Meet The Leader

Chapter 1296: I can't escape the first day of the first year, but I can't escape the 15th

When Chen Jiulong saw that Chu Xiu really appeared in front of his eyes, he really wanted to slap himself.

Why is my mouth not so effective when doing other things?

Although Chen Jiulong was stubborn, when he and Xu Jiang saw Chu Xiu again, where was the fighting intent in their eyes? Totally fear!

In Zhongzhou, the two of them confronted Chu Xiu several times, but each time, they were almost hanged and beaten.

Especially the last time, Chu Xiu beheaded Xin Jialuo with two moves. The powerful image and power were almost imprinted in their hearts, making them fear from their hearts, and they no longer had the intention to fight with Chu Xiu again.

Xuanyuan Wushuang saw the fearful expressions on the faces of the two people on the side, and his heart was even more unpleasant, and he was burning with jealousy.

When these two guys saw themselves, they dared to **** tokens and soul crystals. As a result, as soon as Chu Xiu showed up, these two guys were completely cowardly. They didn't even dare to say a word. This gap made him somewhat accept it No.

Chu Xiu looked at Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes: "Why didn't you speak? Didn't you just say that I will definitely die without a place to be buried?"

Seeing the coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes, Xu Jiang's whole body suddenly burst into a violent moonlight, and in an instant, it seemed like a bright moon rose in the dark city of Death.

The center of the moonlight even had a touch of golden light from the primordial spirit, and Xu Jiang had already burned the primordial spirit in an instant.

The moonlight poured into Chen Jiulong's body, and the other party suddenly burst out with a deafening dragon roar.

"Let's go? There are only three things to do. You have gone for the first time, you can go for the second time, and now you want to go for the third time?"

Xu will see the killing intent in Chu Xiu's eyes, and the undisguised killing intent is actually true.

Although Chu Xiu's identity is now the descendant of Gu Zun, in fact, he does not have a good impression of these Gu Zun descendants.

As far as the descendants of Gu Zun he has been in contact with now, they all have a characteristic in them, which Chu Xiu calls being a **** and building an archway.

Except for those ancient venerables who have truly reached the Eighth Heaven or the Nine Heavens of the Martial Immortal, why didn't the other ancient venerables establish their powers in Da Luotian, but chose to practice seclusion in the old forests of Senshan?

Although these ancient venerables are nominally for the purpose of eliminating the disturbance of the interests of the mortals and practicing martial arts in seclusion, in fact, a large part of the reason is because he does not have this ability.

It's not that they don't want to do it, it's that they can't do it.

The big factions such as Daluotian have been able to stand for thousands of years, and almost all of them have been inherited from the lower realm to the present. They must have strength and strength, and they must have a background, even if it is a power that rose later like Hanjiang City, it depends on Ye Weikong and Meng Xinghe joined forces to lay the foundation.

An Ancient Zun Martial Immortal with the strength of the third or fourth heaven, wants to open up a top faction, but do you have this background? Do you have the energy and ability?

Therefore, the biggest possibility of such an ancient venerable is that after passing it on for one or two generations, it will start to weaken, and finally this vein will be completely cut off. It is better to stay in the old forest of the mountains, give all the energy of the background to one person, and then let it pass on. go down.

Most of these people obviously don't have the strength to build a top sect that can be passed down, but they still have to set up their own arches, thinking that their status is extremely noble and awkward. Isn't it just a **** and a archway?

In fact, in the beginning, Chu Xiu hadn't given birth to such a big murderous intention against them.

Even if it was the descendant of Gu Zun, Chu Xiu didn't take it seriously, so they escaped as soon as they escaped, and it would be fine if Yu Wenfu died.

But who would have known that they would even kill Lu Fengxian and the others, which would be damned.

Although it was said that with the strength of Lu Fengxian and the other three, even if Chu Xiu didn't make a move, they should be able to escape in the last fight, but they would definitely be seriously injured.

If he can't beat himself, he will move the people under his command. This is something that Chu Xiu absolutely cannot tolerate. The half-step martial immortal such as the blood river ancestor is dead, and these two people still want to survive?

Seeing the two people burst out with extremely strong speed, almost instantly there was only a touch of moonlight, but the moonlight suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Lu Jianghe's frantic laughter followed: "I can't deal with these demons, can't I deal with you guys?"

With Lu Jianghe's interference, although the two people only paused for a moment, it was enough.

The broken moment in Chu Xiu's hand fell, seemingly without the slightest strength, but all the strength burst out in an instant!

It seems that the whole world has been chopped up by this knife, and wherever the blade passes, it devours everything like a black hole, and annihilates everything.

In an instant, the power of rules was torn apart, and the yin and yang of heaven and earth reversed.

Seven Limits · Swallow the sky!

In fact, since he got swallowing the sky, Chu Xiu didn't have time to seriously practice this sword technique. After all, the time in Zhongzhou was too urgent, and Chu Xiu didn't have time to retreat at all.

