spirit, but also the power of an extremely pure Buddhism. Integrating into Chu Xiu's body, this suddenly made Chu Xiu realize something.

In Zhongzhou, the power of ghosts is nothing, even though it can change a thousand times, but it is only within Zhongzhou.

But this city of vain death is 'real', and the power of nothingness can actually be materialized, which has created a demon with this kind of power materialized.

The other party should have been a Buddhist martial artist before his death, so the power he condensed also carried a trace of Buddhist power.

Lu Jianghe watched Chu Xiu for a few hours. After he finished refining, he asked, "How is it? How do you feel?"

Chu Xiu touched his chin and said, "This thing is a treasure, and the various powers contained in it are pure powers that have been purified.

When I refine this soul crystal, it is equivalent to being a martial artist in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, sacrificing myself to pass on my gong to me.

If you have the opportunity to kill a few more, this kind of soul crystal is far more useful for the accumulation of power than a normal soul crystal. "

Lu Jianghe pointed in one direction and said, "If you want to kill a few more, you can go there and see, there are almost hundreds of ghosts walking at night."

You can hear it without Lu Jianghe pointing at Chu Xiu. The sound of ghost music over there is reverberating. Obviously, there are more than one ghost team that Chu Xiu encountered before.

After Chu Xiu and Lu Jianghe took a few quick steps, Lu Jianghe suddenly said, "Sorry, the houses in this place are all the same, and they can block perception. Can you still tell the difference between east, west, north and west?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said: "It's already at this time, what do you care about? If we don't turn this dead city upside down, do you think we can still get out?"

"That's true."

While speaking, the two of them went straight to the direction from which the voice came.

At this time, in an alley, the battle was more intense than Chu Xiu had imagined.

General Xu, Chen Jiulong, Xuanyuan Wushuang, two loose cultivators, and four special ghost generals were fighting fiercely.

To be precise, it is not a fierce battle, but a chaotic battle.

Although the ghost generals led by these special ghost teams are strong, with their strength, it is not a problem to join forces to kill them.

But they couldn't help but they were still fighting with each other.

As for the reason for the fight, it is also very simple, because of the token.

Although Xuanyuan Wushuang has no advantages compared to these half-step Martial Immortals in Zhongzhou, but behind him is the entire High Heaven Sect, so he is still qualified to compete for the qualification of the Daluo Shrine.

So after entering here, he found the two loose cultivators and wanted to attack them.

After all, Xuanyuan Wushuang is not Chu Xiu. After destroying the Sanskrit religion, Chu Xiu basically doesn't have to worry about the token, and there must be a place for him in the end.

However, the loose cultivators who dare to enter this city of vain death generally have no foundation in their bodies, they are willing to cut themselves, and they are not afraid of anything. They just want to take this life to fight for luck. The two parties fought fiercely, but they attracted General Xu and Chen Jiulong.

Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong knew that they had no chance to compete for the final Daluo Shrine, but they were also eyeing the two scattered cultivators and Xuanyuan Wushuang.

Tokens and soul crystals are useless, but they are useful to Ouyang Sheng.

Ouyang Sheng's lineage of Yuanyang Tianzun also had some friendship with them. Besides, Ouyang Sheng helped them out before and dealt with Chu Xiu. These were all human favors, and they had to find a chance to pay them back.

It's just that the movement of these few people is too loud, and it has already attracted a team of ghosts. Now they are fighting and fighting together, it is already difficult to ride a tiger.

Chen Jiulong said coldly: "Xuanyuan Wushuang, and the other two, the Daluo Shrine competition is not endless, as long as you hand over your tokens and soul crystals, we will immediately retreat.

If we keep fighting like this, we will attract more and more ghosts, and none of us want to leave! "

The two loose cultivators actually had some intentions when they heard the words.

They were just looking for an opportunity, and never thought that they would enter the Daluo Shrine to practice as a loose cultivator.

There may be such people in the history of Daluotian, but they are always in the minority.

However, Xuanyuan Wushuang sneered: "You know, if you drag it on, more and more ghosts will be attracted, so why aren't you the ones who should hand over the soul crystals?

Two bereaved dogs who were forced to cut off their arms in front of Chu Xiu, how dare they show the prestige of Gu Zun's descendants in front of me? You are too! "

Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang, who were irritated by Xuanyuan Wushuang's words, were both They were forced to surrender in front of Chu Xiu and cut off their arms. This was their most unbearable pain.

Although in front of the real top sects, the so-called descendants of Gu Zun are actually just stronger loose cultivators with backers.

But from the moment they stepped into the rivers and lakes, they were also treated politely by those big sects, courteous and respected by small sects and loose cultivators. When was it so humiliating?

Chen Jiulong said angrily: "What can Chu Xiu do? This time he has made countless enemies in Zhongzhou, the Sanskrit religion, the world sword sect, Ling Tian Jian Zun, etc., which one doesn't want to kill him and then hurry up?

After leaving the Daluo Shrine, it is his death! "

At this moment, a cold voice came.

"Oh, is that so? How about I kill you guys before I die?"

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