But the sword technique has been branded in his mind, and Chu Xiu has also learned to destroy the sea and destroy the land. With some foundations, he polished the sword technique in his spare time, and it is not a problem to use it reluctantly at this time.

The sword of swallowing the sky is the strongest sword among the seven great limits. This power is worthy of the name, but it is a sword that exerts its power to the extreme.

Everything around is collapsing, and the power of rules is dying.

Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang were shocked to find that they could no longer take a step forward, because the huge black hole swallowing the sky behind them was swallowing up the rules of space, but the more they escaped from Chu Xiu, the closer they were.


Xu Jiang poured the last bit of his strength into Chen Jiulong's body, and the moonlight shrouded the dragon's shadow in an instant, and a dragon roar roared, shaking the sky.

The two of them joined forces again and used the magical power of the Moon Dance and Dragon Teng.

The lifelike giant dragon slammed into the black hole, making the black hole silent, but at the same time, the dragon's body was completely strangled!

The huge impact force made the entire city of the dead to be blasted out one by one. Although there is a strange force in the city of the dead that motivates the rules, it can continuously restore these buildings, but the power of the two is too great, and the speed of recovery is too great. It can't even compare to the speed of destruction.

After a long while, Chen Jiulong was covered in blood, panting as he looked in front of him, and murmured, "I'm blocking it..."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and when he looked back, Xu Jiang had already collapsed and had long since died.

The strength of the collision between the swallowing sky and the moon dance dragon is too strong, and the power is almost no different from the supernatural power.

Chen Jiulong's body was strong enough to endure immortality, but Xu Jiang couldn't bear this powerful force.

In an instant, Chen Jiulong's eyes were already red.

Thinking of how he and Xu had cultivated in life from childhood to adulthood, he suddenly turned his head to Chu Xiu, and his hatred was reduced to one sentence: "I fought with you!"

The next moment, Chu Xiu stepped out and dropped a punch.

Just like the Demon God of Regret, the powerful fist distorted the void, and there was a bang, and Chen Jiulong, who was already at the end of the force, was directly killed by Chu Xiu's punch!

"Fight? If you can succeed if you fight, how can there be so many losers in this world? Naive!"

Seeing Chu Xiu beheading the two descendants of Gu Zun with one knife and one punch, the hearts of the two scattered cultivators were filled with horror.

Before Chu Xiu could look at them, they took the initiative to say, "Master Chu, I waited for my original intention to hand over the token soul crystal, and I just asked Master Chu to let me wait for a way out."

Chu Xiu had a strange look on his face: "Who wants your token soul crystal? I killed them because I had a personal grudge, what does it have to do with you?

One yard is one yard, I'm just here to settle my grievances, not to grab tokens, so let's go. "

Hearing that Chu Xiu told them to leave, the two of them still looked in disbelief.

Seeing that Chu Xiu's appearance was indeed serious, they reacted and left in a hurry. At the same time, they were still a little moved.

This Chu Xiu didn't look at the cruelty when he committed murder, but he was really particular about what he did, and he was very principled.

It's just that they don't know, and they have to thank Sanskrit.

If Chu Xiu hadn't gotten most of the tokens and soul crystals from Sanskrit, the ones on them would be equally difficult to preserve.

Xuanyuan Wu looked at all this awkwardly. Although he didn't want to admit it, the current Chu Xiu's strength was indeed a realm that he could never dream of.

And if there is no Chu Xiu's shot today, he is only alone, and he can't fight Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong, who can use their magical powers together.

With a cold snort, Xuanyuan Wushuang put away Fang Tianhuaji and was about to leave.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu's voice came coldly: "Xuanyuan Wushuang, are you going to leave like this?"

Xuanyuan Wushuang turned his head sharply: "What else do you want? Could it be that you still want me to thank you for saving me?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Thank you, but I don't need it, let's take something practical."

Saying Chu Xiu looked at Xuanyuan Wushuang with a murderous intent: "For example, your life!"

Xuanyuan Wushuang's heart jumped suddenly, Fang Tianhuaji was held in his hand, and he shouted: "Chu Xiu! You dare! I haven't provoke you since the last time, don't forget, you promised Elder Wu not to Kill me!"

There was an unpredictable smile on Chu Xiu's face: "Yes, I promised him not to kill you, but you are a person who attracts hatred. I see you now and suddenly want to kill you again, so I go back on it. .

Since you were in the Eastern Region, you have always been defeated by me. I know that you hate me and want me to die.

Although I am a very broad-minded person, I cannot tolerate anyone who wants to let me die again and again, so please die first! "

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the sword light was in the air, and it came to Xuanyuan Wushuang in an instant!

PS: The last update, there have been a lot of things recently, the leader is in the late stage, and you need to think about the outline of the new book, and there may be few more updates, please forgive me

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